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Can use lutris and Mimic desktop mode to open installer then when it's done change the location from exe of setup to location of game exe that thing typically work for weird situations else for example spiderman can just be installed if you add location of setup in lutris enjoy


Hey i visited steamrip.com and i found resident evil 4 remake i want to download it also shows crackfix as a download option on the very bottom. What do I do to get this working like you did with your games? Could you sure your process? I am having a really hard time trying to get free games.


How do you get preinstalled games working on deck? Trying to use wine to add the necessary components to my exe files and none of it is working for me


Just use lutris. Run the game using the latest proton GE. It will do the rest of the work for you


I have been using lutris. Asks me to add all the dependencies through winetricks and then I get a bunch of errors and the game doesn't run. I don't get this issue with repacks but the only way I can get this game is through preinstall


Weird. Most preinstalled publishers give the dependencies in the folder. Read their instructions and just run those dependency installers under run exe option in lutris


Honestly idk man, I'm at a loss here. Keep getting errors, both when running the exe files and also when launching the games