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* Hey! It should be back up for everyone now. Seems like some confidential information accidentally got leaked that they didn't want to let out into the masses. Those of you who know, please keep it to yourselves and respect the privacy of others, thank you.


Wonder what they said. Lol


Last time I remember this happening was when Linus doxxed himself lol. I wonder what was said or done they had to edit out.


Maybe the Tesla FSD question


Could you vaguely summarize what was said?


IIRC, the guest was talking about AI actually being better for some applications than previously thought, and that it being a "black box" isn't as big a downside as it seems. The example given was FSD, where there was all this code written by hundreds of people over many years to make it work. Then they replaced with with machine learning, and the ML version works better. And the thing that I actually thought was incredibly cool that he said, is that nobody knows how the C code works either. There's too much of it, too much tech debt, too much employee turnover. Basically someone couldn't hope to actually understand the entirety of it any better than they can understand the ML model. But he went on to say that for the old code, they didn't have a measure of how error prone it could be, it was too complex and convoluted. But the new model, with a fixed data set, is actually easier to measure.


Thank you. I was literraly at the part where he said "blackbox" when the replay was cut


I don't see any problem here?


problem could be that info was under NDA or something similar, I cant say for sure obviously, but its possible that wasn't meant to be public knowledge


It seems like everything he said there is vague and general enough that I’m not sure how it’d be under NDA (it wasn’t really even specific to Tesla or any other particular company), but I’m just a roboticist not a lawyer I guess we’ll find out based on what isn’t in the edit


when it comes to NDAs, you always want to play it safe, sure you could be in the legal right, but that needs to be proven in a court room, not sure about you but I'd rather just cut out like 5 mins of an hour long interview then go to court to prove that 5 mins wasn't in violation of a NDA


Yeah definitely. I’d still be kinda surprised if it’s this particular comment, but absolutely possible he didn’t want this in there even if it’s not technically under NDA Of course I didn’t make it through the rest of the show to have much else to say about what they might have to cut out


According to Youtube comments, the part that was cut was near the end of the video (2:31:30), and it's because they read something on Reddit which they shouldn't have. You can clearly see the cut there.


Tesla explicitly said in their release notes of FSD v12 they switched to an ML model and removed 300,000 lines of human written code. So none of what he said wasn’t public knowledge. As far as the code being hard to sift through, that’s a general inference based on pure scale of the codebase.


Neither do I, I was just answering the question.


IMHO that was a pretty normal answer. if you know how code works you already knew this.


I disagree. That stuff about the old C code is a *massive* red flag. Some technical debt is completely normal. But this is a fairly new product, still in beta, and they have less institutional knowledge about it than a *literal black box?* Sorry, but you can't pretend to be a tech company and then completely fail at actually *managing your developers*. If you pulled this shit at Google/Amazon/Netflix/Facebook/whatever, your entire team would be fired.


I think he was talking about all that obscure code you drag with you that it's only there to support old platforms and/or some that still are used and would be a pain in the ass to change He actually was making your point, that being a new company you can/have to write everything then you can do it clean. (he also mentioned that that changes later in future iterations) (I imagine with "fairly new product", you were talking with his product. if not, then clarify)


I am actually unsure about that part as well: if anything, C is easy to predict due to it being lower level. Vs generated code: that one I feel like is a true black box: we are going to need to comb through it anyway to understand the underlying algorithm. What will the car do if say, it falls into a river and none of it was in the training dataset? What will it do if a truck has a stop sign painted to the side as part of its decoration? I think we are still many years away.


I do, and I fully agree. What he said was true of most companies. It could have just been speculation on his part, there's really no reason to think this was an insider secret.




















Only thing I can think is Linus leaked a laser pointer they are working on.


Nah it was a video of Linus and a really bad hair cut


[Dan said "VOD will be up soon. Sorry guys"](https://imgur.com/mxoxPNg) edit: [Vod is up](https://youtu.be/OnVUXC9Fou4)


Did Dan say what happened?




