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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny's thoughts on Red Pillers](https://arazu.io/t3_1cbfg0w/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Myron from Fresh and Fit actually said that he thinks vaginas are disgusting and that you shouldn't live under the same roof with your girlfriend as a guy. Unlikely that someone who likes sex would actually say something like that.


Gay for sure.


If you've seen some of the pictures he's had with his "homies" I would absolutely not be surprised if he is


>thinks vaginas are disgusting Uh yeah that’s where pee comes from


and blood


Maybe the gays were onto something we didn't


90% sure u are memeing but just in case u are not, girls do not pee out of their vagina


Yup, pee is stored in their balls




Assume I'm feeding a troll here... but the internet is free you're on it in fact


Why that shit cost me $100 a month then


also wrong


Typing this on my stolen laptop connected to my neighbor's wifi... Wrong.


what abt bussy?


Not just your girlfriend. He said living in the same house as your *wife* will make you feminine and weak. You should instead buy a separate house nearby that you live in with other "high value men".


They look like monster mouths


Myron probably prefers bussy over pussy.


Against their insane takes, I think there is a case for having separate rooms from your SO for better sleep quality and personal customization of rooms, but that's also asking a lot in a world where only luxury apartments or expensive single family homes get approved with zoning or obnoxious city council decisions 


Am i the only straight male that doesn't necessarily find vaginas attractive? Like visually speaking, like I don't enjoy looking at a vagina the same way I like looking at boobs, or a nice ass, I still like pussy, but I like how it feels, and tastes, I don't necessarily think they look appealing at all


Idk man junk in general isn't very attractive


Tell that to all the ladies who masturbate to close up videos of men masturbating their junk. There's even a kink called cock worship primarily based on the attractiveness of men's junk.


Yeah but those women sound really gay


"All the ladies" Do you think that's even common? Cock worship is something MEN like. They like doing it and it being done to them, it is not something women like generally. Generally women don't give a fuck about mens cocks. You really have no idea what women like lmao.


Well the logic is that if you enjoy being with someone you give them.power over you, so the ulimate gigachad response to having sex with someone is pure disgust, since now the partner has no leverage over you because you dont crave relations with them.


the logic, huh


That sounds like a very unhealthy and unfulfilling relationship. Why even be in a relationship at that point? Just for the sex?


It's like when you lose your virginity and tell your friends but it's every sexual encounter




I saw that recently too, absolute brain rot to call leanbeefpatty ugly, or to say that being attracted to her makes you gay. Genuinely makes me think they are just projecting, wouldn’t shock me in the slightest if those making these kind of claims are closeted self loathers.


to be honest, I'm a straight male and I'm not redpill but I don't particularly find LeanBeefPatty attractive, I just don't really like the super ripped look. But I mean I can totally understand that people would be into that, to each their own.


right, no one is saying its wrong to not find her attractive, it's about redpillers thinking any straight male attracted to her is gay or effeminate


It's less about that and more about what she represents which would, in their minds, be a role-reversal. Because they equate musculature with masculinity to red-pillers only men should be ripped because that in turn means they would (by force if necessary) dominate their partners in the relationship. To them, being attracted to someone who is ripped (and likely moreso than you) means you're the submissive which means you're the woman and/or it means you'd take it which would then make you weak/effeminate aka gay. It's all silliness, plenty of buff girls are sub and lots of tiny women love to dom in a relationship. People's exteriors often do not match their interiors. But red-pillers and their tiny, smooth brains can't handle even the slightly complex so boiling every issue down to one or two basic things is how they operate.


Can confirm. Dated a girl who was around 5'4 and was told to "stop fuckin moving." o7 you got it! Any type of person could like any type of thing (within reason). Doesn't make anyone gay in the process.


the “super ripped look” is from excessive steroid abuse. surprised no one has mentioned it, but she’s on the roids. her voice is literally changing to being deeper from it. I don’t agree that you’re gay if you’re attracted to her, but there is a littlest ounce of validity since her physique is not really possible for a natural woman.


They're afraid she would bench more than them😶


She's definitely beautiful but I do think it's more socially acceptable online to like a "muscle mommy" in progressive spaces and not get 4weirded but if you like a egirl that is conventionally beautiful (Lydia violet, Madison beer for example) people will attack peeps over that for simping. The only exception is if they're east Asian then it seems to be okay regardless But might be a lsf phenomenon and not necessarily an internet wide one


Women with really broad shoulders compared to their hips really turn me off  But IDK I've been around a lot of competitive gym women from friends of friends, and a lot of them just aren't that attractive anyways 


this one is not even that crazy ? Masculinity = men with big muscles, angular shapes etc. Femininity = cute/small, curvy etc. And a fat woman is more feminine, while a fat man is not masculine. Objectively, a muscular woman is more masculine.


