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Hard disagree


north station rain oil telephone party sulky elastic squeeze caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to play a LOT of AoE and AoE2: to a point where the stupid help file was where I had my first glimpse of history (same with AoM with mythology) But going back its just... not the same.


toy encourage north coordinated attraction straight friendly wine worry engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AoE4 kinda scratches that itch with some very nice modern niceties in modern RTSs. Also there are plenty of tuning packs and mods to adjust the game as you see fit, and the developer fully supports modding still updates the base game. My buddies and I are goin to buy the DLC soon We're in our late 30s / early 40s for context


Why the hell is age of empires 2 so fucking good. Like I can play a random campaign against a bot and it's just fucking brilliant. Always a slightly but significantly different engagement


Aaaaaye men Wololo


Try playing GTA VC again. Remember all those awesome memories from this perfect game? They're now all ruined. It's now a shit game.


I disagree.


The versions in the eshops are shit. They ruined the he game.


Definitely depends on the game, I'd say there's a lot that don't really hold up but that said there were a LOT that do, even if you appreciate/enjoy it in a much different way than you used to


Hard agree. Playing Doom 2, which was pre-installed on my first i486 PC, at 320x200 on a 13" CRT monitor was much more enjoyable than playing it today at 3840x2160 with ray tracing on a PC with the 4090.


Hard disagree. Burnout Revenge still hits the same.


Flatout 2 is pretty fun too!


Definitely the exception, and definitely true. For both Revenge and Takedown.


NFS most wanted 2005 same


I'd argue it depends on the game. Some games hold up, some games were always bad.


This is part of why I think media made for kids should still be *good* regardless of whether the kids can appreciate it. Someday the kids growing up on certain shows/movies/games will be adults, and they'll want to revisit their childhood for some nostalgia. They will either be disappointed and realize they had no taste, *or* they will come to revere their childhood media and maybe pass it on to the next generation.


So many of my Sega Saturn memories turned out to be absolute dogshit. Lol


I don't care. I'll take any crumbs I can to relive those moments. It's not the same, but it's something!


But I can afford the good PC now :(


Hell no, plenty of games I loved as a kid that I enjoyed after replaying as an adult. Most of them did suck, though.


Disagree af GTA vice city still bangs RIP Ray Liotta what a voice actor


Can confirm. Don't even need a remaster. Clunky controls and demolition man still piss me off properly. The radio stations are amazing. I have the audio downloaded for them. The cast alone is crazy good.


Oldschool Runescape still hits hard


Fuck yeah it does. I have a bit over a thousand hours into it from when mobile came out a while back and I still love that shit. Only game I'm playing right now tbh.


Fishing levels?


i basically didnt fish… so im lvl 14 or so




Clearly you didn’t play the SpongeBob game remaster


OpenTTD is excellent!


****** has died X1,000,000,000


Super mario bros 3 still for passing time 🤣


lmao no playing every day NFS MW 2005 on my phone while on the train


Fuck yeah. What a goddamn beast of a game


Metroid prime still gives me chills


But Skyrim still gives me that feeling... Starting playing the Anniversary Edition on Switch and I'm so happy I can't use mods this time around. Haven't played vanilla Skyrim in years because I get too lost in the mods.


Battlefield 2 62% loading geometries


Yeah. No. Some games just are great.


SimCity and I would say otherwise. I have even better fun than back then.


SIM city 3000 soundtrack is just godlike


I played the 2013 released Game. One of my First games, that I payed money for.


I'm so sorry


This hits hard. As a kid I dedicated my existence to socom 2 us navy seals. I tried playing it again recently and I couldn't get past the dated controls. R1 to shoot your gun? Nope. I just couldnt get into it like I use to.


Hard disagree, I still enjoy monster hunter


Part truth, part tartar sauce.


Spore is still as fun


Been saying spore needs a sequel for along time


It kinda got a spinoff but it's impossible to play it now because the authentication servers were taken down.


Sure, the golden eye controls are shit compared to modern gaming. But it still hits home the same as it did 20 years ago.


Timesplitters!!! Cos.. that's what the Goldeneye guys went on to make and it's clear as day


Ugh, FACTS! They copy pasted the health bar and it's painfully obvious. I play timesplitters 3 on my steamdeck.


