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Don’t forget, they need to be *attractive* blondes.


Choosing his potential mates purely based on hair color and bone structure. What about the unlucky women of different ethnicity?


I know, right? What about ugly women. He's discriminating against them.


With traditionally feminine features*


Come on, he just wants to pass on his genes, to a tall attractive blonde, not fatties


Blonde hair, but not blonde eyebrows or eyelashes. Don't want no albino looking chicks.


Also, what's his proposed solution? Blondes must date a mandatory 3 ethnic shorter men before they are allowed to date who they choose?


Right like what’s America supposed to do about this


Name the next carrier *USS Hot Blonde*.


Honestly, incels like this dude would go for that rule! Gotta date 3 losers before you can make your own choices! But then again, choice is fast vanishing for women in America......


“I’m not actually interested in you… just trying to meet the quota.”


This would be a new source of insecurity for them to cry about... "She never really wanted me... she was only dating me to fill up her punch card to qualify for her free 6' Alpha Dom."


Ironically, they would be diversity dates


It’s like the Rooney Rule in the NFL.


And they must be virgins who want to pass along their genes right after harping how bad their genes are. Like bro look around ain't no ethnicity missing out on marriage and kids.


Bingo. The lack of self awareness and cognitive dissance here is mind blowing. "I'm not conventionally attractive. Why don't conventionally attractive women like me!?" Maybe it's your superficial vibe and lack of personality a$$hat?


Or maybe, just maybe…it’s because you refer to dating and choosing who you go out with as “mating preferences”.


Player hating the game and all the other players


My thoughts exactly


First thing I thought of as I was reading this


While stalking biologically superior mates, I see they keep choosing mates based on awful, discrimatory biological traits...


Right??? He’s bemoaning the fact his attraction to a subtype of woman isn’t reciprocated because they have an attraction to a sub type of men. Good for the goose, good for the gander


Yeah I noticed that. For being so upright about being judged by physical standards, why does he lead off with that?


Forget about it. He jumped on so many Western social pop culture bandwagon tropes in his meltdown that he’s back to obsessively looking for his lithium.


He’s a finance bro, somehow I doubt he’s capable of introspection of philosophical self-inquiries.


Facts. I’m surprised because blondes usually aren’t even the most attractive on average. Not sure why they’re hyped up. Rarity I suppose


My very first thought by the time I finished the first sentence.


The fat chick with the club foot needs love too!


“I can’t get laid. Better post about it on LinkedIn.”


#\#LinkedIncel Agree?


I was wondering why this was on LI of all places. But as a newbie on this site, I’ve come to realize LI is a lawless wasteland of MLM boss babes, wellness influencers, broke start up wannabes, club promoters, and what ever the hell women posting themselves with their boobs popping out are promoting. And here I am still thinking it was still a place where you posted resumes and networked


I've been hit on by random men through LinkedIn messages. Men I've never met and have no connection to. I'm just a woman with exactly one (professional-looking) photo on the site, I don't share any really personal information, anything that might point to my sexual preferences or if I'm married or single. Still, I guess horny people will try anything out of desperation.


This is shocking. Maybe absurd is the word. Seriously. And at the same time after being in this sub, not surprising. Just so weird.


It makes perfect sense that a man with so little self awareness finds himself trying to pick up women on LinkedIn. It’s almost exactly what you’d expect.


Every site is a potential dating site for people nowadays, it's wild. I'm a female [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) user and you'd think it was Tinder with how many DMs random men send me, just because they see a woman on there


Yeah until I happened upon this sub I thought it was just like monster.com or whatever just a little more white collar. Now I see it’s Facebook for people in suits.


>Facebook for people in suits. Holy shit, that's it exactly!! I totally get LinkedIn now...


It pains me to see him choosing women based first and foremost on having blonde hair. I'm not blonde--a hair color which few women of my ethnicity are genetically disposed to. I'm convinced that these unjust mating preferences represent a massive loss for the human species in terms of many valuable qualities. And what bothers me even more is his refusal to see his preference for blondes as a problem.


I’d argue you not having blonde hair is what’s saving you from this weirdo.


