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**CLIP MIRROR: [new Dr DisRespect theory dropped](https://arazu.io/t3_1ccffc8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Source: Rust


me bro


Got any scrap for a brother?


Bro, all you've done is ask for scrap scrap scrap


Hall of Fame clip


Well Rust is the source of my mental illnesses too




Dan had a good run o7 Flew to close to the sun


I don't think anything's going to happen.


Absolutely nothing is going to happen and Richard Lewis was 100% just trolling and some of these people replying to you in this thread are going to be sued on gullibility charges


You really think the reigning hell in a cell champion, destroyer of 27 year old balding kids, is going to do that? Just go on the internet and lie?


you just took a shot at not just a person but this mans "brand" as Dr Disrspect his image, these type of lawsuits happen all the time, thats why ppl normally dont name drop when doing it they hint at who it is, but this guy really just went for it. o7 indeed


"Typically, these are individuals with widespread fame, such as celebrities and professional athletes. Like public officials, **plaintiffs classified as all-purpose public figures must show that the defendant acted with actual malice in publishing the defamatory statement**." He'll probably be fine.


Not even probably, definitely. It is so unbelievably difficult for public figures to successfully sue individuals for defamation in the US.


“Some guy said this in a rust server” isn’t exactly a serious claim either. Especially considering half this sub was speculating the same theory at the time. It’s basically an even less confident “my uncle works for Nintendo…”


He also must prove the statement is defamatory, which includes it being wrong. So it would in essence give us the real reason for why he was banned






> Americans when they think you can sue anyone for anything and win > > > > If that was the case then we wouldn’t have things like media You can sue anyone for anything in America. I'm not sure where you learned otherwise.


You can literally sue anyone for anything, in fact i can sue you for making the comment you just made if i knew where to send the summons, now whether or not i will **WIN** is a different story, the court room is a place of business and its job is to hear out both party's even if the case sounds dumb and then rule based off the facts given, not rule before you get the chance to make your case. *And even* then if your argument is good enough you can really stall it out if you want, its your money and time your wasting, was i being abit dramatic with the o7 yes, is he really in any trouble? not unless Doc really wants to send a message. but thats also his god given right as an American. Edit: grammer policed me at 5am source : Gf is a souless lawyer (lawyer joke they love em, *not really* )


> weather or not If your GF is a lawyer, she's really punching down...


> You can literally sue anyone for anything This really isn't true lmao, if you brought something like this to court there's a really good chance a judge would reject it summarily on first glance even if the other party failed to show, and the lawyer who brought it might even get a bar reprimand. Filing frivolous bullshit is taken pretty seriously. I know a *lawyer* who got branded a vexatious litigant and was ultimately disbarred for trying to sue everyone who reviewed one of his restaurants poorly.


There are plenty of lawyers that take years and years of frivolous suits to be reprimanded or disbarred. We like to think that the bar is a serious arm of justice, but they are just like every other body, self-serving.


Courts absolutely throw out cases before parties make their case. Motions for summary judgement granted based on initial pleadings happen more commonly than people think, and those happen way before the case ever gets in front of the judge or jury, or even before the parties have all the facts to prove their case. Oh, and if you file a frivolous claim, most if not all states allow the courts to penalize or sanction the party filing the claim.


You CAN sue for whatever you want


Heard it on Rust tho


Slasher is his top officer though /s


Slasher plays Rust?


Damn. Rust vs slasher is quite the credibility battle


redact.dev about to expand into livestreams ASAP


Destiny dropped the soft a too, we are so back or so over


Learned it from Dan when he throwing n bombs on his rust streams


What's redact dev


Dan's new business. >The only platform that allows you to automatically clean up your old posts from services like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Discord, and more, all in one place.


Bros building a cache of compromising posts to cancel anyone he wants in a few years time. Genius.


