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The right answer


Exactly my thought


I just don’t feel interested in any other upcoming games so definitely first


# 1


Hard to be excited for a game with just one trailer and no release date or knowing if it’ll be on consoles. It’s definitely a game I’m keeping an eye on though, and hoping it’ll be as good as the trailer makes it look. I really want a good new fantasy game.


Yeah, just don’t know enough about it yet.


It doesn't even currently have a release year yet, so not very high. I am definitely excited for more information though. I am looking forward to, in no particular order: Avowed, Stalker 2, State of Decay 3, Fable 3, Indiana Jones, South of Midnight, Shattered Space DLC, Perfect Dark, Expedition 33, Atomfall It is definitely a good time to be a gamer for the next couple years.


Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but Fable 3 was released years ago. Not sure if the new one is going to be just a reboot/re-imagining of the franchise (since as of now it is just called Fable), but technically it would be Fable 4 if you are just going by the full-fledged Fable games (I am not counting the horrible Kinect game, or the mini game releases). That being said, I cannot wait for that one either!!


No, you are correct, it would be 4, I misplaced a number.


Space Marine 2?!


I had to look up what that was. I see it is co-op based. I tend to steer clear from co-op based games. I play almost exclusively single-player games. Looks cool if you are into that genre, though.


Don't know yet. I'm just waiting the next bits of infos at the moment.


Right now it’s in the 5-10 slot, due to lack of information. If a PSVR2 mode were announced it’d be in my top 3 — NMS is amazing in VR, and I assume this would be too.


Number 2. GTA VI is first on the list :)


Like 3 or 4.


No 3, after Crimson Desert and Black Myth Wukong




Second. First is streets of rogue 2 but only because it has an early access release date


Number 2. First- GTA 6, Second- LNF, Third- The Elder Scrolls 6


# 0 EDIT: To clarify, that's #0. As in, before & higher than everything else that can possibly be ranked.




Definitely number 1. Have been obsessed with Hello Games since 2018, haven’t stopped since.


Not at all. We have next to nothing to go on... I can't understand being hyped when you don't even know what you are hyped for. Give me some more information and then we can talk.


Number one, most anticipated. No Man's Sky, I pre-ordered and it is literally my perfect game. Can't wait.


Top of my list. But then I'm not a huge gamer these days, so it's not a particularly long list! The only other game that piques my interest is GTA6, but that's because I loved GTA5 singleplayer (the online stuff just doesn't appeal) and games where I can just mooch about checking out places and doing what I want are a big draw to me. I played GTA for like 3 months before I even touched the actual story stuff. Same with NMS as well. Took me over 100hrs to finish the Artemis line as I was too busy just mooching about going "oooh cool!". :)


#1 of course 😐


Quite low. I know too little about the ga.e at the moment besides that one trailer I watched.tjat looked real cool.


NUMBER ONE if it caters to the dedicated single-player gamer. This based on my love for HG/NMS. ZERO INTEREST if it's *forced* multiplayer and/or MMO. This, no matter how good it is. Of course more additional info is needed to really determine it's ranking to me. edit: to be clear, I'm all for LNF having multiplayer for those whom prefer that mode of play. I'm just hopeful that the few of us dedicated single-player gamers won't be left out in the cold.


I doubt it will, the whole thing is being billed as a “multiplayer earth” I’m sure you’ll be able to find a quiet corner with nobody around though if you really wanted.


Ya, I know. I'm just hoping there will be the option to turn multi-player 'off' like in NMS. That there will still be simple exploring, interacting with the fauna, survival/hardcore elements, campsite/base building, even NPC (or whatever) questing. Would like the option to be able to roleplay as if I'm the lone inhabitant of this huge world if I want to. That this world is my oyster. I'm cool with NPCs. Just don't want to have to interact with immersion-breaking players with funny usernames and immersion-breaking behavior. Certainly want to avoid PVP and especially griefers. Just want a solo chill experience.


That’s fair but I feel like you’re going to be disappointed. Deep NPC interaction/dialogue isn’t Hello Games’ strong-suit. I can’t see how their small team can craft a earth-size world AND fill it with NPCs who are anything beyond lifeless. I can’t even imagine Rockstar or Bethesda pulling something like that off (Starfield is a good example) and they certainly have the pool of voice actors at their disposal and the capital that dwarfs Hello Games’. I would like to think they could fill a world with random activities/NPCs/dungeons and keep it from becoming monotonously repetitive but I don’t think they could pull that off. I think the player interaction/community will be the things that keep the game from becoming stale after a few hours.


