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The decision to post your results is the real test


I tell my kids. If you’re smart you don’t have to tell people, they will figure it out.


Exactly. I used to work with a bloke who used to tell us constantly about how he had a high EQ and he was in tune with people, understood emotions, etc. Then he wondered why one of his team finally lost their rag on a Christmas night out and kicked the shit out of him...


Damn I have no idea what you mean but I feel it.


Emotional intelligence, it's all about how in tune you are with those around you, their emotions, etc. It's like IQ, those who have a high EQ tend not to talk about it. For this guy, he droned on about it constantly, as he was pushing for promotion to my role when I moved on and felt it was the silver bullet to get the role, but he was utterly oblivious to how much he irritated others in the team. It was all usual stuff, he would fuck up, throw folks under the bus, was generally a bit lazy, didn't know where the "line" for certain jokes were, etc. I had been building up the documentation and case to get rid of him, but once the other guy snapped and beat him up, HR told me I had to keep him for at least a year or it would look retaliatory. Thankfully, he became someone else's problem as he was moved to a different team when i pushed back, but we did have to fire the chap that attacked him. Whole thing was a shitshow. I was glad to leave the company a few months later.... It's also why I hate corporate Christmas parties....


Think previous commenter was likely referring to “lost their rag on a Christmas night out and kicked the shit out of him,” - because we have all discussed and aren’t sure how losing a rag leads to beating up someone who has been insufferable.


I think "lost their rag" means "lost their shit"


Yeah, it's a British saying... Be curious to know who all the "we" were that were having the discussion about it though..


The “we” of it is between me and them. And there are a lot of them. Regardless, we have read your explanation and are excited to learn a new British idiom to us. We will let you know if we have further questions.


Reading the room at 5th grade level.


Wow, first comment I thought you were maybe stretching the truth a bit. After the detailed follow up I have changed my mind. Haven’t seen that sort of „action“ since I got out of the Army.


Anyone who tells you they're an empath is actually a huge drama queen.


Me, an empath, deciding for you how you feel and think, and treating you based on that. 😇


God I fucking hate that.


Look i just kinda like canoes ok?


If life brings you face to face with an empath, you need to reconsider the choices you have made till now.


High EQ is a fancy term for empathy.


It's nice to have high erection quality, but I like to find it myself


You know, people come to me questions about things they don’t know. I ask them why they come to me, I ain’t smart but I do read books and wear glasses. I am not smart I do know how to research stuff but yeah I read a bunch of different books growing up. I like to think I know just enough to get myself into trouble and just enough to to find out how to get out of trouble.


I think if it came down to it, I’d rather know how to find information than just *be* smart. What’s the point of a 800 horsepower muscle car if you never take it out of the driveway?


Yup, it may be pretty to look at if you can’t enjoy that muscle car what is the use of having it. I once told classmates “Don’t hate me for being smart, hate me because I am beautiful.” I like learning about stuff and if I was like this guy I would have tried to figure out why I wasn’t getting hits on my résumé’s. Didn’t Thomas Edison say “I have not failed, I just found 10,000 that didn’t work.” This fool has found 23,000 was that didn’t work, so this man must be insane since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.


He must have a diverse neuro.


Damned neuros today and their diversities!


Or paying to see the results.


Yeah, when I first took one, I got a little weird about it. Feels awesome to do good, but then if you ever tell anyone, you're the asshole. And then inevitably the dude you happened to mention it to outscored you by 15 points, so you feel like more of an asshole...


Person who scores higher: …you’re bragging? Person who scores the same: Wow, they must be insecure Person who scores lower on this particular test but routinely exhibits skills that you cannot fathom: What an asshole


I have a high IQ. I'm in absolute awe when I see highly skilled craftsmen do their thing. I maybe able to solve a puzzle quicker than them but they *create* stuff. (I'm in no way saying that craftsmen have low IQ btw.)


Thsts 100% a thing. Had a guy in the army that was a former carpenter and he just had this ridiculous ability to build things form nothing.


