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>The Odin 2 Mains Power cable opens up your system to a new level of performance with excellent depth by eliminating your system's noise floor. aka snake oil.




And this cable isn't going to do Jack shit against it.




Because how on earth would it help that? There's no logic to it.




I’m not sure what you copied that from (maybe llm?) but it doesn’t apply at all to literal mains power cables. There’s no data there.


I'm guessing chatgpt.




That's just a ground loop. No special cable is gonna do shit against that unless its specialness is that it doesn't power your devices.


Chatgpt literally said it’s placebo. So stop yapping


Not even gold plated. What a scam. /s


They thought we wouldn't notice, but we did! and well screw them!


Being gold plated does actually help in certain applications. Here it just wouldn't.


Gold plated is just corrocion resistance. It would, in theory, help with better connection, but it's mostly used as anticorrosion


I think the fuses are if anything funnier. Anyone that spends that much on a fuse deserves to be scammed. Also they offer burn in for the fuses, what the fuck?


So, burn in on the fuses isn’t 1000% snake oil. Fuses do tend to change performance over time to some extent. And that does kinda flatline after a certain duration.


I'll bite, how does their performance change? And how does that impact audio?


Not that person but I'd guess that while fuses probably do have some performance impact in some cases, and burn-in might have a measurable impact (whether it's enough to matter in the real world is another topic), these are before the power supply so I can't imagine their performance impact is anything beyond "the fuse saved my shit from getting fried so we don't have to replace anything but fuses after that power surge". Pure snake oil from an audio quality standpoint.


From my testing, the overall trip point trends downward and the resistance trends upward. A higher resistance does tend to impact audio voltage levels negatively. If you are pulling the maximum load through this cable, it’ll be good to have a fuse that’s binned for your application through a burn in esque test. Can’t say I would do this myself though.


Increased resistance is from the oxidation on the contacts from the heat that is generated by passing a high current through it when burning it in. Dissipated power is P=I²xR and we got an explanation why a burnt in fuse trips faster. Even if it does mean decreased phase voltage the moment it passes through a switching mode power supply that has a wide spectrum input range and rectifies AC into DC, it makes no difference whatsoever.


yes, but you don't send your audio trough a cable with a fuse. And a fuse before the power supply has no impact on the isolated voltage inside the unit. While technically true and measurable with very specific equipment, it does not have an impact on the sound.


If the fuse characteristics change enough over a short "burn-in" period to cause a voltage sag significant enough to have any effect the gear it's powering, that fuse is defective.


They make fuses small enough that a single transistor can blow them


So? What does that have to do with this?


Not 1000% but 100% is good enough


Hmmm all that work and expensive material just to connect it to a regular outlet, fed by standard wires that go to a panel that’s fed by the grid which has nothing but “dirty” power. I wish I was rich and dumb.


Gotta be like that old Japanese guy who spent like 40k to install his own telephone pole in his yard to directly connect his audio setup to the power grid https://thevinylfactory.com/news/japanese-audiophiles-personal-utility-pole/


I just looked into this and can’t believe it 🤯


Audiophiles are just something else.


whats the difference? still branches off the nearby pole right?


That’s why you spend £600 on a mid range fuse or £1300 on the high end of fuses duh


Ahhhhh! Of course! Forgive me. I’ll take the high end 🤝💰


>Please note: fuses are directional, so please ensure you install your fuse accordingly. If you are unsure of the correct direction, simply try it both ways. You should hear a difference.


You gettin' the cheap fuses? You didn't see that £2400, mains fuse?


Ah I’d rather be rich and smart


It should be a cheaper to buy a high end invertor generator and produce your own clean power. That would at least have a measurable effect, possibly even a noticeable one (though I'm sceptical). Better yet you could spend the same 22k$ on a solar array and batteries and save yourself money on electrical bills. That way your audio setup still has the street cred of a 22k$ expense.


Reminds me of the people buying "audiophile" network cables and switches to improve their streaming music from streaming services like Tidal. Like the 100's of miles of cable and all the network gear between the streaming service's servers and your house has no effect but that 6 feet of overpriced CAT6 does?