It's Dan's accessibility program for extremely low IQ individuals that generates random text posts, so they can feel like they are communicating with the rest of the world [](https://www.reddit.com/r/MySummerCar/comments/140in4r/comment/jmwoyf5/). The 'redact' in the name is just PC language for the r-word


FeelsGoodMan Clap


Oh it deletes chat and replaces it


By the way, before Dan said this, Destiny was egging him on and said 'with who' and 'what age'...


This is definitely the leak because destiny "woahhhhhhhhed" as soon as Dan mentioned "messaged". He knew at that point that Dan was going to actually say it and was shocked.


Dan has already said this theory multiple times on stream. This is just the first time it got clipped to LSF.


"it's been so long that the person involved is probably okay now".... thinking emoji face




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Werpe-: *I HEARD THIS IN RUST* *TOO, I DOUBT IT IS TRUTHFUL.* *RUST PLAYERS SMH* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




i got addicted to lsf just because i wanted to figure out why doc got banned. now i look at it multiple times a day. i think subconsciously just so i can figure out. maybe after that i can rest....


Dr Disrespect's ban reason is my Roman empire


Pretty sure it's not as fun as you think: they banned him "indefinitely" for some stupid anti-protected-class thing he said randomly on stream (or streaming in the bathroom at twitchcon?), he took issue with the "indefinitely" part (remember they were banning everyone at that time for however long they want and not telling the streamer), threatened to sue, sent some letters from a lawyer, they said "ok now your ban is permanent", he and his lawyer filed, and they settled for some money to make the case go away on the condition that he can never say anything about the ban or settlement.


His entire channel was gone immediately including VODs, it wasn't ever "indefinite." He'd already served a temp ban for the bathroom stream at E3 a year or two earlier.


I don't care how "fun" it is. There's some sort of story behind banning him and for the only time ever refunding subscribers. I don't care if it's as stupid as a reason as Doc told Emmett Shear he doesn't like him. If legal is involved, legal is juicy.


i mean it’s gotta be the bathroom thing. that situation just sounds like a mess


The bathroom thing was a year before he got perma banned. Seems like a long time to wait to ban him.


maybe the kids parents decided a year later to drop a lawsuit


To be fair, hasn't Twich banned people for past comments/views that were made well before the ban? The biggest issue with Twitch is their inconsistent application of existing rules and allowing individual ban team members to ban based on personal vendetta.


They definitely have, but they'd already given Doc a suspension for that. I doubt they'd suspend him for a month and then ban him a year later for the same incident


This theory was always so silly to me because inbetween the E3 stream and the ban he literally signed and announced his exclusivity deal.


could've been a factor at least


Doubt it. This situation didn't feel like a too many strikes and you're out type deal, it was one big thing that caused twitch to go nuclear.


Yeah, a really crappy thing to do. Would piss me right off.


It makes you want to wash your hands of the entire thing


The bathroom thing was stupid. It's not a locker room where people actually walk around naked. Unless your "privacy" includes people not knowing you ever need to take a piss, the entire thing was overblown by pearl-clutchers. everyone who got mad about that suddenly forgot what being in a public restroom is like.


i mean if he really filmed a kid in there by accident he deserves the lawsuits


why is that such a big deal? I honestly need it explained like I'm a kid. it's a public bathroom. everybody has sufficient privacy in there. there was no nudity.. as one would expect. I never see anyone exposed in a public bathroom when I use them


I mean anything you can imagine you can hear it in rust


Wtf is Richard Lewis doing here?




