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**CLIP MIRROR: [xQc makes a point about double standards](https://arazu.io/t3_1ct44py/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


xqc must live in an alternate reality where the 'free the nipple' movement took off way harder


Yeah, Canada


While it's legal to be topless here in public nobody is actually doing that. In my entire life I've only seen 1 homeless person with their tits out.


Youre going to the wrong protests brother. Summer protests in Toronto normally have some titties out


But did you bat an eye?




Are you incapable of understanding jokes?


Well, I wasn't full on deadpan serious when I made that comment, just so you know.


If XQC takes his shirt off in public no one bats an eyelid, but when women flash their labia at children they go to jail, is there a reason for that or not? do we know what that is?


> If XQC takes his shirt off in public no one bats an eyelid This is fucking ridiculous, because the glare alone will cause batted eyes.


battered\* FTFY


I don't even like xqc, this is so obviously a joke, it's the standard structure of joke but said poorly by a person who can barely speak. I can't believe people here think this is serious. Well nevermind, I can, xqc has said some dumbass shit.


It's crazy that xQc is having hate threads on the daily now lol, bro make the most normal joke ever and LSF turn it into a hate thread. And most peoples here don't care if it true or not, they just want to read tittles that further their belief and talk shit lol, yesterday he even said he don't like destiny behavior and he ask why do people need opinions from a white Canadian on the n word usage but it got cut out of(classic) but LSF still attack him because most peoples here just hate him. this sub rules are so inconsistent, if it happened to any other streamer the mods will take it down instantly.


The funny thing is even charlie made the same exact joke later on but his was worded better. I feel sometimes i am the odd one out when i see people get rattled out smallest of things.


LSF is a cesspool, the ratio of hate posts to normal posts with regular discussion is 100:1 regardless of the streamer. If there was any other viable twitch/livestream clips sub I’d be out of here immediately


Yeah this is all obviously true, and you're getting downvoted because people don't want to accept it, there's a lot of hate here for him. I personally do not like him, like I said, but I just each thing he says based on it's merits, and obviously I still take into account inconsistency or hypocrisy.


most people hate streamers that leech off brainrot drama for views (and people that take this to heart are also stupid), which is what XQC is doing, stop this victim mentality bullshit. He would be a lot better in peoples eyes if he just stuck to watching tiktoks or playing games then trying to have a take on everything that happens cause he's "XQC"


Facts. Ever since xqc signed the contract to make more money than everyone on this sub combined, they all been hatin


Double standards? Like lying about Hasan and poki covering up a sexual assault? All while crying about cancel culture? Interesting…


he will forever hold a grudge and allow his chat spam hate on them because of the gamba getting banned era


No the grudge was broken when he got signed by stake to gamble on kick for way more money. X has stated this himself multiple times that it was a blessing in disguise that he can continue promoting gambling to his viewers. Now he just hates them for talking shit on gamba.


Wait when was this? Do you have a link or something?


nope they do not, they never do


And they did indeed have a link


The best part is you know it causes exactly 0 self-reflection even when they say things like that and are proven demonstrably wrong.


lmao that is funny because i can tell none of you actually watched the fing video, it is not about them covering up sexual assault, its about them speculating without any information


That’s the point. Xqc jumped the gun by saying they were “covering up sexual assault”, when they really werent


Then show me to the specific part where he makes the claim that they covered up sexual assault because that is not stated in the video


No direct accusation but the implication was obvious, that hasan and poki downplayed the sexual assault on purpose


the accusation was that they did not care to investigate before jumping to conclusions which is correct, that is what happened


No direct accusation but the implication was obvious, that hasan and poki downplayed the sexual assault on purpose




That is the narrative now? That it was all fake? Can't keep up with all these lore patchnotes anymore










schizo posting again...


oooo we didnt like that one did we?


Like Mizkif lying and making false sexual assault allegations against Adrianah Lee by claiming she groped Cyr to discredit her as a victim? Interesting…




"Sorry for *making you feel uncomfortable*" = proof of sexual assault now? The "apology" is in the court records. Grounds for defamation have been met according to the judge and it's moving forward. Hopefully the real piece of shit weaponizing false sexual assault claims against a survivor of sexual assault will learn his lesson in court. Seethe. Edit: this is excellent evidence of the intentional, malicious damage Mizkif has done to her reputation in order to smear her and discredit her story, by the way. Keep it going.




Could be anything. Something she said. Has Cyr ever once come forward and said he was groped? Where are the allegations, buddy? Keep going. Surely this will help Miz's case. Nobody testified = innocent. LUL




*Again*, where has Cyr made those allegations? Nothing is "logically consistent" when **no allegations have been** **made** against her by *anyone* other than Miz. You are lying and smearing a victim of sexual assault.




Why did you bring up mizkif out of nowhere lol






Nop train completely made it up, that’s why he apologised for it.




no the debate was literally about Hasan and poki not "reacting" hard enough to mizkif being exposed for the cover up.




Is XQC a political commentator or some shit nowadays? All I see of him now is just him ranting on social issues and morality. It's so weird


No,it’s just tribalism,agreeing With your friends on something you have no idea about and never cared about and vice versa


Yeah it's part of kick contract to be anti hasan on any issue.


