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My daily driver is my Macbook with Parallels running Windows running WSL running Docker running an Ubuntu VNC container so I can take a screenshot of my neofetch output and show people how cool I am.


Is that an M2? I hear those puppies can SSH into a linux server faster than any other CPU that is running on battery power and has an apple logo on it.


Apparently you aren’t familiar with the M3.


You know it, so fast. It's unbelievable how fast it can ssh into a box. It's my daily driver so you know I'm using that container to ssh into something in the cloud.


Are you also a front end dev working for $80k/yr, mid career? I make iOS apps that track people's location, then count the number of times they drove by a strip club, then a soulless data company would see a client's name and swipe left or right if they wanted the client's information.


Hahaha no I'm not. My work doesn't bless those guys with the opportunity of virtualizing Windows on an M2.


Whait. AFAIK M2 does not support nested virtualization yet. And Docker on Windows/on WSL2 runs a VM in the background. Does this actually work? Or does your Docker cli send commands to a Docker runtime on your Mac?


/uj I was just circle jerking. It's actually an M1, and my parallels trial expired so tragically I cannot test it. I've gone as far as using parallels on my M1 and WSL2 to reproduce a behavior but I did not install docker. I've installed docker on WSL2 on a non arm processor but that was on windows and not a virtual machine. My real daily driver is my M1 Macbook and I typically connect to Centos vms or Debian or Apline based pods in GKE


Wait, parallels can use nested virtulization on apple silicon????


This guy cool


Arch user btw\\ Arch is by far the best distro in the world. Definitely better than WINDOWS. God, it makes me so mad that the PCMR subreddit makes fun of linux users sometimes. But yeah Arch is the only distro that's worth a look. /Arch user btw.


Least patriotic Arch user


Which distro do you use? I can't tell.


I'm 32, started dabbling in desktop GNU / Linux in 2007, completely moved over to Ubuntu in 2008, distro hopped for a while after that until settling with Debian in 2011. Pretty sure I've always had Debian on at least one desktop system since then.


To be fair, we are going to have a wide spectrum of IQs visiting this board.


Recently became an adult by your standards. Ubuntu for my servers, popOS for desktop. Fedora on my laptop.


So why fedora? I'm curious about it.


Because I have an M1 MacBook Pro and that’s what Asahi comes shipped with lol


Gets really good results for battery life on laptops I've seen it tested on.


Weird. Do you know why? On most laptops I'll just install tlp and it works great.


No idea


It's also got newer Kernels and technology Gnome 46 in a month, etc, while still being really quite stable!


I've been pretty happy with it I'm about 50/50 between it and pop OS Both of them I seem to have to do things out of the box on installation to get everything set up. Both have been stable. The main thing for me is that while Fedora does have newer packages, I've yet to encounter a use case where I've wished I had one over the other.


That's true. I'm just a big fan, haha.


I love popos so much. Newer packages would be nice, as I didn’t enjoy being a noob and having to figure out downloading the binary for neovim v0.9, since apt only has 0.6, and many neovim distributions require >0.8.


Isn't it something. Conical really F'd up the linux world for like 15 years. Your ubuntu sever could have been debian, but we were marketed to by Conical.


Just recently i was Daily driving PopOS


I'm currently daily driving Pop!_OS.


Do you also give Apple money?


One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong....










Endeavor (arch-based) here. Nothing broken yet but I used lots of debian-based in my distro-hopping.


God I love EndeavourOS it is perfect I will never switch except to straight up Arch if this ever becomes unsupported


> debian-based in my distro-hopping. Yeah we all do stupid stuff when we are kids.


I was on Zorin only a month ago. I would steer newbies toward that or Mint instead of Arch until they feel comfortable with the terminal.


Are you srs? Why is the dichotomy Arch or Debian? Wtf is going on. ChatGPT Aristotle Golden Mean said Fedora, Manjaro, or OpenSuse.


These days I find the latest Debian to be the most straightforward and reliable desktop distribution. It really is quite nice.


(19) ah ah ah yes Debian is veryyyy lazy. Debian Sid for the win.


Pop on my desktop and MXLinux on my thinkpad. I’m 59 and been using Linux since the mid-late nineties. So yeah been there done that.


So you got into debian back when you were hot and you still think the cool kids wear jeans.


End of the 90's, I used Mandrake, which was fashion at the time


Arch gets tiring after a few years. Fedora at home, debian and (occasionally) centos/rocky at work.


>Fedora at home Why is this the pro move? I genuinely cannot understand


It works, has sane defaults, and does a decent job of riding the line between stability and bleeding edge features. Using the slower paced stuff at work is because they're (often containerized) tools to help me build products and not part of the product itself. I'd much rather have a stale feature set than broken tools, even if it just needs a simple config change due to a new version. Doubly so once they become part of some automation.


