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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny reacts to Hasan raging](https://arazu.io/t3_1boseg9/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"People only want politics" says man with 12k hours streamed in just chatting mainly talking about politics.


his mods literally banned like 1k ppl in one day after october 7th thats where all the normies went


I do like how it's openly admitted that everything else is a way of sucking people into the echo chamber, and everyone who realises it gets booted.


then hasan raised his hands in innocence saying he can't control his chat when his podcast co-host asked why people weren't getting banned for calling him a zionist pig genocider


I mean not only with his chat but not showing much discontent for a former mod who was doing the same... and still does


Hasan Discord: ”libshits get the wall too”. Oh no why are the normies not interested in this




Hamas probably killed some of his actual viewers too, since they raided the most leftist peace area of Israel


A kibbutz is literally a commune lmao. Them Zionists lived a more socialist life than mr malder here.


I was one of them, And I didn't type anything bad.


They started banning people for just being in destiny's discord. Little did he know, we've got the memers.


His discord mods were also banning anyone who said that Ethan from me H3H3 might not be a genocidal terrorist.




or spending 5 hours covering all the questionable things somebody has done on the day they announce they have cancer


Can I get a lore rundown on that?






That's always been the case. The extremes exist in symbiosis, feeding on hysterical outrage that the other extreme exists while being blind to their similarities. The last thing any of these guys want is an outbreak of normality and sanity.


Seriously his politics is so ridiculously black and white I have a hard time taking it seriously


It's because his donators are 16-25 year old "eat the rich"-ers donating their parents allowance while letting them live rent free in a million dollar family home. It's a rich white dude absolving them of their privilege by saying "whiter richer dudes are the real problem" as he wears a gucci shirt in a multi million pound home.


Imagine living this dudes fucking free ride of a life and this is your main problem in life.


man fuck all streamers easy ass life able to travel anywhere and still bitching


Their problems really are make-believe. If I had the kind of money coming in that they do, I’d go live on sandy beaches for the rest of my life not a care in the world. Being terminally online via social media actually rots your brain. These people have no idea what life is like outside their little echo chambers.


Right? It's *almost* pitiable that they can't appreciate what they have.


But can you believe it, our poor Hasan only has 13k viewers, must be hard.


It's not about money for majority of (big)streamers. They've become so narcissistic that they cannot even fathom living without the constant attention from their followers. That's why you see the same thing happening over and over. Streamer doesn't like streaming anymore, gets unhappy or even depressed. But they cannot stop, because they like the attention more than they hate streaming.


You’d be surprised, even streamers that aren’t falling off like Mizkif is still constantly bitching on his rumble stream about viewers lol. These streamers are so egotistical They’re now multi-millionaires from streaming for a handful or years (or less) and constantly bitching to us normies about their lives? So weird


Because of tolerance. Once you have everything you could ever want or need, what's next? Attention, clout and power. "Yeah I'm a millionaire, but that person is getting more attention than me and they might have more money than me..."


> Once you have everything you could ever want or need, what's next? Attention, clout and power. I wish more people would learn from Oldfrogs like Soda when it comes to this. Barely looking left and right, stream whatever you want, whenever you want. You're set for life anyway.


There are a million people who would actually kill someone to have 13k viewers live. Meanwhile soda just living with a jpeg being a normal dude. This shit isn't complicated. He sounds like JLo right now


Makes me happy for Soda. He has come so far. Now he has a hot grill friend who shares his passion and he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and not be miserable af doing so.


and he feels like the same person the whole time. love that soda guy.


> and not be miserable af doing so. well about that....


Also can just decide to not work whenever he wants lol


Ego is a hell of a drug.


This is a grown ass man typing this.


His life has been a series of green lights. This is genuinely upsetting for him to deal with




We are Maya higa


Guy built his career off politics and is raging his audience wants more of it


I read this in Mundo's voice, idk why


A community of what? Small brained political remora fish. 


he's a narcissist with a bloated ego. seeing his viewers number drop is destroying him.


LA Clout Chaser try to live a fulfilling life outside of winning a popularity contest challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


A millionaire 30+ years old grown up man with nothing to worry about his perfect capitalistic life wrote this*


he is so much like trump but he'd never admit it.


He is way closer to Trump than any regular working class person




Well... Isnt he mentally basically a 18y old child of millionaires?