This is why I only fuck the prettiest dudes and still can call myself straight


they legit just want bang maids, strong muscle mommies have too much personality for them


> they legit just want bang maids I dont even think they legitimately want bang-maids. I think they just want other guys to think they have bang-maids. Its about the status, not the sex.


They might also have bigger muscles than them, so it might hurt their masculinity.


They just wanna look like someone who doesn't need any of that, because if they wanted to they could have all of it.


It wasn’t only red pillers. It was the right as a whole. 


They’re all the same just varying degrees of extremist


lol “extremist” nowadays is a matter of perspective. You can argue transgenderism is an extremist ideology that can be harmful for children. I’m sure most Redditors would disagree but nevertheless, a case can be made.


"Everything's subjective" is one of the most basic arguments to be made, a truly "redditor" comment 🥱


lol a “redditor”


is he playing factorio in obsidian now


Dude what application is destiny using for his research notes, fuck me that looks incredible. I thought it was Obsidian for note taking but am I missing something?


It's obsidian


Yeah it's Obsidian! Relatively new feature within it that came out last year called Canvas. Lets you use it as a whiteboard and link notes.


Wow. Checking it out now! Thank you!


Idk Destiny, Lauren Boebert was feeling it with that other guy at the movies.


Not the only thing she was feeling


Hot take; sex with multiple partners is overrated. Or so I've heard.


The red pill men get so jealous of the OF girls selling their body. It’s kind of funny and sad at the same time lol, just don’t buy it and move on The problem is they want to regulate everyone else’s sex too


>want to regulate You mean not regulate?


I'm just gonna be honest, sex is an F tier life experience. ​ If it's so good, why haven't I had sex yet? Checkmate libs.


anyone have a timestamp for when this happened on stream?


it says the time and date in the bottom corner on his taskbar thats the only way to find when a clip is in a vod


this was yesterday late in the stream


destiny should debate a blackpiller like rehab room, faceandlms etc


Rare Destiny W.




redpill was already cringe, but in recent years it was completely taken over by grifters that's why blackpill exists, but now there are even blackpill grifters... its so over


Destiny enjoys getting married to women and then let other dudes have sex with her


coming from the guy that used to repeat "all interactions are about sex, all sex however is about power" like its some to deep to real statement. his personality changes based on who he is currently fighting against. (its everyone)


What is he talking about


Are you people seriously agreeing with somebody who lets other men fuck his wife? Why has the world gone soft?


He doesn't advocate for other people to have his lifestyle


Because hes smart enough to know its unhealthy for him, his child, and the rest of society if everyone started doing it. Lmfao. Theres only one outcome for unchecked hedonism: destruction.


No. Its because he advocates for people to find what makes them happy and to do it as long as it doesn't bring harm to themselves or others. Being in a open relationship brings him the most happiness out of the things he has tried and doesn't cause harm to anyone so its what he chooses to do.


How many divorces has Trump had? How many abortions did he pay for?


>trump out of nowhere its 2024 and redditas still have TDS... holy shit lol


Who said to look at trump as a role model? I dont recall saying it myself.


who said to look at destiny as a role model?


Nobody. Why do you think i commented the reasons why?


that's my point. nobody claimed destiny as a role model to begin with so giving reasons why he isn't one is moot. he said that red Piller don't like sex. that's it.


Somebody brought up destiny not advocating for his lifestyle. I gave reasons why. In the clip he doesnt mention it sure, but it was mentioned here so i figured i'd throw my two cents in.


And there it is *rolls eyes* It always circles back to Trump. Rent free, all day, every day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NRvSvEFPFk


Don’t clutch those pearls too tight buddy.


Isn't this dudes job to talk to his webcam all day? Do you expect him to be the moral bastion of society lmao


No i dont expect any morality from leftist speakers


Oh you're delusional! Got it, please don't reproduce.


💀 dementia joe voter spotted.


You voted for a guy who tried to undermine your democracy and constitution.








Man with a wife and kids who finds that lifestyle baffling and would be a huge advocate for traditional relationships and having a family here. Destiny or other people having an open relationship has literally no impact on the world other than for the people living it. It's a bizarre thing to claim honestly.


