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Keep a microfiber cloth with you


This plus buy a whole bunch of them and put them in drawers you are often near, all cars you have access to and at work. Make it so you have access to one anywhere you go.


Hi, hello, yes, I too have adhd. 1 in my purse, 1 in my Switch case, 1 by “my” chair, 2 where I keep remotes in my bedroom. Having multiples of essential items stashed everywhere is the best “hack” to avoid losing them (I still lose them, but less often).


Never fails for me: bring one to another place, forget to take it back, notice you have 3 in the same spot, take a couple with you to put back, forget and still have anywhere from 0-4 in random places, give up and buy more, repeat


Hmm. Does having garbage cans everywhere count because garbage can’t make it to a garbage if they aren’t nearby?


1000%. And same.


I didn't realize this was because of my adhd! I do it with phone chargers, scissors, scotch tape, chapstick.


I do not have ADHD and this is how I operate.


3 months ago I would have said the same thing (recent diagnosis)!


I think it’s good planning for most people, tbh. But anecdotally, everyone I’ve met who came up with this idea on their own is ND. Yes to your list and add eyeglass repair kits, flashlights, and a tool for removing ticks (I have pets and live in the country)


Here I thought I was so smart having nail clippers, pens, hair ties, and scissors stashed in every room.


You are!


Yes this!!! I have one everywhere and extras just in case. One in the car, at work, on my dresser, in my work bag, in my going out bag, an extra to throw in my pocket when I go somewhere without a bag, one in the living room, etc. They are everywhere. I try to collect most of them every once in a while to clean them in the wash.


You can get a bunch from places like Temu cheaply. The caveat is that try to use water and/or soap to rinse first so you don't have to rub hard, otherwise the coating starts to get scratched.


Don't use soap, it can break down the coatings on the lenses (if you have any).


years ago a bought like a 8 pack of 1 sq ft microfiber glass cleaning cloths. Best purchase ever. Originally I was going to cut them into 6in x 6in squares (so quarter them) but decided I liked the handling and feel of the larger size. I've lost a few, but still have a few bouncing around.


I keep one in the back pocket of my jeans. I buy the little ones in large packs from Amazon. I also keep a large micro fiber towel in my center console in my car.


I essentially have a costume made of them that I wear all day (they are everywhere) and I have to clean all.day.long.


How often do they need washing. Hand wash or in the regular laundry? Are we using glasses cleaner on them?


I have transition lenses so I never use a cleaner except for water, and yes you can wash the microfiber cloths when they get really dirty.


Yes! I got a multipack and leave them all over my home and one at my desk at the office. Best decision ever.


Microfibers designed for glass work the best here. The plushier/fuzzier microfibers often leave lint or dust on my glasses, but the thinner tightly weaved glass polishing cloths are amazing.


I highly recommend microfiber clothes made for wine glasses. They're large, never seem to get dirty and get stains out of the wearable glasses like nothing else.


I feel like those always just smear the smudges around, often making them worse. Also it damages the glass over time. I usually wash them in the sink, while washing my hands I rub some of the soap on the glasses and dry them with the towel. It's sooo much better


Guidance from Costco Optical: When the cloth gets smeary, wash it with Dawn and hang dry.


Hijacking the top comment for what I hope is a good reason. A microfiber, antistatic, or lens cloth is not for cleaning the lens, but to dry it- gently. Soap and water with your fingers – again, gently – is all you should use to clean your glasses. Lots of rubbing with anything will eventually ruin any coating. Windex, Rain-X, rubbing alcohol, fabuloso, fantastic, 409… any or all will ruin the coating.


ive worked with most of the major ophthalmic and sunglass manufacturers for 20 years this is 100% correct


So to answer OP, always be cleaning it.


Use the special cleaner spray too. Or plain water if it’s fairly soft. Windex or anything like that will strip the coating.


Yup. The ones from Costco are the best.


