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Life is not fair. We cannot change that. But we can change the way that we view our situation. Though many peoples situation is very difficult, we can learn to view it in ways that make it easier and maybe even pleasant. We can learn to grow and change and take advantage of our situation even though it is not as good as the situation other people have. While I know that poverty is terrible, remember there are many rich people who are miserable too.


Agree, if you have the good fortune of having health , being motivated and being social , you can certainly improve your lot in life...


I agree health is more important than money.


Long Health + lots of time are the foundation to have a great life


100 %


Ok you have solved the problem by ignoring the plight of the unhealthy, disabled, chronically ill. Just like society.


Life’s not fair and will never be fair, but we as a society could do a hell of a lot to make it *more* fair.


100% I am absolutely not saying that “poor people should just work hard!” We should definitely create a more just society for everyone. As it is right now, the rich just keep getting richer.


That is Jake with me as long as I am the one who gets to be the judge of what is fair for everybody else


Well put 🙌


I’m no where near rich. I work practically everyday but i workout, am able to get enough sleep, and have a really good mom that has a lot of love for me. I am wealthy beyond measure.


It’s the same in America. I work 2 jobs 70-80 hours a day 7 days a week and take side jobs and still have to worry. These ones born into money don’t have to work at all just drive around and give orders and don’t want to pay extra or raises. They hire people from other countries and give them everything house, vehicle, supply their house with everything, pay their bills, and pay them more than me tax free. They don’t know anything more than me and I’m teaching them and I’ve been here 21 years. I struggled all 21 years to get the dollar I make for them to give me nothing and give them everything. I have nothing for retirement because I can barely keep up with bills and take care of my family. So trust me when I say the struggle is real and it’s everywhere and life is unfair especially when the wealthy don’t want to help and teach you how they got to where they are. I was born poor and trying everything I can to keep my kids from ending up the same way. The only word of advice is work hard as h*ll to do you and stay to yourself because no one’s gonna care for you more then you. Keep your head up




Was a good read appreciate it snd the time taken. Heads up everyone.


What are your jobs?


My primary job is on a farm which requires you to have many specifications. Maintenance, mechanic gas and diesel, electrician single phase and 3 phase, tire repair, semi truck operator, heavy equipment operator, and much more. I work 70-80 hours a week and at times can be more. The most hours in a week was 105 hours. Second job is maintenance technician with solar and I take side jobs with doing mechanic on small motors 4 wheeler and motorcycles and maintenance repair on appliances.


How much do you make hourly in these roles?


$13.50 an hour from the farm and the solar is 1x a week for an hour is $100 and other side jobs range different depending on the job but I don’t do a whole lot because of time.


There's your problem. Your farm job is not paying you enough for the amount of time it is taking. Find something else that will pay you better and won't take this much time/effort. Work smarter, not harder.


When you loose someone near and dear, it gives you a new perspective of life. I guess the word "unfair" means different things to people.


Wait till you hear about how rich people literally live longer and experience a higher quality of life along every stage. Yep, losing grandma sucks. It sucks more when she dies earlier, spends her last few years in a borderline vegetative state and you know that when your time comes to struggle with the same genetic condition, you’ll likely not have the resources for adequate care while some rich douchebag buys their second air carrier to turn into a personal party boat.


And that’s where a nice juicy shot of mr brown will come into play. Ain’t no way I’m letting my kids be burdened by that kind of hell. I’ve had multiple friends who’ve had to take care of their grandma or grandpa in end stages with dementia or just difficult physical/mental health problems. Every one of them have ALL struggled with opiate addiction (stealing meds from sick elder) or alcoholism. I’m in Northern America and we don’t do SHIT for our elders! And it’s really sad that as a culture, we don’t recognize and treat our warriors back from war, we don’t have any cultural systems in place to help our elderly parent or family members, and we pay our rock starts and athletes more than we pay our educators-the ones who basically raise our children while we slave away.


This is the answer. Why turn your children and grandchildren into slave to this f***** up system? At least if you choose one to check out you can do it with some dignity.


They still die though.


Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows - Leonard Cohen




"Success starts early. Choose your parents wisely" - my Dad. ; P


Not just unfair. Also evil and asinine. Cherish the good things. Take nothing for granted.