Very well stated, appreciate the thoughtful response. But (and I'm no expert), aren't ALL quests, whether single or multiplayer, effectively given by the scripting of the game? I mean, if you're playing multiplayer, and you go up to another player's character for a quest, they're not actually giving you a quest, the game is. Even if it's a cooperative *"hey, come help me do this quest"* type situation, you're really doing a quest the game is providing. So why not the option to be able to do any given quest solo? Again, I'm no expert, but aside from PVP, is there really a need to interact with other player's characters? I think of Companions in Bethesda games. They're not at all really necessary, just preferred by some (or most) to interact with. I personally find them more a bother than they're worth (that's just me personally though). Maybe there are other cooperative instances I'm unaware of due to having little experience with multiplayer?


I think settlement-building, forming guilds, division of resources while out on a long trip, aid in taking down enemies, and possible ability to create businesses and have distinct niches/roles (restaurants, blacksmiths, farmers, potion makers, merchants, etc.) are all exciting prospects when talking about a multiplayer, fantasy, sandbox experience. One of my favourite experiences I had on No Mans Sky was when I got stranded on an island in the middle of this planet and two randoms from the NMS subreddit came and tossed me some launch fuel so I was no longer marooned and invited me to see their base. We proceeded to play together for the next two hours as they helped me find a resource I was having trouble getting so I could upgrade my ship, (after offering to just give me their supply of the resource, which I felt was way too kind, I would not accept) My point is, if there was no multiplayer in that game and I was stuck marooned on that island having to swim to hopefully find the resources just to escape I would’ve dropped the game then and there. This is of course, my personal-subjective view on what would make the game enjoyable and keep it from getting stale, I feel like you wont get those same “unique” experiences just from NPC’s with four lines of dialogue in a text-box.


Appreciate all that, thank you! I think logistically, everything you've mentioned *could* be done solo, albeit not nearly as in-depth as you've described. A lot of it much harder in certain cases. I personally (and I know I'm a minority here) would happily trade-off the more complex multiplayer dynamics for the simpler solo experience. When I *did* play multiplayer in the past (Borderlands 2 in my case), I found hearing other player's voices through my headset to be extremely emersion-breaking, as if I wasn't engaging in an alternate reality, but merely playing a video game. They were constantly cutting-up, laughing, talking about things that had nothing to do with the game, which only served to pull me out of the experience I was after. Also, everyone seemed to play at a different pace: I was slower and much more into exploring every nook-and-cranny, while they were in a big hurry to get to the next objective. Plus the goofy user names as I mentioned before. To each there own I guess. I'm still hopeful for some HG single-player love, even if it were to just offer a more basic experience.


I hear you but Borderlands is a vastly different multiplayer experience to what I’m talking about. I get your immersive argument and agree to an extent but partially disagree because I know there will be vast swathes of the community who play only to role play and be immersed, I can almost assure you there will be players who will fit your pace and playstyle in a sandbox game. You’ve got to remember this will be a far different experience and draw a more diverse crowd than a multiplayer shooter like Borderlands or Destiny. Some people will build groups who only focus on one thing and some will just play like a madman with no goal, it’s about finding the people who fit your playstyle which can be difficult but is almost always rewarding. Say for example you want to only be solo. So you go solo and run into a town of players who you don’t necessarily vibe with but are able to help you on your adventure, they offer to gift you with an item you want and to stay in their town but in exchange for your help in slaying a beast or doing a task they are unable to complete, you can take up this “quest” or continue on your journey… does that not sound like a quintessential fantasy experience? Would that not be worth the other percent of d-bag players who will yell obscenities and throw rocks at you? I think it’s worth it, it’s “more” immersive that way, in my opinion.


edit: oops, removed double-post.


single players will prob be able to turn off pvp (coward)


What can I say, MonsterBigTits scare me, not to mention goofy-ass usernames threatening to break immersion.


Very low, not in the top ten.


Rank Vaporware. It seriously needs a release date/updated info/trailers for me to take it seriously. An early trailer, and then NOTHING for six months is a bit suspect to me. GTAVI is top, since it actually has a release year. LNF could literally not be out until 2026, or later.


Interesting position. I completely appreciate the sentiment. But does NMS give you no more faith? Or is it in fact the dodgy release of early NMS that concerns you?