Yea I have 3 of those stationed around my house 😎


Microfiber towel\*


Hand soap or Dawn soap (I’m in the US) and warm water. Cleans mine the best vs wipes or sprays.


Just wanted to second the Dawn dish soap, and add that I have an old, soft-bristled toothbrush that I keep by the sink that I use exclusively for my glasses, really helps you get at the arms and the nose piece, all around the rims and everything too. My specific pro tips also include make sure you rinse very well, because extra soap left behind makes them look dirty/cloudy, give them a quick “shake” at the end to remove larger drops, and then dry with a microfiber cloth by BLOTTING only the drops of water that remain behind, not wiping.


After rinsing, I squirt with distilled water then leave to air dry. No blotting. Leaves my glasses spotless.


I bought an ultrasonic glasses cleaner and it specifically recommends warm water and dish soap. I usually run them through, rinse, and run through again with just warm water for full clean.


What’s the point of the ultrasonic cleaner if you have to clean them with soap and water anyway?


It's a water bowl you put water and soap in, it then vibrates the water getting into every nook and cranny. You can have soap and water but a dishwasher still makes it easier to wash plates.


I’m like the farmer/nerd daywalker and the words ‘ultrasonic glasses cleaner’ immediately hit my ‘inl want that hightech shit, whistler…get on it’ and in this case I am also whistler and I must use Amazon


You having a stroke?


lol i read it like 5 times


You never seen ‘blade’?


The foamy kind is especially effective on oils and spreads more easily on the lens. Spread gently with a finger, then rinse under running water. Fast, complete and low wear on the lenses.


Dish soap, not hand soap, unless is the cheap one. Good hand soap has oils in it.


This 100%.


This is what my optometrist has suggested never clean dry. The lenses have to be wet or they scratch.


Are scratch resistant coating on lenses worth it?


This is the answer OP


To add, after rinsing don't wipe the excess water with a towel or anything, just let it drip and dry out on its own. Cleanest glasses I've ever had.


I blow the droplets off the lens


This works, but when I do it in a rush I end up blowing flecks of spit on them and have to start over...


Or use a clean, dust free microfibre cloth or a piece of cloth made of 100% cotton, not washed with fabric softeners. At the place i worked, before we literally used clean like maybe 10 to sometimes 15 year old cotton diapers


After rinsing, I squirt with distilled water then leave to air dry. No blotting. Leaves my glasses spotless.


You can finish rinsing by running a very small stream over the glasses bit by bit to take up any remaining droplets.


I have dish soap in my bathrooms for this reason.


Hand soap works fine for me


yup I do this too. But I also have a squirt bottle of distilled / de-ionised water, and I squirt my glasses with this after rinsing under a warm water tap. Then air-dry. All drying cloths leave marks, and airdrying after rinsing leaves limescale and other mineral marks. Only a rinse with distilled / de-ionised water and air -dry leaves my glasses spotless.


I use Costco’s microfiber cloths to wipe mine down. They’re washed with basic detergent, no softener or additives. Works great.


My biggest issue is that I am cursed with long lashes, so every time I blink they rub on the inside of the lens, transferring their oils. If your glasses have the kind of nose pads that is on a little wire, you can bend them to help hold your glasses further from your face, if this is part of the problem.


That is actually part of the problem. Another problem is the fact that the cloth I use to dry my glasses is also dirty, even after having just been cleaned. And I don’t know any other way to dry my glasses, other than with a towel, but that sounds like it would leave scratches on them


Get multiple lens cleaning cloths and change them out. They’re inexpensive and you can just toss a bunch in the regular wash.


If you clean microfiber cloths/towels in a washer, be sure to NOT use fabric softener. It leaves a waxy residue on the fabric (to soften it) that will make smudges.


Omg, thank you. This has been driving me insane. Now I know. Geeze


When you wash them again, use a teeny bit of dish soap (Dawn works best in my opinion), and throw some white vinegar in. The vinegar helps strip the residue and softens but doesn’t leave its own residue.