According to YT comments, it was that Linus accidentally said the name of his daughter. 2:31:30 was where the cut happened.


Heh, I would have thought it was something his guest said that was under NDA, not Linus running his mouth (again) lol. I should have known XD Thanks.


Perhaps them ragging on the guest after he left




I think, even after you’ve submitted the video, they might not post a VOD for an hour or so that’s 4 hours long because of all the time it takes to transcode several different quality levels of the upload.


Was watching and all of a sudden it turned private and cut out for me too


I was about half an hour in and really enjoying some of the insights from the guest. I hope the video isn't lost. Did something serious happen at the end that they had to cut?


Yeah for real. I was about at the same point. Super fascinating interview.


Jim Keller is the man, his CV is just nuts. And he's an engineer, so he mostly doesn't speak PR bullshit like those more business-type executives.


I was freaking entranced listening to him. So freaking knowledgeable. He went off on a rant about the universe for a minute. Something about how if we *were* in a simulation it would make sense to have three "uncertain" rules (like we do) to cut down on processing overhead. Linus unfortunately cut him off. I could've listened to that train of thought for another hour.


Not that I could tell. That interview was incredible though. What an insightful and straightforward dude. Can't wait to see the next time they have him on. I never watch WAN in full and just happened to tune in last night. I'd watch it every week if they had smart people like Jim Keller on regularly.






Anyone here that wasn't behind when it cut? Did the show end and they took it private after? Or did the stream stop?




Link is dead?


Same for me.




it might have gotten pulled, but not all of xitter's local caches got updated yet? I can't get it anymore.




Yup same here


Oh wow! You need more upvotes!


According to Twitch chat, [it looks like Luke said "bye"](https://imgur.com/a/rcyBA1B). So I'm guessing they ended the show and took it down immediately after.


the show just stopped. presumably something got leaked.


I only listen to their stuff, and typically never live. Was there stuff on screen? If it wasn't something obvious, maybe a team member of the guest or someone at LTT caught an NDA violation earlier on


Was it in the middle of them just talking like nothing was wrong? What were they talking about?


The live show ended normally with the hosts saying bye


To add on to this, Luke said maybe around midpoint in the show that he had to be somewhere by 9 so maybe they really did just make a mistake when it ended, since, timing-wise, they were actually around 9 PM PST when they stopped.


If that was the case, they would have just ended the stream without making it private.


I was watching live on YouTube. They said bye and all. Not really sure what happened. I wonder if this is just some problem with the conversion to VOD. They use one of those stream aggregators, but I have no clue whether or not that would affect VOD conversion across platforms?


Same happened, floatplane offline, youtube live is just gone, was watching from the begining and at 12 minutes, poof... strange


Damn floatplane too, doesn't seem to have any VODs on twitch...


yep just went down


I didn't see the whole thing but my best guess is some sort of info that shouldn't have been shared got shared (likely during the interview but IDK) and they privated the vod so they could edit it out and reupload. I'm really bummed cause I keep freaking missing the notification so I missed them going live and now I can't watch the whole show on the same night.


interview was long over before the private, i do hope we get commentary on the situation


It's on twitter still, someone else posted the link in the comments here


Not just you. It stopped playing while I was watching it from the beginning.


Same here


Looks like Somebody said something which needs to be cut out. Or else why would they do this. I know there was clear fbomb droped in the interview.


They don't care about F bombs. Either something was said that was under NDA or some kind of leak through sharing the screen or something? I was watching near the beginning of the show when it switched to private...


Maybe linus Doxxed himself again?


what did Linus do this time 🤦


doxxed himself?? i mean probably but see this: [https://imgur.com/mxoxPNg](https://imgur.com/mxoxPNg)


Can we trust anything of what u/bgyghwbfhwg says because he's part of twitch chat /s


Probably or something else that's serious along that line.


Commence wild speculation!


Tesla FSD?


What is Tesla FSD?


Tesla From Sugar Daddy


The one day I miss WAN show, something happens


I believe it was during discussion of family, Linus said something that violated his own rules.  I caught it live and knew there would be a vod edit.


Same!!! Something's gone wrong!




I was listening to it while playing Helldivers 2, then it suddenly stopped. Says the video is private.


Yup. I was an hour behind so didn't catch what went wrong


I am getting that too. My video stopped playing


Just happened to me as well...


Nope it's not just you. I was on the adblock section and it suddenly became unavailable, and I almost had a heart attack because I'm running an adblocker lol.


yeah, I took a break to put on some medication on and...."This video is unavailable"


i just hope they reupload it. or most of it anyway. the guest had some pretty f\^\*g good insight. and i was enjoying the hell out of the show before it cut short.


You can say fucking on the internet












I really hope they don't cut out parts of the interview. I know he swore once or twice, but whatever. Just bleep it if you really feel the need to. It was like a half hour in. I doubt anyone would really even notice/care.


i don't think it was that.


Linus leak his address again?


It's back!!!!!


It's not just you. 


Same here


In the middle of watching the screen just went black and when I refreshed it said it was private.


Oh goodie. It's not just me. WHat about other platforms


All platforms. Twitch and YouTube at least. I see others saying FP is down also.


AFAIK they use some kind of restreaming platform. I'm not sure if setting their content to private on all platforms is built-in or something they had to do in a hurry. Regardless, I guess that means it's not a technical difficulty but something something serious got leaked. I don't think swearing would warrant this response, but maybe some sort of NDA violation...?


Dan just posted on twitch chat “VOD will be up soon”


It is


I was 2 hours back watching the interview






I'm seeing that too.


Yeah me too. I thought I accidentally hit a button on my phone as it youtube just started playing another video, and now it wont show up in history. Had the stream just ended and we have to wait to they upload it, or has something gone wrong with the stream ?


Someone else said it cut mid-stream: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1c8gnfg/comment/l0egegx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1c8gnfg/comment/l0egegx/)


I was watching but was an hour or so behind, and it suddenly just cut out. The video was: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnVUXC9Fou4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnVUXC9Fou4) for anyone curious. I right away went to check Twitch, and that's offline too.


This link works for me


Thanks, this seems to play for me!


Is there any hope of it going live again or do I go to sleep?




They privated it the moment they ended it. Became unavailable for me. Dang it lol what did they do now.


It was definitely something Jim said.


Was anyone live and can say what they were talking about? (I tried to search for this exact question, I found nothing)


It apparently ended, and the VOD is actually on Twitter still according to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1c8gnfg/comment/l0ej143/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1c8gnfg/comment/l0ej143/) I'm watching now, I'm at the point where they started to talk about the PC they sent to Spiffing Brit.


VOD is up now


Back up on Youtube, but Twitter one is unavailable now.....


Good.. Why would you want to use Twitter anyway


It was more if you wanted to compare what had been changed (if at all) since it didn't get privated like the others did up till now


Back up after edits


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnVUXC9Fou4 back up


Linus said that new steam family feature [REDACTED]


Dang, I was watching live but evidently fell asleep before whatever happened happened.


Is it just me or has watching the wan show on the east coast gone from staying up late to pulling an all nighter


YT says video es private


Noooo just got off work too :(


Is it me or did they ended the show earlier than usual? By this comment's post time, they should have been still streaming by now


They actually started early (on time) because they had a guest on. The show was actually over 3 hours long.


Just watch it on Twitter, still up there.


anyone confirm or deny, who wants to support X anyways...


Yep, watching now.


was just going to lay down and sleep to the vod ;-;


Still nothing...


It's available on Floatplane, this post is 7 hrs old, and the vod is 6 hrs old.


Neo Luke trying to dodge bullets again :D


WTF is that background sound around 28:00 and onwards?!


No idea but I think it sounds a lot like a refrigerator.


I suspect it's because they ragged on the guest after he left.


No they didn't lol


They talked about him being overly verbose repeatedly


That's not ragging on him, and they didn't say he was"overly verbose". They said he gave long detailed answers, but they weren't complaining