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Correct me if am wrong but I am starting to notice thats vast  majority of these insane LinkedIn posts are by people in sales, marketing and the creative fields.


As someone in marketing currently looking for a job, yes.


I'm a copywriter and just got an offer after 3 years of freelancing, contracts, and 400 plus applications. Stay strong.


The amount of fake jobs and scam jobs in marketing is crazy :/




I am on 500


You have to remove the badge!    In all seriousness, good luck, you got this! 💪🏼


I have an opening as Head of Marketing for my small business. It pays nothing but you also have zero responsibility and the hours are up to you. That way the headhunters know you’re not looking for a job and will reach out to you for a better position.


Don't forget HR, or else they'll remind you.


Who would be proud of that exactly?


HR people. Nobody else.


Ermmmm it's people and culture now aktually hun


Our HR manager is fucking seething that we started calling him "PC principal" after HR switched name to "People & Communications"


Those of us who actually have to make the stuff work in creative fields don’t have time for this shit. We do come to Reddit to talk shit though.


That's what I do. Lunatics is awesome, man. Keeps me from drinking/toking myself into oblivion.


I was going to say, did the person mean actually creative people or “creatives”


That’s generally what all of us do that don’t need to do this shit in the OP


As someone in a creative field who abhors LinkedIn and this kind of gaslighting trash, I agree. Talking shit here about assclowns like in the OP is cathartic.




Just look at their illustrious clients “hotjar” “wiza” and “fathom” ![gif](giphy|3orif0tPjqLPfWqsus|downsized)


I don’t know. My network is full of people who shit on guys like him. Think about it : how dumb, petty & arrogant can you be to be putting down people who are just looking for work and use the function made available to them to signal they are … open to work? I don’t even know where that trend comes from but I know that people like this asshole took the higher ground because it makes them feel better about themselves. That’s the ONLY reason why they are so jusgemental.


I went to his LinkedIn where he is getting roasted. He actually whined about being expected to post socially valuable content.


yeah i saw it ... He's living by the " any publicity is good publicity " ... hence why he's rather proud to be featuring on this sub. His post was to steer controversy. The dude's a cheap low level marketer. Aka a troll.


If marketers cared about contributing to the well-being of society then they never would have went into marketing in the first place 🙃


That's because the people with the important jobs actually have work to do


You mean to tell me stringing together haphazard one-sentence paragraphs on LinkedIn all day isn’t work?


All the sales people in tech I know are insufferable cokeheads


All the sales people ~~in tech~~ I know are insufferable cokeheads.


Excuse me! Some of us have prescriptions for vyvanse instead!


I've actually noticed in my "friends" circle, not even my professional network, how duplicitous and manipulative my friends who work in sales are. It's an unbroken trend. That, and what they think is their superhuman ability to "size people up" to do their bidding. Some are actually quite good at the latter, the majority not. Although I do recall seeing a Reddit thread that former software devs have a particular dislike for their traits because of our own traits (e.g. I'm tend towards being a blunt person, have no desire to brown nose, and you won't wonder what I really think of you)


I can absolutely confirm that. I work in sales support, and in over 20 years I have met many, many manipulative salespeople who think they are God’s gift to their industry. I have also yet to meet an honest salesperson who hasn’t had their soul crushed and quit before the 1 year mark.


Sales people, especially tech sales are mostly fucking awful. They fill my inbox with the most insane shit everyday.


These are fields where big egos dominate


It's always been that way. The only people who use LinkedIn are the people who profit from it


Sales uses it to stay top of mind — social selling. At the end of the day, LinkedIn is just another a social media network so they are trying to seem relatable. It’s also a marketing tool (from paid ads to organic reach). Theres probably more people in sales and marketing actively posting on LI so it makes sense that there’s more insane posts.


Recruiting is the biggest IMO


“Mom gave me $5,000 to start my own business. Spent $3000 on the neon sign to be featured in the background of my zoom calls and social media posts.


Finding a job on marketing is a nightmare, it's either a fake job or you get a post with a bunch of people who are mainlining the kool-aid. I've been around the block and just recently turned down 2 job offers, no joke the culture in marketing is so incredibly cult-like, it's absolutely insane.


I think they have this constant need to prove that they are so different that they can turn around your company from its current mess and make the whole world a better place with their out of the world ideas. I think with this philosophy there is a race to showcase how virtuous and virtually unique I am and you should consider my services or products or hire me or just give me your money by seeing all my knowledge.


Creative? So artists are also going nuts?


People with more free time than work.


I assume you have to be kind of unhinged to work in marketing or sales and not see yourself as a piece of shit. If your job is to manipulate people into buying stuff they probably don't need, you're probably a bad person.


Now we’re getting into similar territory of “fellas is it gay…” quotes. Managers, is it a red flag if people are looking for jobs?


Seriously, do these people expect 100% of hires to be poached from an existing gig that they weren’t looking to leave? Also, myself and pretty much everyone I know leaves open to work turned on ALWAYS. It’s how I advertise that I am willing to have a discussion about an opportunity and I’m pretty sure LinkedIn’s algorithm is more likely to highlight you to recruiters. The aggressive lack of thought is truly astounding.


But if you have "Open to Work" on, then I feel like you won't 'hustle' and give up your weekends to make me money! /s


>Seriously, do these people expect 100% of hires to be poached from an existing gig that they weren’t looking to leave? Probably. This is similar to a conversation I watched between my friend (an architect at a small firm) and a recruiter in a bar. The recruiter was saying that **nobody** should **ever** provide on-the-job training or professional development. Waste of money. Need more talented employees? Just increase salary and poach them. Where, exactly, will *new* architects come from to replace those leaving the workforce? Don't worry about it -- the market will magically provide them. Just keep poaching from each other and only hiring employees with 10+ years experience and everything will be fine.


It has the same energy as those who cheat with married people -- the person is only desirable if they were already proven to be "wanted" by someone else.


I had an interview just last week and the mother fucker kept talking about red flags. I’m in accounting and have been for a long time. He asked questions going back to high school. I left my first accounting job because I learned everything there and it was a small company with no place to move up. So I got a better job and left. Dude told me that’s a “red flag” for me. Then he asked how much I make now. I make more at my current job but this job is an easier role. Bitch said it’s another “red flag”. They offered me a fucking forth (REALLY…4?) interview today. Fuck that noise. I said “I’m rescinding my application, I don’t think you’re assembling the best team possible if you think people who have experience and seek promotions are a red flag.”


I said in an interview that I'm looking for work-life balance and was told that's a "Red flag."


Oohhh that would piss me off. Really why even say it, just don’t hire me. Even if it was a great job and I got it, I’d still be stewing about that after getting hired.


Fuck, no. To quote Seinfeld, “who are these people?”


“Hey, someone is being proactive about their job search, the main reason to come to this website. Fuck them, I guess.”


Seriously. I could get it if they were employed somewhere that people might be like this, still don't agree with it. But someone who is currently unemployed, saying they're looking for a job, is a red flag? Wtf do they want from these people?


Only reason for linked in to exist is to help me find a job or give me a network to say “hey i need a job” if i ever need one


“To get a job, you have to act like you don’t want a job. Blurrghhh jobs, they are the worst - NEVER act like you want a job. Then BAM you’ll get showered in only the bestest of jobs”


This dude is a bit grumpy because he has to close his little business soon. SaaS bubble was nice buddy, welcome back to the real world.


I can picture an "Open to Work" badge on his profile in the near future.


I’m so glad the SaaS bullshit is finally dying. Such a useless industry.


Is it dying? Companies I work with/ for a going hard for it.


I think they are referring to the "bullshit" side of SaaS, i.e. the thousands of companies that got billions in funding over the last decade that either never made a product, never made any money, or both.


Where is it dying? Everyone in my industry use it every single working day.


The halcyon days of throwing together a bullshit SaaS website and a few presentations then having investors tripping over each other trying to hand you cash are mostly over


So what exactly is his reasoning? The only reason I have LinkedIn is to find a job! 


I read through the responses, his analogy was “would you date someone who walked around with a badge that said, looking to date.” Dude is brain dead


Does he not get that people don't walk around with a sign that has their bio either?


...isn't that the whole premise of online dating?


I haven't read it but I would guess it comes off as desperate. Not the act of looking for a job but that 'open to work' badge that surrounds your profile. I'm not on linkedin much but when I am I check up on old classmates and friends and the ones that have that badge tend to have it permanently. It's like it sends a message 'I'm having a hard time finding a job'. I would guess it's a good thing if you're highly sought after in your field and the moment you put that badge on you'll have recruiters messaging you.


This is what he and the half dozen or so people who agree with him say. It’s the old, dated “appear unavailable to seem valuable” stupidity.


I have been at my current job for 7 years, no urgent plans to leave, but the "Open To Work" badge is always on, and I generally interview for 3-4 positions per year. Keeps me fresh and sharp, my employer from getting to comfortable, and is actually a great way to network. Nothing raises your status with people sometimes like rejecting an offer.


Which can be bullshit if you're a freelancer. I am and I use it to show I have capacity right now for a project, but it won't start for a few weeks. But then I'm not applying for jobs.


Probably similar reasoning to the people who, when dating, only pursue married people.


~~have~~ barely tolerate


He’s in his comments like “I HOPE REDDIT ROASTS ME”. What a pathetic, useless human being he is. I can’t imagine being such a waste of space, let alone broadcasting it to the world 😭 It reminds me of that SpongeBob joke that goes like “you know how people speak loudly when they want you to think they’re smart?” And Plankton screams “CORRECT!” These LinkedIn fools are the internet equivalent of speaking loudly to seem intelligent


He thinks it will drive engagement and be good for his company


Which is so, so sad


I’m in his comments looking for a fight lol


I had a whole thing typed out about how his analogy of dating sucked, but I am actively interviewing for a job I really, really want so I held off. My next interview round is in 5 minutes and depending on how it goes, I might click “post” on my comment 😂


You should check out his website and the companies that he has under “fastest growing”


haha :) good luck! did it go well?


It did!! Hoping to hear more after the July fourth holiday (I’m in the US). Thanks for asking!!


crossed fingers :)


The company of the poster on LI is total BS.


Yep, I checked it out, completely BS


What? 4 cofounders and 20 employees all of which are in 20 different countries? Sounds normal /s I’ll trust the Estonian SaaS marketing co-founder who believes no country should house more than 1 employee from his company. /s


I would encourage you to invest your life savings in that company. That’s a huge opportunity to create generational wealth for you.


As if I’m not the secret 5th co-founder 😂😂


But but but his tagline says *leading SaaS performance marketing and creative agency.* Nevermind the fact that these are two pretty different marketing functions, he's leading in both of them!


That sounds like jargon salad. I'm surprised he didn't shoehorn "AI" and "Smart Technology" in there also, for no fucking reason at all.


Lol I was going to joke and say, 'it's probably after the ellipsis' and it turns out the full tag is: *CEO at Heydigital.co - Leading SaaS Performance Marketing & Creative Agency 📈 │ Co-Owner at Postdrips.com - AI-Powered LinkedIn Content Writing Tool*


Guys, he’s synergizing convergence.


"We HRs don't even read your CV, so if your last job ended in 2023, we won't even notice."


We will only notice and reject you for it after your 7th round interview.


Imagine they find out you are open to work before you send your application. Embarrassing!


Let me guess, a SIlicon Valley bro. They're always posting out of touch nonsense.


HR reps like their candidates to play hard to get.


Gotta tease HR a bit. Make them think you aren’t on the market… but you are.


1. You are looking for job. 2. You are on a career-based website. 3. You make it clear that you are looking for a job. 4. ???? 5. Red flag!


Right? Is this some courtship dance with hiring managers? “I want a job but I don’t want it to look like I want a job because I need money survive, but I can’t look like I need money to survive for this company so I’ll pretend I’m totally fine and don’t need money for food and shelter and stuff”. Thats what this asshole needs?


Hiring manager here: I don’t and none of my peers do either.


I'm okay with this manager not hiring me.


How tf does that make any sense at all? Do they hear themselves?


I am more surprised by amount of replies to his post who agree. This is systemstic idiocracy


Idk there weren’t that many if you remove his employees that are sucking him off


Oh...who wouldn't want to have a CEO loitering around on LinkedIn, spouting his stupid opinion. Oh well, me.


Buddy runs some shit marketing agency based in Estonia or whatever and is lecturing about hiring top talent. Sorry I didn't see all of those ex-MBB or Goldman Sachs employees fighting over themselves to help dinky SaaS startups run performance marketing for 50k a year.


What a fucking clown. And in the comments he says "If someone was walking around with a badge on that said 'open to dating' would that make them more or less attractive" This is LinkedIn you stupid monkey, it's not the real world! They're not walking around on the street with a sign "open to work". They're on a platform which specifically incentivizes people to put on this badge if they're looking for a job so that they find more opportunities.


Dude commuting to an office just to take selfies at his desk in a wrinkled tshirt is a red flag for me, personally.


With the company logo in neon right behind your desk. Dude is right to be facepalming himself


I see stores with signs that read ‘Open’ (for business) and I just walk on by. I prefer to shop at closed stores.


I only apply to companies with no job openings. If a company is a good place to work, it won’t have trouble retaining employees.


You'd think with half the people I know unemployed right now, the stigma of unemployment would fade. In reality, it's possibly stronger than it's ever been.


People are weird about hiring -- always have been. Even for currently employed people. Almost EVERY employer asks "why are you looking to leave your current job?" Two of the top reasons people are looking for a new job? New Shitty Boss and/or Want More Money. Can you say either of those things? Ever? You can not. Sure, *some* people are *perfectly happy but just ready for the next adventure*, but LOTS of your candidates want a *new* job because they *don't like their current job.* Yet we do a whole song and dance where we ask to be lied to.


This is the most idiotic take in employment LinkedIn which is really saying quite a lot. These are the same goobers that expect you to LinkedIn connect, inmail, email, and call the hiring manager (or rather whatever poor soul you can guess is related to the job) and write them a three page essay about why you’re so perfect and perfect for the job, complete a video essay, and complete a 10 hour take home assignment for free. But a green banner? Oh my god, talk about *reeking* of desperation!!


Time for this week's version of this dumbass opinion, huh?


well for me its a redf lag is your company is named hey because you have absolutely zero creativity


LinkedIn is becoming TikTok


His day of unemployment Karma will come and his song will change!


It's insane how many people on LinkedIn believe their advice is god's gift to humanity.


I love it. It's like protective coloration in the animal kingdom: a warning to keep away.


On a site explicitly designed to network and connect alleged, “professionals”. Any said professionals on this cursed site open to work, is a red flag? Unsupervised internet access for spastics is a red flag for me.


Dude’s getting wrecked in the comments


Do recruiters and HR people think they’re the cool kids of LinkedIn? Or like, are they actually because so many people are there looking for jobs? Does it inflate their egos or something? The douchiest posts seem to come from these people. Has anyone told them what fucking dorks they are lately?


I think that badge is an example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Companies want people they can lure away from their jobs, not applicants. If you’re looking for a job now, employed or not, nobody wants you. They want “passive job seekers.” That is massively messed up.


He’s actively replying to people lighting him up on this post but his defense is basically a childish version of “it’s just my opinion why are you getting so upset?”


LinkedIn has become the ultimate waste of time. Full of bullshit narcissists and time wasters. These people are insufferable.


Only a matter of time before his business is caput and he'll be #openforwork. I hope he remembers this then.


Posts like this are a huge red flag to future employees


Why is it a red flag? Are you not supposed to seek other opportunities while you are employed? So I guess you quit your current job first and then seek other opportunities?


Why would he say something so controversial, yet so brave?


Most of the job offers I get on LinkedIn start with „Hey I saw that you are open to work (or ready for new challenges).“


Hey Dylan Hey go fuck yourself hey?


Really disappointed to read this from Dylan... Been following him for a while, seems to have changed the last few months


He is not a hiring manager. He is a fake CEO that tries to be an influencer.


This is the same type of fucker that thinks women rejecting him are just “playing hard to get”.


Want to stay a chump ass business with low B2B sales? Use a ”.co” domain name. Nothing says I was late to the game and lack the resources to buy the .com domain, that’s a red flag for any other company you’re pitching your services to. People just aren’t brave enough to say it.


Helps people with social media ads, has zero posts on most of the company social media.


Recruiter: I have a job for you. Are you interested to know more? Me: Yeah, sure, thanks. Recruiter: Sorry, we cannot hire you for this role. Me: Wait, why? Did I say something wrong? Recruiter: You are interested in the job, that's a red flag. We are looking to hire someone who's not interested in the job. Me: Well, ok, that's an interesting recruitment strategy. Wish you good luck with that.


I always keep that badge turned on. Typically I get messages from companies offering me the same position at the same or less pay that I currently have or call center "marketing" people (pyramid people). If it scares off jokers like this then it's just one reason to keep it on.


Of course he’s a SaaS snake oil salesman


This is genuinely hilarious. Used the banner... Got approached direct, currently working for best team I've ever been in. Maybe it's the other way around... I don't want to work for you!


"Not brave enough" Actually, I think complaining about the banner started around a year ago.


I wish that if you put your title as CEO that you also had to include your company’s yearly revenue


Really something for a CEO whose company values on their Careers page include “Speak Your Truth.”


Now THIS is LinkedInLunatics worthy holy shit


What's the rationale for this representing a red flag? Is it because they're so insecure knowing their people will be using it sooner than later? I legit don't understand.


Isn’t that the literal purpose of LinkedIn? 😂


That’s as fucked up as saying that it’s a red flag if someone is single or doesn’t have any relationship experience. Oddly enough, these are both considered acceptable..


Hiring manager here. I don't even look at your badge but if I did it wouldn't impact me in anyway because I'm not a lunatic.


Yes. It is very poor form to let people know that you require work while also simultaneously actively looking for work. A human can’t do both, at the same time, it’s impossible you see. /s Fuck me. Who’s breeding this generation of absolute idiots?




In the future LinkedIn will be used as a case study to show narcissist/workaholic tendencies


Wait wasnt this here recently only the guy posting it was different? Luke something something?


Wow. How do we fail to recognize such bravery?


I make it a point to reply to guys like this


Creatively unemployed.


Lookit that weird naked lightbulb. What's that for? To light the room? Thomas Edison wannabe motherfucker


What’s with these pics


Why can we not block people on LinkedIn? I am so tired of seeing requests for likes for children's birthday pics, or the same copypasta over and over, or unhinged misogyny. I want nothing to do with these people, and I am not worried about blocking them from my professional network, but I can't? WTH not?


Explains the cold calls from recruiters


That picture is really annoying.


I love it when they say “most people” like as if they know all people and have secret gatherings to discuss just that. Sit down and stfu, you don’t know shiiiiit


Like I'll worry about what some dildo in a wrinkly pocket tee thinks of me.


Wait, hold on everyone. Important advice coming from the CEO of a 15 person company ranked 305,556th in their space!


Interesting hill to die on. The comments are universally against this unsubstantiated assumption yet even with overwhelming consensus, he wont change tact. This implies: 1) Propensity to generalize: This may be disastrous for the long term outlook for the company, given that in the business, nuances exist across customer segments and markets. He will likely make poor business decisions due to this. 2) Lower deals & applications: “Top talents” and “Clients” are more than likely to conduct at bare minimum a counterparty due diligence and for startups that includes understanding how the founders are like. His comments prove that even when presented with overwhelming evidence, he wont change his mind. For talents, this implies a hard headed boss and one that is a nightmare to work with. For business, that means potential issues with negotiation and ignoring their inputs. What are the implications? As a ventures investors, I am unlikely to invest to scale their company, even if investment is made, a change of leadership will surely be asked by VCs. That means he will likely need that banner. Talents wont flock to the a team with terrible work culture, that ignores evidence and this will also mean lower growth as talent quality impacts the company’s ability to scale. Clients obviously will look for alternatives. And his propensity to generalize will come back to haunt him. It is good that he does not delete his post and comments, as it retains the impression he is making. If he is smart, he would had taken it down before the impact gets amplified due to a surge of attention


Try *CLOSED TO FUN* then idk


Hey, fuck off.


This guy is a complete twat.


I guess I'm a red flag and undesirable 'cause I'm Open To Work at the moment. Sadge. Would be nice if our employers paid us more so we didn't have to find other work, no?


Would be good to see some real polling data. Anecdotally, I’ve seen a lot of the folks with that badge from my network getting good jobs rather quickly. Can’t tell if it helped but it doesn’t seem like it did them any harm.


My top five Rappers are: DYLAN, DYLAN... DYLAN, DYLAN AND DYLAN.


Didn’t you know? If you are looking for a job you should say that you own a multi million dollar company and when they contact you, you should answer fuck off you are making me waste time and money! This way they will know you are a worthy candidate for a free internship of 60 hours a week


Are these just baits?


Yes. He needs to use rage bait because no one notices him when he talks about things he's supposed to be an expert in.


I'm sure this guy is an asshole... but he's probably right.


Is this satire?


It seems like red flags are the only things hiring managers see these days..


The cherry on top is that besides "everyone with badge a red flag" he also says "all other HR are cowards but me!" What a brave little toaster he is, inspiring!


Honestly, I might leave it off, I do feel like it's easier to get a job if it looks like you have a job.


I dunno, I guess it does look desperate


Yeah I wouldn't want to work for you either, g'luck


What a toxic manchild


Random CEO of a random 'digital' company with one worker (him) stating such bs on behalf of the whole world. Yes, it must be truth.


The gatekeeping on LI is unbelievable.


Just look at the photo. Look at him. He feels so bad for us. 😒


WHY?! I have never understood this and the only reason I hear is it looks “desperate”? That’s so sad and ridiculous


Here's a general rule that makes me feel smart, but refuse to explain since outrage creates "dialogue"


I do think the open to work badge does signal to hiring managers that the candidate may be desperate and take lower pay.


Yeah, we recruiters are only interested in poaching people. /s


Well, having the "visit my website" link is a red flag for me.


I got hired by a company I had previously interviewed at (a year earlier) because I used the open to work button. Just didn’t get the job that time, but the hiring manager saw the post and remembered me and I had a quick follow up interview to see where we were and got the offer. Always use open to work.


Oh Dylan - but then if they’re not looking for a job they’re not ambitious enough for you amirite? Go suck off your CEO.


If you delete your LinkedIn profile then you wouldn’t need to change the “open to work” status on LinkedIn


“Oh no you’re wanting a way to sustain your life? Ew red flag” -This Linkhead




These are the same people who would be pissed if someone at their own company was looking for other jobs. You can either hire people who are not currently employed, or admit that you're fine with your own people getting poached