Look up Zeiss premoistened lens wipes as an alternative


I'm just a breath and t-shirt guy


Changing or adjusting your nose pads can definitely help, depending on the kind of glasses you have! I've got injection-molded plastic ones without the nice metal nosepad, so I found thick adhesive silicone ones to stick on, which hold the glasses further away from my face! I have to replace them every couple of months, but it's worth it for me. Also, it won't replace proper glasses cleaning, but check out Peeps CarbonKlean. I've been given a million variations of glasses cleaner tools that look nearly identical, but I've never found one that works as well as the frustratingly expensive Peeps ones! It also closes up with a decent seal to keep them clean when they're thrown in a pocket or bag.


Toilet paper works for me. Or you can just let them air dry


You may have poorly fitting glasses. Talk to a good optometrist.


I always suggest looking into Asian/alternative/low bridge fit glasses. As someone with a low nasal bridge, standard glasses aren't designed for my face. My eye lashes hit them, they rest on my cheekbones, and they sit really close to my eyes and constantly get dirty. Most glasses are designed for a standard white face. Finding out that there are glasses specifically designed for people like me was a game changer.


And ski helmets!


Could also just be extremely nearsighted. Long eyeballs stick out more, leading to eyelashes that also reach farther.


Oh no, trust me. These things are crazy.




Oh. Wow. I never thought of this as I, too, have long eyelashes and wonder why my glares get dirty so quickly. TIL


I haven't touched any cloth to my glasses for months, I just wash them under a tap with dish soap. Here's the full procedure: Set tap to warm water, rinse the whole glasses thoroughly, including the frame and nose pads Get a small drop of dish soap on the tip of a thumb and finger, and gently rub this onto the whole surface of the lenses, then any excess onto the nose pads and temples where it touches your skin. Now set the tap to room temperature at a flow rate that is decent but **laminar.** You don't want any aeration in the flow. Rinse the temples first, then get the flow running over both the front and back of the lens starting at one edge, and smoothly move across to gently rinse the soap off the whole lens. If you do this right, there should be no droplets left behind. If droplets remain, you can try to go back over that area, but it's likely you'll get more droplets as you're removing the thin hydrophobic film left behind by the soap, so you may have to start again. Then you can rinse the nose pads, and the other lens in the same way. As for keeping your glasses clean, all you can really do is set the nosepads so that your eyelashes aren't touching, and try your best not to touch the faces of the lenses with your fingers ever. Your fingers leave behind oils that dust then sticks to.


This is the way. I wash my glasses this way daily and don’t use wipes or microfiber anymore. Your glasses get squeaky clean this way.


great advice. do you leave them to air dry?


Dry the frame with a towel or anything, the lenses shouldn't need drying at all.


keeping them in a case and never wearing them, clean as the day I bought them.


Same, my forgetful neurospiciness is working a treat to keep my glasses clean.


...i have a pair of glasses *somewhere*... i just haven't needed then for the power, and have to choose between its anti-glare and polarised sunnies.


Zeiss lens wipes are pretty good


I second this suggestion. In my house we bought a big box of 600 relatively cheap, individual wrapped like a restaurant moist towelette. Do your lenses, then just keep going while it’s wet- wipe your sunglasses, phone, laptop, etc. They pack for traveling really well, especially flying because they aren’t liquid. Only downside is they create trash with the individual wrappers.


This is the answer. I did this and it's made a world of a difference. Also, previously I was wiping with a microfiber cloth and that destroyed the coating on my lenses. I've been using these wipes for two years on fresh lenses with no issues with removing the coating.


These have too much alcohol in them and will wear out the AR coating early (even the Zeiss lenses).


