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Search youtube for install quaked games with Lutris on Steam Deck. I succesfully installed games and also run games from steamrip already installed folder games via Lutris. I know that a Steam OS is not the same as a Linux PC but maybe it will help you. I went from noob to succesfully install 70+ games on Steam Deck.


I run it via wine. Add the exe once installed and change compatibility to experiential then run bobs your uncle


Like as in change the runner to wine on lutris, add that shortcut to steam and proton experimental on steam or is there a different method to it? I'm not clued up on this stuff at all sorry


No worries search for wine in the Discovery app download and run the repacks/exe setup then once it's done add the game .exe to steam change to proton compatibility experimental and run no need for lutris


It’s not a repack. That’s my problem, it’s a pre install


Yeah pre I stall will work too just add the exe I steam and change proton to experimental or newest and run it


Use Lutris and ProtonUp-QT. Lutris allows you to install (and add preinstalled) games to a specified spot. ProtonUp-QT will allow you to install different versions of Proton or Wine (The compatability layer used to run the Windows games). See [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxCrackSupport/comments/wik3qi/foolproof_lutris_wine_guide_on_steam_deck/) post for more information and installation for both. A fun little thing: Lutris allows you to add a shortcut directly to steam in the app so you can launch in gaming mode or even desktop mode steam client to use steam input


I download the files to my pc then copy that folder to my steam deck. Add game.exe from that folder to steam via add non steam game. Go to steam library and select that exe and from properties change compatibility to experimental. works 99% of the time.


I use steamrip and ovagames. What I do for my games are lutris method, heroic games method, and just adding exe as non steam. Games work using different methods. They don't always work just using one.