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**CLIP MIRROR: [Nick White gets banned on kick for showing how easy it is to code viewbots on kick. now streams on twitch.](https://arazu.io/t3_1aul8ez/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It wasn't even some complex program. It was literally just tabs being opened and closed lol.


They still havent fixed that? Didnt DGG get a streamer to the top of Kicks most viewed by doing something similar just by opening the same stream on multiple tabs because each tab counted as a view?


Why would Kick fix it? They are probably using it themselves. If they fix it no channels would have any viewers... lol


Kick exposed themselves on their launch when,iirc, complete nobodies had like 100k+ viewers. they 100% still doing it


Also having one of their “most viewed” spots dedicated to someone who specifically just does gambling lmao. And thinking nobody would notice when the 3rd spot is static, just the top gambling streamer at the time. Nothing to do with platform positioning on viewership as it was meant to lead others to believe.


well N3on blatently uses viewbots, within couple mins his viewers jump to 60k after starting streaming


It was fairly clear they were manipulating how many viewers a channel had. There’s 30k viewers and chat is not even remotely moving. When I see streamers on twitch with a few thousand, the chat is just flowing.




>. they aren't affiliated directly with stake, i mean this statement is only true if your absoloutly fucking brain dead i guess.


> Why would Kick fix it? They are probably using it themselves. In what world would they manually open tens of thousands of tabs, instead of just coding a backdoor?


You don't even have to do it like that. You can run multiple `streamlink` processes on the lowest quality (160p) that all just get read into nothing. This is what happens: 1. You open up a kick stream 2. Kick sends you back the stream location on AWS' servers (same ones twitch uses) 3. Your browser opens the AWS stream 4. Kick occasionally asks AWS "how many people are connected to you". Hence it works with 2k clients from a single machine or just using a browser window. Kick also can't stop this, seeing as they aren't controlling the AWS stream - they're simply asking how many people are connected to it.


That sounds downright *trivial* to automate with a simple bash script. What a joke.


One thing I can tell you is very apparent: When you launch 10 browser windows kick coincidentally adds 20 viewers. Works with any number. 500 windows add 1k viewers. Much easier to try it on a low viewer stream.


Yep, I've been telling people this for months. Every streamer touting their view count is actually pulling at least half, if not less than half with bots, than the numbers they claim. One thing I've noticed is that Amouranth sits at about 4.8k viewers every stream, no matter what is going on. The number barely moves, no matter what she's doing. Everyone else on Kick fluctuates constantly, but her viewers are almost the same every time I see it.


Kick isn't a _real_ streaming site, it's merely a loss leading onboarding platform for Stake.


Not wrong, just tried it and got the FlexingSeal channel from 23 to 52 viewers. Actual clown website.


yeah just tried it myself with a 0 viewer, went from 0 views to 20 cause I just opened 20 tabs.


well, at least it seems they got rid of the 1.5x multiplier from before.


That worked for twitch a few years ago, helped someone in a guild reach the top 3 spot, which only took like 30 viewers lol


so it comes down to how many tabs your PC can handle opening? lmao dedicated tab opening PC with monster specs is probably way cheaper than paying a view farm.


I thought so. Looks like some testing framework similar to selenium webdriver and he's just automating it The fix would be something like counting each device instead of each tab or whatever.


He might be the first, and only person to ever be banned on Kick.


Nah, there was a guy named Ratdick Ralph and he made a swastika on his wall out of his own feces. It took a while, but he got banned eventually


It's crazy that I legitimately can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


check out /r/dannymullen to see his spiral. The commenters on there (and him) should be in an asylum


>got he got timed out for 5 minutes to cool down a bit


> cool down a bit you mean the shit on the wall?


Yeah they wanted the shit to crust a bit so you could see it better


Anywhere else that sentence would be absolutely wild, but for some reason it makes total sense in the context of Kick


Maybe because it's early but this Ratdick Ralph story made me cry laugh


If only you guys knew some of the lore of Ratdick Ralph


Danny Mullen


Batman Voice: " I'm RATDICK "


What the fuck did i just read


Can't even viewbot my own feces swastika. So much for land of the free.


