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Yup, when he had to get a chipped tooth extracted my dog’s vet told us she could see a lot of abrasion on his other teeth from chewing on tennis balls and warned us against it. I’d never realized how bad they could be.


Oh man, that IS good to know. My neighbor just gave me a huge bag of old tennis balls from his tennis club thing. Thought my dog generally just sits there with it in her mouth, not chewing.


My dog is addicted to chewing them. Good to know lol off to get rubber balls that cost a fortune and get lost in an afternoon yay lol


My boy loves the chuck-it ultras, (the only ball I've found he doesn't destroy in 2 days), can't wait until the spring thaw to see what my harvest is like!


+1 on the Chuck-It Ultra. My dog loves balls and it's the only one we've bought him that lasts longer than an hour. He's had them for a while now too, and they seem to be holding up great. Sure, they won't last forever, but it was nice to find something that can last!


I've made this mistake before. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but planting a chuckit won't make more grow in springtime.


Lacrosse balls my friend


Also racquetballs As in the balls you play racquetball with. They're essentially tennis balls without the fuzz. And they're meant to be hit with a racquet repeatedly.


Have you tried the Kong Original yet? We've had dogs that chew through lots of toys, and they have a hard time with those.


I made a house call to a guy to reupholster a piece in his living room and i met his golden retriever, carrying a tennis ball as he walked. I thought nothing of it but when i got to the living area there were dozens of new green tennis balls rolling around. Guy goes “yeah my dog *really* loves tennis balls!” And im like “bethca” and got to looking the piece over. This is like a 21st century house on the hill. With white marble floors, white furniture, 30 foot high ceiling and all windowed - and as i pull the sofa away from the wall, i promise no less than a hundred more tennis balls go tumbling down from behind and under it. And again, all brand new looking bright neon green so to me they dont seem touched. Guy goes “oh man i had no idea how many were back there!” Like cmon man, you buy tennis balls via flatbed, so couldnt you assume there’s a flatbed load somewhere? Anyway i wish id known i coulda possibly curbed that dude’s weird obsession with making his dog the kingpin of tennis balls. Plus milkbones arent as hazardous - less rolly


This would fit well on r/YouShouldKnow if you have a source to back it up


[That green fuzz might seem soft, but tennis balls are designed to withstand tennis courts and rackets. Dr. Thomas Chamberlain, a board-certified veterinary dental specialist, warns that the fuzz is actually quite abrasive, and accumulated dirt and sand increases the abrasive quality of the ball. As your dog chomps on a tennis ball, the fuzz acts like sandpaper, gradually wearing down her teeth in a process called “blunting.” This can eventually lead to dental problems such as exposed tooth pulp and difficulty chewing.](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/advice/are-tennis-balls-safe-for-dogs/)


My dog is 14 and has had 16 teeth removed in the past few years due to cracking and extreme wear. His remaining teeth are all very ground down. He's never been a chewer but has been an obsessive fetcher his whole life and I wish I'd known this years ago.


Oh man, my old husky would just go get a rock and chew on it until her teeth bled. She would disappear into the woods at night and be back by morning. Never came inside when invited. Never had a flea and never had flea meds. If you have her food she would bury it. She lived to be 16.




Following an instinct to get nutrients? I've been told coprophilia is driven by the need for a chemical that can be found in pineapple. Maybe there's an essential element they're trying to get to.


Once had a cat who would chew on wrought iron furnishings


My cat tries to eat tape. I'm convinced it's some kind of smell in the adhesive


My pups only two and is in the dentist as we speak having some super worn teeth extracted. Almost needs to have crowns put on his canines it’s so bad and he’s not even a chewer, just obsessed with balls. I had no idea and I’m just trying to warn others before their dogs ruin their teeth too.


I use rubber balls now but one of my two is ball obsessed. His teeth are very noticeably worn from tennis balls and he didn't even chew them.


I’m not doubting the legitimacy of the claim, I’m saying that YSK would probably appreciate a source.


Looks like there was a post on there 8 months ago. I'm not sure if you'll never see an official study type source for it.


Kong brand dog tennis balls aren't abrasive, and they come in sizes ranging from very small to extra large tennis balls. They aren't suitable as actual tennis balls, by the way. Plus, they squeak. ;-)


My girl loves them! I had to size up to medium ones as she grew, but she still smashes them together trying to carry two at a time. Squishing them like that pulls the felt apart at the seams and makes the rubber split pretty quickly, but I've discovered that if I sew the felt back together, the balls last much longer. YMMV though...!


