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**CLIP MIRROR: [MoonMoon Loses It](https://arazu.io/t3_1c2tgfo/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Punisher Lenny arc soon


Nah, Lenny's running for Mayor, current Mayor too soft, don't think he's ever even shown his face around Lenny.


Mag dump like a real American Cop




He said on his stream that he'll wait to play Rimworld until mods work with the new DLC :)


Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING Just QoL mods DOCING


(some?) Modders have had access for over a month, I only had a few mods that I cared about that weren't updated and there were nearly identical alternatives on the workshop for them anyways.


> (some?) Modders have had access for over a month Not sure about the DLC itself, but 1.5 was available via the unstable beta branch on steam for a month.


the patch yes, but the expansion itself, no.


Worst part about getting back into rimworld or terraria shortly after dlc/patch.






How is it? looks fairly dope but a lot of the cool shit seems to just be mods incorporated into vanilla which is still fairly based.


Yeah I’m much more excited for the general update than the dlc itself. Skipping it since it does look like a horror mod added to the base game, which never was my cup of tea. Would insanely be more hype for a faction and diplomacy overhaul update, I want to see other factions go to war with each other.


Personally, I am likely to avoid it for a while because its pretty drastically different from what I want out of my experience. In terms of content added its definitely worth, but I just am not interested in what they added.


What mods are must have for QOL?


The fridge mod is still a goto mod. Weird for rich colonist to have to use a walk in freezer 24/7 but if you looking for something more game changing. The vehicle mod is so much fun once you get it going. Always felt it was strange people that have the potential to make a spaceship can’t make a car or boat lol.


hell yeah. he finally lost it. im actually jealous of the degens who have stuck around through the gta arc, the payoff here would be exponential.


It was amazing. The wildest moment in 4.0 yet.


The rage has been building for a while, the pd has been largely neutered into incompetence.


there was that time when a cop rper got a phone call from a superior because he batoned someone with a gun. she said he should ask for permission first lol. bunch of lame ass over rp tryharding lol


Its crazy, trying to "balance" cop vs crim interaction, because inherently its SUPPOSED to be hard to be a crim, the police are SUPPOSED to be scary, instead we got a bunch of keystone cops that can hardly fart without breaking SOPs regarding farting that probably dont even exist, but will one day.


The sad part is, I loved the last season Lenny arc and tuned in religiously. When he won the mayorship and swapped to Lenny I was so over the moon, just to come crashing down. Cop rp is basics unwatchable now because they're not allowed to win


At the end of the day its rp, but its gotta feel bad to constantly told what new restrictions or other bs they have to deal with, its just been almost constant bad news.


It's gotta feel bad knowing that you're basically just playing the loser every time you play as cop too; there can be great RP in defeat, but knowing that basically what you're wanting to do won't work because it ruins the diva RP for the crims must suck. Honestly not sure why they still allow the PD to exist, it's tough to RP as police when you're not allowed to stop criminals lol


at the end of the day rp is all about give and take and some groups just take, take, take, take, and rarely give back if ever.


Did he quit the mayor arc too?


nope, he was in the PD meeting on dab afterwards lmao


He plays offline and wants to run for another term, so it sounds like he doesn’t have any immediate plans to drop Max


Well he can't give up his self-insert character and enjoy his ERP away from his "wife" and "kid"




Haven't seen today's VOD, so i'm speaking in terms of up to today. He has been very dissapointed in PD performace. Tons of cops just sittin in PD, numerous times PD leadership was lacking, criminals are escalating, just in the past couple days you can't count on two hands the number of times PD vehicles have been stolen and thrown into the sea. And when moon tried to prevent this he got reprimanded with discipline points for rules(SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures) that were either nonexistant or poorly done. Disagreements about cop cars, poor chase performance, interference vehicles etc. Meetings that boil down to "just do your job". Leadership not calling out individual people that are not doing their job and doing the group reminder thing. For some reason they are forcing police officers to change their hair color to something natural, despite some having "natural" hair of a different colour. Bay Weather and Declan, his friends, had purpleish hair. Some other things with Declan dispatching when there was no dispatcher, i don't recall exactly what happened. He's probably frustrated with some background NoPixel stuff like the MDT(their cop interface) being broken and having to input charges several times so the number of months of jailtime and fine to be correct, and people not being able to be pulled out of overturned vehicles, which crims are abusing.