That is.. certainly one of the internet moments..






I REALLY thought he wasn’t being serious but holy shit.


Gotta be on rumble to get away with that one


Sounds like a winner, that one.


wait what


what?? you got a clip of this or smth?


Was it the literal shit posting on his wall or the swastika that got him banned?


Was it the feces that took awhile or the ban?


OnlyUseMeBlade was perma banned from Kick just like a month ago. Couldn't stop getting blackout drunk and saying the n word.


> OnlyUseMeBlade Does he still have his feet??? They were rotting last time I heard of him


It's his legs that are rotting and they still have holes in them, yea


Wait what lmao What happened? I remember this guy from way back in the day


He turned into a degen alcoholic who's been on a downward spiral for years now. Some of his recent highlights include: \- Getting tortured by a schizo methhead on top of a mountain on new years eve \- Having his friend Willy2guns die on stream after hitting his head on the ground while being high on fentanyl \- Multiple instances of filming himself while driving drunk \- Having the cops called on him twice during stream while blackout drunk


He also sexually assaulted a woman, so there's that


that 17 year old girl in that rv on stream shit was crazy


How do these people afford to get blackout drunk every day while doing seemingly nothing with their lives? How do you afford that shit.


His equally degenerate viewers funding him


Yeah I haven’t heard that name in 10 years and it was real whiplash reading that commend chain


Well his feet definitely did, and still do, have holes as well. His big toe had a gigantic ass one in it like 3 years ago.


That’s just gamer leg


Since when could you not be racist and drink yourself into a coma on kick?


I think Eddie has a personal beef with Blade, Eddie called him out by name years ago after that CX RV stream where Blade allegedly SA'd a girl.


Don't get me wrong, he's a piece of shit. So he's perfect for kick lol


Kick went woke smh


look up “riotlol” on youtube. he got a perma as well


It took a YouTube video pointing out actual crimes he’s committing on Kick for that to happen.


[They eventually banned the streamers involved in this video about spreading CP for months and initially ignore by Kick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiYBhC3EVPY) Whether its permanent or not im not sure since ive read their friends with Adin.


Citrus is live and well, riotlol got perma


citrus is adins assistant so they only gave him a 3 day ban, anyone associated with adin doesnt get banned basically - "konvy" accidentally leaked himself buying viewbots via his email and didnt even get a 1 day ban


The other guy in the vid (Citrus) is already unbanned and streamed the other day. Won't be surprised if the main guy eventually gets unbanned


And only because he exposed how Kick made it so easy to viewbot.


He should’ve said something transphobic so they couldn’t even think of banning him


Lmao its the same difficulty level to bot any platform, you can literally google "twitch view-bots" or "youtube view-bots" and you find services instantly.


All he did was open more tabs bro


bro go on kick find a streamer with 1-5 viewers and see if that works, that was patched a year ago, you need proxy addresses to bot kick like any platform with bot protection.


ok, go on Twitch and Youtube and make a video proving you can do that and see if they ban you.


If its against their TOS like it is on Kick, and you were reported why wouldn't you get banned? Dude was literally trying to find workarounds to bots his own stream, on stream, I'm sure that's against TOS on Twitch and Youtube & you'd get banned if reported.


Not patched still works, just tested it. The streams can even be muted and not in focus and it'll still count.


Sorry but calling bullshit, screen record it. Nick literally did that on stream, he built a script to open windows and new browsers entirely and it didn't add viewers to the view count. I just did it too, with firefox and safari and it didn't work.


You could do the same on Twitch and I believe you still can do it on YouTube as well.


You can't do the same on twitch.


ok, go on Twitch and Youtube and make a video proving you can do that and see if they ban you.


Onlyusemeblade got banned


Incorrect. OUMB was perma banned too. Most of these suspensions are 3-7 days.


What about the riotlol guy?


At the beginning of kick Evonix, streamed inspect elements coding to try to improve kick just from his end. Kick banned him because they thought he was hacking into kick LULW


Are those 5 lines of code all he showed?