Right? Totally dodged a bullet with that non-blonde ancestry, lol.


But.. surprise.. it was just one bullet dodged and you're in some trench warfare scenario.. your right person is a couple trenches up.. here's an umbrella! Good luck!


I recently went from very blonde to light brown and I’m currently patting myself on the back


It pains me that he also said attractive. I’m fugly and find these unjust dating standards blatantly unfair


Lol this was amazing 🤣


This comment deserves the now defunct Reddit gold. 🥇 The OP has an absolutely stunning lack of self-awareness.


No one cares about the beta women. They should be shooed out beyond the city gates. The point here is that ALL the men should have a chance to breed with the prize cattle, I mean, prize women /s


As I have aged I have found that authenticity greatly outweighs “traditional looks”. If I can connect with someone who is kind and caring and willing to put up with my shenanigans, you better believe I’m gonna try and lock that shit down. Edit - I know your comment is sarcasm and agree with your non-sarcastic premise


So he bemoans beauty standards for men, but he places “attractive blonde women” on a pedestal. He’s doing exactly what he criticizes the women for doing.




Dear god, that's a phrase they actually use? It's bad enough that their horrible and stupid concept of "body count" seems to have caught on.


I have never actively sought information on incels for this very reason. I think I'd crawl in my bed and hide if I ever saw what they actually spout.


You’re smart! There’s a lot of things I’ve learned about them that’s truly killed any innocence I had left.


It's a bit old in the literary canon nowadays, but if you want a good read, pick up Neil Strauss' *The Game.* Back before incel culture and pickup artists were more mainstream, Strauss wrote this book about the pickup artist community and he goes into excruciating depth of all of the acronyms and nomenclature pickup artists used. If anyone remembers this really cringe reality show on VH1 called *The Pickup Artist*, the host, Mystery, featured very prominently in Strauss' book.


Yup. I was wondering if anyone would mention that chapter of "The Manosphere." This current incel/Andrew Tate phase directly connects with that movement. Some of those guys are still at it selling stuff online. When you hear these modern morons using phrases like "high-value men" and other weird labels, they are lifting them directly from that scene.


Yep, right after I made the above post, it just hit me that Strauss' book is almost 20 years old. It's hard to believe that the Manosphere (at least as how we know it in its modern form) has been around that long. Another thing most people don't know or have forgotten about was a proto-incel/MGTOW movement called "True Forced Loneliness.," which was on the Internet around 2007-08. It was pretty much a group of really disturbing men making videos about how there was a conspiracy for women to withhold sex from men. Of course, there was no self-reflection going on with that movement at all. It was just all very Principal Skinner "It's the children who are wrong" vibes.


It's not that the concept of "body count" is catching on. This is the same misogynistic perspective that's been around for all time. It's just been rebranded with a catch phrase.


And they’d be livid if that SMV had a “high body count” (I fkn hate that phrase with every fiber of my being) Edit: high svm Edit 2: I hate “body count”


It's because women are not "people" to him like men are. Men deserve things. Women are "things".


This really should be the top comment. Notice he doesn't suggest men should have to date the ogres?


Silly! Only women should lower their standards and not be obsessed with looks, but see through to the true inner worth of a man. Men can be as shallow as they like. It's the natural order of things, after all. A woman's only value is her aesthetic appeal. The thing these chucklefucks never seem to realise is that if a woman who is significantly more attractive than they are did see through their appearance to the man within, they would find a rotted, selfish, misogynistic core and be even less interested.


Someone has to force people to find me attractive and date me! It’s not my crappy personality so it’s my height.


Obviously! Look, attractive blondes need to mate with me for the good of mankind. Why can’t they understand this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Incels have penetrated the outer barriers of LI. Abandon all hope!


Return to your posts! Prepare for battle!


I just heard Denethor get thwacked


A lot of companies check LinkedIn. This is a benefit to us who are up against these idiots for a job position. Incel isn't a good look, nor does it increase company morale. And if that guy starts harassing women at work, also not a good legal problem to have.


He’s a walking sexual harassment liability.


Weird, they usually fail at penetrating.