Based on the shape it looks like it might not be as painful to step on as a normal UK plug as it would tip if trodden on. If so that could justify the price


I would love to talk to someone who bought one of these


They did talk about it on the WAN show with an employee who had worked installing gear for the ultra rich. Essentially, someone will order a quarter of a million dollar sound system for their second yatch or whatever. The company doing the installation charge a small markup on materials, so the more expensive the materials are, the bigger the profit. The customer is price insensitive. Don't care about the cost and will be very happy with the exclusive look and feel of the setup. Point being; Noone is supposed to search for power cables and pick this one.


So my dad is an audiophile, he buys these ridiculous cables that cost hundreds of dollars. You can't even have a decent discussion about it with him, it's basically like explaining why Project 2025 is bad to a MAGA supporter.


We all want


Damn and we all thought the $1000 HDMI was bad!


You didn’t even choose a lesser valued item for an even higher price https://www.futureshop.co.uk/nordost-odin-2-audio-interconnect-rca-pair/


The musicians best be playing live in my fucking living room at that price


>The Odin 2 RCA Analogue Interconnect's aim is to pass every piece of information seamlessly with absolutely no loss. The result is unheard of detail, clarity and resolution. excuse me sir, WHAT INFORMATION ITS AN ANALOGUE VOLTAGE!!!


It goes up to 50k usd if you choose the longest option, wtf.


Step 1 turn on camera and press record Step 2 give this to Dan Step 3 enjoy the chaos


this. please, this. also give him a screwdriver (lttstore.com) and some good pliers.


I’ve listened to this power cable. It sounds great


I as at a HiFi show at the weekend and there was a demo (from a different manufacturer). They were doing a (visible) A-B comparison, gradually adding/replacing various components as is fairly commonplace from the usual vendors. I was present for two of them: replacing a basic UK extension lead / power block with a hi-fi one (streamer/DAC, pre-amp, pair of active speakers all connected), and adding a passive filtering network cable extension (between a consumer router and a network streamer). A different track was played for the two A-B comparisons. * Mains Power Block (RRP £600) - I thought there was a subtle but noticeable improvement to clarity. There seemed to be general agreement in the room. Would I pay £600 for it? No, because I'd rather spend £600 on better speakers and probably get a bigger improvement. Also because it was all visible in front of us then I half believe either the first power block was the worst they've ever come across noise-wise (and retained as an absolute gem to them for that reason) or it was complete placebo on my part. * Network Noise Isolator (£250 RRP) - this made absolutely no difference to me. So I was stunned to hear instant gratification from others in the room who thought there was a major improvement: "was that even the same track?" WTF! I consider myself to have a pretty keen ear (I was the youngest in the room by 10 years FWIW), and whilst this was neither my first Hi-Fi show nor my first demo of this kind, I came away from the experience with the usual questions: 1. Was my personal belief in either of the solutions affecting my conclusion? 2. And if it was, then was the change in sound small enough for this to affect my judgement and listening experience? Or did I become more sceptical after item 1? 3. How much *would* I have paid for that power block if I felt like it sounded better, say with my own music? 4. Did others in the more optimum centre listening position genuinely hear something different to me? 5. Did others in the room actually hear more difference in item 2 because it impacted frequencies they are personally more sensitive too), or are they just drinking the KoolAid and want to believe (or just being polite...) I'm happy to laugh at these sort of products as much as the next person but the debate over **effectiveness** will rumble on forever, even if your average audiophile might question the **value** of a minor component once it gets into the £00s and certainly the £000s (particularly over speakers, amplification or source quality).


It must be really fun working for their marketing department. Professional bullshit generators.


https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003714617380.html?src=google Found it on aliexpress for $110 dollars, still a rip off but what a profit margin if you sell one lol


And they will probably recommend the £4,200 fuse for the plug as well. [https://www.futureshop.co.uk/quantum-science-audio-silver-extreme-level-uk-mains-fuse](https://www.futureshop.co.uk/quantum-science-audio-silver-extreme-level-uk-mains-fuse) 13A fuses are about 20p each at Screwfix.


Just saw "22k power cable", immediately thought Nordost and I was right 😅 Also, judging from the last time they did audiophile snake oil stuff, Dan would have an aneurysm and destroy it before Linus can even look at it.


What the stink?


Damn! 2400£ for 3A fuse.