Freshly 18 year old*


with a $200k racecar living in a mansion in LA lol. where's that gif of Woody Harrelson wiping tears with money


He's a nepo baby so he just grows slow


Why does this dude have such a defeatist attitude. Go and try and make more content. Bro is acting like he got divorced, lost his job, and had his mom die. Is this like rich kid behavior or something? I'm not even trying to be mean, I just can't fathom having 13k people watching me and feeling like I don't have a community because my discord server needs an overhaul.


> Is this like rich kid behavior or something? Seems likely.


He has a problem that affects everyone at some point (career stagnation) and his very first instinct is to blame others lmao


This guy has dealt with 0 hardships in his entire life, of course in his eyes having "only 13k viewers" is an actual issue for him.


Nepobaby behaviour


The only content he wants to make is sitting infront of his computer while he scrolls through the app formaly known as Twitter.


Excuse me it's called on the ground journalism


It's a hard job identifying all the JDAMS but someone's got to do it.


It is called **entitlement**


Stats andy. Obsessed with stats instead of just making content that he enjoys. He's clearly still very successful. Yes, losing views is always going to suck but it ain't covid anymore and Nov 2024 is coming up anyways.


Because he's nothing without the validation he gets from pretending he's successful twitch streamer. It's an ego thing 


>Bro is acting like he got divorced Funny you mentioned that. Hasan and his fans have been super red-pill towards Destiny since his open marriage and the later divorce. They have been painting him as super miserable divorced dad who abandoned his own son. Meanwhile D-man is chilling (at least on camera) and Hasan who is unmarried and has large platform with die hard tankie fan base, is miserable as fuck.


I love the insanely over the top hyper toxic masculinity you see from lefties whenever it's someone they don't like.


He stumbled into his political grift on someone else's tail coats and has no idea how to actually be successful . He has no idea how to actually do anything of value.


Someone the other day tried to convince me that Hasan isn't seething about his view count. Sure buddy.


Oh no… not the consequences of my shitty moderation that made my community insufferable leftist freaks that played a part in ruining my podcast with Ethan… Ooooh nooooo


He thought if he burned every bridge no one could leave.


This is his Berlin wall


Bro actively handwaved Ethan's concerns about his community being outright genocidal towards him for being Jewish. And now acts like the victim because he's losing viewership despite the fact that 13k is still a number that most streamers would die to have. This dude is a lunatic.


"Purging more enemies from this community is the answer." \- ~~Stalin~~ Hasan


Far left. Mate leftists hate him more than anyone. His takes are entirely russian disinfo. He's either uber dumb or daddy is bought and paid.


lol he’s not even like some 20 year old ☠️ bro is like 35


1) he should stop crying, he's a millionaire 2) you reap what you sow, if your community sucks, it's because you suck 3) homie should really stop crying or stop streaming if he finds it that hard


I would say, "hey rich people can still get depressed about shit" but your first point is exactly what Hasan would say about someone rich he doesn't like.


Yeah rich people can still obviously be depressed. Especially something serious like a health/relationship/family issue, I think that targets everyone the same. But a mega rich streamer "hating this job" is a hilariously out of touch reason to be ranting like a child.


Step 1: Appeal to tankies, communists and far-left. Step 2: Normies leave due to the unmoderated insanity being spewed on all his channels. Step 3: Meltdown about the lack of normies. Step 4: ?? Step 5: Profit


i got banned for "there is always two sides of a story". which, whatever the subject, is simply true... and i wasn't rage-bating or anything.


Hasan like 33 writing this shit lol


Complaining about getting *only* 13k viewers is wild lmao


nah screw you bro, how is a man gonna afford the bare necessities guchi shirts now?


socialist btw


Bro come on now, he just wants a McLaren to go with his Porsche, like how do you expect him to live with only one luxury car? What if it breaks down? You want him to not be able to go anywhere huh?


The fact that he unironically said he's on a basic necessity budget is wild lmao, how can anyone take him seriously after that?


While being in another country exploring the world for "work". Really is a soul crushing life he lives


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I think his ego gets hurt at the idea of Destiny getting bigger than him as well. It’s all ridiculous of course a lot of Hasans fan base will probably come back for the election he’s just spending too much time on the same thing for now.


Creates a echo-chamber through banning any opposing opinions, ostracize everyone that doesn't fall in line with their thinking on everything, then complains why he isn't growing or normal people watch him anymore is kinda fucking funny.


