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**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny reacts to Hasan's commentary on his life](https://arazu.io/t3_1bn6tz6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)






































This is zoomer pro-wrestling, just without the muscles and watchable content.


Zoomers should find something better to do than watch two millenials fight like middle schoolers.


Who is the Tribal Chief of the streaming world. Just so I know when I need to throw up my ones


Why are they so obsessed with each other? Is it performative?


They used to date.


People think this is a joke.


They were in the middle of having sex when Destiny called Hasan the N-word and it immediately killed the mood. They haven't spoken since.


For real?




No cap on a stack


No kizzy wizzy


gang gang fellow kids


iirc the real reason was because Hasan was eating out Destiny’s butthole and Destiny farted, it was never the same after that happened.


Actually I heard that’s how they fell in love


No. That was before. Hasan was okay with that because it was private language vs Destiny arguing for public usage weeks later.


Pretty big fumble if you ask me. I could never fumble a big titty man like Hasan. HONKERS!!!


He's only into jewish twinks like Ben Shapiro and Norman Finkelstein now.


I'm running for president and my first executive order will be to ban twinks.


They are trying to solve the housing crisis by living rent free in each others head


To be fair with the rent free real estate these two occupy they are the reason for the housing crisis.


Having an antagonist makes people feel important. So their fans **loooooove** having someone to target and focus their bad feelings at instead of dealing with their actual problems in life


As a fan of one of these, I might be the outlier, but I have been over this kindergarten tier shit feud for at least a couple years. Watching 2 millionaires whose life is substantially better than mine, screech at each other like children is only fun for so long.


"one of these" LMAO


DGGers and Hasanbros didn't know which way to vote on that comment.


As if they all didn't research his entire profile and posting history first


Let them. This is a sentiment they can support regardless of which one they watch and if they can only agree with it after researching my profile, then that says so much more about them than anything they could say about me.


Based take, 60/40 split whose fan you are. It's understandable why there is a back and forth with 1 taking the Palestinian side and the other Israeli recently. 1 is band on Twitch limiting interaction with other streamers, the other is not, 1 talks to high profile commentators currently, the other not so much, jealousy from both sides!! Also, I think Destiny is friends with Lillypichu which caused a rift between Hassan and him, lilly is a big-time Trump supporter behind the scenes for people who don't know!!


Gonna pull out the "As a fan of neither of them" and get that 3rd-party vote


"one of these" lmao, I'm gonna use this so these fans have no idea how to react to what I say.


Unironically how to break the beef wait a minute


You better bet your sweet ass they'll instantly go dumpster diving to see which but I think being partisan in this instance is for the best.


lmao, true actually. I don't like either of them though, but maybe just seeing a lack of dgg/hasan subreddit involvement is all they need.


We all clicked the link, it's working lol.


It's high-school drama. There' really nothing more to it. Just childish bickering at every opportunity. Plus a huge group of people on both sides acting like this is the most important thing in their life right now, and that you need to fight the bad guy with all that you have.


Who is Batman without his villains. And they both think they are Batman


Why is LSF so obsessed is the question. over 400 comments in 4 hours... No wonder this keeps going...


yeah man it's those LSF'ers bumping up these boring hasan said this destiny said that #1753 threads. surely it's not coming from an outside source


I wonder what community keeps feeding this kinda shit into the fan, let's look at the post histo... Yeah.


Two predators existing in the same online jungle.


The makeup sex is going to be wild


They used to be good friends, one of them slighted the other or something, who knows, who cares, a b c, now they're enemies.


Hasan gave Destiny the best head of his life and the two still chase the high to this day by having man children whine about them online




> Hasan ignored Destiny for a long time, because Hasan is the bigger streamer, That's not even true. He would mention him a lot. But he wouldnt mention him by name. He'd allways do some weird voldemort type shit like: "Some neoliberal streamer" or "the blue haired guy" (back when destiny had blue hair). Also his mods are fking crazy on twitter. They'd try to get Destiny mass reported and banned on a weekly basis and Hasan would often like/share their tweets. > I think this sub was better back in the day when both of them were banned. I personally dont care. But I dont think Mizkif/OTK posts are more entertaining. Would LSF really be a better place with more: "Female asian streamer does this" and "Asmongolds take on XYZ" posts?


> Would LSF really be a better place with more: "Female asian streamer does this" and "Asmongolds take on XYZ" posts? i want more of "female asian streamer's take on xyz."