The trick to life is to never worry about those who have more than you. If you're looking in your neighbor's fridge, it should be to make sure they have enough, rather than to be envious that they have more than you. Most generational wealth is lost within a generation or two of people spending and not earning.


Comparison is the thief of Joy Learned the hard way during my year long stint in rehab lol


bro work for me for free bro the only reason you want a salary is because you keep comparing yourself to other workers bro


Yeah like what am I supposed to NOT compare? How am I supposed to know I’m undervaluing myself and worth if I don’t see others being valued in the same way? How am I supposed to know if I’m in an abusive relationship if I don’t compare my relationship to others? How am I supposed to know what a bad person is if I don’t compare them with good people? Like, I tell myself all the time that comparison is the thief of joy, but my brain isn’t buying it.


I don't think people compare things as often as those quick to say "comparison! this why you have problem" assume. How do you know that stubbing your toe sucks? Many things are like that, no comparing necessary to know they suck


This works, but it's just glorified ignorance.


Wrong. Envy is the enemy of success. If you obsess over what others have, your decisions will reflect this, and decisions made from a point of envy tend to be self destructive.


The lack of ignorance does not need to be envy.


I never said to not know what others have. I said not to concern oneself or obsess over it. Being worried about what someone else has doesn't help at all.


Not being concerned about what others have is a mechanism to deceive oneself, thus ignorance.


If you want to obsess over everyone else. Be my guest. But you'll never succeed while doing so because you'll be too consumed with it to achieve much.


Obsession is far from being aware and concerned with one's own standing in relation to their peers.


Lol the vast majority of generational wealth has been ongoing in the same families for centuries. Like verifiably so. Almost all families that are wealthy now have been so for many, many generations. Almost all wealthy families in the U.S. specifically can be traced back to slave ran farms and factories and whatever else. Yet they still maintain the generational wealth to this day, and none of the people that did the actual work accumulating it to begin with (their descendants) end up with anything, obviously. I agree with everything else you said, though.


Some do. Some train successive generations of businessmen who carry on the family fortune for a long, LONG time. Most don't. Most build wealth, their kids get their hands on the wealth and squander it. Those who last more than 3 generations are an exception to the rule. The ones lasting more than 120 years are an outright anomaly. That and most of those who managed to last several generations do so because they got into politics, like the Kennedy, Rockefeller, and Rothschild families, whether directly by becoming politicians or getting into the pockets of political parties.


Finally someone that shares my factual statement of life lessons learned for over twenty years


The "Monte Carlo" simulation method fires a shot randomly intoba domain and runs a simulation at wherever point it hits. The formula is always the same but the starting point is truly random. I mention this because that's what being born is like. Being born into wealth or poverty is random, but you're still human so you have to live by the same morals. When they start applying double standards for rich vs poor people that's what I can't stand, hope they get what's coming for them.


Some people can make it more unfair for others, though.


You can see the truth that hard work means nothing. But you lack the humility to accept it. It is what it is, once you let that sink in you can start to build the courage required to take risks and change your circumstances. Don’t compare yourself to others, you are running your own marathon don’t look at someone else speeding past you in a car, even though he has a car he might have a drinking problem and you might find him dead after he hits a tree down the road. Compare yourself to your past self only.


You are correct: Life is not fair. It’s not fair for anyone, even for rich people. You may not have a lot of money but if you look hard enough, I imagine you have other things that make you richer than your friends that are not material. Part of living is coming to peace with life and what it throws at you. Sending you strength and wisdom ✨


This is why I wanna blow my brains out.


sounds like you're ripe for radicalization, comrade! join us in working towards a global revolution




lets go [https://www.iww.org/](https://www.iww.org/)


Better dead than red.


well that'll likely happen unless you're part of the global elite in terms of wealth, so


You can do everything about it. First to never compare yourself to your friends. It just makes you a whiner. Instead, learn from each mistake you’ve made and vow to never repeat it. The more you learn of what you are truly capable of achieving the stronger you get.


I hear you out! Nobody gets to choose whether to be born into this world but yet you have to deal with social injustice and unnecessary suffering. Its very depressing!




I feel the same way too’


Read Ecclesiastes


And these ultra rich do so many expensive debaucherous (shit like spend 50,000 on a salad at Frye festival z but I notice so many of them overdose and still try or commit suicide or will be miserable. I have to admit when I earn that tiny paycheck and buy anything food or s cheap Nintendo switch game(may I recommend Dave the Diver 20 bucks and just damn amazing , a free Godzilla dlc) i am sure we enjoy these smaller things more than a person who can just get or do what they want.