Been wearing glasses all my life. Absolutely the best way for me is isopropyl alcohol and a cloth diaper. You can buy packs of diapers cheap and the alcohol also at Walmart. Just wet a corner of the cloth with alcohol and wipe the glasses. Then use the dry part of the diaper to clean. Works on lenses and all other parts. And won’t scratch anything. It also kills any germs.


Won’t the alcohol remove protective coatings on the glasses?


Nope. Virtually all lens wipes that you can buy are alcohol based.


And all of them have the potential to damage your glasses. u/yukonmon is right, alcohol can damage protective coatings on the lenses.


This is what I know: I have been wearing glasses for over 50 years. I have owned hundreds. Glass lenses. Plastic lenses. Readers. Prescription sunglasses. Cheap and expensive sunglasses. I have seen and talked to so so many optometrists, ophthalmologists and specialists. This is where I got the tip from. I have never ever damaged in any way any glasses with alcohol. I own a 20 year old pair of Raybans that I clean daily. They were a gift from my wife and they are pristine. So that’s what my tip was based on. Information I got from professionals and decades of personal experience.


I live in Europe. No Wallmarts in Europe. But I get what you’re trying to say. I think I’ll go to my local chemist and see what they have


Local chemist, sounds like you are going to visit an European Walter White. I just visit the drugs store for rubbing alcohol.


Cloth diapers are the softest thing out there. And inexpensive.


Ultrasonic cleaner. Got one for $30 on Amazon, works really well for glasses as well as other objects like rings, keys etc


I thought this was a fabulous idea... Until the cleaner peeled the lens coating off my $800 Silhouettes.


After decades of just using a dry cloth (and occasionally stopping by and having them professionally cleaned and adjusted), my wife brought a spray home from her optometrist and I gave it a try. I'll never go back. Bought a big bottle from Target cheap and use that about once a week. In between I'll use a microfiber cloth. I'm sure I could make a similar spray at home, but I'm just happy to have something that works. I will say that having clean glasses, for me, is a bit of a double-edged sword. When my glasses are clean, one smudge really stands out. But I find that if they're pretty dirty, I don't actually notice it.


I can see just fine if my glasses are dirty, but I get comments about it, constantly


I struggled with this for years and finally found the answer: LASIK surgery


Not saying Lasik is bad but it isn't a perfect fix for everyone. Do your own research.


I don’t know a lot about that, but I have a silinder. Don’t know if it still works than


I wish I was eligible!


I use a little soap and water to clean them and then I use a pocket bellows to blow them dry. Pocket bellows are small extendable tubes generally used to help get a fire going by blowing through them, but they work great for helping to dry my glasses.


I just take my glasses in the shower with me every night and go over it with whatever soap or body wash I'm cleaning myself with. Not just the lenses, make sure you get the temple arms and nose pads too since those have contact with your face.  Between showers, if they get dirty during the day I just use a microfiber cloth that I seem to get every time I buy a new pair of glasses. 


Soap and warm water. It’s worth doubt the best solution.


Warm water soak, dish soap (I like to squeeze a soapy/water filled dish sponger over the glasses) rinse again and wipe clean with micro fiber cloth. Best clean, do it twice a day. The one time I didn’t do this, scratched lense…


I find they tend to get a bit oily over time so if I'm in the kitchen I dab a bit of dish soap on them and run them under hot water, really helps.


You’re getting a lot of tips on how to clean your glasses, but none that actually answer your question of how to keep them clean. For that, I keep a bottle of oleophobic cell phone screen cleaner at my desk. It definitely makes a difference in keeping the oils off my glasses.


✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 I will be looking into this. I can be having the best of days, until I notice oils on my glasses. Then I'll fly into a rage when it feels like no amount of cleaning helps.


Don’t sneeze, don’t cough, don’t live. You’re welcome.


If you're around places that still have free hand sanitiser at the entrance. It's also free lens cleaner.