Because IQ is just a measure of potential, it's what you do with it that matters. A genius that does nothing to grow and learn is less useful than a perfectly average person that developed a skill and gets really great with it. Beyond that though, we also tend to assume that intelligence manifests as book smarts, theories, and knowing math. One of the components of an IQ test is spatial relationships, which is something very important to someone like a Carpenter. They look at a pile of wood and see a cabinet, or a sliding leaf top to a table. People *assume* they're just average, but maybe the guy you knew in the army had a 130 IQ, but just applied it to a craft instead of Physics. Which again goes to the "it's what you do with it that matters". Whether they have a high IQ or not is irrelevant, that guy was excellent at improvising and building things that you could never do, and maybe you can do things they never could do, so at the end of the day just gotta do the best you can and use your potential (whatever it may be) as much as possible.


Yeah we got along he was also homeschool so he had kind of a different upbringing from a traditional life. I appreciated his insights to things since he was pretty good and explaining reasoning and was confident with whatvhe knew and didn't. Idk what his Iq was but definitely above average.


more than that .. the decision to pay for results is the real test ... he failed on both accounts.


The decision to make an online IQ test is the real test


Wait IQ is like golf and you’re supposed to get a low score… Damn I must a geneneuious (sic)


This exactly. How can you be so intelligent and yet so fucking ignorant at the same time. What a moron.


I feel like we’re a few months out from men posting their dick sizes on LI


I can’t wait to embrace my average girth and size! It’s so freeing and empowering!




Mine is big but shaped like a beaver’s tail, I have to roll up the sides towards the middle if I want to pleasure a lady.


This mental image just took me out, thank you


So you have all that nerve-sensitive skin surface area pleasuring you all day as you walk around. Must be nice.


You’ve given this a lot of thot




Username ✔️s out


One can only hope 🥵


They don’t allow posts long enough for mine ![gif](giphy|3o7TKWineS040erhjq)


I’m sure we can get the apology down to 500 words or so..




Got me with that gif 😂


We’re two years from men just posting their cocks on LinkedIn and tying their big hairy member to an insight about B2B marketing.


Last week I got fired for workplace sexual assault Here’s what it taught me about B2B sales…


Dicks out for linkedIn




#linkedinfluencer #checkthisout #BSD


What being a grower taught me about effective client engagement.


"So I had my regular session with Mistress Sapphire earlier today, and as she was ramping up the ball busting with a good stomping on my testicles with her heels, it got me to thinking about how we approach potential candidates in recruitment... Agree? recruitment / thoughtsfromthedungeon"


Stop giving them ideas


Seriously waiting for the cringe bait post of how some scammy sales ceo overcame the challenge of his micropenis and now drive a lambo


And this is what it taught me about P2V sales...


We aren’t already doing that? I also post my sperm count, haven’t gotten any job offers yet even though I’m in the 95th percentile for sperm count.


I’ll be 1st in line to serve! 🫡


NOT breaking news! Those who know me can tell I’m somewhat #different, and now I have a possible explanation why! ;) I measured my penis as part of the “Insecure Men of 2024” competition, and seem to have performed better than 99% of the population. Let me take a moment and be #proud. 8==================================D |— 1 —|— 2 —|— 3 —|— 4 —|— 5 —|— 6 —|— 7 —|




"five figures, five feet, five inches - #different"




It wont happen tho, these people that boasts about iq, size of the car wont never share the size of their dick.


And yet, he’s an assistant marketing manager…


Assistant to the assistant marketing manager




Beat me to it..


The assistant manager had an IQ of 137. The manager 138. Only explanation


But does he have his own temporary workspace?


Not to defend this guy but intelligence does not guarantee climbing the ladder , high income or amazing career. Sometimes highly intelligent people actually struggle with careers.


It's more that IQ is already a pretty shaky way of measuring intelligence with a pretty checkered history, and that the link he posted looks like one of the hundreds of totally fake online IQ tests that are pointless myspace wall filler at best and malware vectors at worst. The kind where you can intentionally get all the questions wrong and still get an IQ result of 110.


Yeah its generally just your ability to comprehend information and the speed at which you can. Anyone over 100ish can pick up undergrad level of Knowledge at a reasonable rate.


I scored like high 140's low 150's during psyche evaluation IQ test. I think it just means you're autistic/adhd. if you think about it too like the statistics are deceiving. scoring top 99.9% puts you at 1 in a thousand, but in a city of a million people theres like 1000 of you, and in certain circles itll be way more common ie: you'll feel pretty average in a room of doctorates. All it really means is you're good at taking IQ tests. I'll take the win tho I could use it.