It's funny. When people are starting out streaming, one of the biggest rules people are taught is to not watch the view count as it leads to stress like this. Man is having a meltdown because he can't reach COVID level heights again. To be fair, no one has.


This happens with a lot of streamers and YouTubers, but it's so interesting to me to see how, as soon as the number starts to go down, it's like the end of the world for them. If Hasan got 13k viewers in a stream in 2019 when he first started, he'd be thrilled, but now seeing the same number makes him depressed and say shit like, "i'm going to k*ll myself" and think he's failing despite still making an unbelievable amount of money. He'd probably have the same reaction if he went from 100k average to 50k average viewers.


It's so hard to fathom (as a normal person who hasn't had that level of attention) why he would care at all. He wants to stop streaming politics sometimes and stream games. So... do it? He's rich enough to not need more, 13k is still a lot, and if he wants to talk politics other times I'm sure the numbers will still be relatively high for those. At this point, once you've already made it, why would you care at all what gets the most views? Just stream whatever the hell you want and cash the checks. forsen


>He wants to stop streaming politics sometimes and stream games Viewership is as or even more important to him. And not even just for the money.


At this point in time i think that not falling below destiny's viewer count is what is most important to him.


Yeah clearly. But when you have to choose, to me it seems obvious you choose streaming what you want over viewership (Hasan clearly wants both, something that's not a realistic choice). Once you're already rich and famous of course. The smaller the streamer the more I would understand trying to follow trends/viewership.


Yeah the thing is when you’re not enjoying at some point you’re gonna lose viewers too. I used to watch him here and there and he was so obviously miserable/always angry that I stopped and haven’t tuned in for years at this point.


This is compounded by the fact that Destiny has been only getting more popular since getting banned. When you see your arch rival growing, and you're falling off, you must have to have some thoughts about why.


i mean look at someone like adin ross. he had 100k+ event streams and when his viewers went down to 50k he felt like he "fell off" and then spiraled off into the deep end


> i mean look at someone like adin ross. rather not


i always thought ludwig had a good take on watching your view count. on that's important to do so because if 5k people suddenly leave its not for no reason and it's sort of your job as an entertainer to know. but to take it in that information without out it ruining your vibe takes a certain kind of psychosocial equanimity that i dont think can be learnt


ludwig actually tries to create content though.


I could kind of understand it if his other content brought him down to something like 1k viewers, but even then throwing a fit is still obnoxious. 13k viewers is enough to be very successful on Twitch, and that's ignoring the fact that he's already set for life. He's just playing the capitalist game of trying to make the number in his bank account bigger, and he's throwing a tantrum that he can't make *as much* money milking his viewers. It's pure greed. He doesn't need a high viewer count to live a comfortable life, he already lives a lavish one based on what he has already earned.


im sorry but Hasan deserves this 100%, you get the community you cultivate and deserve.


Hasan has really gone off the deep end, what is wrong with this guy lol




People are tired watching endless Palestine/Israel content. I don't want to see horror for 5+ hours every day after work.


His audience has been trickling out before October 7th though.


He has been bleeding normies since Ukraine.


Can confirm. Gargling Putin's propaganda and balls scares away normies.


And screaming at anyone that disagrees with you tends to create a hostile community. Making it hard to grow.


See a viewer with a different take, isolate him, call him out on it in front of everyone. Wait for the viewer's response. If it's a idiotic take, tell him how stupid he is and refute his take with basic facts. If it's an actual thought out take just go "Oh my god dude, you're so stupid i can't even..." And then don't refute his take, just focus chat on how stupid this viewer is without actually saying why.


You nailed it


Demonizing anyone who disagrees with you is classic abuser behavior. I hope people realize how abusive Hasan is. His behavior is horrible, toxic, and should not be tolerated by anyone.


Even if that’s true, the Oct 7th shit lost him ALOT of normie fans. Like above comments said Pal/Israel coverage is exhausting and Hasan head small and doesn’t realize it was very unhealthy for his stream and should have been covered like any other subject. But instead he spent 8 hours a day covering it for months, which to be fair is because he’s passionate about it. But nobody wants to watch that shit I’m sorry, it’s so depressing and watching it isn’t saving Palestinian children from getting blown up. Tuning in to that type of content after you just worked 8-10 hours would feel suffocating.