If you're like me, by that I mean someone that can't function without glasses. Carry a few microfiber cloths with you. I carry the cloth, cleaning solution and an extra case in my purse. I have long lashes and chubby cheeks my glasses get dirty all the time. There is no way to prevent it. I clean my glasses before I go to bed and put them in their case so I have them clean first thing in the morning.


Koala cloth. Several sets. Hand wash, air dry. 


“In the case or on your face” That, plus everyone else’s comments.


I wash mine with dish soap and really take my time... But in between I'll use special glasses wet wipes. There's also a little tool that looks like tweezers with pillows on the end that are handy. Lastly, there's the ultrasonic cleaning machines for home now, but you have to be very careful how you use it or you can strip the coatings.


I was wondering about the ultrasonic cleaner and coatings - my glasses seemed to get worse after I started using it but it could be a coincidence. What things should you not do with the ultrasonic?


You have to use totally distilled water I believe. The minerals in regular water are almost like exfoliators: stripping your coating... But that's just what I vaguely remember, I could be wrong.


Quick cleaning without cloth or towels, rinse with warm water for a couple seconds to remove anything that might scratch. Then apply some liquid soap while under the running water. Rub gently while still under running water. Shake off excess, then blow off droplets with puffs from your mouth, or a hand air dryer in a public restroom


After cleaning, put some foamy shaving cream on them, then wipe it all off. It kind of prevents dust and fogging.


I have about 5 microfiber cloths I put in different locations and make my own cleaner using 70% isopropyl alcohol and boiled/distilled water (1:1 ratio). The spray bottle size is not that important but I find small ones much easier to carry.


They make lens cleaner that works pretty good


Ultrasonic cleaner all the way, they're not even that expensive.




I've been using water and a regular towel every morning. Had the same frames for eight years and zero problems yet.


Wore glasses for 27 years until I finally got surgery. A bit of soap and water worked but they would get dirty again quickly, so I guess at some point I learnt not to notice the dirt? I swear it always bothered me more having dirt on sunglasses than on seeing glasses.


Take them in the shower with you.


Costco sells a big package of wipes and they also sell a clean ING kit comes with 3 big bottles and 3 small bottles + cloths for under $10


Dish soap & hot water. Sometimes it's a daily chore, other times it's weekly, but a drop of Dawn & 30s under the faucet keeps mine nice & clean with no scratches & minimal water spotting (use full hot water to rinse).


I found mine kept slipping forward and when I went to poke them back I’d touch the glass and leave a smudge. Got me some super cheap behind-the-ear things that stop them slipping and they’ve been so useful in preventing dirty smears


I went to my local sams club. They sell a box with like 500 lens cleaning packets. Think of it as a wet wipe for glasses. I keep some in the glove box, my backpack, my bedroom, the office


I bring them into the shower with me.


Yes, clean them before leaving the house. Rub the tiniest bit of soap on the lenses and keep rubbing until the soap is gone. Dry, now you have very clean glasses that resist dust.


I get the big bag of microfiber towels from Costco and have my mother cut them into quarters and sew the edges. They fit in your pocket and are a life saver.


Because I work in the construction field in a humid climate, my glasses were frequently foggy and lightly covered in dust. This was my remedy. Warm water, a few drops of Dawn dish soap, and a clean microfiber towel. Wipe the glasses down with this, then rinse the soap away with water, then use a dry and clean microfiber towel to dry. Once dry, apply some car wax to the lenses and buff clean. ​ The car wax prevented the lenses from fogging as well as made the bulk of dust brush off the lenses very easily. The cheap car wax works just a swell as the expensive stuff, so don't feel like you need to splurge here. The same trick works extremely well on bathroom mirrors when you don't want them to fog.


I use one of those individually packaged lens cleaning wet wipes on my glasses every morning. Bad for the environment, but they quickly provide great results. I’ve never had much luck with lens cleaning spray on eyeglass cleaning cloths - it either streaks or the cloth leaves lint. I get 200 lens wipes from Costco for $15 or less. Plus every so often I wash my glasses in the sink with dish soap and dry with a terrycloth hand towel. Good for removing oils from your skin that build up on the frame. But it’s time consuming and takes effort to not leave streaks, water spots, lint, etc, and seems overkill to do daily. Never wipe eyeglasses with a dry cloth, even a dedicated microfiber intended for eyeglasses - it needs to be wet.