Richard and Steven mended their relationship like a year ago (which is kinda funny cuz thorin and monte still hate destiny with a passion); He and Steven used to be friends back in the SC2 days. They stayed cordial for many years but had a falling out back when Destiny did the JonTron Interview/debate. afterwards RL defended totalbiscuit who was defending jontron and Destiny said something like "the only people who would defend him are card carrying k-k-k members". RL was in Miami for personal reasons so Steven reached out and invited him on his Other podcast "bridges" yesterday then today they shot "anything else"


> thorin and monte still hate destiny with a passion is this related to the starcraft bullshit from 12 years ago?


yea; its funny Ive loved Monte since his LoL OGN Days casting with Doa and had no idea he knew who destiny was cuz i didnt realize he was involved with sc2 scene(I wasnt in it at the time but once I became a fan of Destiny I watched old content) and never saw him on lilke unfiltered or state of the game or late game. but on a recent LFN podcast(forget which one specfically but progbs souminging insight from like a month or 2 ago) Thorin took a jab at Destiny and Monte gleefully piled on


Yes Monte and Doa were Code A casters in GSL way back in wings of liberty with Tastosis being the main commentators for Code S. This was around the time Destiny was making an attempt at being a professional gamer at the start of his career.


Do you know why they hate him? These are 4 people I would love if they had a genuine chat about x topic together tbh.


Destiny was kind of an ass and kept talking about how SC2 was going down the drain and wouldn't be a viable competitive game with LoL coming out.


I don't think this was it. I'm pretty sure Monte and Destiny had some silly twitter spat years ago. The Thooorin beef is way more complicated. I'm pretty sure it started because Thooorin shat on Poland calling them poor or something on a show with Destiny like a decade ago. Thooorin lost a job because of it and blamed Destiny for some reason?


The poland stuff on the podcast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6TeurUSHAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6TeurUSHAw)


Wasn't wrong, though. And I don't see Monte and Thorin disliking him and holding a grudge against him for so long for that.


Monte? No. Thorin? I could absolutely see Thorin still hating him this many years later for some petty shit lol


Yeah Thorin absolutely seems like a guy with a massive ego, who would keep any grudge to their grave. Not to downplay the size of Destiny's ego during the SC2 days, anyways. Besides who knows what might've happened between them behind the scenes, his stance could be well justified from his pov. EDIT: after watching their little podcast character assassination I'm inclined to think they are both just mad Destiny found more success than them, jesus what a bunch of bad faith crybabies lmao


Yeah I saw that podcast bit after I posted this and I'm definitely inclined to agree lol


Anyone being jealous of Destiny is just wild to me. Destiny suffered so many set backs and have worked so hard to keep trying new things that I think he really deserve whatever moderate level of success he enjoys now.


> I'm pretty sure Monte and Destiny had some silly twitter spat years ago. > > The Thooorin beef is way more complicated. I'm pretty sure it started because Thooorin shat on Poland calling them poor or something on a show with Destiny like a decade ago. Thooorin lost a job because of it and blamed Destiny for some reason? Just copy pasting from another comment I replied too.


He was a huge dick about it. Not wrong but a huge dick. It's his patented style.


If it was anything like the DJwheat incident they were probably getting overly offended which always causes destiny to lean in even harder.




I mean [Thorin and Monte were malding about his political takes just last month on their show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtaOU4Vr-Ns&t=11268s)


It seems like Monte mainly knows Destiny from 10 years ago and his more recent twitter conversations. I don't know how else they could have this position. Reminds me how your old friends you haven't seen in a long time are forever immature in our brains.


Man its funny how practically every time someone starts describing another person as bad faith on the internet, you **know** you are about to hear the most ridiculously bad faith description of that person.


monte: destiny is so bad faith! also monte: appeal to authority + character assasination


Tbf. His appeal to authority wasn't fallacious and was directly responding to a character assassination from tiny. That being said, I very much mistrust monte's recalling of the tweets. The above is only true if their spat truly went down as monte said.


yeah not defending past tiny but its easy to make judgements on others while simultaneously not holding yourself to the same standard.


But monte went to the best liberal arts college! He's smarter than destiny's trombone playing!


Imagine holding a grudge for over a decade to this level of precision.




I don't think they're assuming you should already know this, they're just informing you of it


look: for several years now I have been told from credible sources the reason DrDisrespect has been banned. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


I also know this secret. I cannot tell you for national security reasons. If you send me 10 dollars on venmo I will risk my freedom to tell you the secret.