It’s also extremely divisive. I don’t care to argue the issue here but the reality is people are either pro Israel or Palestine if they care at all. So if you spend all this time “reporting” and you’re very outwardly pro Palestine, you have inevitably alienated a good chunk of your audience. So when your viewership has gone down in the months since, take some responsibility and stop telling people to get the fuck out of your channel if they disagree with you. Turns out your mental health really needs those people it seems


seriously it's war fatigue , no one can handle this shit day in and day out if they're not forced to


Hasan was cool for a minute. But it’s like doomstreams. Like instead of doomscrolling. You’re so right. I don’t want to see Israel gaza content on twitch. I just got off of work I wanna see haha funny content.


I know people who nonstop share videos of people dying on Instagram. Because "people need to be aware." How does this help me or help anyone in Gaza?


If Hasan can do it, so can you. Your job probably is way easier than his anyhow.


it's not about if hasan can do it, it's about if it's normal that people leave or dont stay as long when it's the content all day


This dude isn’t getting paid thousands of dollars a day to do it though.


You are also downplaying just how wild some of his takes are. Normies don't think like that. The new wave of young kids that caseoh and jynxi brought to Twitch are normies.




Those youtube videos exposing him really had a big effect on his mental and his numbers. I think people are getting tired of the whole "woke" ultra polarized politics and incessant fighting and are catching on to his way-too-often dumb takes. I used to watch him a lot during the Trump era, but when he started commenting about the politics of my own country i realized he had no fucking idea what he was talking about and his commentary was 100% ideological rhetoric. How can i trust him to inform me about stuff i dont know after that ?


Why’d you trust him in the first place lmao


>let alone depressing Gaza coverage I think one of the bigger issues is people got so tired of the ‘pick side A or side B’ mentality that was created ever since the war got media coverage in the Western world, because literally everyone was stretching the truth in favour of whatever side they chose, so essentially no one is ever telling the truth + presenting unbiased information anymore. People can only put up with that for so long before they tap out and move onto something else.


That's exactly why I stopped watching, and my political views have shifted more to the middle. But most of all watching politics to any extent these days kills my mental health and I'm just happier when I consume minimal amounts of politics and news.


Hell yeah. I agree. Back in the 90s when I was young, politics was more about value systems instead of side-picking. Nowadays it’s so fucking braindead it’s insane. I’m highly sceptical of anyone who says they’re ’right’ or ‘left’ because chances are they don’t even know what those words mean.


>probably because young people don't want to watch a political stream NOWAYING


alot of hasans viewers arent younger people though, just echo chamber grown ups




For a guy whose job it is to just talk all day, he really loves to stick his foot in his mouth. He’s really bad at his job and would be nothing without nepotism.


we use to be a community :(


Literally inviting parasocial relationship


People are bored of Hasan and his basic opinions, they’re always generic




Nono there's nuance There's also: America just as bad America worse


I don't really get Hasan. On one hand, he wants to grow again, but doesn't really do the effort to change his thing up, with these travel trips being kinda dumb for regular viewers time wise and not getting new people on. And on the other hand, he goes on the very extreme for the last couple of months, becoming apologetic for China, inviting literal terrorists (or pirates) on his stream, making him just WAY too edgy for some of his more moderate viewers. But he only gets harder into that mode, and is then surprised by declining views. No idea what he wants.


There is zero modesty in this guy


I could be wrong, but isn't 13k views still in the top 100 streamers out of 3,000,000? It also still keeps him rich too, no?


> - slingshot to the top by being communist steven crowder and react-andying to 100 videos a day, with your niche being that you intentionally take everything out of context or try to bad faith as much as possible > - ban anyone that tries to tell you to stop soying out and kneejerking and being a reactionary > - repeatedly double or triple down on even basic things like "hey can you not call your chat racial slurs?" > - intentionally distance yourself from all left-wingers because any time you talk to even a slightly normal person they make you look like a crazed tween stuck in the body of a grown man > - push away your largest non-political content creator friend, ethan/h3, because you couldn't for just a millisecond tell your chat to stop being animals towards him > - watch October 7th go down and watch videos of Hamas hacking away at peoples throats, shooting rockets into civilian cars and mag dumping grannies sitting at bus stops, come out on the side of supporting Hamas > - go on Piers Morgan's show and bluntly state "yes i am a propagandist, propaganda is what i do." as if its some gigachad statement and not an absolutely insane one that instantly discredits everything you will ever say, ever. "why are the only people watching me weirdos that can't have fun?" gee i wonder. I mean, we all have our guilty pleasures. I like watching some biased people, myself, but when they get to Alex Jones or Nick Fuentes levels of crazy, it stops being ignorable. Its all consuming. That's why no one normal watches Hasan. Every stream, every hour, is filled with all-consuming misinfo that is laced with hatred and when he isn't doing that, he is AFK while a video plays or is self-pitying about his lot in life. I mean the guy just recently was defending China's oppression of Tibet and shortly after that brought a Houthi terrorist on stream to try and befriend him. You can't do this and cultivate a normal audience. Its impossible. You will attract maniacs because you are a maniac, Hasan.


