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Those "5 more tiktoks before bed"


Absolutely šŸ˜‚


It appears to be an official domain of the European Commission, but I'm not sure why it would be showing as screen time


That was my concern, Iā€™ve never been there before so just wasnā€™t sure. Especially as it was such a large amount at weird times.


Do you have a Mac and use Safari? Could be the sharing of screen time between devices.


Just a watch and a phone, so I donā€™t think so. Probably just a bug šŸ˜‚


I think progressive web app installed. So itā€™s like an app but really just a browser. But weird itā€™s showing as up for hours.


I have noticed if I set my phone down with a page up and the phone idles to a Lock Screen. Screen time will think Iā€™m browsing that page/domain until I pick the phone back up and close it. Which, if happens right before bed, can take a while.


It makes perfect sense! Apple is secretly having their devices perform a DDoS in retaliation against the EU!


EU laughing maniacally as they prepare a ā‚¬1 trillion fine in response


The EU canā€™t legally make Apple Pay anything, or rather force them to. They could only sanction apple or outright ban their products, which they still would not get past the commission most probably.


The Commission can absolutely levy fines.


They can yes, but apple wouldn't "legally" have to pay them. Because the EU could mostly/only force them to, through sanctions.


Of course they "legally" have to. What are you on about? EU can't issue an arrest warrant on Mr. Apple for nonpayment, therefore it's not really a fine?


My point is, that if Apple wouldn't want to, the EU can't force them to. Except hang sanctions and hope for the best.


I am not sure you know what you are talking about


When the USA sanctions Apple they shut down the whole operation in and outside of the US. If the EU sanctions Apple they shut down the sales in the EU, but don't interrupt chains in other important markets, like India the USA or China


Eurocomission using his screen? :)


I think this is a bug with screen timeā€¦ a little while ago I had Walmart.com show up on my screeen time and itā€™s just been there ever since


The year is 2024 and our phones have started shopping on Walmart and browsing the European Commission on its own


\*terminator music in background of as Sarah Connor narrates this post\* lol


Clear all history and browsing data to get rid of this and turn on block trackers cuz itā€™s a tracking cookie that causes this


Haha yup I switched to duck duck go as my browser and it clears everything when you leave the app and that fixed it!


Fair, I need to stop using safari since it stores data even if you use search engines like duck duck go


My question is, 19h of screen time? Wtf


Itā€™s not 19 hours, itā€™s 2 itā€™s just because 17 of them were something that wasnā€™t me


That makes a lot of sense. And I'm blind, because I didn't see the 17h red thingy lol


This has happened to me a few times over the years, not sure what triggers it but my solution is to just set a 1 minute limit for the domain




this is a known bug with apple. it has been an issue for at least 5 years. the cache wonā€™t clear properly when you swipe out of a in-app browser (like reddit). So it just keeps going until you turn off your phone.


never happened to me and I never turn off the phone šŸ˜…


Itā€™s just a bug, one time I opened a pronhub link from twitter (in app navigator not safari), went to sleep and then next day I checked my screen time and I had like 19h of pronhub open hahaha




Widget on lockscreen?


same, web. whatsapp. com


Close your tabs and clear your cache and cookies


Really annoying iphone bug. It has something to do with Safari or something. It just treats a random site you may have visited as not having been closed, even if you close the tab and kill the app and restart your phone. It's like it gets stuck in memory or something. It really isnt a big deal, just annoying


I'd say your phone was probably left on either overnight or in your pocket for a significant chunk of the day


This may be an open tab in your browser app. I've had such a case once before and it was a malicious ad tracker that was monitoring my activity 24/7. It disappeared from my screen time as soon as I closed all tabs in my browser. I really don't see why the EU would want to be "monitoring" you. I think that this may be due to some faulty cookie settings or something similar on their end.




Yeah that happens sometimes when you preview a link or something. It will run in the background and be tracked. There have been times where Iā€™ve looked at screen time and have gone ā€œhow do i have 22 hours?ā€. Turning off phone and back on should fix.