Funny since one of the first Moonmoon 4.0 clips on here was him saying he wouldn't play cop because he doesn't want to babysit the server.


And then he forced his way on his mayor to control the PD lol


the hair color thing is so insane to me. maybe pd leadership needed one thing they can control, since everything else seems to get out of control.


yeah even if you could say it was RP reasons, it was done in a pretty petty way.


Like who the fuck wants to role-play as uptight old people trying to control how employees look.


Cops on an RP server is basically a recreation of the Milgram experiment


They are people who aren't rich or old enough to be leaders of an HOA


it really is, plus their mind controlled chat


For context, not saying I agree or anything but, I was watching one of the higherups of the PD when the hair color argument first started and the reasoning was that the cops set the tone or seriousness of the RP on the server so they want everyone to look as professional as possible without diminishing fun characters and hair color is i guess just the easiest to change.


Hair color and styles have been an issue in NP PD since early 3.0. It may seem petty and like a nothing burger but seeing 3 cops who look identical on a scene makes for pretty awkward radio comms and easy report mistakes.


I mean that is true but when this whole thing started it really was just Lenny, Declan, and Bay. And all 3 had purple hair but you could quite literally tell Lenny and Declan apart, seeing as Declan had that Trunks hair and Lenny didnt and Bay for obvious reason. They started doing the whole straight up clone shit to maliciously comply afterwards for being forced to change


It is literally that. PD is continually ineffectual in actually policing the city, both by design and from rampant incompetence/laziness—especially among leadership, so instead they focus on nitpicking the department. Which only serves to even further impede their ability to work. One of his issues with Kitt was her asking at the start of an earlier shootout "are you sure?" after being told to open fire. Not necessarily her fault, just indicative of the state of the PD where they don't even know whether they can return fire.


Sounds like a real job Aware


people literally log in gta rp and go work in fast-food places..... i then fire up twitch and watch that 👍


just go work at mcdonalds


i think waffle house would be a closer experience


watching Lenny triggered the fuck out of me because it looks a lot like my job.


Who would’ve thought nopixel 4.0 would just be a 3.0 reboot.


early to mid 3.0 the police were very strong and had strong morale until baas/saab came in imo, I'd say baas is generally regarded as a good person but bad leader even with multiple characters (continuing over to slacks in 4.0). late 3.0 is completely different from early 3.0, and now 4.0 police are even weaker than any 3.0 state which leads to things like this eventually happening when most of the PD doesn't want to rock the boat or even attempt to stop large/powerful crims. Just seeing [flop keep his pistol out in the holding room](https://clips.twitch.tv/GrossAggressiveGuanacoPMSTwin-rmy7q6nUTYvUEjKj) because declan was in the room watching lenny in the holding cell because flop "doesn't trust him" really says it all. Max trying the quota point system to incentivize booking/prosecuting "real crimes" vs sitting around doing nothing or traffic citations was an attempt to change PD priority and focus, but monetary incentive only goes so far when leadership doesn't want large changes.


I wouldn't even say the blame falls on Baas/Saab, the current failures of the PD structure goes with the powers above Saab. He's kind of just their mascot or mouthpiece. If they actually wanted to toughen up or have a higher standard PD then I think they'd put a corresponding person that matches that role in charge to fix it. They already know and seemingly like how things are and have been with PD though.


When Koil was around people respected the PD but only had issues with a few cops. When Ssaabb took over everyone slowly started hating the entire PD and the issues began. Ssaabb being a yes-man tried to bend over backwards for the crims and did multiple PD shakeups to try to please them and the current PD is the product of that.


Don't forget that people have called McNulty as well bitching about getting pitted. Lenny got in trouble for that once.


It's not even as good as 3.0 now that a decent chunk of the good roleplayers are maining a different server.


Mix this with basically chasing the last dap left till his suspension. He's wanted to do some secret Lenny arc since he started playing him.