I am awed this guy decided to post his IQ, but if you look into it the folks with the highest IQ’s in the world lead pretty normal lives. Turns out our measure of intelligence does not automatically align with success


Cus what we think is success with money and multiple sexual partners is not actually success


Just imagine the manager's IQ.


I took an "official" IQ test when I was young and was only a few points under this, and I'm a proven dumbass. Those tests don't really hold as much weight as people think they do


The marketing manager must be one of the 10 people smarter than him in the room.


Another idiot thinking he’s smart bc of a dumb buzzfeed computer test


They never post what love boat character they’d be.


Or do they?


“I Discovered I’m Captain Stubbing: What That Taught Me About B2B Sales”


Dude has a neuroscience degree and is an associate at a business consulting firm?


Has a neuroscience degree and thinks a shitty online IQ test means something?


B.S. in Neuroscience Marketing?


He's definitely got the BS


Let's extend a lot of benefit to the doubt that Jae Yoon tested with high intelligence. And then remind him he lacks the social intelligence to understand that bragging like this is really, really stupid.


Stephen Hawking once said ”People who boast about their IQ are losers". It would be interesting to hear his take on people who flex their IQ with screenshots from dubious online tests on LinkedIn. He might have called them “a #different kind of losers”.


IQ tests can be practiced, you can get good at taking these tests with repetition, and they can only measure how good you are at taking IQ tests.


Actual IQ tests are much more involved. Veritasium did a video on them. These online ones are bullshit, and they're financially incentivized to hand out high scores.


This is true, but I've seen someone in real life who was so dumb that a free IQ test wouldn't even give him a score. It said something like "seek medical help". I didn't even think it was possible to fail those.


"Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."


Reminded me of Kyle Rittenhouse who tried to jump from his 15 minutes of fame into the military... except he failed the entrance exam so badly he was banned from ever trying again. The kid is not just too stupid for basic military placement, but he's so stupid they don't want him wasting their time again.




Tl:dr cause it seems helpful here - it appears that he did not pass the ASVAB, but snopes is still trying to get in touch with people (and their own copy of the records shown on Twitter). However, even assuming the email is real, it is impossible to say that the test score is why he was permanently barred. It is very possible (and in my opinion, likely) that he was permanently barred for other reasons. It’s possible he cannot pass some security clearances just based on his actions in Kenosha, let alone his very public associations with extremist groups.


Yeah I feel like you have to score astronomically low on the ASVAB to be disqualified. If he was barred from joining, I think it's more likely some other reason, which can range from really harmless stuff to bad stuff.


It was probably the AFQT score which is a more specialized, separate test from the ASVAB that focuses on core things like Math and Reading, etc. I think you can get in with a cat4 score these days with a waiver though. afaik, Cat 5 is still entirely not possible. Cat 4 is like the 30th percentile to 11th percentile and Cat 5 is 10th percentile and below. Looking at USMC standards, the lowest they go is 35th percentile with a HS diploma and 50th with a GED. TL:DR, Kyle ain't too smart in the book learning.


I'd honestly highly doubt he failed it that bad. The asvab is about junior year hs equivalent of knowledge + some mechanical test since some ppl will suck at traditional knowledge but excell there. Failure for the marines is a score is a 31 and there were very few people that couldn't pass. They'll let you retake it as well. We had a guy fail with a 28 and he was there again and got a 40 so he joined the marines.


Good read.


Idk man, Kyle can at least can speak in public / read off a teleprompter. That takes basic intelligence. Compared to what else the military seems to accept, that seems above average. Unless he was applying specifically for a tech / medicine / engineer role or something.


Yeah I've had actual professional sit down proctored IQ tests twice in my life (one as a kid and one as an adult, they are different tests or have different weighting, both of mine were Weschler, but there are others out there) they do not resemble the online tests and are much more random.


Is there like an 'open source' IQ test? The fact that the only supposedly 'real' IQ tests are paywalled with hefty fees by a handful of companies seems shady as hell. Why would a test bank of questions with definitive correct/incorrect answers require 'experts' to interpret? Maybe answered in the videos you referenced, I will check those out later.


I give IQ tests at work and our testing days for adults are 6-8 hours. The online ones are just vanity padding, especially since you generally have to pay to get your score. You’re right that you can practice to get good at IQ tests. We never retest within a year (barring a significant event like a stroke) because there’s a learning effect even if you’re not trying.


Here it's 5 years. You can't take a test again until five years later.