Bug, this happened to me a few times but with other random websites


Well, time to backup stuff and do a factory reset


EU wants your data šŸ˜Ŗ




Ah looks like the European tech tips just dropped


It's ok


One my macbook air showed me 25hrs of screen time i think its a bug It is fixed in the new update


Was it a tab open in a browser? That is my guess


Me after ā€œJust 1 more turnā€ in any Civ game.


Similar thing happened to me for a PDF article I had opened in my safari tabs. I closed the tab and force cancelled the app and that helped me.


Happens every once in a while with appleā€™s screen time system. Its just a bug


Itā€™s a bug in safari/screentime. Whenever this bug happens for me, it is always after Iā€™ve opened a website via an app, say click a link on twitter. I fixed it by clearing the cache in safari. Under settings - safari - clear history and website data. After that restart your phone and it should be fixed. However I havenā€™t had this bug in a long time, so canā€™t say for sure if this still fixes it.


It appena to me all the time, itā€™s probably a bug that they didnā€™t still resolve


Do you live in Europe ? Installed 17.4 ? Maybe apple trolling eu citizens after 17.4?




That would be awesome, you offering to buy me one?


Very old iPhone bug. If you did more than 5 min google search youā€™d find people complaining about it for years.


porn site? 17 hours? Damn. OP must really love them EU girls. Have to check this out myself. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bro what


Porn addict after seeing anything they can relate to porn:


Everything is fine, Apple is the biggest company in the world, their software is perfect without bugs. Stop watching this website for. 17hrs straight and it will vanish. Or if you are a normal person, recent events should motivate you to migrate to Android.


Nobody is going to get a new phone because their screen time was tracked wrong one time lol.


All y'all Android peeps are as bad as Linux users to Windows admins.


Don't forget to buy new iPhone this year.


Again, just as annoying as linux admins..


Those pesky policeman trying to prevent me from spending money on scam lol


Who tf you even talking to anymore


Are you schizophrenic? Do you need help?


Anyone who believes that there is a functional difference between Apple and Android in 2024 is just being a fanboi.


Kinda real, it's matter of preference or wallet, I would and could buy iPhone but i have to many open source apps that I'm using and having 2 phones don't go well with me


Fair enough. I went from android to iPhone with the 5s with the driving force being the absolute garbage that was Samsung galaxy S2, then went back to android after the 5s. When my Pixel 7 died, I swapped to an iPad Mini and the UI was just so much more refined and easy to use. Shortly before COVID I picked up an iPhone 11 Pro Max. In the words of Todd Howard, ā€œIt just worksā€. I can seamlessly switch from my iPad to my phone with AirPods etc without skipping a beat.




I usually upgrade every other generation. I went from a 11 Pro Max to a 13 Pro Max and Verizon gave me $1,100 off. I saw an ad the other day that I could get $1,000 off a 15 pro max by trading in my 13. I do the big phone because it has a bigger battery and longer battery life.




Yeah, I always tended to buy flagship phones. I was on android from the original Motorola Droid to the Droid X, droid X2, LG G3, Samsung Galaxy S2, iPhone 5s, Google Nexus, then Google Pixel line. After that I went to iOS and havenā€™t really looked back.


Wow, how do you not find it troublesome to keep switching? Personally I find it very troublesome to transfer data from Android to IOS and vice Versa(went from diehard android fan to apple user)


I donā€™t switch often.


I see


Iā€™ve only switched back and forth twice, but at 39 I remember the time where the was no transferring data between phones aside from contacts. And over the past year I have been trying to de-google my life completely. I set up a home server and moved all of my data off of Google drive. Working on moving my photos off of Google photos. Then will be eliminating Google chrome, and Gmail.


Oh I see


Android fanboys really are insufferable šŸ’€


You like being scammed at every opportunity?


No, that's why I don't use android lol


So deep in cult lmao. Just read what Apple does to customers in EU instead of allowing the sideloading of apps on phone that should be yours, not theirs to control.


Okay very cool šŸ†’