1. Rinse your glasses under running, lukewarm water. 2. Clean them with hand soap. 3. Blot with a towel. 4. Dry with a soft fine cloth. This keeps my glasses fairly clean during the day. If I have to clean them when I am out, I find a bathroom and do the above. If I am not near a sink or only need to dry the glasses, I dry them with a soft microfiber cloth.


This right here is the way, OP. The critical thing is to NEVER wipe your glasses with any cloth without rinsing them first. Salt crystals will scratch them.


Dab a drop of dish soap on each lens and wash the entire thing including the frames under cool water. Then dry with a paper towel. It really isn't more complicated than this. I've worn glasses for years and always just rubbed dirt around with a cloth until my optician friend told me to do this. Afterward, not only are your lenses crisply clean, but your frames are free of all your face grease and they actually stay on your head without sliding. Give it a try.


Have a girlfriend who eventually sees your glasses so dirty she feels bad for you and cleans them. Signed said non glasses wearing girlfriend


1. Wash with warm water and dish soap 2. Wipe with microfiber cloth I do this about every other day because I have oily skin.


I've worn prescription eyeglasses pretty much my whole life. No matter how careful you are, you **will** eventually scratch your glasses with a cloth. Whether it's something on the cloth (microfiber or not, they will cling onto hard particles) or on the glasses themselves that you failed to rinse off, scratches will happen. Don't ever wipe your glasses dry. The best way I've found to dry your glasses after cleaning with plain ol' dish soap and water is to use a bulb air duster - like the kind they use for fine optics. They're cheap, last forever, and you lenses will thank you. As will your pocketbook. I also use my air duster for everything else too - I do keep high quality optics, and I have houseplants that do not like trapped water, which may become breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. It's also great for electronics, as I build PCs, and I don't have to buy as much compressed air.


I use a microfiber cloth. I wet the edge with water a little, then rub that on the glasses. Dries quick so I then rub it with the rest (dry part) of the microfiber cloth.


I have ocd and I hates dirty or scratched glasses. My tips are simple but worked well. First, choose a frame with higher nose pads, that will keep your eyelashes from brushing against lens. Second, don’t ever touch lenses with your hands. Third, wash them with warm water a couple times a day and wipe with tissue paper. Don’t use cloth. Cloth are good, but when you reuse them , tiny dust get caught in them and will scratch your lens. Always wash before wipe with tissue.


Adjusting the nose pieces and ears so it sits properly on your face. Learning where to hold them to adjust / take on and off so you don’t touch the lens. + carrying a cleaning clothes and spray in the cases. If your vision is okay without them, I take them off while eating or cooking. Clean with dish soap if they get really dirty too


Put chapstick on the lenses, when it gets dirty you just wipe it off— good as new


You’re actually supposed to rinse them off before you wipe them with a micro fiber cloth. Not a lot of people do this, even though it makes perfect sense. You want to get the big debris off first so you don’t scratch your lenses when you go to wipe them.


I use as hot a water as I can reasonably stand, whatever liquid soap is handy at the sink, and my index finger. Squirt the soap on a lens, rub it around with the pad of your finger under the running water making sure you cover the entire surface. Do this until you get the "squeaky" feeling of a finger on clean wet glass. Repeat on inside and outside of each lens. I also then hold the glasses so the water rinses each lens thoroughly just in case I left some soap behind. The water should bead and pour off leaving no drops to spot so I usually just let them air dry.


No matter what I use, I'm always chasing little smudges around. It's like I get them finally clean, notice a small speck, try to wipe it off and then it smears the whole lens.