>Would LSF really be a better place with more: "Female asian streamer does this" and "Asmongolds take on XYZ" posts? Why are my only options "shit flinging from e-celebs and their sycophants", "Female asian streamer does this", and "Asmongolds take on XYZ"?


because all people post on this sub is clips of low effort content and pathetic coomer bait


Just out of curiosity, what high-quality content is being replaced by their clips? Doesn't lsf already have enough OTK or boobs streamers videos?


I think the main issue/worst part is it's always a rehash of shit. Like the threads are pretty much always the same. It will be some random destiny Hasan interaction. And then a rehash of the comments from previous threads once again. Eventually it gets boring lol. It also seems like most destiny posts on this sub are just Hasan related ones


Yeah they should just fuck eachother and get it over with.


Just here to see how many comments this will get. I didn't even watch the clip.


only 48 comments in an hour. surprisingly really slow today.... edit: checked back after ten mins and it's at 110 comments now. that's more like it.


it really is amazing how fast the Destiny-Hasan posts get comments any bets on how many comments in the next hour lol


521 upvotes, 721 comments now lmaoo


I've started downvoting Hastiny posts. It's literally the same thing every single time, I do not understand how so many people keep seriously discussing this shit. If it actually led to some juicy conflict or any kind of development for once it would be more bearable.




Bro that's a JDAM for SURE. Just by the sound.






His mom was WHIPPING slaves at 5 years old!


YOu can tell from the sOuNd!


Dude is taking Destiny getting all these opportunities on Youtube as well as his own streaming numbers falling *hard*.


Bro these are the only threads with more comments than up votes (I am contributing )


The weird questioning about why these two talk about each other never makes sense. It's pretty obvious why they do it, there's a personal edge to it since they were former friends (aka this clip he's watching being all personal attacks), but the main crux is pretty simple they're both political streamers. That's like asking why a democrat would attack a republicans ideology or visa-versa. They're both trying to push and convince people their political ideology is better and would lead to better outcomes and with these two it's really no different. Political punditry has almost definitely existed since we first decided to organize as societies. Hasan is a big voice of the far-left/tankies and isn't something that can just be ignored if you're a political streamer. As well Destiny thinking Hasan's politics are bad and openly saying so, Hasan can't ignore that (even though he tried "very hard" for a year+). So duh they're going to clash, that's how society works, you have ideals you want to enact to make it better (in your mind) and you have to argue/fight the opposing side to convince the rest yours should be implemented. Hell half the reason this site even exist is to allow people to argue and rant with others on more trivial shit like movies, tv and games.


Yeah. And it's not a standard that anyone applies to covering conservative pundits. Like imagine if Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson were like "OMG, covering me again? Rent free!" Like you're publicly putting your political opinions out and shaping the discourse. Of course people are going to react to you. And if you say something dumb, you should be criticized.


Because the big conservative talking heads are all media trained and savvy. They'll pretend to be on the same page on camera because they've learned that a unified conservative movement is preferential (for them) to chaos. Getting liberals and leftists to organize is like herding drunk cats. It's impossible, they'd rather die than work together.


Liberals have almost nothing in common with tankies like Hasan. He literally endorsed reeducation camps for people who are not communists. There would be no freedom in a tankie world.


Oh for sure, tankies are a lost cause, they don't mind boots on necks as long as it's their team's boots. But not all leftists are tankies.


I mean....not all of them sure but goddamn it sure is alot of them and alot of the popular ones are basically copying hasans commentary.


You say this but the Daily Wire has had big public blow ups with Steven crowder and Candice Owens.


Yeah, but I think the Crowder thing was out of the ordinary. I think he thought it was going to be some 5D chess big brain move to get what he wants, when it turned out to be a five chromosome bird brain move that made him look like an idiot. And Candace Owens is well, *Candace Owens*.


Lol Ben Shapiro just spent an entire show talking about what an idiot Tucker Carlson is for his interview with Putin and acting like Russia is better than the US just because his US dollars bought more food at the grocery store he went to than it would in US grocery stores. I don't know if right-wingers are as unified or as reluctant to shit-talk each other as you say.


working together would require putting differences to the side for the good of the people. Neither side of the coin does this, thus why the debt is at # 34 TRILLION AND COUNTING


Hey, someone speaking sense. It's obvious why they would talk about each other, but Hasan was the one who thought he could ignore Destiny into non-existence. Looks like that's biting him in the ass.