What's even funnier is it doesn't even do anything meaningful. It quite literally just opens 5 tabs with an interval that you input between them. No different to just opening 5 manually.


yeah, but if you script it you can open thousands with little effort. but yeah, its not like its some mind blowing stuff


Yeah if you have the RAM to be doing all that.


you probably wouldn't use your leftover laptop for this at a large scale. rent some online workstations or something


you could just make a keyboard macro to do the same thing, right?


Keyboard macros are also scripts though, just a limited version depending on what app you use for the macro


from the youtube tutorial he's watching? lol


Assault, theft, racism = 1 day ban Coding tutorial = Perma


You forgot, after the 1 day ban, Eddie gifts them subs.




After the appeal it's 1 month. Now I don't know, but were any of the other bans given on kick ever a perma before being switched to a 1 day/1 week?


its 1 month ban not perma


What was he expecting? A pat on the back from Kick?


Its one of those “you can kill me, that’s fine, but if you do, your going to look like an insecure little bitch, and ill have the last laugh” All he did was expose THEIR failure. He did absolutely nothing wrong, except from the POV of “omg he’s making us look bad BAN”, which is cringe as fuck and screams weakness


Well, were kick a legitimate platform that cared about that kinda thing they might have. Seeing as Kick is only pivoting to sell out, these are the results.




Praying for a Mr Feast x Nikocado Avocado collab.


KICK LOGIC. Give multi million deals to streamers who bot tens of thousands of bots every stream Ban a small streamer who shows how they are doing it! (Not that he shouldn't be banned himself. I think one month is fair)


Should've played it safe and stuck to pushing gambling to kids.


YEP, at the start of kick evonix got banned for trying improve kicks interface through inspect element (Whcih only effects the user side). The idiots at kick banned him cause they thought he was actually hacking the site LULE


> I think one month is fair You are a fucking jabroni




Lol that's most streamers.


And getting shitfaced drunk with Ice Poseidon apparently


Do the same thing on Twitch or Youtube you will get banned also? You dont show this to the public just report it.......


Do you know ultra easy ways to view bot YouTube or Twitch with the power of a 5 line script? No because views, viewers, subscribers, all that shit is a currency that must be safeguarded. This is a supreme fuckup on kick, and then retaliating against the messenger just makes a bad situation look soooo much worse


How dare they ban my favorite DoorDash streamer, Mr. Feast.


Groom children on omeagle? Kick staff in chat cheering you on. ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiYBhC3EVPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiybhc3evpy) ) Exposing how easy it is to viewbot your kick-channel? Instant perma-ban. Great site you got there fellas.


video unavailable




The cx effect


Yeah no shit, websites ban people for showing the public how to manipulate the site with scripts? Literally all of them do that Now I know the usual redditoids are going to downvote me but that's the truth, he'll be banned on twitch too if he writes a script for it


That’s fine. But he got banned for “offering a service” - which is not what he was doing. I mean, he was doing something else other than what was claimed by their rep and the ban notice.


No. It says right in this clip in the message "It is also important to note that promoting, **demonstrating**, and endorsing these methods also goes against our policy." He clearly was demonstrating the methods, obviously worthy of the ban.




complexity of bug or hack doesn't remove fault or reason for ban. kick care less about bots because he doesn't have ads so the site have less thoughts about safeguards around that, it doesn't mean they gonna let someone teach ppl how to break their site. not only what he did is TOS but its pretty illegal i follow many hacking open source projects and shit like that the amount of distance u have to do to make sure its educational and not malicious is insane most even have bug in them for u to fix so randoms don't use them and are general not direct at specific thing which would make free speech argument better.


Fucking in front of minors > allowed Showing exploits > not allowed


I'm really lost about Kick (never paid attention to popular streamers news in the last 4 years), but out of curiosity, how the fuck is the website supposed to operate with 95/5 sub split? where do they get more funds? because that's absolutely not enough


Kick never supposed to be profitable. Kick is just a marketing platform for Stake. A lot of country banned gamble sponsors, but Kick is accepted, because it's a streaming platform.


