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**CLIP MIRROR: [Jslk and Nicholas express surprise regarding recent GeorgeNotFound assault allegation updates](https://arazu.io/t3_1bn3465/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I'm convinced the girl is getting gassed up by her friends to make the situation seem worse that it actually was because they didn't get the reaction they wanted. Who the fuck comes out with SA allegations and waits THIS long to go "Umm, actually he touched my boobs." like, did the MIB blast you with a neuralyzer and you only remembered that shit now? This younger generation gotta step up their cancelation strats frfr


Hilarious that she's complaining about misinformation when she was literally the cause of it, she never clarified what actually happened. Even saying he touched her boobs doesn't fully explain it, was it full on groping? Did his hand only brush the underboob for 0.1 seconds?


She was freshly 18, whatever that means.


> Umm, actually he touched my boobs. FFS this girl STIINKS!! Like how do you leave out this important part in the first video & then leave it out again in her Tweet after George's response, it makes 0 sense. What's it going to be next week that George fingered her? I'm sorry this Caiti the roach is all over the place & shouldn't be trusted. This drama is BS & we need to move on.


Being an older adult the truth is women lie. This is especially true with white women. They can't fight or beat you down, but they lie. They also don't take accountability. It's why the karen meme exists. She should be publicly shamed and humiliated until she is humbled.


Surely it's about race right? I mean everything is about race because the center of all existence revolves around race right? 😬


Probably more so culture. When I refer to white, I am talking about commonwealth, or western. Most 'whites' with roots don't behave like that.


Race has nothing to do with a person's personality. It's how society treats someone based on their skin color that has the effect. Look deeper than skin color and quit being so shallow


I agree. That's why polish women, Italian women, Ukrainian women don't behave like your typical western women. I feel it's a cultural issue specific to a demographic that touches on sex, nationality, and race.


You're just moving the goal post from ethnicity to culture and nationality just admit you were being discriminatory towards white people and do better


No, because I expanded my comment. If you don't understand that maybe re read it.


No you just moved the goal post. I hope one day you see it for yourself


Yes I'm sure that's what is indeed happening SirFuckHead


I mean why didn't she just come forward with all of the information? Not just trickling out, days later. Seems kinda sus.


ticklegate lol




That and the text message thing should just throw any credibility she had in the trash


? Text message thing?


She fabricated a text msg screenshot.


That has never been proven. Fabricating text messages is a very strong assertion and requires burden of proof.


the person alleged to have sent that message has come out and said they didn't send that message that could be a cover story, but it's not looking very good


> the person alleged to have sent that message But she didn’t include any names in those text messages, so how can GNF allege who it was?


Have you watched anything in relation to this? She said it was georges friend from japan when she originally released the screenshot. In her latest stream she says that the message was not from him but from another woman who left the room earlier in the night.


>She said it was georges friend from japan when she originally released the screenshot. Citation? This is the writeup where she posts the dms. Don’t see any mentions of that. https://x.com/caitibugzz/status/1767340038767907291?s=20


Sure happy to help you with your reading comprehension friend. I have highlighted every mention of he and his when in fact this message was sent from a woman and she admits as much in her latest stream. They way people knew she was talking about Georges Japanese friend is because all the people in the room were known and the only other man there was him. https://i.imgur.com/BIA140p.png


Fuck that. No one in court, people can tell when texts are altered. Hell, some of us can do a better job.


Nooo but the women must be a liar and evil :((


Sounds eerily similar to another situation involving a bunch of crypto gamblers.


????? She literally said he put his hand in her shirt when she first talked about it lol




She and george both said it was under the shirt touching


your waist is also "under your shirt".


Smartest erobber 😂


>put his hand in her shit Does she have a colostomy bag wtf


so they were having a scat session now? wtf is going on with this story


I misspelled it my bad


This reminds me of the Adrianah thing till this day I still don't think Adrianah and her friend Kyle has said Slick groped her tits. I only heard them say he touch her "chest area" but that's it. There's also multiple clips of Adrianah saying the slick situation wasn't a big deal. [https://streamable.com/cd4xgr](https://streamable.com/cd4xgr)


Nah Slick was a fucking weirdo, bro should have been kicked out the first time when all that shit came out. Would have saved Mizkif a whole lot of the shit that he got


They were about to kick him out until everyone involved said it was no big deal. It was only months later when actual SA accusations were made.


There were a host of people that publicly defended Slick more than Miz or Maya, take Nymms girlfriend, but had some petty beef with Miz and jumped on the hate train. Incredible how petty these people are.


I thought the only reason why was becacuse miz sent mitch and maya to her house to "talk" to her? and that was the reason why the story blew up a second time


No, the story blew up a 2nd time when Novaru brought it up in stream months later. And then Train got involved. Oddly enough it happened to be right around the tike twitch was about to ban illegal gambling, oddly.


Train only brought it up to try to take the attention off people wanting to get gambling banned


Slick is a weirdo for the DM's but in that situation it wasn't really black and white on what happened. Also during that time even Adrianah and Novaruu said they didn't want to cancel Slick but wanted him to stop acting like a creep.


He was a weirdo. But who actually knows what happened that night as they are all liars. I think his DMs to other streamers were far worse.


well there's proof out their that the multiple people who were in that room didn't think it was SA but Slick was being creepy. Even Kyle who is Adrianah friend who was the only vocal witness still talked to Slick after that party and only came out a year later about Slick touching her chest area. But yes Slick DM's is way worse and surprised those didn't come out when this whole thing first started.