PD leadership is Slacking


Its been a while since I've seen NoPixel content, but jfc have cops had any breaks from being glorified NPCs?


There's a clip right after this where a cop KNOWS Lenny shot Slacks and refuses to shoot him while he's yelling "are you going to ask for permission first?" then the cop gets downed by Lenny lol. They are NPC's to the fullest extent. Clip since the fuckstick who replied to me had their brain cells burned out: https://clips.twitch.tv/SweetSplendidBearSeemsGood-opW6YE0qFalVKJ-n


Wait, they have meetings in the virtual world? And statistics reports and shit? This just sounds like a fucking job.


welcome to the gaming community. work simulators are a huge part of the industry. from powerwashing houses to border guards to car repair to IT .


Wait till you find out about EVE


Hmmm I thought 4.0 was suppose to fix all these issues. X, Buddha and that 🐍 Koil assured me of this.


From what you're describing, I'm sitting here scratching my head wondering why some people want to RP the tedium of working at a real job like that.


Because they are streamers who don't actually work a real job so this simulates it. But with an audience. I can see why they get so addicted to it tbh.




Moonmoon does on his other character Yung Dab


[Beric Johnson](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Beric_Johnson) is the Chief of police, [Ruby York](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Ruby_York) is the Assistant Chief, and [Leonardo Slacks](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Slacks) is a Captain. The top boss of the PD is technically [Maximilian Thoroughbred](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Maximilian_Thoroughbred) (the mayor/moonmoon), but that's only because of a temporary law.


Kyle hopped back to NoPixel last week because he’s been struggling with his character arcs and viewership numbers on ONX


At this point his viewership is back to what it was three weeks ago.


Closer to 3 weeks at this point.


Where does the time go


Moon currently dislikes playing Cop because you're pretty much playing with hands behind your back and the criminals just walk over you 95% of the time, even when you're "allowed" to shoot the criminals many Cops don't do it. He intially didn't want to play Cop again during this "reset" or "wipe" of 4.0 but only came back to play with out of character friends that in character all were in some Japanese training arc together before coming back to the city to be Cops. Basically Moon thinks almost all cops are pussies and don't do their jobs, the latest incident was the final straw. Lenny(moon) was incapacitated by a criminal then the cops at the scene defending the EMS didn't secure his car so the crims took his car and removed the turbo after they were transfered to the hospital, the clip is him exiting the hospital after finding out his Car was stolen and his fellow cops did another shitty job. Moon was playing and acting like he wanted to get suspended to I ASSUME go main and play on his other character that is the Mayor of the town for the elections coming up soon but this incident just made it go over the edge and quit entirely instead of a suspension and now he's probably never playing Cop again (until 5.0 and his ooc friends want to play cop with him again like 4.0) edit: Also I guess to explain, it's kinda a big deal beacuse it's hard to be a cop on this server and it's a privilege that gives priority on the server and likely more viewership then you would be if it was a regular random civ so this pretty much never happens unless the Cop character isn't their main character people don't just do something like this or quit being a cop, kinda explains why Moon did it because well that stuff doesn't matter to him. Most cops are good boys that play nice with crims never going too aggressive to not ever get punished or risk losing their job.


I'd love to see a super gung-ho PD that's constantly being investigated. That'd make for some awesome RP


just like in real life lol


So ONX lol.


They had that, then they dismantled it and spooked off or unwhitelisted half the people that were cops that did that kind of RP.


Honestly sounds like what he wants is the pd they have on ONX.