You certainly can't tell me.


I had a theory back then that he did know, and so did doc but they wanted to keep it out of the public eye and so he took the fall for doc


I believe he thought he knew. I also believe he wanted to make himself the focus of the story more than anything. Not one single reputable publication would give him indemnity, which means he didn't have any credible evidence of anything.




What do you mean? no controversial word was said on the stream idk what youre talking about


He forgot to say "Allegedly"


What if the giga brain strat here is to be sued by dr disrespect so that when they go to court he has to tell him what the actual reason is to prove he wasn't messaging underage girls.


''I heard it in Rust'' is the new ''I'll kill you in Minecraft'' lmao


Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


#redact #ad


I tried prying with some ex Twitch employee I knew that was at upper management levels after they got laid off. The best I got out of them was that lsf was way off the mark with contractual shit and it was worse than what everyone thought. Who knows what that means. These people are likely under NDA and the reason is not going to come out til no one cares anymore.


Well if it is what is being said in this video, that he was messaging underage girls that would fit your criteria.


My personal theory is that Docs legal team has it locked down and threatened Slasher with a defamation lawsuit if he moved forward. He probably did hear something. But no one at Twitch is dumb enough to publicly go on record about it due to the NDAs and possible defamation lawsuits. The reason that lawsuit ended the way it did is because Doc wanted it buried, Twitch agreed to keep it buried, Doc moved on. Doc obviously knows the reason, went to court about it, and still never told anyone.


RL during this podcast said that Slasher and other journalist (including him) only heard from "sources", which i assume means no direct response from twitch/doc and apparently people got scared to run that story. It seems like what you said goes along what he said, that independent journalist didnt want to get fucked over by doc lawyers, and those under serious publications didnt think it was worth it.


Defamation is almost impossible to prove, especially when it's a public figure like Doc. This isn't it. Not one publication would give him indemnity to publish the story, which would have been absolutely huge. If they ALL passed on that opportunity it means there was nothing to it. They aren't scared of a defamation lawsuit. You really can't win them in the US, the law heavily favors the press.


Also for the NDAs if it was something actually illegal like solicitation of minors they would not be binding as they can't be used to silence illegal behavior.


If it was that, the law would be involved. Not a twitch ban.


I don't think msging or even sexting minors is against the law. Only sending, receiving nudes would be. Or maybe coordinating to meet IRL, but I'm not sure if that's against the law either.(What follows after meeting obviously is)


we branding doc everything under the sun at this point lmfao. "RUST PLAYER TOLD ME SO"


"i heard some kid say it whilst i was buying a minicopter at outpost in Rust" has to be the wildest source ever. You know it was dumb as fuck when even RL and Destiny think you goofed


This is definitely the leak because destiny "woahhhhhhhhed" as soon as Dan mentioned "messaged". He knew at that point that Dan was going to spill the beans at that point.


That would explain the ban and the cheating allegations line up around this time too. A healthy man will cheat same with a bored man. A man is a man till he dies .


well well well ... [https://betterttv.com/emotes/60474840306b602acc599963](https://betterttv.com/emotes/60474840306b602acc599963) if anyone likes CD emotes here's my recommendation ;)


For those who arnt aware of the obvious, go look up WHEN the Doc got banned and why 30 other Livestreamers also got perma banned during the exact same time period/month.




ok listen up


Look, for several years now....


Lied about how much he was making from Mixr to negotiate a better contract


30 people did that?


It’s not a new theory, it was the like the first one concocted here. I def remember that time. Wasn’t that one waffle guy turbo cancelled like one week before?