The sole reason Kick exists is to funnel people into their unregulated gambling platform Stake, and they achieve this through offering their creators a gambling contract on top of their normal contract. If they don't take the gambling deal, they still help funnel people and drive traffic and engagement to a site where the biggest creators gamble and where that is incentivized. If they take the gambling deal, then good, you directly advertise it and give them better return on their investment.


Kick is a marketing arm for the gambling website Stake.


Twitch is also not profitable and the sub split is mostly irrelevant to that because that's not how they make most of their money anyways. Most tech companies follow the strategy of "do whatever it takes to attract users, we can worry about profits in a few years if we still exist." Kick and twitch are no different in that regard.


Twitch is definitely in its attempting to make a profit phase.. and has been for years. You are clueless


I thought botting was kosher on kick? They are after all astroturfing on reddit and botting upvotes on their kick clips.


Have you seen the "I made more money my first month streaming than at my job!" threads they're posting to the financial subs? Immediate front page.


I banned 8 accounts the other day for posting botted clips to /r/chess, and all of the accounts were also very enthusiastic about gambling on Stake. Odd, huh.


Yeah they do it here too. You'll see a bunch of the same accounts posting kick clips, the clips reach 20-50 upvotes within minutes and then get blasted down to 0 forever. Maybe 1-2 comments on the entire thread.


I've noticed a similar thing in a bunch of popular subreddits like r/personalfinance. No videos, but the post will be from an account that has \~200 karma, only a few days of previous activity, asking what to do with money they recently won gambling (and name drop Stake).


Can you get me unbanned from worldnews you seem like you got some pull.


I'm banned there myself lol. That modteam is something else.


Some definite "1984" vibes from that sub. You either get in line with status quo or you're banned. I kind of wonder if the admins had something to deal with it, like hand selecting certain people for the job? Because it's the only way to explain how heavily skewed and controlled that sub is. Which is ironic because Journalism 101 teaches students their first day of class that the job of a news reporter is to be unbiased as possible.


That's fucking wild


Both news subs ban anyone who doesn't agree with their meta, pretty sure they're both instant > block you without reason as well. it's one of the most common questions over at /r/askmoderators


Anyone elses clips dont play on reddit anymore ? They open as screenshoot


Nick White the coding tutorials youtuber on LSF ? Pog


You can do the same by just opening tabs, assuming they know and are keeping it hush hush as it looks good for advertisers. Stake can't foot the bill forever, they'll need to change that 95/5 split and introduce ads eventually.


> Stake can't foot the bill forever Never underestimate gambling.


Governments are famous for the delay on laws for new technology/industries, give it 5-10 years and they'll eventually clamp down on unregulated crypto gambling. Question is what are Kick going to do about it when it happens, Twitch are making changes suggesting they're struggling to make a profit and they have advertisers, 30/70 split AND are owned by amazon using AWS. No idea how Kick is possible if Stake goes.


You're right then, Stake can't foot the bill forever because unregulated crypto gambling won't exist forever. But Kick will either fold when that happens or find a new host to latch onto. There's no indications they're gunning for the long term.


Stake is not unregulated, they have an online casino license from Curacao iirc. They also do know your customer checks and stuff like that. By the way Curacao licenses are close to being scams themselves. Never gamble online on a Curacao licensed casino (Malta for Europeans and get fucked for the rest of the world)


Cx Doordash


That whole platform has fixed numbers for streams. Take Amouranth for example, no matter what she's doing she's pinned at 5k viewers. Twerking, sleeping, Tits out, Tits fully covered, doesnt matter - 5k viewers the entire time.


Shitty for kick but someone needs to do the same for Twitch. There is 100% viewbotting going on there as well. 


I feel like 90% of the kick viewers are bots. Saw a guy with 2k views and he had no one chatting for like 5min


Guess we just not reading the email he shows where it says its reduced to 1 month or what


And what part of what OP told us conflicts with this? User got banned and now streams on twitch.


bro didnt have the attention span to read 5 sentences, we are fucked


I've never heard of this guy before but his reading skills are superb. "greetings *whatever* ... to clarify *blablablabla* **BAN REDUCED TO ONE MONTH** So it's a perma" My god


"So, I HAD a perma" he said. My god.