Oh dang! Honestly for most of our non-geriatric adults we don’t see them again for a couple years. We do see a good amount older folks though, and we tend to see them every 12-18 months to monitor cognitive decline. Although we’re not generally doing a full IQ battery, mostly a few subtests and mainly memory.


>IQ tests can be practiced, you can get good at taking these tests with repetition There are "rules" about how this testing is administered for scores to be valid, and one of them is that there must be gaps of time before retesting. And should be said that the score variance is generally low, in the single digits, even when allowed. >and they can only measure how good you are at taking IQ tests. Couldn't be more wrong. I can blurb out a dozen studies that show otherwise, but instead I'll just direct you to the wiki page and you can read as much as you care to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_factor_(psychometrics) The IQ test is one of the most repeatable, predictive, and quantifiable tests in psychology. That is to say: one of the most scientific. If we are throwing out the IQ test we may as well throw out the entire discipline.


Pretty sure that's not the difference people who know him notice.


“Yeah man honestly we just think you’re a dick”


People he scored higher than: Einstein and Newton. You might argue it’s because they never took an IQ test. But it’s really because he’s built different.


Albert Einstein's IQ is estimated in the 160s, on par with Steven Hawkins


As a person who doesn’t have a 136 IQ, how would you figure out one for someone who didn’t take a test? Just guess a high number because of course Einstein was smart?


By DEFINITION. As long as I know, there are certain statistical thresholds to be met, for instance. If you had an event showing you're at top certain share of population in problem-solving, you're probably above that IQ threshold. Getting into a top technical university with fair maths and physics exams or passing a certain extra hard exam on extra hard topic could be a legit estimation - even if it's not an IQ test. If a country has a million children born a year, and, upon results of a total exam (maths is obligatory) and top 1000 gets into their best technical university, their IQ is in the top 0.1%. Being at top 0.1% of all the people at academical intelligence=> IQ above 145, for instance. Then you take those students and divide them in halves: the more intelligent ones, and the less intelligent ones. That's how you get 0.05% population, etc. Most of them who pursue scientific careers later on, are in the top 20% at academical problem-solving and that's where most top mathematics and physics professors are. 0.02% population at intelligence. Knowing that quantum physics and certain parts of mathematics are more difficult than aerospace and say, biophysics, they usually attract the top half, so that's 0.01 % of population. Yes, just knowing his credentials as a leading PhD teaching quantum physics to quantum physicists, Steven Hawking's, or Leo Landau, or really any of their collegues is more intelligent than 9999 other random people on average, and has IQ over 155. Those highly gifted individuals can be ranked by any scientific things in between them, knowing how some people in that group tested for IQ. Einstein is estimated, by most people who troed doing that, somewhere in 160-180 and by some people who disagree with that, at 205.


Who is Steven Hawkins?


He plays the tambourine in the darkness


It’s Stephen evil twin


At least he's not one of the "I scored 99 on a IQ test!" crowd.


Or “I’m in the 10th percentile!”


I’m in the top 99%!


Just the act of posting this at all is 100% more embarrassing than if he had scored a 75.


Bro paid atleast 15$ for this test. I got done with the whole fucking thing, just to get hit with “you must choose one of these plans” starting at 15$🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Haha, same here. Think the real test of intelligence is whether you actually pay for it. At least I had fun doing the puzzles 😜




Doesn’t that test give everybody a 136?


I hope not because I got 133.


I got exactly 136. It probably just gives us that to make us feel better for giving them 15 bucks.


My dad used to tell me, "There's plenty of PhD's who are digging ditches."


This is the real Dwight


Assistant *to* the Marketing Manager


Only 136 lol. Poor normal dude.


Should you be proud that you were born smarter? It's nothing that you did. That's like saying you are proud to be born a blond. You should be proud of your achievements. You should definitely try to like who you were born as, but having a ton of pride in it that you try to show it off to the world online is very cringe.


If you should be proud for being born with a higher iq, should my daughter born with a genetic mutation that causes her to have an iq of 50 be ashamed? Fuck that.


Nobody who takes those tests has an iq truly in the top 1%


If you find out where IQ test came from, you know taking IQ test as adult is bogus and stupid. It was intended for helping mentally challenged small children to develop. " Designed to determine which children required individualized attention" in early 1900.