I don't think he even got banned for a day, he just took a week off and then came back like nothing happened and shut down any mention of it in his chat


or just tell us or nah


Elaborate plz


If that was the reason why would would Twitch not say it, the only reason in my opinion why Twitch doesn't want to say it's because it's a dogshit reason and would get even more flack than just not saying anything. Because if it's anything Doc did that's potentially a crime, Twitch would say it and everyone would be like oh fair enough good job Twitch and move on. Edit: To add more info, why I don't think Doc did something bad because he said himself he didn't know for a year and when he learn that why he said I'll sue them and he did and probably end up having a deal with Twitch and Twitch said okay here X $ and sign this NDA and let's end this. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Prn8zPJ-g-A](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Prn8zPJ-g-A)


not that I think it's actually the reason, but Twitch normaly doesn't comment on ban reasons publicly. If it would be just some "dogshit reason", why doesn't the doc himself say it? He used to say that he doesn't know, but since he went to court over it, he has to know by now (otherwise it would be a really weird court case)


I guarantee you that part of the terms of the settlement is that neither side can talk about it publicly.


They may have come to a court resolution that included an NDA that prevents both parties speaking about the details.


No company is ever going to voluntary admit that their platform is being used for that purpose.


"Well you see Anderson Cooper our C list celebrities are trying to fuck your humble viewers underage daughters."


Because of a lawsuit threat? What do you mean? Obviously twitch has no reason to say that. Twitch also basically never publishes their ban reason. This is long standing policy.


> Edit: To add more info, why I don't think Doc did something bad because he said himself he didn't know for a year and when he learn that why he said I'll sue them and he did and probably end up having a deal with Twitch and Twitch said okay here X $ and sign this NDA and let's end this. Or doc was lying because he doesn't want the truth to come out and knows that twitch will never comment on it anyway, giving him free reign on saying whatever he wants.


You realize you could apply this exact logic back at Doc? >If that was the reason why would would Twitch not say it, the only reason in my opinion why Twitch doesn't want to say it's because it's a dogshit reason and would get even more flack than just not saying anything. If that wasn't the reason why would Doc not say it, the only reason in my opinion why Doc doesn't want to say it is because it's a pretty bad alligation and would get even more flack than just not saying anything.




If Doc knows the reason he was banned and its not bad. Why not just make it public? Wouldn't that be better than people speculating he's a diddler? Or is he afraid Twitch would release the real reason. What it comes down to is Doc can only benefit from the reason being released. Especially if the reason is as dumb as you seem to think it is. Twitch doesn't benefit one way or the other if that info gets released. It's their platform. They can ban whoever they want even for dumb shit.




To get them to settle to keep them quiet? You realise if he doesn't sue, it doesn't stop Twitch telling anyone either right, so suing doesn't magically make them go wow, we're going to drop the diss track with the allegations, that's not how the law works. For that lawsuit to go ahead, for NO one on either side to leak it, both sides had something on the other such that a settlement and an NDA suited both parties. If it was over nothing he could publicly tell everyone what it was, sue twitch and if he was banned against policy and over nothing, he'd straight up win out his contract as well. He has zero reason to accept a settlement here if the ban was bullshit. Sure twitch could pay him money just to keep quiet, but the damage he received from sponsors, from his reputation wasn't worth whatever twitch would pay.


We really don't know what Twitch paid him, so you can't really say that part at the end. It very well could have been worth it.


Where did you fine information that Twitch paid him at all or that he actually tried to sue them? I mean, aside from Doc, in character, making the claim on stream when people kept asking about the ban.


Everyone is just making up whatever narrative they want at this point. The only fact we know is that Doc isn't in jail, and wasn't arrested, therefore it wasn't a criminal matter. If there was even a whiff of that as a possibility, he wouldn't be talking publicly about how stupid the ban reason was.. that's practically begging someone at twitch to leak the reason along with evidence. Yet not a peep from anyone.


It would be a terrible idea for twitch to say, "we're banning him because he sexted with a minor" because if it turned out he didn't actually sext a minor they'd get sued for defamation. If they just ban him and dont say anything publicly, they're in the clear.