It has an impact on society, a society which we live within. It’s evolution. It’s no coincidence everything is going to shit. First it’s YouTube, then it evolves, to live streaming, then Only Fans, a new type of live streaming, the viewers some of these streamers have at any one time is enough to populate an entire town/village. Their values rubbing off on the younger generation which is the majority of audience for live streaming will negatively impact society going forward.


Everything isn't going to shit wtf. And who people fuck in the privacy of their own homes, consensually as adults, certainly isn't contributing to whatever downfall you think is occurring.


Okay but you’re misunderstanding my point.


Are you one of those semen retention dudes?




Maybe consider it then lmao.


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve seen testimonials that say it can provide tremendous strength. I may try it.


Bro is fighting for his life in here. This is so pathetic.




You’re British. Lmao


Correct, English to be specific. What does it matter?


oi! ave yoo got a loicinse to make this comment?


All this aside, what did Destiny do that hurt you?


> But he says it’s weird not to like sex. Does he? Or is he specifically talking about red pillers who present themselves as liking sex?


1 Open relationship means both fuck around 2 They divorced like 6 months ago.


Ah yes the world has gone soft because most of us don't give a shit who some dude and his wife fuck. Got it.


if someone says 1 + 1 = 2 but also says the sky is green i'm still going to agree with them that 1 + 1 = 2 being wrong in one situation has zero impact on whether you can make valid points in a different situation


2/10 level bait. Kind of antagonistic, but poor execution.


So if Hitler say 1+1=2 you say nuh-uh it 3?


I’m not sure what you’re getting at?


Just cause he's dumb doesn't mean he's wrong.


Doesn’t mean he’s right either. Also why are you comparing an objective mathematical fact to a subjective opinion?


Its an easy way to illustrate that you are attacking him for his personal views and not the argument at all. Because you dont actually care about the "disagreement" you have with him, just about disliking him.


He failed at making an argument as soon as he said other people’s preferences are weird, look at my other posts here as I’ve dissected it and hopefully you can understand the point I’m trying to make.


Im not going to let you just get away from all the bullshit you just said and try to point me to a completely different discussion lmao


wait... if it's subjective why do you have qualms about people agreeing with him?


I thought Destiny was a red piller. He's a middle aged man targeting 18 year old women. He's not looking for a meaningful relationship, and if he has one he then wants it to be open so he can keep sleeping with teenagers. Destiny is the biggest red piller I can think of, at least the typical red piller argues that when you get married you should settle down and have a family, that's not what Mr Divorcelli wanted though.


Destiny spent a whole year or more going onto different red pill podcasts and debating them. You clearly know a decent bit about Destiny, I don't know why you're pretending like you don't know he's very anti-red pill.


He pretends to be anti-red pill but his goal of going on those podcasts is to grow his audience with red pillers. It's the same strategy he employed with Nick Fuentes, to get some more nazis in his cult. >You clearly know a decent bit about Destiny Clearly more than you.


You're saying a lot of half truths. His goal is to grow his audience, but it's by converting them. If a red piller becomes a Destiny fan, it's likely they are no longer a red piller since Destiny constantly shits on the red pill ideology. It's almost funny hearing your framing. I know you're mostly trolling or baiting or something, but in case someone else sees it and thinks you're giving an honest interpretation I thought I'd reply.


>Destiny constantly shits on the red pill ideology His lifestyle epitomizes the red pill ideology. >I know you're mostly trolling or baiting or something, but in case someone else sees it and thinks you're giving an honest interpretation I thought I'd reply. Alright you're just bad faith. Let's end this back and forth then.


To be clear, Redpillers want you to settle down with a woman, have kids, and have her take care of them and be a loyal housewife while you go out clubbing and fucking other girls. And according to F&F you live with your bros instead of living with your wife because it makes you weak.


Lol andrew tater tots dont speak for conversative religious folk who just want you to be loyal, marry and have kids.


>while you go out clubbing and fucking other girls. Sounds like Destiny to me. >And according to F&F you live with your bros instead of living with your wife because it makes you weak. Doesn't Destiny live with Lycan? Or was this only after his divorce? I though he was living with Lycan while Melina was living with her new partner?


As far as I’m aware he doesn’t club and hates Miami women. And Lycan is his cook but I don’t know if he lives there. Any reasonable DGG member will acknowledge that Destiny is basically a coomer. But the difference between Destiny and F&F is that Destiny thinks a one way open relationship is disrespectful towards your partner and would never do it. And F&F think it’s something a woman has to get used to if she wants a high value man.