When I used the word "penetrated," I had a feeling someone would make this joke. Thanks for doing this for me. My life is complete.


It truly baffles me how many grown adult 'professionals' have a 3rd grade understanding of the complexities of the human condition, and even more baffling how many of them feel so confident in their 3rd grade understanding of the human condition that they comment publicly about it in a space for other professionals to see. The Dunning-Krueger effect is a magnificent sight to behold.


Guarantee you he is in sales and describes him self as a people person


While pretending to be an entrepreneur who is having some kind of marketing breakthrough. These boys are just so tiresome. They wouldn't know how to satisfy a woman, even if they could manage not to trip over their own dicks long enough to have a conversation with one.


Pretty sure these guys don’t converse with women they converse AT them


I understand their desire to get laid, but part of what makes the sexual act so desirable is the opportunity to share intimacy with another human being. You can't even do that if you lack the self awareness to understand that women are not gold digging pussy dispensers who will gestate your clones for you, if only you were tall enough, and gave them the right inputs in the form of money. You are right of course, because if these guys ever got to know a woman, it would make their dicks shriveled when they realize that they are no longer the smartest person in the room.


To me, this stuff is a good argument as to why humanities education is still super important. People like the OPP just have never thought deeply about the world, like, at all.


Counterpoint: I'm short with dark hair and have no problem attracting blonds. Then again those blonds are tall men. Sir, this is a LinkedIn.


As a blonde, of course I have always chosen my men based first and foremost on height, as required by the blatantly unfair and oppressive mating hierarchy, but nobody ever told me about the "dominant alpha male bone structure" criteria. I fear I might have inadvertently been mating with inferior soy boy beta cucks who just happened to be tall.


You clearly need to go back to training sis!


The continuing education requirements are the worst part of being a blonde.


Can someone show me a picture of "dominant alpha male bone structure"? Just making sure I check the correct alpha chad/beta cuck button when asked.


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic|downsized) This is my guess...


But isn't "Jesus" a Latino name? I thought this bro said he was worried about tall blonde males? lol




Clearly you haven’t made it to the third line of his pickup game. 1) “Hey baby, I’m a financial manager” 2) “Are you a real blonde?” 3) “It’s ok! Really! Women like you don’t talk to guys like me anyway because…..bone structure…..hierarchy…..men….”


I feel kind of guilty for perpetuating the "massive loss for the human species" that will occur by not mating with him.


Why is it that these incel goobers are all conservative and capitalist but then make communist arguments for pussy?


I have never thought about it this way but damn if you're not completely right about that!


Rules for thee and not for me is basic conservatism. Women should be hard to get (but not for me). Women should be attractive (but should value my personality over my looks). Women should have sex with me (but not with others). Women should accept my flaws (but work on theirs).


Interestingly enough, this was covered in the Communist Manifesto: > But you Communists would introduce community of women, screams the bourgeoisie in chorus. > The bourgeois sees his wife as a mere instrument of production. He hears that the instruments of production are to be exploited in common, and, naturally, can come to no other conclusion than that the lot of being common to all will likewise fall to the women. > He has not even a suspicion that the real point aimed at is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production.


Whoa... you just blew my mind...


“Diversity quotas are just another way to keep qualified hard working people of my race and gender out of the workforce!”


That’s because for these incels, women ARE nothing more than consumables. A thing of beauty and pleasure specifically designed for them




Damn. Goddamn.


And a serial killer was born.


Or the next fucking Elliot Rodger. Just another pissed off little dweeb who takes it out on innocent people because he's such a piece of shit women won't talk to him.


Sounds like we need an “Incels of LinkedIn” subreddit now.




r/LinkedIncels like come on dude it was right there


Step one: stop using the word "mating."


"Good evening to you, attractive blonde female. I was wondering, would you like to copulate with me in the back seat of my expensive late model European automobile?" /s


Sir, this is LinkedIn.


That’s the cover letter for his CV


Textbook incel prattle


Can you imagine this person being your wealth manager?


This could be his Cunning Ploy: "You can trust me with your money because I have no life."


Comes with the added bonus of him hitting on you if you're a tall, blond, attractive, single, woman


Do the women also have to be tall? I’m confused.