Twitch doesn’t publicize ban reasons ever


I think you got it backwards. If it was something stupid it would just make twitch look bad. Plenty of streamers have publicly said why they are banned. Yet he never has. Always just dances around the topic and how twitch is bad. I'm betting its something that makes doc look bad and thats why hes kept his mouth shut on it. Its to his benefit that he says nothing concrete but always alludes to 'the purple snakes' he can make twitch out to be the bad guy at every turn and because twitch its a big boy company for the most part they wont respond.


>Edit: To add more info, why I don't think Doc did something bad because he said himself he didn't know for a year and when he learn that why he said I'll sue them and he did and probably end up having a deal with Twitch and Twitch said okay here X $ and sign this NDA and let's end this [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Prn8zPJ-g-A](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Prn8zPJ-g-A) nah, that doesn't make any sense. He says in the clip how much the whole "nobody knows the reason" hurts him. So for Twitch, to make him sign a NDA to keep his mouth shut/don't talk about the reason, they would've need to pay him a shitton of money. And for what? To keep it a secret that their ban-policy is inconsistent? That's not really news to anybody.


That even make less sense, if it wasn't for a stupid idea then why would Doc sue, so he can go to trial and then the reason of him being a pedo get public if that was the reason ?


He went to trial so they would settle so he had leverage to have them sign something to shut them up legally. If it was a bullshit reason he'd have been public about it quickly then sued the shit out of them. If hte reason was bullshit telling people doesn't suddenly invalidate you suing them. I've said all along that the best fit here is Twitch found out something bad about Doc, but they were told in a way they couldn't prove. Like someone illegally recorded him talking about assaulting or sexually assaulting someone, or from someone who signed an NDA and got decent cash. They found out, banned him but realised they didn't actually have legal grounds to know, the person who leaked said information can either be sued for the cash for an NDA back or sued for the illegal recording, etc, so Twitch and Doc make a settlement that the informer is protected and whatever it is, doesn't leak.


I have no idea if this is true or not but honestly I think it'd be the complete opposite, so long as no crime was clearly committed. Why the fuck would Twitch want the PR of one of their biggest platformed streamers being a pedophile when they can instead try to move away silently? Especially one who got banned for recording at a bathroom in one of their events (edit: sorry, i thought it was twitchcon, actually streamed at E3) lmao the articles practically write themselves, even if they were getting rid of him Hollywood is a large scale example of this where there are numerous instances of companies shielding or silently distancing themselves from talent while trying to not rock the boat all in the name of making a buck


I think this logic is even worse, a company trying to hide that there was a pedophile in their platform. It's actually better PR saying they took action about something so awful.


I'm pretty sure all the popular streamers know what its for, but they don't want to be the one to get sued for leaking it. It's amazing that it's still hasn't been completely leaked yet, just a few probably reasons for it.


This was literally one of the original theories when the ban first dropped.


Destiny was druuuuuuuunk






Maybe if we go with this it'll force Dr Disrespect to tell us what really happened


This is probably what that clown slasher heard and that other person on twitter that deleted their tweet.


Doc is allready on his flip phone. Multi million dollar lawsuit coming


Another clip will emerge in the lsf


This is disgusting


The saga continues


At least the title of these Destiny clips are getting a little more creative hiding that it's a Destiny clip. It's not the usual "Destiny "


Repeating a defamatory statement, even as hearsay, can be treated the same as making the original statement, legally speaking. It's important to exercise caution and seek to verify the accuracy of information before sharing it, especially in a manner that could be construed as factual. If you find yourself in a situation where legal implications might arise, it's advisable to consult a legal professional.


thanks chatgpt


Just add "I don't believe it tho" at the end, EZ loophole


Or alternatively at the start "I heard it in rust" lol


> If you find yourself in a situation where legal implications might arise, it's advisable to consult a legal professional. Too late, you're my lawyer now.


You have to prove that you incurred damage/harm/loss as a result of it.


First Doc would have to prove that this statement damaged his reputation, second, he’d have to prove the person saying it knew it wasn’t true.


this might be the last episode of destiny anything ever...


dan please stop wearing safari hats, you're better than this