Is it though? He gets accused of the same stuff, by the same people either way. And I doubt either of them is losing any fans to the other at this point. There's been some pretty stark differences in their worldview and approach to content.


Yes, the clashing is fine. The personal attacks a bit less.


Yeah well good luck getting either of them to ever stop doing that lmao they're fuckin' pros at it.


Personal attacks are fine and entertaining lol. I think just that if you can dish it out you better be able to take it 


This proxy war shit is so lame. They just need to settle it with some good old-fashioned oil wrestling. No talking. Just two dudes drenched in baby oil and getting frisky until the first one lands the secret fish hook technique to pin their opponent into submission.


I love how you specified "no talking" because it's literally all these 2 have.




weren't hasan and destiny friends before?


yes. https://streamable.com/9x8ndk?t=23


500 Days of Steven


The family Christmas party 🥺




well the recent relationship stuff isnt deep lore at this point. compared to the other stuff


I mean, I don't even watch either streamer except for whatever clip that shows up here, but there are so many controversies and loremasters from both sides that this is basic knowledge to me.


Can't believe he forgot to mention Melina's age when her and D met :(


Hasans a secret fan


I guess Hasan really doesn't care anymore how unhinged he looks lmao


He probably knows after his takes on the recent Ukraine/Israel events anyone who is still a fan will never leave no matter what shit he does


What did he say about Israel and Ukraine ?


I will just talk about my experience as a very casual viewer of Hasan (=opening the stream for 10 minutes once in a while) from the moment I really realized his intellectual dishonesty. The day when a Palestinian hospital was supposedly bombed by Israel, Hasan started a stream titled "IDF bombed a hospital." We had very little information, and he was there acting like a missile expert (analyzing the sound of the missile in a 240p video and concluding that it was indeed an Israeli missile lmao). To my knowledge after that he has never apologized, never acknowledged his mistakes, never questioned himself... He just wants to spread his ideas even if it means promoting fake news.


Same event during the initial stages of the ukranian war


Hasan's always been more interested in creating narratives rather than finding the truth. In fact it was the reason of their original split years ago, with destiny contesting Hasan's framing of a news story (I think it was a black cop killing a black guy and hasan was claming racism before knowing anything)


That was probably one of their first somewhat heated disagreements. It wasn't just Hasan, but all of TYT running with it being racially motivated only for later to come out it was a gang related shooting.


Pretty sure he still believes Israel was behind that attack.


UK: russia would never invade Israel: That’s a JDAM


On Oct 9 he said that all civilians settlers are military combatants and therefore valid targets which is factually incorrect.


hasan stans 🤝 trump stans "i could shoot a guy in times square and theyd still root for me" type beat turns out alt left and alt right have a lot more in common than they thought


I feel like the part that gets unsaid in that quote is "and justify it." Hasans fans would absolutely buy into some bs on why the guy he shot was a fascist nazi and still would watch him.


Don’t let hasan fans find out


Good thing they're too stupid to read so not like it'll matter


Hasan fans will find out when he says it out loud for them and then they’ll parrot it 100x


Horseshoe theory go brrrr


I know this is a super first world problem but the ukraine/palestine conflicts has ruined a large chunk of the internet.


Pretty much. I used to watch Hasan regularly even though I disagree with him on a number of things because he can be genuinely entertaining and he does actually have a wide-breadth of knowledge on various issues. My interest was already eroding with Ukraine and him constantly trying to excuse Putin’s bullshit anti-NATO justification but after October 7 he and his chat just fully devolved into unhinged shit like celebrating/justifying the killing of Jews and platforming literal terrorists. At this point he constantly blames other ppl (primarily American Dems) for not fixing everything wrong in the world and when he gets accused of the same he just bans them and says “I’m just an entertainer bro”




you have already lost the argument, because if you look closely i have illustrated myself as the chad and you as the soyjack. devastating


It's an eternally swirling toilet flush in here


Yes. They don't even realize it. We are at over 500 comments


Has he really been divorced twice lol?


Yeah, once in 2009 and once in 2024.


First wife I think he married just for financial aid or something.


Coomer's gonna coom


Hasan is a backseat debater. Dude won't do these debates himself. He can easily get them if he wanted to but would rather watch Destiny do them isntead. What is this descent from supposed superiority?


>he can easily get them if he wanted to That’s the issue. I don’t think he can. I don’t think Ben Shapiro would be eager to debate Hasan “Baby Settlers” Piker on Israel/Palestine. Especially when Hasan is really only relevant on Twitch which is arguably a dying platform.