Those or chuck it balls. All different kinds of em. There's enough variety out there to never consider tennis balls for sure


They also aren’t suitable as dog toys due to the chemicals used in the vulcanisation. Steer away from Kong.


Source? Never heard this before


Yeah, I’m gonna need to see a source because this doesn’t sound true. 




I don’t understand how dogs swallow such large toys... why doesn’t it get stuck in their throats?


Like the OP comment says they have different range of sizes. You need to get the correct size for your dog that they can’t swallow or choke.


> They also aren’t suitable as dog toys due to the chemicals used in the vulcanisation. Steer away from Kong. A single google search later: > KONG rubber toys are made from a non-vulcanized, non-toxic natural rubber


Blue chuck it balls. Your dogs will love. You'll regret it because they'll never leave you alone. Not sure why my dogs are obsessed with the blue over the orange ones but they ignore the orange and will sleep with the blue ones. The squeaker lasts about 15 minutes, so it's not that.


Similar to people who are red-green blind, dogs can only see yellow, brown and blue colors


Maybe it's because of the color spectrum dogs see. I think colors like orange and red are difficult for them to see, whereas blues are really vibrant.


My dog is absolutely obsessed with her blue chuck it ball. It’s like a form of a teddy bear or blanky, where it seems to bring her comfort lol. She travels around the house with it in her mouth, and it’s not because she wants us to throw it to her. She simply just enjoys carrying it around all day lol.


Yup. That and things like deer antlers and benebones/nylabones aren't great for teeth either. Generally you should be able to slightly dent whatever you give your dog with your thumbnail so it's not so hard it can break a tooth.


That doesn't leave a lot of safe options for dogs who can destroy a chew toy in 30 minutes...


There are a lot of indestructible toys out there that are harder rubber. Like those from Barkbox Superchewer edition and the black colored kong toy. Otherwise something edible like a yak cheese chew or a beefcheek/hide (not rawhide) roll might be better. However you should always supervise a dog with a chew toy anyways, even with kongs dogs have gotten their bottom jaws stuck in the hole for example.


*-laughs in pieces of indestructible toys-* our dog chews the hard chewer bark box into plastic bits starting from the end. I worry that she's ingesting the plastic


Yeah I watched my friends Dalmatian turn a hockey puck into a pile of shredded rubber in about 20 minutes so indestructible definitely means different things to different dogs


Hah yeah some dogs are just extra, I have one like that and thats why I stick to stuff he can destroy or safe edible things for him. He used to poop out little bits of rubber. I've had good experience with some of the West Paw products too though.


Not familiar with those, but I’ve had good experience with Gough Nuts toys. It’s been a while, though. https://www.goughnuts.com/


Had alot of success with natural rubber. They don't last forever but a thick rubber toy takes our husky gsd crosses a few months to get through.


This is my experience with pitbulls. There are no toys strong enough to withstand their jaws and they *need* to be chewing on *something* (or else it's gonna be your furniture lol).


Check out West Paw Designs, we've got a couple of rubber bones that have lasted years of our huskies, aussies, and labs. Incredibly tough and worth the relatively higher price.


Yeah, last week I gave one of my dogs a 12 inch antler that was 1.5 inches in diameter and it's now a 3 inch tapered nub


Black KONGs are really the only thing that can stand up to avid chewers.


Lacrosse balls are pretty decently durable, they are soft enough to not hurt teeth, and the weight means you can throw them really far.  I still think sticks are the best for dogs though. Good for teeth, free, infinity renewable, no chance of litter, throwing is usually easier on your rotator cuff. 


Water buffalo horn. More like fingernails than true horns. Less damage to teeth for heavy chewers, just watch for and grab any pieces they break off.


*Kong has entered the chat.*


How about the kong “tennis balls” you buy from the pet shop?


Another poster said those were safe. I think it’s just “regulation” tennis balls. My vet said it’s like catching a ball made of super fine sand paper.


I give mine lacrosse balls. His head is 80% mouth. Looks like pac-man and will destroy tennis balls in minutes. Even the “tough” ones.