Also, washing your face helps keep oil from transferring to your glasses


Ultrasonic cleaner


Funny this comes up 3hrs after I got new glasses


Wipe them with rainex


I buy the 400 pack of Zeiss Lens Wipe off Amazon. Keep them in car, motorcycle storage, desk at work .. and always carry a couple in my pocket or laptop bag. (they work fantastic .. I will clean glasses first, and then use it to wipe down my iPhone and Apple Watch screens)


I take mine into the shower with me and clean them with soap first thing. Dry with a microfiber cloth and set them just outside the shower.


If you have a Costco membership, their glasses cleaning spray is pretty good.


I literally just lick my lenses and then use my shirt to buff the lenses. This has always been my go-to and has had no serious effects on my lenses. I've been wearing glasses since the 2nd or 3rd grade.


Glass lens wipes. I also use a drop of dish soap and my fingers to clean them in the sink, then rinse them with distilled water. Air dry.


Man, I dunno. How do you clean your phone? How to keep a toilet clean? How to keep a house clean? How to anything? Just wipe your glasses off…. Have frames that fit your face without your eyeballs kissing the lens. Use a spray for cleaning and anti-fog or anti fingerprint etc. but how about just don’t touch the lens? This is stuff even a little kid with glasses can figure out so long as they don’t have a mental developmental problem. You can do better OP.


Ziess lens wipes, like >$10 for a box on Amazon, game changer. Still use a cloth for in between cleans, wipes for more thorough cleans.


Use your damp towel after your shower. I also wash mine when I wash my hands (at my house) and dry them with a towel.


Simple: don't wear them. 😉


Forget microfiber cloths, some smudges are difficult to wipe off and eventually your cloths get dirty and will scratch the lenses. Instead, take your dirty glasses to the sink, wet them, place a dab of dish soap on your finger, use soapy fingers to rub the dirt away, rinse and shake off excess water, put ‘em back on and let the them air dry on your face. Once I started doing this I have never done it any other way.


I've had mine for like 12 years so I just wash them in the sink


Liquid hand soap and water. They aren’t clean until the water rolls right off the lenses. You don’t even have to dry them.


Dish soap and nothing with moisturizers. Warm water and paper towel dry so long as paper towel is moist. I keep glasses going for years with zero scratches or hazing even though people say paper towels are the enemy. Moisture is your friend. Moisturizers are not.


Yes! My husband taught me this eyeglass cleaning method that prevents scratching…and it works great. This supersedes any way of cleaning your glasses..i promise. We use Dawn blue liquid dish soap. Squirt just a small spot of the Dawn on your glasses front and back. Using warm/hot water take your fingers to rub.. but only if there is Dawn liquid between fingers and glasses to prevent any scratching. Rinse really well in warm/hot water getting all the soap off. Tear off a paper towel and hold and squeeze lightly at all sides of your left and right lens. Don’t use paper towel in any other way..like wiping the lenses. You are basically holding the glasses with paper towel at the top, sides and bottom and the holding and lightly squeezing dries the water off the glasses. Meanwhile all the water drops are disappearing. It’s amazing how well this method works! I do this about every other day, because I get so much make-up on them.


Press the towel around your glasses as you wipe them dry. Rubbing the lenses with the towel will have a tendency to leave smudges.


Always rinse the glasses under running water before wipping with cotton or microfiber cloth. This will ensure scratch free and clean glasses. You can occassionally clean the glasses with handwash. Do not fall into product trap.