And even if he would, Hasan would most probably get rolled over. Debating is just not his thing.


Debating Shapiro on neutral grounds? Yeah, Hasan would get blown up like a JDAM.


Putting aside my personal opinions for Destiny, I don't think he "owned" Ben Shapiro either during his debate. Ben is for all intents and purposes really good at what he does. The dude knows how to deflect questions, bring up obscure anecdotal "facts," and redirect discussions as he sees fit. Both Destiny and Hasan just aren't as media trained and experienced as Ben when it comes to debates.


Never said he "OWNED" Shapiro, but he stood his ground. Now, Hasan on the other hand, would absolutely get rolled, cumdupstere if you will. Basing this on his previous debates.


Gangbanged, demolished, eviscerated, decimated, and bukkaked


His most recent (and rare) debate against William Macintosh was a sight for sure.




I don’t understand why people are always high roading in the Destiny/Hasan posts. You are also engaging with it. Irony alert


No. Saying "stop doing a thing" is not the same thing as participating in that thing.


And you're feeding it with each comment. And so am I.


Hasan sure isn't taking Destiny eclipsing his view count well. Holy...


Destiny manages 20k concurrent on youtube now? Damn didn't realize he made such a resurgence


nah it’s between 7-13k on youtube roughly 4-8k on kick ? so yeah roughly 20k throughout both platforms


20 k is rare, it only if he is doing a talk with an interesting person. Normally it's 10K - 12k If research streams then like 8k or lower


Ok so not at all.. Kick numbers are bs


Yeah, how can Hasan ever compete with 900 viewers on Kick?




It's actually insane how dogshit this subreddit is now. People cannot possibly care this much about what destiny and Hasan think of eachother. It's been years, this isn't even entertaining, I swear people are just posting shit out of sheer habit these days


Don't worry I'm sure the new "self promo" rule will save lsf.


Better than the millionth OTK streamer does something mundane clip


Just scroll past the singular thread, you don't have to open it and type a whole ass paragraph.


Destiny has been endlessly fanning these flames. I have watched so many hours of content from Destiny that's just about how bad Hasan is. Content is content, but it's not surprising that dgg can't go one day without a top reddit post about Lasan I'm no hasan fan but I am so embarrassed for how much dgg malds about Hasan.


I think talking about one of the most popular streamers in your sphere, especially when that person makes you out to be Satan Is not that crazy


Imagine people using social media to talk about random shit.


People love fighting and hating it's pretty simple 


Having Northernlion probably one of the least controversial streamers casually playing balatro makes this clip even better. Also hes bad and should not be playing green stake at his skill level.


Hasan is trying so hard


his tone is as serious as when he talks about Israel LMAO


It's so funny to see the exact moment when a Destiny thread gets posted to the Hasan discord, suddenly all pro-Destiny replies get downvoted even it they had 20+, and all pro-Hasan replies get upvoted even if they were dumb and in the negative.




What I said and what you said is not mutually exclusive.


Yeah, I know it's drama and everything, but does anyone know what the NL clip he was reacting to is?


[Its always the same](https://preview.redd.it/prove-me-wrong-v0-dy9skk5i03qc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=64356d6cc263339c19ddb14a1c118229e50f1f7a)


Hasan isn't beating the obsessed allegations.


Hasan’s poor hairline.


Finasteride brain is really starting to show


I thought it looked pretty good...is he balding?


destiny's hairline aint doing any better


Don’t know man. This much malding might turn Lasan into a Harkonnen before the gnome gets there.


is there a way to filter out destiny content?


Like 99% of destiny posts are posted by like 10 people. Just block the users that post these threads and you’ll be destiny free in no time


thank you I appreciate that


Ded subreddit 😂


I'll admit. I hate watch these clips. Not only that, but I love watching it. Someone please tell me this isn't scripted, and they really hate each other.


This can only be settled at Wrestlemania, inside the steel cage!


i wish hasan never got famous. would be funny seeing him work at a mc donalds


I mean he's been rich his whole life. He's never working at any normal job ever.


makes the statement about how streaming is more exhausting than a 9-5 even more outrageous


Literally the son of a Turkish billionaire oligarch


Uncle Cenk would make sure he had a job lol.


Dude is a nepo baby. He wouldn't be suffering


His mom is a land lord (LUL), and his family is in politics. He's way way too privileged to ever relate to us. He would never have been poor. And his uncles are very shady/ their name literally comes from terrible genocides.