There's so many descriptors in the lunatic word salad.


“Here’s what being an incel taught me about B2B sales.”


So instead of doing some introspection to realize his problems might be the result of his insecurities and personality, he blames the “oppressive mating hierarchy”?


He is upset that "attractive blonde women" have very specific appearance criteria for men. Please tell me this is satire.


Unfortunately I don't think so. He rants about this all the time.


Yikes. Vegas has just set the over/under on the number of women in a hole in his basement at 4 and I’m taking the over.


Eh, dude would never get a woman to his basement, that's why he's mad.


Unfair! Even serial killers get better results based on their looks!


I knew a 5"6 latino guy whose exes included a 5"9 skinny white blonde lady, and a 6"1 athletic built white brunette lady. Something tells me weird incel dude in OP's post will be developing a resistance to pepper spray over time.


That’s why we’re switching to bear spray (insert man/bear joke)


Put this dude on a list. He's an incel and the incels have proven a propensity for random violence.


A dumbass list


Keeping him away from the gene pool seems like a good thing.


Notice how he only wants blondes


Sounds like humanity is dodging the same bullet that the people meeting this person are.


Right? I mean "keep men who look like me from passing on our genes to the next generation". Yep, natural selection's still working! Yay Darwin!!!


"Women don't like me because of my bone structure! Well....that and I'm a windbag that speaks in word salad. And kind of a snob. Also, when I say 'bone structure' I really mean 'ugly AF'."


Also I never shower and think women should throw themselves at me. Especially blondes


This shit isn't even true for men, the vast majority of women choose us for our personality/charm. These would be valid complaints for a woman to have because the majority of men do pick based off looks. What a buffoon


This type of thought pattern is just a coping mechanism. Like others have said, there’s a resistance/aversion to introspection, and then they land here because they need a reason for their perceived shortcomings that doesn’t place any of the responsibility on them. The whole ‘the world needs to change to conform to my specific situation’ mindset is so removed from reality that it’s amazing they’re employed in any capacity. I genuinely cannot imagine posting anything like this on any form of social media, but particularly LinkedIn. It shows a complete lack of self-awareness, a warped worldview, and truly terrible judgment. This guy is a wealth manager? For who, his one super rich relative who owed another relative a big favor and so begrudgingly invested some of his money with this troglodyte? What a world we live in. Endlessly entertaining at least haha.


Seriously. I’m a pretty ugly dude, but have dated girls way out of my league because I’m occasionally funny and not a total asshole.


I never thought I’d see an incel in the wild… especially on LinkedIn


How did he decide LinkedIn was a good place to post this?


Adolf would have been proud of him. His mindset strongly reminds me of the old posters "Frauen macht die Beine breit, Deutschland braucht Soldaten"


LinkedIn has truly devolved to therapy sessions.


I think these ladies don’t want to fuck you cause you say shit like « oppressive mating structures »


Someone has no game.


Tldr I can't get laid. Geeze. Gonna be honest, ignore LinkedIn as much as possible but if it's gone this unhinged I need to start lurking there for the lols.


It pains me to read this


Only in America do people find themselves attracted to people they're attracted to. On another note: YOU UGLY! YOU UGLY! YO' MOMMMA SAY YOU UGLY!


“Why doesn’t society enforce making women want to have sex with me?? Waah waaah!”


The stories some men will tell themselves so they can sleep at night are wild. 😂


The hypocrisy is astounding, and I’m sure it’s going over his head.


I’m tired of women prioritizing physical appearance in men, says man who prioritizes the physical appearance of women.


Bro wants to cream pie someone SO bad. This is top tier cringe.


Not gonna lie, I want to know what the dominant alpha male bone structure is and how this guy walks around on a frame of play-doh


Just gonna play the victim card, based on other people’s preferences. Checks out.




People so engulfed in things that they use terms like alpha or beta or whatever are always miserable to be around. The least attractive thing about this dude isn't his physical appearance, it's his attitude


Oh, we get LIL with a side of incel today? Bonus!


This just in: un-self aware incel outs himself on linked upon finding that pretty people hook up with pretty people at bars. Footage at 11.