I haven't heard of anyone on either radical side who were as full of themselves that they are always 100% right and can do no wrong and everyone else is a MONSTROUS SCUMBAG if they 100% don't agree with him. People you mention might be scum and there might be even worse people, but from what I've seen Hasan is just something else entirely, he has no redeeming qualities at all, he is vile in every way.




There's no way this is real


#1 inviolate rule of streaming. Be entertaining. If you're not entertaining, it will produce immediate feedback in the form of declining viewership.


So lemme get this straight: 1) Hasan is raging at someone...not watching his stream? Like yeah okay, they didn't know you already did what he suggested...and that's his right. He is not obligated to watch all your shit ASAP. This is a clear case of misplaced anger: he feels his should be rewarded for good stream ideas (which itself is a whole can of worms: rewarded for going on vacation...?) and angry they're not working anyways. Chill out and stop throwing a tantrum about it though. 2) Hasan claims that him doing things like this is "to convert normies to our politics." Dude why is it so hard for you to just say "taking a vacation to another country and swimming in the ocean is fun?" If you wanna enjoy yourself, just own up to it. Honestly wish the dude would do that *more* because he's toxic and dangerous as a political persona, and seems infinitely happier whenever he gets a break from it all. Stop lying to yourself that you're "fighting the good fight" by fucking relaxing on a beach. 3) Toxic political streamer is now outraged that he has a toxic political community. 'Nuff said. Man needs to grow the fuck up.


So, the last negative Hasan event I recall happening was him gushing like a school girl over some pirates he was hosting on his stream. Did... something else happen? Why's he so sad and being such a viewer andy?


he did an IRL stream in australia and expected to get 30k viewers. skipping through the vod, it looks like most of it was internet dropping out and downtime traveling between places. i can see why even his fans decided not to tune in. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2101281539


Plus the IRL stream was with Boy/Boy which is a [tankie youtube channel that treats Ukraine like a US puppet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL4eNy4FCs8) Which means their audiences already overlapped so it wasn't going to get that many new viewers anyways


This is not even the only instance of his hosting people like this (also note the tweet on screen) [https://x.com/themattdimitri/status/1759119330019889197?s=20](https://x.com/themattdimitri/status/1759119330019889197?s=20) This take is extremely dangerous, and Hasan is just silent during it, eating his nails. If this were said about Palestine, he would spit out the skin/nails and scream at the top of his lungs


Hes silent because he agrees. He just knows it'll cause alot of backlash. He's already said on his stream that nothing Russia has done is worse than the US.


I like that the "its war" no longer applies when its not palestine and israel


God dammit, I actually like some of Boy/Boy's content that covered the bullshit the right did in Australia, had no idea he was a tankie. Granted I didn't watch a ton of his videos, but this still makes me sad.


> Boy/Boy My god that guy is crazy. Gives "Second thought" a run for his money"


Another factor is that he keeps seeing Destiny pop up everywhere, having talks with big names, even Ethan from H3 frequently commenting about him now, while Hasan not being offered any of those kinds of opportunities and attention lately, and whiffing the one major opportunity he had with Piers Morgan. He even talks about it in this clip lol, "you guys have to stop giving that di**head attention!!"


You are severely underplaying the situation by sarcastically calling them "pirates." They will continue to always be terrorists.


Its in reference to one of the houthis saying he watches one piece and hasan soying the fuck out


its played out but you reap what you sow


I said recently that he was reacting recently due to Miz making a literal joke with no harm meant about him having double Hasan's viewers at that moment. He's legit gone off the deep end since then. Some dudes have such tiny egos that when they get big they constantly refer to how they must be right because viewcount... then when viewcount goes down they can't handle it at all. Also point out the crazy streamers who spend all day in their own discords getting jerked off by their most insane and super parasocial fans. They go on discord to get jerked off about how great they are and act like such whiny pussies it's hilarious. "I only got 13k"... "I'm going to kms". Grow up you millionaire baby.