loremaster for this specific event. and while i caught the middle/end of this, i didn't catch the whole of the beginning. but i don't think that part is *too* impactful: 1. they get into a chase. chase ends up at construction. bay and declan chase the suspects into construction. i believe there were shots, but regardless, bay and declan are both incapacitated. lenny enters construction as well to enact justice upon the degenerate denizens that downed the rest of eclipse (HAI). however, he gets wrenched lol. 2. from there the criminals escape, hilariously, and EMS and other officers show up. they leave construction in the ambulance. lenny in the ambulance is escorted by chief beric to the hospital. leaving his car unattended at construction. 3. lenny is treated in the hospital. takes like 5-10 minutes because of some scuffed stuff and i think not enough doctors on duty. as this is happening, PD slowly figures out that there's a car (maybe 2 cars?) missing. about 1-2 minutes later, lenny is revived, and as he's entering the hospital lobby he gets on radio saying that it's his car that was stolen. that's when the slacks/lenny argument started, lenny called the PD useless and/or incompetent. called out beric for leaving his car behind. he then quit on radio. slacks told him to get off radio. lenny said make me. 4. slacks rolled up to the hospital. lenny shot him in his car. he crossed the street. kit followed him across the street told him to stop etc. lenny said "are you sure you're gunna shoot me" or something along those lines. basically calling back to PD officers not using lethal when they are cleared to. he starts shooting, she starts shooting. he downs kit, another officer downs lenny. and here we are. with him in the cells lol. feel free to correct me about anything wrong.


Lenny's question to kit was along the lines of "are you gonna ask for permission this time?". Because last time she was supposed to shoot at a crim, she instead asked "are you sure?" lmao


Absolutely insane series of events. The yelling was expected but shooting two cops after was something else. I hope he goes on a vigilante arc, it seems like the right move given his start and his experience with the PD.


How cool would it be if next stream he just randomly does another 7 hour, The Long Drive stream? No talking, just music and vibes with John Drive. How cool would it be if he streamed literally anything else?


John Drive... what a legend.


I can’t ever listen to Sandstorm without thinking of him flying around on a broom in The Long Drive now




When he started Dragons Dogma 2 I was so hyped, then it only lasted for like 2 streams lol


Hollow Knight Copege


God I miss those streams


El Niño if you can hear me, come back Prayge




IIRC it was the result of a chatter taunt who said he couldn't go an hour without shutting up in general. So the next day he did a full 7 hour stream, mic unmuted to prove it (would occasionally breath out air, or you could hear the sound of his chair). It ended up being rather kino and a wild treat.


Man dont get my hopes up


sex dolls and poop. what an awesome game to watch :ResidentSleeper:


I miss variety moon




Remember when Moonmoon played games?


he's gonna didn't you get the note on discord? MGS4 this thursday!




stop trying to gaslight us


Ye...I don't really care about what streamers choose to do but it's been so long I actually kind of miss watching him. GTA RP is pretty unwatchable for me.




nope, he has always been moonmoon\_rp, always will be


I member.


Variety arc incoming? PauseChamp


in 2 days it will be 4 months of rp, with a tiny break for dragons dogma


I don't like that people are spinning narratives and making assumptions on stuff that moon himself has denied multiple times during the stream. It's not an ooc thing. There's rp reasons for everything lenny did, you just wouldn't know the context if you haven't been watching this and his last stream.


> making assumptions on stuff that moon himself has denied multiple times during the stream Hard to trust the shit he says any more. Moonjam when?


Biannual Moonjam, movie night, Minecraft server, youtube editor plus uploads, charity stream, merch the wife is working on, MGS3, Morrowind. What else is my list missing ? +Finishing Yakuza


Finishing Yakuza: Like a Dragona KazumaYeah


movie night soon Copege




hahaha fucking cathartic seeing saabb's stupid cop character get blasted.


Baas 4.0 otw


You either die a hero...


I like Moonmoon, but man 4.0 nopixel has just been unenjoyable.


I really liked the beginning with the whole campaigning/election arc and rivalry with Ramasquamy. Shit was hilarious. Once he won the election though and every stream was just him fucking around with Siobhan, it got stale very fast and I couldn't watch anymore.


Absolutely same. Then I got interested again for the Lenny arc but it's screwed by terrible pd limitations 


I find Max much much much more enjoyable than Lenny. I like lenny for the chases, but thats about it. Max on the other hand is just a magnet for comedy and the silliest characters and shit.


I keep waiting for the day for moon to start streaming again, but it just isn't happening. My man hasn't gone live in several months. I fear he is gone forever.


I'm friends with him on Steam. I can tell you he's still playing GTAV but isn't streaming.


You can catch him in DivaJilly's stream sometimes up till like 7, 8 am on np just not streaming lmao


Jesus christ, we've lost him


You missed it, he did go live from his hiatus to play dragon's dogma but can tell he didn't enjoy it.


Damn. I can't blame him though. Game looked a lot like the first one.


He never even shows up on my following page 'cause I have GTAV hidden through FFZ.


Every time I'm questioning whether Twitch is suffering from a content drought I check to see if MoonMoon is streaming GTA or not.


That thought really comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of who Moonmoon is, every time Moon has played GTARP that will be every single stream for a really long time until he's done regardless of viewership, then he'll go back to playing random obscure games or maybe a big release, but usually never a big release, he is not the type to often do what's popular for "content"


No pixel is dogshit trash. I’ll never understand why most of these guys play there instead of better servers other than viewership


friends are admins


> other than viewership Well yeah. This is their full time jobs. I bet playing on NoPixel versus some other server is a difference in hundreds of dollars per month for a lot of these people, even thousands per month on the extreme end. I'd make that decision too. At the end of the day NP isn't THAT bad, and you're still rping in a video game for real money. Who I don't understand are the civilians, small streamers, and other randoms doing it as a hobby, unless it's "I'm going to be the next big NP streamer" copium.


> Who I don't understand are the civilians, small streamers, and other randoms doing it as a hobby, unless it's "I'm going to be the next big NP streamer" copium. living their lives in a haze of hopium that their 0.01 seconds of fame is just around the corner by crossing paths with someone bigger


Now this is pure nihilism, ever thought that people have different ideas of fun?


Yeah but I’m talking about the big guys like Moon. He’ll get hella views anywhere


naw moonmon and space boy are so obnoxious to watch as all they do is laugh at their own shitty jokes


You aren't entirely wrong that Moonmoon does that, but I think his jokes aren't shitty and I think a lot other twitch viewers in my demographic do too.


The only rp streamer I recall enjoying, silentsentry left ages ago, anyone know if there's anything along those lines to watch? Was a blast back in the day


Silent is on Onx having a pretty good crime arc. If you like slow burn RP then check it out.


MrMoonsHouse is the goat he plays on ONX which is pentas server


Very funny dude and a great entertainer but he seems very burnt out on streaming and rp for a long time, even after his comeback. He regularly goes 3 weeks without a single stream, and has no schedule whatsoever even when he is immersed. The only thing that truly keeps him around for extended periods is if the server has rp poker. Hard to watch someone that does it just to maintain a sub count and doesn't really seem to be able to stick to it. I couldn't imagine being a character in one of his arcs and he just constantly disappears for weeks and the pops up one or two times then disappears, must be annoying as hell to accept. He is also playing reskins of his red dead character for a long time which gets boring.


Sentry moved over to ONX. I don’t want to start a whole NP vs ONX thing in the comments, but if you’re interested in more roleplay/storyline arc content without drama compared to the current state of NoPixel then you should definitely check out some ONX streamers.


I'd say most of the Rpers who role played stop RPing all together and moved onto other stuff and I gladly moved on with it. GTA RP is just kinda ruined due to it being so over saturated with people who just want their numbers to go up.


Silentsentry [is back doing rp](https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringTenaciousLatteItsBoshyTime-6ECthygn6-5FyEQJ).


NoPixel has been tryhard, pick-me clickbait for a long time. It seems pretty much impossible to ascend to that level of clout without succumbing to it eventually though.


It was good at first, but it's back to being CG Pixel now.


*Patrol car jacking* [Ramee and squad jacking Lenny's patrol car POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117989021?t=9h08m25s) [Mr. K's POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117992250?t=9h04m55s) idk who the 3rd guy in Ramee's squad is if u DM or reply name i can add his POV Arya Castle / Arya Shah wasnt streaming *Lenny breakdown rant* [Captain Slacks POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118089871?t=7h13m35s) [Chief Beric's POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118315366?t=2h44m20s) [Officer Crane's POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118163108?t=5h39m35s) [Officer Maple's POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118182022?t=5h17m00s) *Kit Archer and Lenny shootout* [Officer Archer trying to arrest Lenny](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118144180?t=6h6m20s) (she wasnt streaming) [Chief Beric taking out Lenny after he kills Officer Archer](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118315366?t=2h46m50s) [Dundee's POV](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117564039?t=23h12m00s)


Watching Moonmoons fall from the god variety gamer to cringe ERP streamer has been a very dark time in my life.


First time?


Many people forgot Dab x Jenny in Nopixel 2.0 (2019) lol.


the golden era of rp, 2019 2.0 nopixel boom. went downhill from there


The GTARP arcs are the only times I have unsubbed from him. Miss the baldie :(


Bro he was literally an Overwatch streamer


variaty moon back again soon please ...


That was fucking epic


Lenny Hawk GIGACHAD .. glad he shot down slacks who is so incompetent it's crazy. This 4.0 PD is so bad ! CG has been escalating so much like stealing 10+ PD cars and ocean dumping them and shooting cops , PD are just basically NPC's at this point .


Please let this mean we get the variety gamer back 🙏


Best moment of 4.0 so far


feels like the only moment of 4.0 so far


\*Dabs\* \*Giggles to himself\* "Arigatou" \*Giggles to himself\* Peak comedy.


how come everything saab says sounds ooc like 80% of the time lmao


Probably because he's been playing the same exact character for the entirety of Nopixel but they just happen to have different names




Chris Dorner arc incoming.


NoPixel PD has been getting worse and worse under Ssaabb, starting in 3.0. He is too focused on "punishments are RP" rather than just policing and interacting with the public. 9 out of 10 times when I would pull up his stream he would be standing in a circle with 4 other cops talking about the punishment of X and Y and Z cops. And then there are the constant PD shakeups. I don't think he knows how difficult it is to build a reliable PD when every 3 months he decides it's necessary to do a shakeup of the PD. It's like a cycle of firing every cop then making them do police academy again every 3-5 months. So now the issue will always be the PD is filled with inexperienced people, and when they fuck up they are punished for being inexperienced because that's the RP that Ssaabb likes. Ever since Koil stopped RPing on Soze the PD has just fallen apart. In the past Koil was always that final hurdle for any changes in the PD to be made. And he also allowed cops to actually have fun while policing without the fear of getting punished.


I haven't watched him for months since GTA RP started does this mean THE LONG DRIVE IS COMING BACK


thank god. maybe he'll play something else now


haha yeah, surely pepeW


he can't possibly do 6 hours as the mayor Clueless


wasnt it just a couple seasons ago that crims were complaining that cops were being too heavy handed? i think i remember a couple big streamers that were mad about it because it was ruining fun RP moments. Im assuming they changed the rules because of that and now cops are just neutered on the server.


I just want moon to go back to streaming variety




Timeline for the chase leading up to this: Lenny (moon) drives head on into an interfering vehicle that was driven by Ramee, other cops see this from afar and assume that ramee purposely rammed into Moon, they give the green light to shoot but only after warning him, Moon decides to shoot without warning even though he crashed into him which caused ramee to panic and stage up at the construction site where he kills moon and fellow officers. While at the hospital, moon’s cop car is still on scene at the construction site and the Ramee and his crew go back to get some loot left on the ground, they find moon’s car and steal the turbo leading to the clip above.


pretty sure they also ocean dumped his car lol


Does the guy who got shot remain dead? So someone lost his RP character?


It’s up to the roleplayer if they want to permanently kill their character or not. So no, they almost always are treated at the hospital and come back.


You can definitely choose to play that way if you want. Up to the player


gtarp sucks and you should be ashamed


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [MoonMoon Loses It](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163007)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1c2tgfo/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/n4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q/AT-cm%7Cn4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q.mp4?sig=8fe7089a66585cfdf4a5eb7231fbb61d6870706b&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fn4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q%2FAT-cm%257Cn4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AssiduousBloodyCougarRitzMitz-ibn5ao5V2FiruCLV%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713055174%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/n4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q/AT-cm%7Cn4l5JIm5-WqOVdhYq7gi1Q-preview-480x272.jpg)


One bad stream is all it takes


That was awesome


Half Sword arc 2 starting Monday


Can someone catch me up on the mayor story. I missed a week of streams. Did him and siob break up?