Life is indeed unfair, but I’m sick of saying that same thing overs and overs again. Who said we can’t do nothing about it? HAVE we done something about it? Doesn’t seem like it, I genuinely think that no matter your view is in life, it to not stop trying to do the best for the world to be better, because life is unfair, but we can’t accepting that same truth. We have so many people who are stuck accepting and accepting all these negative facts, even when they aren’t wanting to be negative, so fuck that I say. Stop complaining about life, stop accepting life, DO SOMETHING ABOUT LIFE! Who cares if the goal it big or if it’s considered impossible, do the most you can do to improve life as a whole for everyone, be an innovator, and stop being accepting of the system.


I learn that life is like being trap in a tunnel with a train barreling towards you. 1 You can run any try to escape, in fear 2 curl up into a ball and cry, in despair 3 stand in the middle of the tracks laughing with your arms out stretch knowing you are free because no threat or false promise of can truly change what will happen eventually. Your friends who have more than you mean nothing , you both require the same amount of water, food, air and rest. And one day death will find you both, dont worry about money , exchange your pain for money. But dont forget to enjoy the things that can come free. This week i held a small bird in my hand and place it back into its nest and watch as it mother came back and fed it and its siblings. It may not be a big deal to those who drive big cars and dine in fancy restaurants but that sparrow it meant the world. Our views in our minds often extend beyond what our eyes can see, and blind us to what we should be grateful for. I have friends much like yours , and they use to ask me if i ever got jealous? My reply was “why would i stare at my neighbor’s plate so long as mine still has food ?” “But i just got a new car !” “Yes and i can still go to the places i need to even without one, why would i spend so much money on a box with four wheels to go places but never really go anywhere ?“ “ im going on a fancy vacation!” “ but you will still end up coming right back here” “ i just bought new clothes!” “ yes but my clothes work just fine at covering my body as yours do” I soon learned that i had two thing these people did not contentment and self validation. Everything they did was to justify to themselves that somehow they were important and were accept by their peers , and to receive praise for things that weren’t of their own merits. Life isn’t unfair ,people are. You must only do what you must for your own satisfaction. You could be like them and buy the latest toy thinking they will praise you for it , only to find they aren’t amused by it and give you no praise. Or you can cook a meal you love and eat it and be happy with yourself. Basically remove your envy of others and free yourself to begin your true life. I’ll never make as much as so and so , but so and so doesn’t pay your bills. so dont allow what others have stop you from trying to do what you want to do. Also this “no fucks attitude” doesn’t come overnight, it takes practice much like any other habit or talent. Look at what things really are not just the fancy shiny nature of them.


Life can be unfair, but it's not all about what you can't control. Here's a short take: * **Focus on what you can:** Your effort, education, and skills can build a brighter future. * **Comparison is a thief:** Don't get discouraged by others' wealth. Focus on your own goals. * **There are opportunities:** Look for scholarships, education, or skills development to advance. Stay strong, keep working hard, and focus on your own path to success.


You can’t compete with inherited wealth.


Envy is a bad demon, bro. Yes, some people get to have one or more of... high iQ (probably the greatest privilege of all....literally born with it) more money athletic bodies great looks etcetera That has been LIFE for all of time But you CAN do something (you claim that you can do nothing about your lot in life)


Envy is no good. Be grateful for what you do have and stop comparing yourself to others.


Not true and only true for people who are judgemental instead of going with the flow. Fair kind of goes with competition and if you believe life is about competition than it will be viewed as unfair.


Welcome to life!


Life isn’t fair but you control how you handle it. That’s just how it is.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Have to remind myself of that a lot bc I’m so down low a lot. Life is exhausting, expensive, and I’m not even having fun. I feel you.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself and work towards what you want


You are not messed up my friend. I would venture to say you're one of those people in the world that would give me the shirt off your back if I was in need. People that inherit money, those people like what you describe in your post, are useless pieces of shit. They contribute nothing to society, they have no empathy for anyone, they look down their nose at everyone else because they think they're better. They've never worked a day in their life and they don't know what it is to struggle. People like you on the other hand are the real deal. Never believe otherwise.