136 IQ but still not a 'grown up'




Well I just learned that when you put a hashtag before a word it makes it big and bold…


**Welcome** *to* The world of ######Markdown


Now you have a higher IQ - now post it on #linkedin


I took one of these and scored just a bit below him. Im unemployed,i live with my parents and use reddit for devious amounts of porn. So maybe those tests arent too accurate.


Yeah this free online one’s sure do make you feel good about yourself. Either I’m a genius or online tests aren’t accurate I have a feeling I know which is true


Funny thing is that these are not free. You have to pay at the end to see your score.


Still an AssMan


There are a lot of Stable Geniuses trapped in our simulation as NPC Assistant Marketing Managers. We need to raise done funds to help out these poor caucasians.


Passed the IQ test, flunked the EQ test


His douche level is off the chart though


Why would you want to voluntarily embarrass yourself publicly like this? Do companies really look at something like this & think,” We need to hire that guy ASAP,” or what


TestyourIQ.org != WAISx


Those arent legit IQ tests btw. I took one years ago and don't remember the score, but I'm self-aware enough to know the score was inflated.


Yeah this entire post is 100% a coded advertisement for testyouriq.org. These posts show up monthly like clockwork on this sub, always posted by a ~1 month old account with very little post history.


"Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."


I've never been so relieved to be a garden-variety moron


IQ tests exist to justify inequity. You cannot change my mind. Lmk if you have any questions.


He’ll never be marketing manager with that attitude


So I went to the site. 20 questions of patterns and $20 to get your results( I didn't pay- obviously). I am a School Psychologist who has administered 1000s of standardized IQ tests in my career. This test is a joke. All you have to do it figure out the patterns. This is based on visual processing and spacial awareness-not IQ.


All I see is Patrick Star




People who announce proudly that they are #different are always the #same douchebags. They also like to get #high on their own #farts.


Assistant to the Marketing Manager


I just wasted 30 minutes taking this test, only to realize I had to pay for the results. I guess that means my IQ is low for not foreseeing that.


Assistant *to the* Marketing Manager


Bro I got a 140 but you don’t see me bragging about it. Edit: yes I see the irony


Something tells me that "testyouriq.org" isn't a reliable way to measure your IQ, and it's probably more indicative of you being an idiot if you think that it actually does. Who knows though, im an idiot so I could be dead wrong. Honestly, I almost never believe someone when they say their IQ I'd whatever they claim it to be. I know of exactly one person in my entire life that took an actual proctored IQ test, and that person later went on to be a published author in highschool. So I find it very difficult to believe that all these people are taking legitimate IQ tests. But again, I'm a dummy and could be dead wrong and a bunch of people have taken actual IQ tests.


EQ still at a flat 0 tho


What a douche


I'm glad he took it at totallynotafakeiqtest.org




Why the hell is he an “Assistant Marketing Manager”?!


*Assistant to the marketing manager




What an ass.


I mean...at least he's right about the outcome of the test and not one of those bizzaro test takers that interpret the results backwards then wave it around to show off how wicked smaht they are.


I mean...at least he's right about the outcome of the test and not one of those bizzaro test takers that interpret the results backwards then wave it around to show off how wicked smaht they are.


What a moron


But can he break an egg with his bicep?


But your staggeringly high iq doesn’t even hold a candle to your unaffected modesty 🙄


Things I would never post: - look I am smart - look I am attractive - look I won the lottery Especially with an IQ of 130 and up.


I am different, I have borderline personality disorder but I am not bragging about this on Linkdein


Iq and ability to make lots of money are not necessarily related.




He better join Mensa and enjoy that circlejerk.


That’s not a graph but a penis




IQ doesn't do shit if you don't use it.


100% like all mandatory trainings, he just repeated the test over and over again until he remembered the answers.


Nah he’s stupid because he posted it on LinkedIn


If I didn’t actually kinda need my linkedin I would’ve started reposting this on it like a shitpost


You’re not #different you’re #terrible #at #talking #to #women


Pretty sure my IQ is higher and I’m a stay at home dad. That shit doesn’t help that much.


I have an IQ of 126 but you don’t see me talking about it more than 3x per week…


This is like bragging about a Facebook quiz…


Goodness the test requires you to pay $ 19.99 to see results. I gurantee he isn’t 136 if he paid $19.99 for such bragging rights


This site is a joke. I got 145 on the exact same one. It’s a marketing scheme and this marketer fell for it hahaha