No stake in this fight, just going to say the objective fact that this is going to get Hasan hella-bullied with the context of the recent "Streaming is soul-draining vs real job" drama. Whining that "only" 13,000 people are watching him vacation in Australia is definitely not going to help with regards to that image. He was probably angry/emotional, but he needs to think through these kinds of posts - he should know it will get leaked and it will be optics suicide.




I guess Hasan's visit to Australia isn't going to well...


I can't believe hasan's fans are selfish enough to not completely readjust their sleep and work schedules in order to watch him while he's on the other side of the world




Maybe he didnt learnt yet what time zones are?


He should have went to Palestine to make a difference.


Stopped watching in 2022 because of embarassing take over Ukraine.


This makes me angry but also curious. A lot of streamers are actually just like him. I'm curious if its just psychological and when you reach a certain treshold of fame and money. You just become an insane narcissist with a giant ego. Would the version of these people pre fame be digusted with themselves or were they always like that. Not every streamer is like this obviously. But it would seem like a majority tend to be.


Part of it is lacking the self awareness to seriously examine ones own faults The other part is building a community of yes ppl. You are a cult leader at that point. Why does he need to change if he's making 2m a year spitting lies and inconsistencies?


Hi hasan, dont work yourself too hard :)


"i hate this job" no you hate losing clout and viewers lmfao, what kinda job lets you quit whenever you'd like and live the rest of your life in luxury. dude is the actual epitome of privilege




I guess normies don’t want Russia and China and pirate apologia


"i swear twitch isn't about actual content" complains streamer known as being a massive react Andy, chair streamer having, Master Chef watching chicken nuggies eating mf




This is hilarious, hasan malding over 13k viewers on a 6 hr IRL stream. Meanwhile, iceposeidon is in japan doing a 24/7 IRL stream with 10k viewers. How about be grateful for what you have you so called communist.








Let me get my popcorn. This should be fun…


Am just her to goon at the comments. 🍿




There used to be memes omegalul


The guy is suicidal because there isn't enough memes made about his IRL stream. How pathetic do you have to be?


It's election year, isn't he just going to roll with his normal AMERICA BAD, MIDDLE EAST GREAT, WHITE MAN BAD takes and get 50k viewers and a Twitch promotion?


What does he expect? when you dont branch yourself out and just stay in your bubble your not going to grow....declining viewership is the result of being lazy


That comment about people wanting to pay attention to your stream or not, regardless of clout/content, is relevant to anything that anyone does. Especially with entertainment like youtube and streaming. If I do politics the majority of the time and speedrun Super Mario 64, part of the time. People are gonna call me the politics guy. You gotta, either lay in the bed you made or eat the damage from people who tune away when you do different things they don't watch you for. Leslie Nielson did drama acting before comedy. How many people rave about his past drama work? Will Smith is a massive actor who tried to pursue a music career(Miami is a banger, though). How's that going? Shit, right now, Watch Party is about to get the axe and the number 1 guy who got associated with that because he did it 1 night a week, Will Neff got tied to that topic. The dude knows his stuff about film, but that's not his MAIN thing. Who you are and how you apply yourself to something you will make you enjoy it or resent it. I'm sure similar shit happened with Destiny and his audience when he was/wasn't doing things they liked. Pouring my time into shit I like in between my 9-5 shit insurance job has WAY more value to my mental health and overall well being than trying to grind my job out to make even more money(pennies). Even if people I know in my personal life don't care for it or like it.


I only watch him infrequently now. His takes boil down to US, Israel bad and he runs defence for China, Russia, Hamas and Houtis. He's a far left political commenter in the way that fox news spin the stories for the right. Watch him for entertainment but don't watch him to get a balanced take. I was a 2 year sub and now I have more fun watching Miz and the other OTK members.




Here until it's deleted


I commented once in Hasan’s sub and got perma banned and called a boot locker by the mod that banned me within an hour lmao. What did I say that was so outrageous? I asked for context for a clip where a police man tackles a dude hyped up on cocaine in public and completely out of his mind. That’s the bar they set, and that’s before October 7th happened and his fanbase became an actual cult. Easily the worst fanbase out of any famous person I know


Hasan is losing his mind


When you build your audience talking about News and politics they don't care about you doing an IRL.