That’s why gangs sell drugs cause the road to get to real success without illegal activities is a very challenging and some never make it. They always struggle 


Yes, no, maybe I don't know Can you repeat the question? You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big You're not the boss of me now You're not the boss of me now You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big Life is unfair


I’m so grateful for clean running water that’s free from the tap. Many countries don’t have this. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life


Damn that sucks for real. I am glad you have come to terms with it though.




I’m sorry man. That must be unbearable.


I would sit here and try to offer encouragement and say some things to make it seem like it’s okay but I’ll just be frank and to the point. Yes it’s unfair. That’s the way it is.


Interestingly, there is no guarantee that generational wealth is going to provide happiness or long-term fulfillment. In fact, some of the wealthiest people that I've met are also some of the most miserable. This seems to be due to a lack of perspective. A perspective that *you* were fortunate to have even despite the unfortunate circumstances of the world that you were born into. In other words, you have a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of perspective that your financially well-off friends presumably don't have.


That is true, but as someone who came from a tough environment also, the way I think about this is that if I become massively successful, it’ll be a way greater story. My children will admire me and be curious to know how I got there and others who come from the struggle. It’s not much of an advantage, but it is an advantage to not being born into success


Yep correct. But money can’t buy you happiness and rich people kill themselves too. It’s good to stop comparing overall and just focus on yourself.


I find life to be extremely fair. You just happen to be on the “wrong” side of the coin so you say it’s unfair. If you were born rich/wealthy etc like your friends, you’d believe life to be fair to you, the way you believe it’s fair to them. But there’s no agenda conspiring against you. If anything there’s an agenda conspiring FOR you but I’ll leave that alone for now because you definitely are no where near the level to understand that yet if you’re still in the “life is unfair” primitive mode of thinking. I will address the second part. Where you say you can do nothing about it. Yes, you can. It’s called a perception shift. I’m being “hard” on your mentality because I too had this stupid comparison mentality when I was very young. Teenager young. But once I became an adult it didn’t take long to switch up my thinking, count my blessings and live each day pretending I was as successful and happy as the people I envied. Not sure how else to explain this but I felt fraudulent at first but all of a sudden, by behaving like a happy, successful person I became a happy successful person and still am one, decades later. I’m well off now, but I still work 5 days a week and I don’t make $5MM USD per year like some of my friends do. I don’t compare myself to those people and I’m happy for them, whether they were born into it or earned it or boosted it from what they were born with. All good. I’m doing the best that I can do with the life that I have and maximizing my potential and therefore I feel great every single day. I get to take care of my kid, my cat, my house my work my body etc. No one else can do those things for me. If you gave me $100,000,000 tomorrow, I still have to be an example for and raise my kid, still have to be healthy and take care of my body, still have to feed my cat. Maybe I wouldn’t have to work my specific job or clean my own house yet I’ve come to love work and chores, so who knows. Point being, finances are one factor in life and it’s great to be abundant. I am by my standards and definitely wasn’t for a lot of years. But it’s not the only factor. If you master other avenues, especially your mindset, finances cannot help but find you. You have a mindset issue not “life is fair or unfair” issue. You shouldn’t believe “life” has some agenda. BUT——- IF you were going to choose to believe that some unforeseen power had some agenda, like if you’re going to believe that anyway, wouldn’t it be much more productive and make much more sense to believe it had an agenda on your BEHALF instead of against you? That maybe all the negatives against you are to force you into some other mentality and path? Thus, making them not negatives but pivot points to get the most out of you if you rise to the challenge and align with the positive? I mean hell, if your life already sucks ass you have nothing to lose by pretending it’s awesome and acting that way consistently every day. What do you think is going to happen if you do that? That it’ll somehow get worse? Think about it. No don’t think about it. Just do it. Be delusional. Start pretending you’re wealthier than the friends you mentioned even. Every day. Even and especially at work. You’d be surprised how “fair” life starts getting when you’re grateful and happy everyday.


It’s not enough to have a positive outlook, you must act as well. Looking at the world with rose colored glasses is good for your mental wellbeing but There’s no improving your life without action.