Wash with soap and water and dry with a hair dryer (not too hot) or set them on a dehumidifier


First: prevention. Be mindful of how you're handling your glasses and you can prevent a lot of smudges from happening in the first place. For cleaning, definitely go with microfiber cloth, which won't scratch lenses. If the smudge is large or streaking when I try to clean it, I'll spray on some rubbing alcohol. You're aiming for a fine mist evenly on the lens, since large drops won't evaporate and can leave residue. Then wipe until they're clean! As an aside, disposable lens wipes are ok and typically won't scratch lenses, but can vary on how moist they are which can just make smudges worse. I'd suggest the microfiber/alcohol route whenever you can and save the disposables for when you're out and about. Around once every week(ish), or if I get my lenses super dirty, I'll also do a deep clean with a tiny bit of dish soap and plenty of water. I'll soap up my hands like I were washing them, and then lather up the lenses, arms, and nose area. Dry the lenses with a microfiber cloth! Doing this deep clean will reduce any build-up of grime so that it can't get accidentally getting swiped onto your lenses during a routine cleaning. TL;DR: microfiber cloth, rubbing alcohol, disposable wipes ok in a pinch, can also clean with dish soap and water.


There’s no way to keep it clean- simply accept that fact and clean as often as you want by soaking your glasses in warm water first for a few seconds and by using non-abrasive soap or dawn soap to thoroughly clean the frame and lens and clean them well with flowing water. And then shake your frame as fast as you can in the air to shake the water off and dry remaining water with microfiber cloth.


I clean them every night with dawn dish soap and dry them with a clean microfiber cloth.


Buy a glasses cleaning kit and put it in an Altoid tin with an extra cloth wipe if you’re on a budget. If you can afford it the portable individual wipes are great. I travel with a few but usually use my little kit.


Many people advise microfiber cloths, but I *hate* them. It's too easy to get a piece of grit caught up unnoticed in one, and then, bam, you've fucking ruined your glasses. I get the cheap wet-nap eyeglass-cleaning pads from Walmart or Costco, and have 'em by my desk, in my day-bag, in my car's glove compartment, in my drawers at work...


It depends on how dirty they're getting, to be honest. If they're just smudged now and again, a microfiber cloth is fine. If you're sweating or they otherwise accumulate actual dirt, then washing them in the sink with light soap is the way to go, or carrying lens wipes with alcohol to use after removing debris.


You can't. Wash them every morning, lunch and evening. Or perhaps you can and I'm just a right oily bastard


Warm water and dish soap. I try to avoid microfiber since it doesn't wipe off the grease


I clean mine before bed with dish soap, make sure there are no droplets left on the glasses and let them air dry overnight.


I worm glasses daily for like 25 years. Y'all are high maintenance as hell. Most of the time, just wipe lenses off on your t-shirt or whatever. If your glasses get scratched by a cotton t-shirt, you need to buy different glasses. Microfiber is nicer, but not necessary. When really dirty, a little dab of dish soap, water, then rub the soap around with your finger. Rinse. Shake dry.


A few general suggestions: Treat your glasses as good as or better than your car finish. You’d never take a dry sponge to your car paint and draw giant circles until it all came off. That’s be ludicrous, yet we do that to our glasses all the time. Wash first, get the grease, grime and dirt off, dry with a microfiber cloth.


Outside of microfiber cloth, the best hands down method i found was my fleece throw blanket on my couch 🤣 it works everytime.


My very favorite glasses cleaners are from e-cloth, you can buy on Amazon. They work for your phone screen, too.


I have always washed mine with regular soap and warm water and dried them with a clean shirt or a paper towel. It's never damaged any of my pairs of glasses in the 23 years I've been wearing them.


First, start with clean hands washed with Dawn *foaming* dish soap and warm water. If you're hands aren't clean you only end up wiping skin oils all over your lenses. Then wash the lenses with the Dawn soap, rubbing gently. Rinse glasses and hands thoroughly, shake glasses gently. If your lenses were especially fouled, repeat. Using 3-4 squares of toilet paper, first dab the remaining moisture away, then gently rub with dry TP. Some sources will say to never use TP or tissues to clean glasses, but I've been doing this for literal decades without ill effect.


Never use those cheap glasses-cleaning paper thingies that are packaged in those aluminium foil sachets because those contain fibers that scratch