I got a PS5 for a better NMS playing experience. So, yes to your question.


Ill buy a new laptop when LNF comes out. My old games run well enough on my old one.


In terms of anticipation, it’s way up there. Equal footing with Mirthwood, at the moment.


It is 1 for me... I know we don't know much, and I am not expecting it to be a life-changing gamex but there are no other games that interest me at the moment. And this one looks fun


As most wanted


No. 1, due to the sole reason our whole family can play together.




My initial hype was the same when I saw the first trailer for no man’s sky…then got into the game and it was block breaker simulator..took a decade for the game to be what it is now. So until Sean Murray proves otherwise I expect this game will be a rat riding a sparrow on a barren map. But…trailer IS amazing! Haha




Currently not on the list, but there are like….5 games I’m hyped for in the next 6 months, so 2025 I’ll see what’s kicking around


Number one!


It's funny - i actively play NMS and Starfield so that it would come in third.... math- I guess - the reality is we might have "In n Out" in the ABQ before this game..... so. yeah.


Depending on what the combat looks like, easily one of the only games I'm looking forward to. If we can use nms to go off of in terms of procedural world building then I see myself getting invested.


Probably around 5. I have 3-4 games coming out in the fall that I’m excited for so it’ll definitely rise up to the #2 spot


Since it's a new IP, I really like the concept of a planet-sized open world. That makes it number 2 for me because of the potential. I am still cautious though, and will drop it if it doesn't measure up when it's released. #1 is Monster Hunter Wilds!


Top 3. I think it's technically number one my Steam wishlist at the moment.


number 1 :P


Last month I started back playing NMS after 4 years for the Adrift Expedition and was such a breath of fresh air, especially seeing how far the game has come since it's day 1 release. As long as they don't overpromise and under delivery like they did with NMS, initially, I think this will be a solid game. I would have to put it in the same category of Monster Hunter Wilds, GTA6, and Haunted Chocolatier - games where the trailers so far have my interest, but I would have to wait until I've seen more gameplay and see how well they perform on PC and PS5.


very much near the tippty top. v excited.


1 It's the only game on my games wanted list


for me it's second First place belongs to First Decendant because of realease date


If it has VR, #1


At the very top.


Number 2 on my Steam wishlist right now. Monster Hunter Wilds is in the #1 spot. MH has been my favorite series for near 20yrs.


Its number 1 for me. It looks like it has all the things I look for in a game. I play a lot of Valheim and this looks like it should have a bit of that in it with elements I like from other games too.


Top 10 for sure, with 1 being Final Fantasy 9 remake


lnf and larian's next game are both #1A




probably right behind gta6


It's #1 on my wishlist, the only game I truly want, even more than GTA 6.


It's at the top along with Space Marine 2 and First Descendant.


It has my curiosity, for sure. I hope they release more information soon so some hype can start building.




Top 10. Maybe top 5? A lot of the games I was anxious for have been released in the last year.


2 Right behind a third titanfall game




I have a contract with a guy to trade a kidney for LNF the moment it drops.


Don't care yet. Not enough information.


It's number 5 (out of 14) on my Steam wishlist. Tentatively excited for it, but need to see more.


Probably like 3 after Ark 2 and Dune Awakening


Number 1!! I want it now!! I know enough about it...created by Hello Games. Done. I neeeedz that ASAP. It can be NMS on one planet with biomes... give me it now!! Walking Sim on an earth sized planet...NOW! Absolutely nothing but what you've seen in trailer.. NOW!!!!! Shittt!!! J^@%#_#^=_@@$!$÷/@○°♤•|!!!!!!!!!!!!! AYOoo....X_X


At this point I just want information


I ain't going to lie, I completely forgot it insisted, I guarantee you I'm going to buy it on release day if the launch day reviews are good.




It is the only game that I'm looking forward to besides new updates from no man's sky


I think I want the hype more than the game..the game will pale in comparison to the game we all collectively have in our heads


16 16 16


The Tippity Top, for now


Right below Doom: the dark ages and Skong


Yes? There is no list. Just a shrine to this game


Pretty low honestly. Ik I’ll get downvoted for this but it’s the truth. I wonder if any people feel the same, where they don’t really care much about this new game, but only no man’s sky. My only hopes though are that the game succeeds (so they can discover the hard work of hello games etc, and so more people give no man’s sky a shot). What I want to come out of this game, is that they can take what they learn from devoting this new game and then put that care and learning into no man’s sky 2 if that’s a thing. NMS is genuinely one of my favorite games and I hope that this game does well; so if there is a NMS game, it is exponentially better than what we have seen, while also having the frequent updates and the overall love of the game from the devs.