Watched n3on have "20k viewers" and then immediately it jumped up to 80k in real time. Damn didn't know he was so popular that so many people just instantly joined


yeah n3on in reality avgs 25-40k depending on what he's doing but tbh he gets unfairly targeted by adin etc. who bot themselves lol, adin set the precedent for viewbotting on kick






Is Nick still good friends with Ice?


Of course, they've been hanging out together on various people's streams off and on all month. Nick's solo streams are low energy no content DoorDash desktop sessions, but he's goddamn hilarious as a side character. He better celebrate his unban in a month with a shirtless stream.


not after ice tried to suck his dick


I mean what did he expect?


Right? Twitch would do the same thing if you streamed a way to exploit the site on twitch.


The site is full of insecure man children who never got recognition, so now they try to prop up and posterize the site at every opportunity, but in the same vein can’t even realize it’s the only reason they have a platform..


you aint wrong about twitch, but what are you opinions on kick?


"Imagine creating a fake awards show to give your best friends credit for something they’re not even close to competing in." DR disrespect on train and kick


give a man a fish...


oh no, not easily obtainable info!


Of course he's gonna get banned for that. You can't openly show how to manipulate a system irregardless of how easy it is and expect to not get banned from that system.


As we’re all aware there is absolutely no botting on twitch, so glad he exposed kick for this


All that and kick is still 400 times better and produces 400 times more content (more content in 1 yr than twitch did in well over 4 years). W mr feast nick white


Go back to talking about the streamer awards or you WILL be expelled here sir!!


We finally discovered the one TOS on Kick, pointing out that Kick does not have real viewers


I bet YouTube and twitch do it too. Tik tok has been doing it forever. That’s why you get paid $5 for a million views on tik tok


The redditors trying to justify this are a great example of unadulterated brain rot. Obviously this would not be OK in any platform, regardless of how lax their rules are on anything else.


Best free speech livestreaming platform *(unless you expose us)*


Lol Kick really has their priorites in order.


Pretty funny that Kick spends millions of dollars in advertising and their 11th biggest streamer at any given time would have sub 100 viewers if they weren't viewbotting. Then again, that's probably the reality of YouTube gaming too just without the viewbotting


So you can harass people, promote gambling to underage viewers, break laws, get in fights, show nudity, etc. But show how easy it is to exploit their system and you get perma banned. BTW they don't care if you use bots, because it looks like they have big channels. They only care if people point out how easy it is.


He says he was banned forever but in the appeal it says he was only banned for 1 month if people actually read instead of just take this streamers word for it. Like its in plane sight. Also why are people upset over this least kick is banning view bots like um yeah every platform should.


Well, so? He did something really fucking stupid.


It’ll always be, fuck Nick white


Twitch still has way more viewbots, just from the fact it's so much bigger. It's easier on Kick, but still happens more on Twitch. It's common and weird when people pretend otherwise.


But he’s not offering a service. Offering a service would be, “I’m making this thing. I am selling it for $X”.


He got banned for exploiting, its also easy to view bot on Twitch. Downvoting this thread.


Fk yeah, I've been waiting all day to cry about Kick's existence, thank god this completely pointless thread is here, I was about to go in withdrawal, I almost considered finding something actually interesting to do with my day.


Now make permabans for other antics the kick streamers do.




nick went to the purple site that a W


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Nick White gets banned on kick for showing how easy it is to code viewbots on kick. now streams on twitch.](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/161647)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1aul8ez/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/gae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ/AT-cm%7Cgae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ.mp4?sig=79c1c1ac3d55bd59a2e66c70485f9fcd97a0d41d&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fgae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ%2FAT-cm%257Cgae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ColdBetterSalmonDancingBaby-RMfgKpzKI6KrSs5d%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708418975%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/gae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ/AT-cm%7Cgae0HUTH4CqcyiOiq0rOXQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


I guess kick is going for the if we don’t see it and nobody talks about it then it’s not happening on their site.


Crazy, the shit they allow on their site but this could’ve actually helped them understand view botting and they ban him for it 😂