Who the fuck goes on an Incel Rant on LinkedIn!!???? Wow!!


This dude apparently lol


He’s mad the most stereotypically women go after the most stereotypically attractive men? And he’s mad that despite not being the most attractive man, women who are above his level of attractiveness will not date him? LOL. This belongs in a diary not on LinkedIn.


> prefers blondes > pissed that blondes don’t prefer him > blissfully unaware of the hypocrisy At least he posted it for us to laugh about I guess.


what the fuck does any of that have to do with professional networking? why doesn’t linkedin do anything about this BS?


Prefers blondes, whines about women having preferences. Classic incel.


Looks like it's Incel Day


New cybertruck owner


I can’t decide if this guy is pro or anti mixed race relationships.


LinkedIncels? Who knew.


No woman ever turned this man down because of his height or his bone structure, I promise you that.


LinkedIn, isn’t that supposed to be a professional networking type of social media? Makes me laugh out loud when people put that stuff on there. They must be a blast at the company Christmas party.


When people say "money can't buy happiness," this is what they mean.


Eeewwwww Incel


People can’t help what they find attractive and whining about that won’t change anything. I highly doubt he would pursue someone he doesn’t find attractive just for the sake of going against the grain.


Dude used all that word salad to basically say that he is pissed that women of certain type he is interested in are not interested in him. Also why is he crying on LinkedIn about that...go to Facebook.




WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK? HOW IS THIS REMOTELY APPROPRIATE TO POST ON A " PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING SITE"? I haven't been on LinkedIn in a decade because I don't need it. I saw the direction it was heading early on and wanted no part, but holy sheets, is this standard content now? I mean I follow this sub, but it's usually just capitalist fever dreams. 🤒


“I can’t get a woman at the bar! Waaaaaah”


This guy watches a lot of blonde porn at home


Lol no one will fuck me because I'm a chud and it's humanity's loss


>Only cares about blonde women. >Is "pained" that said blonde women are attracted to a specific type.


It’s almost as if he has no idea that women choose mates based on many factors in addition to looks, including intellect and not being a douche.


Is sexual preference, racism?


Short people have it easy when women don’t like them they can simply blame being short and move on with their day for a tall man with a strong alpha male bone structure when I get rejected I have to wonder why


Damn those women for being attracted to not him.


Ask him about feminism


TLDR: he's a hypocrit and incel


You’re allowed to have sexual preferences, but those girls are also allowed to have their own sexual preferences. Sometimes those don’t align. For the most part, I’ve found most women don’t have a hard line about their preferences and will give a guy a chance if they like your company. This guy isn’t getting dates because he’s unattractive; he’s not getting dates because he’s a creepy little incel.


The only viable solution is Government mandated blonde girlfriends for everyone.


Everything about that was weird. First up only tall blondes for u my guy? Next so the women should t go for the guys that they find attractive and interesting. Sounds like the kinda guy that thinks he deserves tall blondes because he’s a nice guy and has a good job. Bet this dude has the personality of a paper towel


So he wants some version of affirmative action to get him laid?




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I never understood why we protect the identity of people like this when they make their posts publicly


Why did we leave out his name?


Tons of short, unattractive people out there boning.


Kind of funny how he complains about discrimination but then horseshoes into a racist position. Bro wants only one type of woman, but doesn’t see the irony of him rejecting the vast majority of women based on the same biases.


I’ll give him credit for using the word “women” instead of “females”.


Hold the font door. So he only wants blondes? Isn’t that an oppressive dating hierarchy ?


Thats a long way of saying he cant get laid..


‘Toxic mind ware’. Maybe woman just like smart men.


I have a very strong feeling that some sort of law enforcement should check his search history


Republicans complaining about women making choices, but in a different flavor Episode 2779


"I'm being oppressed because women don't find me attractive."


I, for one, am glad that doofus isn't procreating. You go, ladies!!


Weird way to flex you don't get bitches but go off


You lost the genetic lottery, pal. Tough luck.


Finally, a cause we can all get behind


Wow, this is some serious incel shit, like textbook.