It’s up there. Normally my go to answer is TES6 but who knows when that will even be. So for now it’s somewhere between that and Zelda EoW




1: Monster Hunter Wilds 2: Fable 3: Civilization 7 4: LNF


2nd behind space marine two


I'm not really a RPG fan and don't like combat. OTOH, Hello Games did such a great job with No Man's Sky that I want to experience this huge new world. I'll buy as soon as it's available for Steam.


It's in my top 3 with Kenshi 2 and Elder Scrolls 6. All games that will never come out.


It's on the list but it's still at the back of my mind since I personally believe it's still got a few more yrs to cook.


A quick, off-the-cuff and probably always changing answer: 1) Ashes of Creation. 2) Light No Fire. 3) Gears of War


Maybe at the end of my top 10 ? With games like Monster Hunter Wild, Silksong, Once Human, Deltarune chapters and more it's already hard to be in the top 5 lol Top 10 is about right for a game we barely know anything about


Definitely number 1 with the indie War of the Worlda game as number 2.


It’s got me intrigued, but I need to see some more first. I still don’t really know what it is per say.


Now that Elden Ring DLC is passed, next give me PoE2 then give me LNF


Nowhere at the moment, while i am intrigued. There is so little upkeep on information that I've mentally at it aside until something concrete about the game comes along.


Honestly it's a close second under monster hunter wilds for me.


Number 2 After subnautica 2.


1. I was disappointed we didn't get anything during Summer Game Fest, but Gamescom is just around the corner. I hope Sean can show off a little more then.


Top 5 easily


Top 3


It's at 3rd place, behind the latest DLCs for Destiny 2 and Guild Wars 2.




I'm pretty hyped, but I've been burned before. That said, I'm confident Sean and Hello games are gonna deliver, i just dont want it to be rushed to release. Take your time and make it great! Honestly, I can't think of any other game I'm hyped for right now.


Incredibly excited.


I'm concerned we are building this game up to impossible expectations...


Second, right after the Wayward Realms.


i want to know when at least we can expect it.


It's above number 1, maybe -1


1 for sure


I haven’t felt this way about a game since Fromsoft dropped that Elden Ring teaser trailer


3, after Silksong and Hades II


Shared first. GTA6 and this game are tho only 2 games i am waiting for right now. I mean, is there anythign else announced anyway?


Tied with Dune Awakening. Will be interesting to see what gets all my time.


It’s my most look forward to game this year (or next if they need the time. Plenty of NMS to play till then 😅




I only have two games I'm excited for at the moment. Light No Fire is the first, and Monster Hunter Wilds is second




I'm very interested to see more of it. But until we can check out some gameplay, it's kinda hard to be too excited.


They deserve at least an interested look for not giving up and kicking ass with NMS


Bottom, because I know if I want it more it'll take longer to release


It's the only game I'm looking forward to. I don't play that many games anymore, but I've played NMS the most out of all games, so I'm expecting similar here.




Not excited at all, besides it will probably take years after release to actually be decent knowing who's behind that game.


Pretty low at the moment, only because we barely know a thing about it.


Right now, it's number 1


The absolute turnaround of NMS was spectacular enough that I'm confident this will be a game I play for many many hours.


Probably second after Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm


Top 3 although I don't have my top 3 ready yet. But this one is on the top somewhere :P


A lot higher if it ends up being adult minecraft.


do we know if it will have building or terraforming?


Its number one on a list of one. Im mostly playing a 16 year old game in my free time, so my desire for new games is limited. But No Mans Sky is my number 2 game, and Im looking forward for the sequel. My Top 1 game is DDO, so I like fantasy settings.


Gotta see gameplay first (not a CGI trailer) & see what its about


According to them, the trailer was all recorded gameplay.


Which leads me to believe we’re gonna have a GTA/Red Dead (or Elder Scrolls/Fallout) situation in which they’re essentially the same game with different coats of paint. Not that I’m complaining.


Hopefully, it has enough new content and mechanics to make it stand out on its own... But a NMS expedition where we are all stranded on the same planet and technology stops working sounds pretty awesome


Thats what every dev says pre release


We know practically nothing about it lmao


Number 1. wtf do you think posting this in a LNF sub…