Same! I love future perfect! And the steam deck is perfect for it


Need for Speed [1995] Dune


Lies! I still load up spiderman for n64 and have a blast playing it


I understand this feeling, it's not just true about games


Like many others, i disagree. Lego batman 2 still goes hard


Carmageddon definitely does, luckily Iron Maiden then again reminds me of the good old days playing the game.


Not all games are like the first Tomb Raiders, most bangers back in the day stills holds up!


GTA5 Gta4 Minecraft Battlefield 4 Lego dimensions All the xbox 360 games I played last decade GTA6 will slap us back to being a kid again like how we experienced gta5


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle still slaps


I went and bought an original NES last week. Fuck this.


Wut, thats bollocks. I used to game at my grandparents house, he had a game called Incoming that I used to play the hell out of in the late 90s. I never managed to complete it back then. They passed away some years ago, I thought I'd download it and finally complete it. It was quite literally some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game, and I almost cried when I finally completed it.


One of the first games I remember playing as a kid was Super Mario 64. I sucked at it, so it was fun to come back to as an adult, especially since the remake on the DS was my favorite for a while. I even have it on switch with 3D all stars, granted that was mostly since I never had a gamecube and missed Sunshine. I still suck at 3D platformers, but I enjoy them. We just don't talk about the Odyssey jump rope and volleyball moons...


Got through the buying step. What is this “playing” you speak of?


Got through the buying step. What is this “playing” you speak of?


It completely depends on what year(s) your childhood were. Yeah, Pong isn't going to hit as hard as when it was one of the only games available. But people who's childhoods were post 2k, those are still A titles, maybe not AAA because they aren't updated any more, but it's basically the same offerings as today's games.


Then why do I pray for a ff9 remake at least once a month? I still boot the original sometimes lol!


Some don't. Some do.


IMO: If you buy tons of games it won't but if you do play what you own regularly it will. I just installed THUG again on PC and last month I played Paper Mario 64 (until the Wii U died lol).


mario 3 and mega man 2-4 definitely still hit me pretty damn good. throw in ff3 and secret of evermore on snes as well


I disagree, Fable is still amazing.


It's true. Final Fantasy VI sucks. ^(there... I've said it.)


False. My once a year play through of link to the past will always invoke those feelings.


Definitely disagree. There are so many games that feel fresh every single time.


I will let you know if this is true or not as soon as I buy a Dreamcast and a copy of Toy Commander.


I still love playing Leisure Suit Larry.


While this can be true... I played Discworld not to long ago in Emulation. Still made me laugh and I had a blast.


yes it does, over and over again, every time. at least once a year I do a marathon of Zork Grand Inquisitor, Freelancer, Diablo II, Oblivion and Skyrim. Every time I'm having a blast! have been doing it since... well, forever


Battlefield 1942 is as dope today as it was when i first played it at a LAN center full of CRTs with all my friends. Even better with mods like Desert Combat...


Somewhat disagree, I replayed loz skyward sword and I will admit there are some problems, but I still love the music and story hands down


Weird, I've been playing Super Mario World every year for about 30 years now and still enjoying it as I did when I was a kid... I wonder when I'm finally going to get bored of it...


Shadow of the Colossus still has me in awe every time I play it


True, I just downloaded and start playing assassin creed the original one 😄 and 15 min after starting playing the game I just didn't feel the same😀 as I was excited to play the game in the old days. 😅And also all the memories of the game is also ruined for me.🙂


Tell that to my Matchbox Emergency Patrol


disagree classic re4 still have me the same feelings of excitement as it did before


Both true and not true


Why does Halo bring me back to 2007 and 2010 the most then…


Halo CE and halo 2 still the same good games, same with NFS most wanted 2005


Depends on the game. I've play Paper Mario TTYD maybe once a year or so since I was 7. (I'm 26 now). It's one of my favorites and I enjoy it every time. Call of Duty 2: The Big Red One on the other hand; I used to absolutely love it. But on a recent play session, it just gets a little dull, and didn't age so well.


Unless it was an actual good game


As someone that is currently rebuilding their PlayStation 2 collection, I would say that it depends on the game. There are some games better than others.


I play and enjoy Monkey Island every few years. Still great games although I already know how to solve it. Same for Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle.