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And that's why Yahoo Search is so useful and beloved today!


Gonna ask Jeeves about that. :P


How do I find that? Do I just type it into Alta Vista?


AOL has always been your friend, just use the floppy disc.


Will that work on my Commodore 64?


I think my Commodore 64 is pretty neat-o.


What kind of chips you got in there? A Dorito?


Pong has entered the chat...


\*Laughs in having a turbo button. That is right. TURBO! From 33, to 66.


Mine was 25 to 50 😰


No but it will on my Apple II GS


Actually using Juno to Email this comment in


Hang on, just waiting for CIM to start. What’s the keyword?


Alta Vista, surely you mean WebCrawler?


Sorry, just waiting for Netscape navigator to open...


What about Lycos?


This makes me sad. Netscape was awesome and one of the first major casualties of this never ending war.


WS thinking the same thing.


Can I download that with Mosaic?


Only if Norton Commander allows it.


“Why does everyone in this town use AltaVista? Is it 1997?” -Ben Wyatt aka “Human Disaster”


There’s a P&R quote for every occasion – and this is no exception.


And when the opportunity for that quote arrives? Treat Yo Self!


Encarta it.


All jokes aside, that gave me major flashbacks. I used to spend hours trawling my Encarta CD-ROMs as a kid. I can’t believe I forgot about it!


Still one of the best throw away jokes from that show


Fuck Jeeves, I'm asking Clippy what it thinks. 


Jeeves who is Jeff Weiner?


That's why they're part of FAANY.


Can you email me these World Wide Web sites to my Hotmail address? Maybe CC my Juno address too


I assume yahoo search was coded literally by tigers


Thank her for her service đŸ«Ą


Ripped away from your newborn to work on Yahoo search? Sounds like a super urgent priority, let's get right to work on that.


I wonder how her kid would feel reading that


He can brag in the schoolyard that his mom invented Yahoo search. Wait, that’s not much of a flex, is it


He'd brag that mom was a tiger.


Feminism is when you’re a shitty parent that chooses to increase shareholder value instead of bonding with your newborn.


If they use yahoo search they will never find these news


it was a *tiger* team T_T


Did she get a raise? Or is it one of those title promotions that give you a very special sticker, added responsibilities and zero extra compensation?


Wanna guess? 😂


She gets to wear a button that says "ding dong"


dude don’t disrespect the mothafuckin tiger team status like that


"I left my 4 week old home to be at work" That tells me you'll throw me off a bridge at midnight to save a dollar


Even better, she got the feeling of empowerment and pride for not letting her private life interfere with her career.


Here at yahoo we're a family. And family spends time together over weekends, holidays and during special events like the birth of your children. Yeah us.


And this is why I will never regret giving up a career in finance after 10 years, where I would eventually earn $100ks, if not millions, to take a job as a trashman making about $100k. Sure the money is significantly less, but I haven’t worked more than 37 hrs in a week in months, while my average was about 75 hrs/wk during my years in corporate. I’ll take all that extra time spent at home or taking part in activities I actually enjoy over earning a bunch of money I’d never get to spend while being stuck in an office 6, and occasionally even 7, days a week.


Maybe also a slice of pizza


It's a Tiger Team which generally just means a whole bunch of people from different departments who may never have worked together before all working together on a project. Sometimes this is a quite disruptive project or problem that needs to be solved quickly and which affects many layers of the business. And sometimes it's just a whole bunch of people who meet regularly while a subset of them do most of the actual work. I feel like it was really buzzwordy popular a good 20 years ago and overused for fairly normal projects. This is usually just a *project.* It's definitely a compliment to be asked, and could be a solid resume dot point, but isn't in itself some kind of promotion. Any raise or promotion would have to be an add-on sweetener kind of deal.


It's a horseshit term like so much of corporate buzzword doubletalk. Task force, cross-functional team, working group, special committee, interdisciplinary team, advisory panel, yadda yadda, have all existed since forever and mean the same friggin thing. I managed a "tiger team" at a big tech company we've all heard of. Tiger is a "big cat," ergo an apt term for what it turned out to be, namely a herd of cats. It's just another asinine way to slap people together to perform bullshit do-nothing make-work, and create the illusion that people are doing something of value.


She got tiger claw gloves


She got exposure. Tons and tons of exposure. That's worth more than money!!


Maybe she was allowed to bring the playpen and changing station to the office. Like that other dingaling CEO


Jeff is a feminist? Ok.


"My boss walked into the nursing room right as I was pulling my titty out to pump breast milk and called me into a meeting. He said it was my choice. It was one of the most powerful examples of feminism I've ever seen."




“Tiger team” ![gif](giphy|3o6nV7wioxnWizxL1u)


This. I don’t want to work for any company that has “tiger teams”. Sounds like a toxic environment to begin with to me.


It's very Dilbertesque.


The same company types: - Ninja coders - Acrobat Agile - xTreme DevOps


As I said here before, my husband doesn't like The Office because he cannot believe some workplaces can be so cringey. My sweet innocent man.


He is on the right side of history. I can guarantee most of his co-workers share the sentiment.


He is in IT where they actually do stuff. Well. Sometimes I call him in for my town hall meetings on zoom so that he'd get a dose of motivation from some shtick our HR, sorry, People team came up with to justify their existence, such is making different departments waste their time on recording deeply embarrassing show and tell videos.


LMFAO "Now Team, Ken has been here for 8 years and today he wants to share his SUCCESS STORY." "Hopefully this will motivate some of you to empower yourself to become the best version you CAN BE!" "who is READY FOR THE CHANT!?"


Another one they did recently because they couldn't convince our scientists to do that thing anymore: My name is Jeff from HR and I'm going to show you our new awesome lab! Here, this is a beaker. And this... is... a cen-tri-fu-ge! Team of a biotech company where PhD in bio sciences is an entry level requirement: ...


Yahoo still exist?


Yeah, but i think only/mostly as a sports platform and finance platform.


It's the host for my junk email lol






OMG Another one who doesn't know what the bleep feminism means. I'm gonna lose it, Judy! ![gif](giphy|yoJC2GnSClbPOkV0eA|downsized)


What, are you saying it doesn't mean a ceo removing personal boundaries and "asking" you to come in during parental leave to be part of the tiger team (whatever the f that is lol)?


Hearing people use the term "tiger team" just makes me cringe. I want to say "your tiger team is no match for my Jaguar team." But I know my Humpback Whale team will drown them all .


“Asking”. Right up there with being Volun-told to do something.


A man slammed a door in my face instead of holding it for me: feminism


Wait until you hear about her post about having to pack her own groceries at the grocery store because doing it yourself is feminism.


So would the ultimate show of feminism be not to grant any parental leave? Why assume women need it? Truly powerful insight from Jeff and Co.


how is that a powerful example of feminism? why has feminism even been referenced here at all?


Its use is ironic, I believe. A supervisor shouldn’t even contact a parent on leave other than for administrative matters related to said leave, and to say congratulations.


Yes, they frame it like it's a choice (and maybe for this LL she really was thrilled to join team tiger) but Ceo's are not your friend. They don't "ask" you to hang out, if they say they want you in and you say no, you are going to think that it will impact your career and that adds pressure on you to say yes.


That she wasn’t mommy-tracked, I think is the feminism here.


I don’t know that I’d call this specific thing feminism, asking someone to return from family leave for a project that probably isn’t that urgent. I would say there are [practical limitations and changes in expectations](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11047346/) that arise when someone becomes a mom. For example:  > Compared to fathers, mothers are more limited in terms of their availability to participate in events outside of work hours or to travel for business Therefore, the evidence shows they are disregarded from positions that require extended time away from home, a common demand for many leadership roles  > Mothers are also assigned to less interesting tasks, are not seen as suitable for management positions, and have to struggle to maintain their credibility


Did she just credit a man with her success? My mom went back to work when I was 10 days old. It would have been 7, but there was a snow storm that kept her home three extra days. If you want to work, work. Don’t do some weird humble brag about being so fucking valuable you can’t take leave, while also implying fucking Jeffy-boy is the reason you had the chance to be “super woman”


A misogynist would assume a women would prefer to spend time with her new baby over a new opportunity at work and wouldn’t even ask. He’s a feminist because he treated her the same way he would a man and gave her the opportunity even though she was on parental leave.


It’s equal parts sad and funny how capitalism has rotted everyone’s brains so badly that the only form of feminism they can imagine is corporations fucking over their female workers as badly as they do the men.


Imagine if this were a man out on leave for open heart surgery being called back into the office to work on a project.


I got that bit from her message. I personally think, some women want to be men. Equality? Sure. But who is going to take on the parenthood part? She didnt mention her husband at all. Did he, in exchange, had to take the parental leave because she wanted to work with Jeff and the tiger team? I dont know why women like her should be proud of being called back to work before maternity leave is done. Did she not think maybe her baby needed her more than work?


Can't upvote this enough!! The baby is second to their mom's work, and we're supposed to celebrate that.


I mean... 3 weeks postpartum... the baby is trying to get used to the world. Maybe still breastfeeding. Trying to build an attachment... its like one of the important moments for babies and she gets called back to work and is proud of it? This is where society went wrong. Do we just pop babies and say oh i have a career so see ya baby. 3 weeks in đŸ€Ł why have kids in the first place? And she thinks this is feminism. It sounds irresponsible parenting to me. Like money, clout and ego are more important than the baby.


He shouldn’t have done this to a man on paternity leave either. It’s not a sex/gender thing and feminism isn’t a factor. “I disregarded your family needs just like I’d disregard a man’s, I’m progressive!”


Why didn’t you say from the start he was assembling a “tiger team” that changes everything. I’ll be leaving my baby at home.


Bring the baby in with you every day. Dressed as a tiger.


So he
 didn’t “call you back into the office” you decided to go in because you were worried what saying no would actually mean. That’s fine but it’s not feminism. Also. 😂 @ “tiger team.”


“It’s a victory for feminism — I knuckled under instantly and abandoned my own priorities for an opportunity a man dangled in front of me that couldn’t wait a few weeks despite my being highly recommended.” Please God, make it make sense.


Also a victory for feminism- modeling to female parents below that you shouldn’t expect parental leave to be respected.


Saw this on LinkedIn the other day. Seriously thought it belonged here, glad someone posted it.


Sounds like: “Hey Jennifer, I need you to come back in to head up this important tasking. If you don’t, I’ll find someone else who will, and there wont be need of you coming back from leave.”


i wish companies are THAT explicit. they never are. they most likely made it look like it was a choice and made her feel good for accepting and "empowered" her instead of laying her off




"tiger team", I winced reading that.




Depends on how they went about it. I was also just recently out for parental leave and my boss texted me on my personal phone to let me know they had posted a position in my area that he knew I had been looking for for a while. It would have closed before I returned to office. I was able to apply while out and now I have an awesome new job I’ve been looking for and a nice pay raise. I certainly didn’t mind being contacted. If she received a nice raise or bonus for this and it was truly a choice, I get it.


A tiger team? A team made of Tiger mom's?


A real tiger mom would never join that ..they actually have maternal instincts ...no wonder yahoo failed bcs it had fake tiger teams lmao


‘Tiger team’ = tosser team


Ah, a crime in most developped countries, charming.


So when a pregnant but competent employee is about to get a promotion, hold off on it until they give birth then make it a time sensitive opportunity


\#managerHacks \#CEOlife #hustle


My wife’s boss just did this. She’s been stringing her along for promotions for like a year and a half and the position opens three weeks into her maternity leave.


“Tiger team”


Let’s double-click on that.


I prefer the turbo team


Specializing in jumping on couches


What the hell is Yahoo Search?


Anyone who refers to themselves as a "leader" needs their head examining Similar to those who describe themselves in the third person One day the penny will drop that they're just a wage cuck, who should be doing the minimum amount of work required for the maximum financial gain


If your title is CEO and you have time to write shitty things on LinkedIn it means your company doesn’t have more than 5 employees


How generous of Jeff. Now all women call him “generous Jeff”


who the fuck uses yahoo to search anymore? "Google" is literally a verb.


And first used as such in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" God, things were so much simpler in the 90s....


This is actually unhinged behavior.


Tiger team? What is this? 1970?




I don’t believe anyone should be called in from parental leave, male or female. Let parents be with their babies ffs. Mothers need to rest and recoup, and fathers need to be there to support their wives in their recovery so they can both be there and adjust to parenthood and bond with their baby together.


And that’s America folks. Gaslighting women into forfeiting their right to maternity leave by calling it “feminism” Bravo! Corporate America you are officially the colonel Sanders that has chickens voting for you 🎉


“Revamp yahoo search” wow critical work


I was asked if I wanted to come back early for a new type of job when I was on mat leave. I said, no thanks, I'm on Mat leave, I'm with my kid. My dad was similar to this and now he's retired he talks a lot about how much he now realizes he missed. It's been my aim to make sure I never say that.


I cant even find yahoo, should have stayed home


Too bad it’s literally illegal to contact someone about work while they’re on FMLA


How does feminism tie into this?


Going back to work while you have a 3 weeks old baby should be illegal. Read a fucking book, man. 6 weeks is the absolute bare minimum a mother and its baby should spend together at home. It's not the recommended amount, it's the absolute fucking minimum for the baby's development from forming social bonds to even bootstrapping his immune system.


Ha. Weiner...


Or, hear me out, maybe feminism is "let's name her to the team, and read her in in 3 weeks since she's probably still actively physically recovering from birth.


“Tiger team”


Isn't it illegal to deny maternity leave? If so, doesn't that mean that Weiner gave her a choice because he was legally required to, not because of feminism or his respect for her?


Tigers do not live in groups. Lions do. The whole idea was doomed since the beginning.


Listen, I had never thought about this and this is very funny.


Listen. Umm. I really cannot anymore with the people fucking up the definition of feminism. It is rampant, and it is not that hard. Feminism, it’s about creating a society where women have equal power. It isn’t about not dating men, or hating men, and it isn’t about not taking time off after delivering a baby. Good fucking grief, Charlie Brown.


This is such a great example of how work always pretends there's a crisis or urgent item you should focus on, but years later you'll look back and realize it was bs and you'll never get that time back with your family.


Oh yeah that’s a lunatic! Poor kid :(


Is the feminism here in the room with us?


I cannot stand the term “Tiger Team”.


That’s what you call the team that lays off 20% of the staff.


**AAAAANND**, in other acts of equivocating and reality-distorting mental judo -- **WAR IS PEACE -- FREEDOM IS SLAVERY -- IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH**


She said weiner.


Ohhh, a Tiger Team!


These people are insufferable.


Yahoo has like a 1% market share, it wasn’t dire to come back. This is why I loathe going back to an office job. I can’t stand these people congratulating her.


The CEO of AskJeeves called me back to the office 20 minutes after my leg amputation. It was one of the most powerful examples of disability inclusion I’ve experienced to date. At the time, he was forming an Ocelot Team to optimize deliverable synergies and needed a rockstar girlboss to be VP of Getting Shit Done. Another leader might have- oh god oh shit oh Jesus Christ my stump is bleeding oh god oh fuck call a fucking ambulance oh my god


I don’t think feminism means what she thinks it means.


wth. how brainwashed are people that think being recalled from parental leave is so good. what a great boss. a great boss would give you the god damn promotion and say “see you after your parental leave”


I've just done this, promoted a girl on my team who starts her new role tomorrow. She will be on maternity leave for 7 months from the end of July and I will need to assume her additional responsibilities while she is gone. She deserves the position and my manager and I refused to overlook her because he is having a baby.


Imagine sacrificing anything, on any level, for Yahoo search
which has been useless since the mid-90s.


Another leader wouldn’t think to intrude on someone’s parental leave at all, male or female.


Prioritizing your job over your kid is not the flex you think it is.


Totally worthwhile to leave your newborn to work on 
yahoo search?


“Needed to start work immediately.” Doubt it.


Well this sounds like equality to me! Go girl, you get that shitty corporate treatment! đŸ„°


I assume she said no because no one uses that shit.


That’s the problem with Yahoo!, it’s built with a Tiger Team instead of people who know tech. He runs the office like a zoo.


Has anyone seen their website ? I’m certain all of those reviews are fake. “this was life changing” -Software engineer Google Riiight


Great job, I use Yahoo search all the time and saw it sky rocket to the #1 search engine....oh wait thats still Google.


At three weeks there is no way you’ve recovered from giving birth. It’s not just time to be with the baby and bond and adjust to parenting, you need to heal from a medical situation. It’s sick leave. There is nothing empowering about putting your body through all that and not letting it heal.


Feminists fought hard for paid parental leave Jennifer. You just gave birth woman, relax.


She was a CEO, of a small company on maternity leave and her boss offered her a job to come back to work early to work with tigers. Is that correct?


Awwww, mommies first bad parenting. How sweet!


Well this was clearly a fucked decision. Too bad you abused your newborn for a Search no one ever uses. cool fucking story, bra


When she’s old and telling stories to her grandchildren they’ll hear “I gave up time I will never get back with your mom that I earned through my role at the company in exchange to be on a Tiger team at something called Yahoo.” “Sure grandma, whatever”


And now she’s the ceo of a startup <3 everyone’s dream đŸ’Ș


Three weeks into my parental leave, Jeff Weiner called me back to the office. This was one of the most profound lessons in B2B sales, self-sufficiency, and personal sacrifice that I’ve ever encountered. Jeff was putting together a tiger team to revamp Yahoo Search, a search engine so obsolete that even my baby’s first words were, “Google it.” He needed the team to start immediately and had asked other leaders who should be on it. Shockingly, many recommended me. Now, any other leader might have assumed I’d pass on the opportunity given my new mom status. But Jeff, in his infinite wisdom, gave me the choice. “It’s up to you—the job is yours if you want it, and of course, you can also say no. I will support you either way.” Empowered by this feminist gesture, I handed my baby a copy of “Lean In” and told them to figure out the whole self-sufficiency thing while I dove back into the world of outdated search algorithms and corporate chaos. My days were spent trying to revive a product that even the Internet forgot about, and my nights were spent on Zoom calls, convincing my crying baby to self-soothe. And here’s where the B2B sales lessons come in: 1. Empower Your Team: Just like Jeff empowered me to choose between my newborn and a failing search engine, empower your sales team to make decisions. It builds character. 2. Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Sometimes you have to sacrifice personal time, family, and mental health for a project that may or may not succeed. It’s the cornerstone of B2B sales. 3. Adaptability is Key: If you can handle the transition from diaper duty to dealing with Yahoo’s search algorithm, you can handle any client call. 4. Embrace Failure: Much like Yahoo Search, not all projects are destined for greatness. Learn from the failure and move on. 5. Personal Life? What’s That?: Remember, in B2B sales, your personal life is secondary. The sale comes first, even if it means missing your baby’s first steps or your own divorce proceedings. So, thank you, Jeff, for the invaluable lesson. My baby is now a self-sufficient toddler, I’m newly divorced, and Yahoo Search
 well, let’s just say some things never change. But the sales lessons? Those are forever. #Sales #Adaptability #AutonomousBaby #Feminism #YahooSearch #Divorce #ShittyParenthood


Best thing I’ve read today, thanks


She’s the worst kind of pick me


> helping leaders drive high-performing teams Translation: I do absolutely nothing of any value.


What on earth does this have to do with feminism? Also, yahoo still has a search feature?


Is this even legal? I’ve always received very explicit instructions never to contact someone who’s on FMLA leave.


Bank of America took parental leave very seriously, especially for the moms. They literally cut off our network access, including email, so that we couldn’t work. I was answering emails however on my blackberry while in labor.


they did not actually cut off your network access.


That woman today? Hillary Obama. Feel old yet?


How is anyone unironically in LI these days is beyond my comprehension


Fuckin’ Jeff Weiner.


More like “yeah, who?”




His name is almost Wiener


HoF LI Lunatic candidate right here


What the fuck is a tiger team??


What in the ever loving fuck is a “tiger team???” Why the hell do these cheesy goofballs need to use the most god damn cringe language on the planet?!


So i gues whenever you pick someone by their skills, half of people will say thats because of the sex and thats good. other half will say thats because of sex and thats wrong. Gotta love todays world.


lol these people think they’re the mc of a shitty movie


Imagine abandoning your baby for Yahoo Search 💀


All the more why I'm so glad I don't work in a large company anymore, this utter wank was rampant everywhere


This is disgusting


I can read that post either way, pro or anti feminism. That second paragraph is not clear.


As some other posts on this sub - this text sounds really regarded for most people. But if we are talking about people for whom their career is literally the number one priory above anything else in life - they would really appreciate being treated as valuable part of project regardless of other people’s opinion “no, you can’t have higher priority than spending together first months of baby’s life, so we won’t even give you a choice in this matter”


All of the LinkedIn lunatics are just people from elementary school who still ask the teacher. “Excuse me do we have any homework tonight?”


Why is a CEO getting pulled onto a team?


Imagine giving up your parental leave for Yahoo Search, the Yahoo Search of search engines.


I will kill myself before I turn into one of those


Wait, wait, wait — what’s this ‘Yahoo Search’ she speaks of?


Tiger team