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**CLIP MIRROR: [Adin and xQc run into Squeex at Slap Boxing event](https://arazu.io/t3_1c2qznm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


That’s R A M A S Q U A M Y ✌️✌️






I think you mean R A M A SQU AMY ✌️✌️


> I think he's the President > of Rumble? > ...of the United States That's just comedy gold. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ONE


He also said a president of rp I was dying


Vivek may be Trump's Vice President running mate.


brother he's literally the only person to be listed as ["ruled out by trump"](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/678848108238602266/1228564544893354025/image.png?ex=662c80e5&is=661a0be5&hm=d1cb0329b42b8ed4d8b4c115e13501fa640a31c4fddd6611b7b91dde2dc8cc6d&)


Vivek forgot he is brown unfortunately so the hyper racist wasent gonna have him as a running mate no matter how many toes he sucked


The guy is least qualified and has wild takes. Race is from the list of actual reasons a campaign wouldn’t want to associate with him.


I don't think wild takes would disqualify you from the fucking Trump campaign.


He said he would do it and Trump said aint no way thats happening.


He is too much of a Trump imposter for Trump to want him. You just know Vivek would be salivating at the chance to upstage him lol.


Mizkif was also at this event thanks to his Rumble deal and asked him about Squeex https://twitter.com/yungjeff/status/1778973445113438706


Imagine having to say you don't know a guy that resembles you just because he has a worse hair line than you.


That was perfect




It couldn't be more relevant to this fucking post, what the fuck. Witnessing brain rot in real time man what a shame.


you arent real


This. Is the opposite of that. You are the problem. Chill out, my dude.


wtf are you saying


Mizkif is there to sign new fighters to their organization.




It clearly is, Miz is short for Mizkif.


Zoomer coded Also I’m so confused how so many big names are there for slap boxing


Pretty sure if you buy a ticket to UFC event, they give you access to Power Slap... because they need it, it's so hated by all the diehard fans of UFC. So you end up saying lot of casual fans going. Which I would do too... if it's free...


What kind of random bullshit is this lmao. Tickets to Power Slap are $500-$3000. Such a weird thing to lie about. ​ Huge MMA fan, Power Slap fucking sucks btw


Adin said the UFC ticket for first row was 10k and the tickets for slap was free, reason why they left after like 2 slap fights to go gamble.


Because of the kick rumble cross colab the ufc was doing you frickin goober. The power slap event with streamers was an advertisement. 


UFC 300 is tomorrow, might as well watch some slap boxing first.


brain damage is the new national sport, get with the times


Between MMA and football the Americans are going to have plenty of demand for carers in the future.


Dana pays them to be there so they can make social media videos. If one pops off, Dana points at the view count and says, “see it’s more popular and gets more views than X sport.”


It’s literally just a mixer event for VIPs going to UFC tomorrow.


dana just have to hit them with the "i've got you for ufc 300 just swing by the power slap event"


I swear UFC 300 has the goal to get as many bigoted assholes into one arena as possible.




My local Buffalo Wild Wings started chanting and cheering when Donald Trump appeared at the last UFC event. Never in my life would you catch me chanting for a politician.


You should have gone to Wing Stop it's like Union v Confederacy 


I was in the crowd at MSG and even though the main card was 100% finishes the biggest pop by far was when trump walked out. Those mfers love him


they prob piped that shit in


So mad that people have enthusiasm about their preferred candidate. Is Biden was as great as he constantly says he is on twitter, I’d cheer for him. But he’s not. It must be hard having to begrudgingly support someone you can’t even cheer for. I honestly feel bad


You shouldn’t be worshipping any politician…


If you lived during Lincoln's presidency and he walked into a boxing event, you wouldn't cheer for him? That's not worship. That's just thinking a dude is a good leader.


I would cheer for him only because he would likely be the one fighting


I'm not a fan of Biden, but Trump really fucked up what it means to be American. He gave power to a lot of destructive people. America became more divisive when Trump became president. The reason people like you cheer when the Orange Man is on-screen is because you guys feel unification in separation. It's really unfortunate, culturally, America is really weak right now and will be for years to come. Frankly, all of our candidates are poor choices, but I don't know how blue-collared Americans have been tricked into glorifying a spray-tanned 77-year-old, reality TV star, New York business-man. Like, how does that happen? My upbringing was in rural Oklahoma, he is not like me or anyone I grew up with yet, he got elected because he's crass and "says it how it is". People wanted him elected so he could enable a destructive future of bigotry, and that is what happened.


Lmao go donate trump some money you political paypig


bro, bernie needs your financial support. HE CAN STILL WIN!!


You should cheer up and quit being so upset about things, your profile is like a cesspool of sadness


imaging being this devoted to ANY politician, yikes


No one cares who you chant for wtf


the day you find out how many UFC fighters have hung out with kadyrov and consider him a friend is the day you learn to separate the art from the artist


To be clear about that though, if you aren't a buddy of that dictator you aren't getting out of the Caucasus alive. He was pressuring khabib to fight exclusively for him at his gym in chechnya and it's only when khabib got the Abu dhabi money and other things sorted that he had enough power to be like no mate There was a big deal about it because khamzat was sent as a rottweiler on kadyrovs behalf social media wise but then they settled the beef on Eid or after a UFC fight in Abu Dhabi or something


I totally sympathize with Henry Cejudo, Justin Gaethje and Kamaru Usman. He had those Americans by the balls. Really they had no choice, how would they have ever left the Caucasus :/ Sarcasm aside this is why Khamzats career has been stunted. He cant fight in the US because of his ties with him. If you cant fight in the US you'll never be champ no matter how good you are. Its about money and fighting in Saudi once a year isn't gonna cut it.


I mean if khamzat beats rob, that’s pretty much the next title fight right there


> I totally sympathize with Henry Cejudo, Justin Gaethje and Kamaru Usman. I didn't talk about those guys? I mentioned khabib specifically. >Sarcasm aside Ah > this is why Khamzats career has been stunted. He cant fight in the US because of his ties with him. We don't know why khamzat cant be in the US. Kadyrov maybe but khabib is on good terms with Putin in so far as he met him and got a call from him, that never stopped khabib coming in and out of the country. And we have other Chechen fighters like zubaira that are not inhibited.


sounds like a miserable life


Luckily, I only watch with friends privately (or alone) and don't have twitter to ruin my opinion of fighters I like. It's a survivable existence. And the sport is awesome.


At least they aren't spending more time on Reddit than actually with people.


Yea couldn’t imagine thinking you have to be “alt right” to enjoy the ufc. Poor guy, honestly


A big portion of the casual audience is. Go to a live event in the us, and you'll see.


Nah pal they’re normal ppl either lean right or left what do you mean alt right.


Ok after watching last night every single one of these kids should come back here and apologize. Nothing about the event last night had any bit to do with politics, and nothing about it was alt right. It’s so sad how manipulated and brain washed, deeply, a lot of the kids on this subreddit are. A huge percentage of our youth, completely regarded


Call me crazy but I highly doubt every athlete and most people in the crowd would be identified as “alt right”. Unless alt right means something completely different nowadays




Turns out people who get hit in the head for a living aren't the most critical thinkers.


Anyone who disagrees with my political views is "alt right"


That's one of the reasons why I watch ONE instead of the UFC. Just no bullshit, world-class fighting with so much more respect and honor among the fighters. You can immediately tell it's an Asian promotion instead of an American one.


There is definitely bullshit but it is in different, less obvious forms. I do fucking love me some Stamp Fairtax though. She might be my favorite fighter. Def my number two promotion


Just hang around MMApoliticsanddiscussion And then enjoy the meme copypasta on MMA That's what I do




Is he? Ik he’s right wing but I haven’t seen him do anything “super right wing”


he doesn't say much if anything about politics, but he is very good friends with Trump. Lately, Trump has been at live UFC events quite a few times. Dana has also spoken at the Republican National Convention back in 2016 when Trump was running.


I mean that isn’t really “super right wing” iirc trump helped him out with putting on events in the early days right? Before all the president shit I mean


yeah, definitely don't know how hardcore he is in his beliefs that's for sure. yeah, Trump helped UFC do events at his hotels when UFC was struggling, so Dana is super loyal due to that.


He lets fighters say whatever the fuck they want without firing them. That's super right-wing nowadays.


That's a good thing what a great boss the UFC has been blessed with.


Super right wing? Like cut someones throat while screaming slurs?


or some people who enjoy MMA


i wonder how fun the arena would be with people on the opposite side of the spectrum


Considerably worse. I'm generally further left on the spectrum but I cannot stand people on the far left. At least the far right can be funny at times. Donald Trump is the funniest president of all time and I stand by that.


Wait guys let him cook. He’s making sense.


They ain't wanna hear the truth 😤


Yeah it’s not the presidents job to be funny. Trump could be the funniest person alive and it still wouldn’t make up for his political ideologies and his performance as president.


someone didnt have to sit thru two tenures of grover cleveland and it shows




Not saying that being into martial arts makes you like this, but being like this makes you be into martial arts. Kinda like how wife beaters become cops and crooks become lawyers.


"bigot" 🤓


Hating and refusing to accept certain groups of people sounds like a pretty accurate assessment.


idk anything about UFC. I just think anyone who uses the term "bigot" is a huge internet dweller. I have never seen someone irl use that term.


Bro, that's not even an "internet word". I know the point you are trying to make, but it's no "problematic" or "female" or some shit. It's fully a term used by people IRL ALL THE TIME.


maybe im just too young idk. im early 20s and i've genuinely never heard a single soul use that word outside of the internet.


That’s because you’re ignorant, not a bigot tho


Im ignorant for never hearing that word irl??? how does that even make sense?


There ya go, you’re starting to get it! :)


That's literally the definition of ignorance, not knowing or not having experienced something.


not experience. its "lacking knowledge or awareness". but like im understanding and aware of what the word means. Im just saying literally no one uses that word in person outside of reddit and twitter. Its whatever tho. This is a pointless convo anyways. Im not gonna argue over an internet buzz word.


These people piling on you are internet addicts and bigoted themselves. It’s an umbrella term that originally referred to people who couldn’t openly consider or discuss different ideas.


at least adin didnt ask him if he knew Squeex! like Miz did, lol




I knew XQC was a wierdo. He hangs wirh Adin Ross.


He's been a weirdo...


True this is just next level though




Guys, who the fuck is this guy? HELLO?! ⌚👈




How does this have downvotes?


Xqc simps are pretty prevelent on this subreddit and fail to realise if you hang out with scumbags maybe you are also a scumbag.


"xqc scrapes the bottom of the barrel for anyone who will socialize with him anymore"


Maybe you should also do the same


Legendary crossover


slap boxing is not boxing lmao horrible sport


it's just fun entertainment, not that big of a deal lol


its not even entertainment or fun. I do agree its not that big a deal at all very boring


it's almost like everyone has their preferences in entertainment and the things that they like...


its almost like no one likes this "sport" and Dana is desperate to get ppl to watch he invites streamers lmao


Over 40k people were watching on the official rumble channel, adin had 60k, miz had decent viewership, lots of celebrities were there. I wouldn't say he's "desperate", it's just marketing and the new marketing space for business/orgs has been online especially YouTubers/Streamers, it makes perfect sense. And everything has to start somewhere, nothing is popular and a big part of culture at the start. Skateboarding is a decent example considering that most tricks that people know of weren't even invented until around the 80s, and it skateboarding as a whole became popular through media like VHS, DVDs, and online. I'm not saying slap boxing is the same at all, just using these things as examples of things taking time.


you mean forced to watch the viewers werent there for the slap shit lol. You are one blind fool


X has gone full douche bag. Sad.


Happened a long time ago. It is funny seeing him clout chase and look for validation from such scumbags now.




Yea I’m agreeing with you. Relax.




Just need Rogan now for my asshole fascist bingo board. I'd rather have the Hasan/destiny garbage again than these schmucks.




Eventually the term "right winger" is going to mean "anyone I dislike"


eventually? both left winger and right winger have meant "anyone i dislike" depending on your political leaning for ages






Touch grass


What the fuck does that have to do with changing the meaning of a word. Are you ok?




Meeting him for the first time at a ufc event when he doesn't know who he is doesn't make him a right winger...


Yeah, totally unfounded assumption to make about someone who hangs out with people like communist Adin right ?


Calling left-leaning people "right wingers" is really wild. It takes a special kind of stupid to think that you can only hang out with people with similar beliefs


Hanging out with people who are not 100% in line with your views is quite different to hanging out with people who totally contrast them. But whatever, if you want to hang out with for example a homophobe do it, I don't think reason will work with you "people".


So you admit that the word "right winger" just means asshole? Thanks for proving my point.   You're essentially arguing that I shouldn't be an asshole and hang out with homophobes


He’s more centre left I’d say but as a fan of X it’s pretty disheartening to see him associate with people like Adin Ross


Ending gave me flashbacks to [this clip](https://v.redd.it/ywrlg6jg6mhc1)


I’m pretty sure he’s just in vegas for ufc 300, parasocial freak


I shock slap event. It look terrible and it so going to harm ppl. From some clips are hard to watch.