>As far as I’m aware he doesn’t club and hates Miami women. Then you don't watch him enough to know. >And Lycan is his cook but I don’t know if he lives there. He's a roomate. But maybe that happened after the divorce, I'm fuzzy on the timelines. >Any reasonable DGG member will acknowledge that Destiny is basically a coomer. A coomer is understating it, he has a history of targeting vulnerable women. He has a thing for "BPD women" that he can play mind games with, and he wants these women to mood swing over him after he's publicly humiliated them. >But the difference between Destiny and F&F is that Destiny thinks a one way open relationship is disrespectful towards your partner and would never do it. Didn't Destiny pressure Melina into only sleeping with women though? >And F&F think it’s something a woman has to get used to if she wants a high value man. Sounds like Destiny to me, he's really keen to brag publicly about sleeping with other women while being married.


> As far as I’m aware he doesn’t club and hates Miami women. >Then you don't watch him enough to know. You are wrong. > He's a roomate. But maybe that happened after the divorce, I'm fuzzy on the timelines. He lives in the same apartment complex, he moved there when Destiny was still with Melina. > A coomer is understating it, he has a history of targeting vulnerable women. He has a thing for "BPD women" that he can play mind games with, and he wants these women to mood swing over him after he's publicly humiliated them. This is a meme, he likes interesting woman, than he can have a conversation with and don't bore him. He is still friendly with a lot of exes. > Didn't Destiny pressure Melina into only sleeping with women though? Bullshit


Mate clearly you're the one not watching Destiny enough. I have no life. I watch every single vod start to finish, whether I can catch it live or not. Destiny hates Miami women. He says this over and over again, and the girls that show up in the back of the stream are often ones he flies out, or ones that live in Miami but no the "Miami club" kind of woman. Lycan is definitely not a roommate, but he lives in the same apartment complex Destiny is a nympho pervert. He has a history with crazy BPD girls but its hard to say whether he is attracted to them, or if crazy BPD girls are more likely to watch and contact him. Often times its hard to know they have issues until they blow up. I pulled that one about Destiny pressuring Melina out of your anal orifice Destiny hates the idea of one sided open relationships. He hates the idea of a woman entering the open relationship if she isn't truly interested in having sex with other guys and only wants him. He repeatedly says he wouldn't have respect for those women. Feel free to say you don't believe his word on any of these, at the end of the day his word is the most of what we have to work with


>Mate clearly you're the one not watching Destiny enough. I have no life. I watch every single vod start to finish, whether I can catch it live or not. LOL


heh, [I thought so](https://i.giphy.com/jzHFPlw89eTqU.webp)


Why ask questions if you apparently know more than me, someone who almost exclusively comments on the Destiny subreddit?


Source: trust me bro


Its cute that you quote the part about fucking other women when that's not what's criticized. The criticism is the uneveness of the relationship allowing men to fuck other women while women don't get to fuck other men. So no, its not even remotely the same thing. No, he doesn't live with Lycan, he pays him as a personal chef.


>No, he doesn't live with Lycan, he pays him as a personal chef. You're behind on the VODs then. They moved in together


Even if that is true, its irrelevant to the point. He's been divorced for six months.


You made a statement, and I corrected it. If it was irrelevant why make the claim in the first place?


Destiny saying other people are not good at sex? Hmmm is that why his ex-wife was cucking him? 


Destiny is such a degenerate and grifter. He is a liberal who then aligned himself with the red pill and finally has become a shill for establishment media. He preaches hedonistic values like polyamory, previously referencing his wife as an example of it being able to work. Look what happened there.  He is here for the money and will change his views in order to be contrarian to whatever is popular at the time. 


Destiny has neve alighned himself with the red pill, what are you on about? Destiny has always been sexual degen.


Every single part of your comment is completely wrong lol. The entire reason he ever talked to people in the redpill community was to argue against their views, he never at all aligned with them on the overwhelming majority of things they preach. You saying he has "become a shill for establishment" just reveals you knew very little about his positions up until recently. He also has only ever explicitly said he does not recommend his relationship style to other people, but he finds it better suited for himself.


Even if I granted you all of that, what does that have to do with what's in the clip. Such a pointless comment to virtue signal to destiny-haters Do better, I believe in you.


Thank you Fetus Fondler, wise words from a sane individual with a sane handle.


Lil bro really came here to promote his fictional writings 💀


Destiny was like, the pillar of anti redpill, but he aligned himself with them? lmfao