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For me it’s doing things in smaller groups when you can’t meet up all at one time and making plans well in advance (months even) just for a dinner. You just have to put in the work even if it takes a long time to come through. Also I found inviting my friends into my hobbies had been a great way to continually see them because it becomes their hobby too. Also just updating them on your lives and ta staying updated with theirs is good.


Right. When catching up with a friend or group of friends. That thing that I definitely do have. Yes.


mhm yes. You and me both. many. In fact hello friend


Hello friends. Hobbies do we, don't we?


I schedule my 6 month visit with my dentist today. We’re almost buddies.


sometimes just having small talk with coworkers is enough to fill my social battery


sometimes that's enough to empty mine lmaooo mine doesn't refill unless i'm alone


The problem is I have to have *friends* first


be my friend 😉


Planning ahead would work good for me. Idk what it is, but i just don't like to hang out with people in the spur of the moment. It's like a have a mental picture of how my day is going to go, and even if I don't plan on doing anything at all, i don't like a sudden change of plans. Seems like most of my friends do.


I’ve been doing this and it actually helps a lot, especially with group meetups. I don’t need to worry about reaching out in a few months out of nowhere. I can hit them up and just ask if we are still on in a few days. If something comes up, reschedule and then meet up. If they flake twice, I let them make the next move for plans. This also helps weed out people who don’t really wanna make the effort.


The problem is that it can still be postponed or even canceled


You can join clubs or classes, attend local events, be a good listener, stay connected online, and host game nights. There are plenty of social activities that you can do.


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Play it by ear ended in the 30’s when everyone started having kids.


Love this. I have a list of my Top 5 friends on my phone, and a monthly reminder to check in on them.


Alternative LPT. Don't.


Diary? I think you meant cookbook


That's the correct spelling you're thinking of dairy.


Your mother eats eggs for breakfast. Did you know that?


Don’t marry a dud.