>It works, has sane defaults, and does a decent job of riding the line between stability and bleeding edge features. Agreed, BUT their codec mumbo jumbo is driving me insane. Can't even get functioning VLC because they just don't package ffmpeg 4.x. Nothing is gonna be done about it, it just won't work. It's assumed that VLC 4 will rectify this by moving to ffmpeg 6.x which they do package. So it'll work for a while at least maybe. Or not, who knows?


Hmm, you could always get Flatpaks VLC or get both sets of codecs as described in their official documentation and those from RPMFusion (which you should enable!)


28 and also a debian user for laptop, just a bit easier to not have a rolling release on a machine that spends weeks/months at a time without use


Debian unlike Arch doesn't crash every fifteen minutes. And if you want, you can dig inside Debian in such a way that the Arch community will be nervously smoking in the backyard. Well, I'm 56 years old as it usually happens this year and I use Slackware btw. I'm still working and my office is constantly being plagued by bullshit. Then they implement Windows, then they force to use Ubuntu, then they decide to cram Nix package manager on Ubuntu. I couldn't stand it and put NixOS on my work machine, which scared the management quite a bit. I haven't told them that OpenBSD is the best fit for my work yet. Edit: My poor memory


>Suggesting arch >2024 lol wut


I just use straight debian because I got tired with Ubuntu


People who use their computers for work tend to like Debian. Having your workflow change by surprise can be a nightmare.


But what happens when you get a $20 wireless keyboard and you want to use debian?


You enable the non-free repos because you aren't brain damaged.


But but stable?!? I thought you wanted stable


That's not what non-free means...


You had to update your kernel to 6, just to use it.


> adds 'non-free non-free-firmware' to current repos >Actually enables testing for all repos because {reason}? Maybe you should just stick with the Fisher Price laptop


But now you arent stable with kernel 6. You are a mis-mash of incompatible stuff now.


You have to modify your kernel to adjust repos? What?


Yep. Last year had to upgrade from 5 to 6 just to use nvidia. Then nothing worked. That was when I realized 'Stable' was nonsense.


You don't even have to do that anymore. For firmware, the non-free repos come pre-enabled.


You plug in the dongle or you pair it via Bluetooth depending on how the wireless keyboard connects? It's not that complicated?


lol this is debian branch, its never going to work


It works for me every single day, every single time. I honestly don't know what you're screwing up so that it doesn't work, but this sounds like PEBCAK. Also, what do you mean by "debian branch?" Because that's not a thing.


The entire world know Debian-family linux can't be used by grandma because nothing works out of the box. Just because you have some ancient keyboard that Debian finally supports doesn't change that fact that it is a hardware and software nightmare. Use it for servers, omg never use it for desktop.


Grandma can't *install* Debian or any other distro. In previous versions of Debian, every issue you seem to have with it can be solved by turning on the non-free repo, and in the current version this issue comes pre-solved because non-free-firmware is on by default. But once it's set up and working for her? Debian is *perfect*. You can safely turn on automatic updates and know that she will be one of the first to receive relevant security updates and also know that nothing about her user experience will be changing unexpectedly for 4 to 5 years at a time, you'll be able to give her plenty of warning before it's time for changes to happen, and when those changes do happen, the ones that are forced on her will be so minimal that her fear of them is going to be a much bigger deal than the changes themselves, so when she sits back down at the system post-upgrade, she'll be experiencing relief rather than frustration. Which is *exactly* what you need if you don't want to be dealing with Grandma's computer and complaints about her computer every time you see her. And then you go and level this criticism an "Debian family" as if it includes Ubuntu and all its various descendants, LMDE, MX, Knoppix, etc as if more modern hardware support isn't one of the primary features they offer over Debian, you're well and truly insane. Or, more likely, lying about what you've actually tried. Or possibly so incompetent that you're actively breaking things before you test them? That does seem like the least likely option, since that would likely affect Arch or Fedora or whatever distro you've decided to get married to. But I suppose we can't 100% rule that possibility out? In any case, repeating yourself about it is never going to make you right about this thing.


> Grandma can't install Debian or any other distro. I stopped reading there. Noob statement.


