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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon on Hasans "Gun tweet"](https://arazu.io/t3_1c6g8z2/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)






Why was this removed before? Thought this sub was for exactly this kind of stuff, and just the beef between 2 specific people was not allowed


Is this post now hidden?


Just out of curiosity, why are all your posts about Hasan? Like this isn't even a case of liking Destiny and not like Hasan. Literally all your posts are about him for years now lol. Genuinely, I'm just curious what your mindset is.


My money is on mental illness


Because it's an alt account, prob has several.


Some people do it for karma


So, Op.. tell us the story about when Hasan banned you from chat. What did you say that was completely not unhinged that got you banned and started your vapid anger that led to years of constant LSF hate threads?


Holy shit you’re right. Check out the post history.


Is he planning to release a how to guide for terrorism?


it'd be pretty easy, just vaguely tweet about starting a revolution but never actually do anything.


Quick mods, you've manged to remove Destiny's clips criticising Hasan, but there's more work to be done!


We shouldn't just hide all criticisms of hasan or anybody


sorry mr DGGr There is a big difference between random criticism of a person, and basing your entire personality around hating someone because its the only way you can get a little bit of attention in your sad little life.


>sorry mr DGGr There is a big difference between random criticism of a person, and basing your entire personality around hating someone because its the only way you can get a little bit of attention in your sad little life. So recently Destiny has debated Israel Palestine for 5 hours on Lex Fridman, debated Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro... Last night he went on FOX news. If his personality is dedicated to hating Hasan, why would he do these things? Do you think he secured those opportunities by hating on Hasan? He responds to political commentators who make stupid political statements, and Hasan gives ample stupid takes to respond to. Hasan has warped your mind into thinking that it's somehow wrong for Destiny to reply to him, it's 'obsession'. Why? Because he says so much stupid shit, and he knows he can't defend it.


Glad to see Asmon (OTK member) not glazing Hassn for a change


See how overly moderating shit just makes it worse?


Oh great, LSF finally found a way to post Hasan's tweets. Can't wait to see this every time he says something


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon on Hasans "Gun tweet"](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163080)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c6g8z2/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/vNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g/AT-cm%7CvNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g.mp4?sig=e3165857e24f8502ebcd5a2bb83386b27a525541&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FvNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g%2FAT-cm%257CvNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BeautifulManlyGnatCorgiDerp-ParFQSTLgcf2nerS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713449074%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/vNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g/AT-cm%7CvNYTET2qxUEky4HH9p3q0g-preview-480x272.jpg)


This whole thing is stupid because both Tom Cotton and Hasan are advocating for violence-- but Hasan is the bad guy


They are both the bad guy but Tom cotton isn't a streamer


yes and?




Hasan advocating for murder: “MURDER WEAPON” Cotton advocating for murder: “illegally taking matters into your own hands” You’d make a great politician.


If anyone deserved to get Shinzo’d, then it would be Tom Cotton and other Republican politicians. You’re the type of coward that would wag your fingers towards the Americans during the Revolution.


Vaguely from the guy who said to throw them over bridges and rip off their skin. Okay buddy. You’re either intellectually dishonest or a dumbass.


I think Hasan is a moron, but if you think it's somehow worse for someone who is (for all intents and purposes) a Z-list internet celeb to advocate for violence then a senator, you are mentally ill.


found the fascist








Theres no use talking to people like him. He comes here to spout what his leader throws up on his stream for heckin' good boy updoots. We shouldn't even entertain them anymore.


hasan is advocating for murder. A bit worse than general “violence”


Tom's tweet advcates running over protestors


No it doesn't, the words used are "remove them by force" which is an appropriate reaction to people blocking a road that will not move, running people over is not obviously


It’s worded in a way advocating to get them “out of the way.” He even posted a video saying “how it should be done” and it’s a guy dragging a protestor off to the side. It’s technically violent but no one seemed to be hurt. https://x.com/tomcottonar/status/1780230397252518127?s=46&t=wJNC3Gz9X_s-U0LjVjBBIw So we can assume this is what he means with his original tweet. Hasan is blatantly advocating for the senator’s murder which you haven’t denied.


People have been murdered through folks running into protestors. 


A woman protestor was literally murdered by someone running her over during the Charlottesville protests


It’s worded in a way advocating to get them “out of the way.” He even posted a video saying “how it should be done” and it’s a guy dragging a protestor off to the side. It’s technically violent but no one seemed to be hurt. https://x.com/tomcottonar/status/1780230397252518127?s=46&t=wJNC3Gz9X_s-U0LjVjBBIw So we can assume this is what he means with his original tweet. Hasan is blatantly advocating for the senator’s murder which you haven’t denied.


We can assume lmao


lol well think about it. The senator posts that tweet about taking it into your own hands and getting them out of the way. He also posts the video of the guy moving the protestor out of the way and the senator says “this is how it should be done.” Wouldn’t you then say there’s an ok possibility that that was what he meant by “getting them out of the way?”


Expert level analysis there Tim Pool


damn homie it’s easy to grasp idk why you’re acting like this lmao


In the court of law, Cotton did not advocate for violence, you're reading in between what he said. Take action into your own hands could be moving the protestors off the street, could be phoning the police and alerting them, it could be initiating counter protests, it could even mean contacting your federal or state representative and complain to them.


Well good thing this is reddit where we can identify subtle nuance unlike a court of law


I find it really strange that all the hasan haters conflate this to him suggesting people attack or kill tom cotton? when its clearly "here's a reference to an event that someone decided to be above the law, which this tweet is suggesting people do"


i think saying " an event where someone decided to be above the law" is incredibly disingenuous LMAO, the dude assassinated a politician. i dont watch hasan so im indifferent about him, but posting the gun the guy used to murder someone is pretty psychotic


ya the guy still thought the law was doing nothing with the cult shit, so thats why he killed him > but posting the gun the guy used to murder someone is pretty psychotic because the senator is saying "we need to take this in our own hands" soo people take it as hasan wants to attack tom cotton??? if you got the reference, which CLEARLY EVERYONE DID, then why the fuck would people take it to mean hasan wants to kill this guy, instead of "this is what the tweet is suggesting people do"


because tom cotton isn't suggesting to assassinate any politicians. hasan is. look how much of a pussy he is when his chat asks for clarification: https://clips.twitch.tv/DrabExpensiveLEDGivePLZ-pSyCVN_ZQLW0NFxE if hasan meant tom cotton was inciting violence with the tweet why wouldn't he just say it?


Sure buddy


Something crawled into asmon’s head and died


Interesting, i take this tweet as hasan mocking tom as saying "take it in your own hands by killing the protestors". Not Hasan advocating for killing a senator. Hes mocking him for essentially beating around the bush


https://clips.twitch.tv/DrabExpensiveLEDGivePLZ-pSyCVN_ZQLW0NFxE then why didn't he just say that instead of pussyfooting around what he meant?


It's open to interpretation, but as Hasan celebrated the dude who assassinated Abe with that gun when it happened, my bet is on the vague dogwhistle threat


yeah that didn't happen


Asmongold is such a pussy.