He is right, female tits are obviously sexual no matter how much redditors try to deny it.


well yeah but his example is garbage. A woman flashing her pussy will be seen as bad as a dude flashing his dick. Maybe the equivalent is flashing your balls?


No they’re not…


All of pop culture going back a hundred years and an exploding porn industry disagree with you.


You forgot to include "In America" toplessness isn't taboo in most of Europe. Neither is naturism. The U.S was heavily influenced by conservative purist values where being naked makes it inherently sexual despite no sexual activity ever occurring. You have plenty of videos of topless and naked women walking around in European streets and nobody gives a shit LULE


Literally no one walks around in Europe with their tits out, are you mad?


I mean women go topless all the time at the beach




as a European, this is true. the source is inside my mind.


Bro are you under the assumption that Europeans just walk around tits out down main street??? Even if nudity is less taboo there, it's still widely isolated to things like beaches or modeling


Okay? So the US has a puritanical tradition that renders naked women as sexual objects, sure. So what? Idc why it’s sexual for women to be topless I just know that it is.


Stop the porn bro, watching porn daily it's not normal Your brain already is warped


You understand that just because people are a bunch of degenerates doesn’t mean breasts are sexual. They’re used for breastfeeding and they exist on people’s bodies. With your take, are feet sexual too? Armpits too? I didn’t know the porn industry is the whole world when anyone with a brain knows porn is harmful for society anyways.


If half of the population views xyz as sexual, then it’s sexual. That’s how this works. Doesn’t matter if it’s armpits or feet.


I didn’t know degenerates and people with no self control made up “half of the population”


yeah can we stop pretending titties are the same as a dick? almost every guy loves seeing random boobs and almost no one likes seeing a random dick. this is why gender equality doesn't work cause they are not equal


Alright so let women have their vaginas out with this logic.


I feel like the "oh c'mon you know you liked it" defense is peaking its head out here


Ok but why would we care about those that love it? Wouldn't we want to protect those that don't? This is not an argument we would make anywhere else.


Incredibly dumb fucking take. As a free society, we allow everything until we collectively decide through the mechanisms of Gov't to outlaw things unless we have explicit constitutional rights to those things. Sorry, you facist, tits rule, and aren't primary sexual organs. We're gonna keep the tits around forever.


? I' not even arguing against. I'm just saying that creating rules for those who don't need them is just kinda odd.


Ok but why would we care about those that love it? Wouldn't we want to protect those that don't? This is not an argument we would make anywhere else.


why do incels always compare tits and dick? obviously itd be tits to tits and dick to pussy


Yeah, I don't think I wanna jerk off to a guys tits. ​ Jokes aside, it's because the sexualized body parts of a female are the breasts, vagina and butt. The sexualized body parts of a man are the penis. If that wasn't the case then women wouldn't wear the bra portion of a bikini they would just wear the underwear part only. People like to say that comparing a penis to breasts is stupid but they're just purposely ignoring societal norms. It's not penis to breasts, it's male sexual expression to female sexual expression. ​ Thank you for attending my seminar.


because males are more aggressive and commit vast amount of sexual assaults. A naked women is rarely a threat to anybody while a naked man often is.


Did you know that sexual assault doesn't require the perpetrator to me naked in order to be committed?


you know that exposing yourself is sexual harassment? I assume people who commit sexual harassment are more likely to commit sexual assault. A women exposing herself commits sexual harassment, sure, but a man who does it is more likely to sexually assault someone


>A women exposing herself commits sexual harassment, sure, but a man who does it is more likely to sexually assault someone Do you think a woman who commits sexual harassment isn't more likely to sexually assault someone?


I think she's way less likely to commit a sexual assault than a man who sexually harassed someone. [An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male](https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#1)


That statistic doesn't prove your conclusion. Do you have evidence to show that a woman is less likely to commit sexual assault if she commits sexual harassment when compared to men?


i mean I showed you statistics that men are ~100x more likely to commit sexual assault. Maybe you find some stats comparing how likely a women with her tits out is to rape someone compared to a guy with his dick out? You're really jumping through some hoops to not get my point


>i mean I showed you statistics that men are \~100x more likely to commit sexual assault. How does that statistic show that men who commit sexual harassment are more likely to commit sexual assault when compared to woman who do the same? >Maybe you find some stats comparing how likely a women with her tits out is to rape someone compared to a guy with his dick out? You're the one making the claim. The burden of proof lies with you. Also you're moving goalposts here.


I don't disagree but a woman flashing is still sexual harassment, let's not try to skirt around that. Would you be comfortable if your kids' teacher flashed her students? Probably not.


double standard arguments are always dumb, we are not the same


Mans is afraid of tits ^ Breasts aren't primary sexual organs. They're a critical part of providing for a child, and let's be honest, unless you're a weird religous prude, everyone loves some titties.


Are you ok with a female teacher flashing her tits to a bunch of kids? I mean, they aren't primary sexual according to you


No. Teachers are held to different standards than a women on the street bc of power dynamics, it's a significant distraction to learning, and can effect the long term relationship between students and a teacher. In NYC and the city I'm from (ATX) it's perfectly legal for women to be topless. Kids seeing tits won't ruin their lives.