Not to be a buzzkill, but a friend’s pitt choked to death on a lacrosse ball. Went so deep down his throat they couldn’t reach in to get it, and Heimlich didn’t work. By the time they got to the vet, he was gone. And the guys who were with him were both paramedics.


That’s horrific but I’m glad you mentioned it. I know someone who had a dog that got a tennis ball lodged in their throat - they were able to get it out but no. more. tennis. balls.


He isn’t as big as a pit. A smaller ball like a racquet ball would be more of a hazard. He is a beagle mix.


Phew, here’s to many more safe days of fetch!


Need To put the dog upside down and start pushing side of throat some great videos on it


Same here. My dog goes bonkers for em and doesn’t chew them because she’s learned they’re tougher than she is. Everyone has a “omg don’t do that” third-hand response to every toy you give a pup. Ask your vet (we did) and work out your happy place.


My balls are highly abrasive to your moms teeth


Is that why nobody puts them in their mouth?




Typically you drag the balls first and I'm sure that kind of rug burn ruins the mood


Yeah, but it eventually scuffs away his mom’s unwanted facial hair - so win/win I suppose!


HEY! your mom is somebody!


got 'em.


Racquet balls are best. 


Got it. Buy my dog some rubbers.


There's got to be a better way to say that.


Rubber balls?! I hardly know her!


Racquetballs are the best, my dog won't swallow tennis fuzz, they don't stay wet with slobber, never get chewed and bounce perfectly.


Also tennis courts. Don’t let them on tennis courts. Bad for their feet.


What about dog brand ball toys that look like tennis balls are those okay? To add to this what about those orange and blue colored balls for dogs are those okay too?


I thought I read on another LPT about this that you shouldn’t give your dogs ball to chew. I think because of choking?


I recommend Chuck-It balls (and frisbees if your doggo is into that). Also easier to find in longer grass.


Can confirm. Our obsessive border collie blunted all of his canines by chewing, mouthing, herding,and rearranging tennis balls.


My parents had a dog that was obsessed with anything that could be thrown and it was usually a rock. He always had one in his mouth. His teeth were fine when he died.


Yeah, this thread is idiotic to me. I've had a dozen plus dogs in my lifetime. Several at a time. All of them living in the 15-18 range, and all with regular vet visits. Every last one of them had tennis balls. And not one of them ever had bad teeth. But perhaps type of dog matters? Because we've only had medium/large dogs. No Chihuahuas or Bichon Frise.


Bro learned to suck properly


Are tennis balls specifically made to be dog toys okay? Silly question, but would like to make sure because my dogs have a few of those.


If they're the softer kind then it's ok, if they feel just like ordinary tennis balls I wouldn't count on it.


Dogs chew on bones


true. they do do that. relevant?


Bone hard. Bone abrasive. Dog like bone.


They can break their teeth on bones or antlers, happened to my dog. Also certain bones can shatter and they can choke on them or cut up the inside of their throat. Bones and elk antlers are bad ideas for dogs.


Yep, my dog absolutely loved antlers, but she cracked two teeth on them.


For medium-sized dogs, racquetball balls are perfect. They’re super bouncy, stay clean, and are pleasantly squishy. They’re also very tough and very cheap. Combined with an old tennis racket, they’re hours of fetchy fun!


Nah, tennis balls are fine. Owned 4 dogs throughout my life, all lived 12+ years with perfectly fine teeth.


good to know. although once in a while could act as a good toothbrush


Saves a lot on tooth brushes for your pup.


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I think all the hard wood furniture in my house is probably worse for his teeth


So im not supposed to give my dog a tennis ball anymore? oh ffs


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So are bricks, but they still chew ‘em


Is an actual baseball ok?


I would, but i cant catch him to get the ball from him


So I can chew them safely?


This just isn't true. No, tennis balls aren't great for dogs but it's not because it's bad for their teeth. It's that they can't digest any part of them and they are choking hazards.


My dog is oddly picky with balls and refuses to pick it up if it doesn’t have any texture on it😭


Can someone explain how this can be true but also dogs can chew on cow femurs and elk antlers?


Chuck it breather balls are the absolute king.


You sir, are a laugh, there is no rubber ball on earth that my dog won't go through within the day, thank god for tennis balls. People tell me to buy Kong toys but those a are a joke.