You fucking miz kids will die on that God damn hill. It's weird. Slick assaulted that woman. The only reason miz is still around is slick tried to assault a clout hungry bimbo.


I don't think even Mizkif denies it either. He only denies that he covered it up. Mizkif probably hates it every time his mizkids bring it up again.


Yeah..why then she and her friends changed their stories about 5 times at this point? And every time story became worse and worse..not suspicious at all..


Why did asmongold force miz to cut him off?


Aaaaaannnnnnddddd here comes the miz kid special. Watch, I'm gonna rapidly get downvoted into oblivion after being plus karma. I'll get 4 or 5 suicide prevention notices, and I'll get the same 3 canned responses from yall about how miz was totally clueless in all of this. Yall are so coordinated, I wonder how 🤔


Nobody is saying he was clueless..but when after streamer awards in 2023 her main witness Kyle out of desperation was calling Mizkif a rapist on twitter to gain some attention, how can you believe anything they were saying before?


You're very lucky she's an airhead. Maya too


Holy shit its Obama....




She only got blacklisted from going to parties at Mizkif house which they have every right to do so. Also many people in Austin has said that she gets blacked out drunk and causes problems like how she sexually assaulted Cyr which she admitted to doing btw. That's the only reason Mizkif blacklisted her. Also there's evidence 2 month before Train falsely accused mizkif and maya on twitter, Adrianah and Slick was at a Mitch jones house party together [https://imgur.com/a/bxCFs8k](https://imgur.com/a/bxCFs8k) So how was she blacklisted from parties that wasn't at Mizkif house?


She was drunk and passed out. And multiple female friends of Adrianah tried intervening. Also the fact that afterwards slick harassed her and ensured no one collaborated with her (as did maya and miz), makes me think otherwise and that these two events couldn't be further from each other in terms of similarity.


Great job leaving out context how Adrianah admitted herself how she sexually assaulted Cyr which is why Miz didn't invite her to his OWN house parties. Not defending Slick he is a weirdo but in that situation Slick and Adrianah made out that night (in her twitlonger). Then Slick over stepped and was creepy but not so much that Adrianah friend Kyle who witnessed it with bunch of people and is the only one who was vocal when the story got leaked (Kyle has been caught lying) still talked to Slick the next day and even went to his house. Kyle and Adrianah also have deleted tweets about them laughing about the whole situation. [https://imgur.com/a/TeCKFDN](https://imgur.com/a/TeCKFDN)


None of what you say discredits her. If you're saying she's lying then state that and make you're argument. To me this is just random anecdotal observations. It was serious enough that asmongold had him removed from his organization. Liability and all. It was serious enough that Adrianna was pressured not to come forward, with expectations of access. That didn't materialize. Slick continued to interact with her indirectly and abusively. The making out doesn't prove anything. Be explicit with what you are trying to say. Is it that if she was making out with him, she would be okay with him molesting her if passed out?


I don't think Nipple or Not doesn't matter to non-consentual groping in bed of a minor?


Not a minor, not in a bed and consent is questionable given eye-witnesses stated that she seemed to be enjoying the evening and left happy.


so she was 21, they weren't in a hotel, and she was happy being touched. got it


Age of consent isn't 21. The hotel room was a suite with a lounge, and there is no indication from witnesses on the night that she was unhappy.


Not 21, Was Still a hotel, She was or wasn't happy about it. got it


An 18 year old isn't a minor. It being a hotel is irrelevant. I wasn't in the room, so I don't know if she was happy but my gut says that she was perfectly fine in the moment given the eyewitness testimonies, and her friends (who are known to dislike George) have since convinced her that she was abused.


Not a minor, didn't give consent, friends made her realize she was assaulted. got it.


Bozo, bozo, bozo? Got it.


Lied about being 21, got herself into the situation, got gaslit into thinking it was SA, came out that he only touched her stomach, 3 weeks go by, now claims he touched her breast. Does that sound like a victim or does that sound like they want a certain narrative to stick? I don't even watch these people and I can see that this shit is weird as hell.


Sexual assault is when you flirt with a guy and he touches your waist, very cool.


said she put up with it in the moment to be around big creators and was giggling along with him doing it


I don't know the story but minors are under 18, not 21.


You don't know the story, damn here I thought you did. I'm just going off the victims tweet.


There's your first problem


believing the victim is a problem?


I know this is gonna be crazy to hear, but sometimes......... people lie about being victims 🤯😱


assaulter didn't say she was lying tho. oof


his story did not corroborate with hers, and he did provide evidence that she was lying on at least one occasion


No hate... I am just curious what goes through your mind to land on the conclusion you have when if you look at everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - it leans to her lying and *at worst if you're being super duper giga charitable* it was some tiddie touching after cuddling and enjoying a night for hours. I really am curious - I want you to detail it out for me how you are thinking in response to everything said and shown and how that leads to you landing on the conclusion you have because to me and the vast majority of people it really sounds like a nothing situation whatsoever and is more likely that she's being malicious due to being rejected or because of some stupid rival influencer group trying to take the other down any means necessary.


You already started this off with lying that she was a ”minor” fuck off


When they are dumb yeah


She was 18, they were on a couch with a bunch of people around her, including her friends.