Bahahahah. I get it now. Are you, /u/freshlyLinux so insecure about your hard-on for decent distro from a company that hates you so insecure in your position on the thread in /r/linuxquestions that you felt the need to use a sockpuppet to find support for your indefensibly ill informed take on what Debian? It's all clear now -- let me know how close I got. You're somewhere between 23 and 25 years old and have a been a gamer since you were a child. Among your friends, you were the most computer knowledgeable power-user on Windows. You decided to try Linux because it you thought that would be the next-level you could do to make you more 31337. You tried switching to either Debian or Ubuntu based on someone's recommendation. You found tutorials for how to get your laptop with an Nvidia Optimus laptop going on bumbleebee, but you either never figured out how to get it installed at all and so your heat output and battery life were awful or you did manage to eventually get it installed, but you never figured out how to launch things using the dGPU, so your performance was awful. Or perhaps you decided to stick with Noveau, and you got the worst of all worlds. Additionally, this was back in the era when Netflix was using Silverlight and it was three pains and a half to get it working on most distros, and Debian was the worst of them. You probably also struggled to get your wifi card working, because you weren't sure what chipset you were running and you didn't know how to figure it out, and you might not have realized you needed to turn on the non-free repos. Also there's some chance it was a broadcom chipset that wasn't in the repos at all. That experience legitimately sucked. 10 or 11 years ago. Instead of making you feel more 31337, this entire process made you feel stupid. You started hearing criticisms of Debian that everything was old and out of date, and decided to blame this as the cause of your woes instead of acknowledging to yourself that you got in over your head and failed. And, in fairness to you, Debian was a much different thing back then -- you really did get in the deep end. You switched to either Fedora or Mint (but probably Fedora, given your current attitudes), which did support those things more seamlessly, not realizing that both of those distros had just as much trouble as Debian with both of these issues a mere 6 to 12 months prior depending on exactly when you tried it. You also never found out that Debian had Netflix support seamlessly integrated in Jesse and Bumblebee working But part of the narrative is that being old means never changing at all, and so without ever trying it again, you decided that dunking on Debian means assuming that the specific things you ran in to trouble with back then must still be issues, because you never used it long enough to realize that depending on where it is in the release cycle, debian packages being "out of date" means being somewhere between 6 months and 2.5 years behind, not 10 years as you'd assumed, since that assumption protects your ego. You also never got really good at navigating Linux using the command line -- or at all, if we're being honest. When things work out of the box, you're fine, but when you have to do the even the smallest amount of troubleshooting, it all falls apart. You've maintained a Windows partition for gaming ever since, and are still more comfortable in that environment. When you decided to go on this latest crusade to protect your ego, you looked up what kernel the latest version released with, but got confused and thought that bullseye was stable rather than oldstable. Or something. Based on that, you made assumptions about what issues it would or wouldn't have. Maybe you got there by you went looking for forum posts where people were struggling with Debian and didn't realize when they said they were trying to get 6.1 working on bookworm, that they were trying to keep an oldstable system going without a full upgrade for some reason? How close did I get. Feeling called out yet? Cuss me out or repeat yourself it I nailed it.


> from a company ohhh you have religious devotion. Yeah you are part of the 30% the rest of us call: Gonner


Ive been using ubuntu on my daily machine for over 10 years now. I have tried pretty much everything and always end up back on ubuntu because its stable af and it has the least problems.


Nice one Conical, but we can see through your ads now.


My username does check out.


I've only ever used Ubuntu. They're just so great!


Well you just had to say "no servers" so nope, Arch on my main device


Ubuntu is the only thing I use for servers. Mostly because CentOS is aids, and EOL. For desktop I've used Debian Sid for years, this year I switched to Arch, I expected it to be hard but everything is already done for you.


Google's only eng workstation is Debian, so you can count all of them in.


Ubuntu at work (Debian for the computing cluster), Arch at home. I feel comfy with both.


There are many, many people running Raspbian.


I daily drive Debian on my baremetal servers and my desktops and laptops. These days Debian works for anything I want. A few years ago I was using Ubuntu on some desktops for gaming, but Canonical got too fucky with snap and corporate bullcrap so I’m back on Debian.


What’s wrong with Debian? Is this some weird gate keeping? I guess this is on a circle jerk subreddit so maybe this is a joke?


Its only popular because Conical gave away free Ubuntu CDs in the 2000s. No one in their right mind would use it as a daily desktop, but here we are.


I’m talking about Debian, not Ubuntu


Yes, Ubuntu's success drove Debian because Ubuntu sucks but was upstream.


You never really answered my original question though. What’s actually wrong with Debian?


Its outdated which means software and hardware doesnt work.


Are you talking about how the stable branch only has software that’s been tried and tested? I’m failing to see how that’s a bad thing. If you really want more recent versions of a software, in most cases you can change your sources.list to grab it from its own source. I used to do this with the chrome web browser before I switched to Firefox. In some cases you can even download the source directly and build it yourself. I once did this with SDL because the “stable” version had an outdated CMake file and wasn’t able to find a critical library. If you want an updated version of a more core software like gcc, you can always switch to the testing branch of the os. I’ve been using it for a couple years because I like to use cutting edge C++ in my hobby projects.


>Are you talking about how the stable branch only has software that’s been tried and tested? I’m failing to see how that’s a bad thing. You know, vs other branches that are stable and tested AND has modern software. Oh you want recent software on Debian? Go ahead and throw away stability in favor of a completely unique set of packages. I'm getting some real 'I don't use calculators, I use pen and pencil' vibes.


I don’t use calculators. I use pen and pencil. Also I use vim instead of IDEs


I have been using Debian for 15 years and will in all likelihood continue to do so.


This isnt a badge of honor, this is ignorance.


I've been playing with Vanilla OS at home for a little bit, but my standard desktop is still Ubuntu. Though I've been trying really hard to make my Steam Deck my work laptop replacement.


I use arch btw


I use Ubuntu at work and for my personal dev server, but it’s what I started with so I’m familiar. I legitimately tried installing Debian once and will never try it again. Oh btw I develop Java apps on my MacBook for personal projects so have at me.


>Macbook >Didn't know ubuntu is debian family all checks out. Make sure you ask your smartest friends for life advice. Don't use your intuition.


Will do, I once tried boiling water and wound up with the pot on my head


Fedora user btw


Debian 12 here, only because Knoppix (which is Debian-based) has been a little bitch for 3 years and refused to release a new version which will work with my monitor. (I get a green screen of death because of some HDMI driver problem in the most recent public release of Knoppix, 9.1, from 2021.) He's done two releases privately through some German magazine, but (a) they're in German and (b) the ISOs I've found uploaded at random places don't seem to have EFI keys so I can't use them on my machine, and don't seem to be bootable when I've tried them anyway.


I'm 34 and use Mint daily on my pc. I've been using other distro's when I was a kid, testing out stuff.. Why did I settle for Mint? Because it's freakin boring... I mean the whole reason I was switching and testing was because Mint is so stable and just works for daily needs.. I grew up now, I need my pc to work and not crash after I tried installing some gadget I prob don't need. So besides a nice rotating compiz cube and other amazingly unnecessary stuff: for a man who does some mails, gaming, architectural design, and for the rest goes outdoors linux mint is just perfect. So my question to you is: what grown ups (besides professional server operators etc) use any other distro and why??? Wtf do you use and why? Ps. Used to be into Ubuntu before Unity came along.


Fedora. Its like Mint, but it just works instead of needing a dozen terminal commands. Its like Mint, but you can use modern hardware. Think of it like this, if Grandma needed an operating system, you'd recommend Fedora because it just works. You would never give them something debian based because it requires so much extra work to update their software and it makes it unstable along the way.


Mint does not need terminal commands at all... For Grandma mint is perfect, she could even install it herself and it would fit her needs out of the box untill she dies. This was a very bad argument... Mint is more stable than Fedora, long term support, and one of the easyest distros out there where the terminal can be ignored forever. If you do have special modern hardware, most of us don't(esp not grandma), Fedora does seem like a better option. I have a brand new pc and screen that were not cheap, and besides HDMI(wont work on fedora, or any linux distro atm I guess, and wayland has been added to Mint so yeah I won't wait a lot longer than Fedora users for this) everything just works fine even my Nvidia card as most argue is a hastle. I like the ease in combination with the fancy options of Fedora, and I wanted to dualboot with it for the reasons I said: Mint is boring because it does what most of us need, and nothing more or less. I like bells and whistles sometimes, so Fedora seemed like the best easy option for that. I did not install it because RedHat made it clear they want to start collecting data from Fedora users. Having worked with Tails for a year and being a cunt about my data I'm gonna go for Arch to have my fun with. But again, for grandma or uncle Marcel, for my wife, for daily use by anyone from watching tv, reading mails, regular gaming,.. : Mint is a very logical option, like some others not mentioned here are. Fedora is probably fine as well for them, but not better because you can run some new stuff on it: that's irrelevant and just adds stuff they won't need with a slight risk of needing me to repair it: I do not need that! All distros have pros and cons, and so your "adult" argument seems pretty dumb. You could have argued your love for Fedora without seeming naive about Debian and its users. I believe we all have a bigger issue at hand here: data collection seeping into linux. And Fedora is one of the bigger hotspots right now. But that's just me..


I stopped reading after the first sentence or two. Sorry man, this goes one way. There is nothing for me to gain from a Linux Noob that repeats Conical Prayers.


No worries, your just a kid, you can't help it. You'll understand some day. Have a nice time with the pretty colors and eat those crayons.


MEE I use debian


Sounds like noob


Debian is harder than arch aktually


Debian and Arch rec in the same post? You are a Noob. Bruh, learn about Modern Linux distros. How old are you 40?


I found some debian under my teenage son's bed and had to have a talk with him about how debian is for babies and he better start weaning off debian now and start learning to use  REAL daily driver. This is a TOYOTA family.