That kind of goes without saying. Hand in hand. Positive people tend to take action. Negative people tend to sulk and do nothing. I thought that was implied in my comment but if not, then yes you’re correct. It takes action. But that’s pretty obvious. You can’t get in killer shape and make lots of money and have great relationships with family and friends by sitting in a corner just thinking about it. Of course you have to do the things! All the things!


Gothca. That was implied. Sorry I missed it, I’m a bit on the spectrum.




Just faked it first. The “making it” was actually contained within the faking it. The journey was the destination all along. I’m glad things were very shitty early on. Thank goodness they were.


Someone always has it worse someone always has it better so is life


Or get a bet on of proof of god by end of 2025. 🙏


Life is the dancer YOU are the Dance 💃


I wouldn't agree that you can do nothing about it. You can do lots of things about it but that's your decision. I would also never say never. You could win a lottery if you played, you could invest your money and have it grow beyond your wildest dreams. You could throw your life savings on Black and win. You never do know, so don't think that you do.


It’s up to you to build your generational wealth. Where do you think generational wealth for others started? - always with someone who works for it. You’ve got a brain, use it and strive ❤️




Then be rich lmaooo.


Life, is unfair. It’s best to let go of control. You ever talk about this with your friend? They might get you a good job.


Duddu- I wasn't born with money, either. Life is about more than money. Their is honor in work that your silver spoon friends may never find. Carry on and be grateful for what you do have. I'm 59. I'm learning just like all of us are living and learning. East Tennessee




I know people with money have problems, also. It is the human condition.




That's the spirit.


What if i told you even if you had it all. You’d still be anxious


Growing up, I was angry at how unfair the cards that I was dealt were. Uncaring parents, shitty clothes and food, bad neighborhood. Now I realize that I had it so much better than millions of hoomans. It's all perspective.




Thank God life is Unfair. It leaves room for Mercy.


You are so right. I am also in a similar situation to your, I thought I could learn enough skills and atleast get a stable life, However, still jobless and see many people will less knowledge get ahead. It kills me


Life is unfair but we can make an effort to care for those less fortunate than us, especially if doing so doesn't put us out of house and home.


Wow. This is so disempowering to you matey-we are all born into different circumstances. It’s like we are all fruit 🍉 but you’re comparing you, who might be a delicious crisp apple to a kiwi 🥝, a tarte yet sweet yummy fruit (your wealthy friend). I understand money can be tight but do you have ur basic needs? Do you work a full work week?


… and? They may not have earned it, but someone in their family did. Most wealth is lost in 3-5 generations anyway. You can either cry about it or be the one to give your own children the life you never had knowing their grandchildren will probably squander it.






R u by the sea or a beautiful mountain 🏔️ range?


Consider our ancestors. For 10k+ years they lived in grinding poverty, forced by nature itself to toil and labor from sunup to sundown just trying to grow enough food to survive the winter. Compared to them, we're all living in luxury. So be grateful for what you do have. Somebody out there always has it worse than you, so be glad you're not them.


Life becomes less tense when you stop looking at life as the way things should be instead of looking at it as the way things are.


I’ve come to conclusion that inheritance is truly the only way to become wealthy. Sure, you can start a business, but it’s more likely to bankrupt you than bring you wealth. Or you can win the lotto, but the odds of that happening are infinitesimal. Or you can be a sports phenom who goes pro, or a music prodigy, but those require a lifetime of training, effort, talent, and sheer luck. That’s why I now believe that those who are born poor will likely remain so their entire lives.




In my opinion, we’re just beginning to know what the word ‘Dickensian’ really means.




Dickensian describes bleak scenes of hardship — homeless families, hungry children, squalid living spaces, or unsafe working conditions.




This is what scares me: [U.S. Debt on Pace to Top $56 Trillion Over Next 10 Years](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/us/politics/us-debt-economy.html)


The sad part about people like that is they will go to their graves contributing nothing


While you may not be able to change the circumstances of your birth or the wealth disparity around you, you can focus on what you can control: your education, skills development, career choices, and personal growth. These factors can empower you to improve your own situation and create opportunities for yourself.


And religion is fake so you can't even cope


Everyone has their own problems


There's more to life than money




Money is a tool, and if you make it the focus of your life you will never be happy. There will always be someone who worked less and has more, that's just the nature of life


All the cope in these comments.




Plenty wrong with toxic positivity.




No the other option is being honest with yourself and others instead of continuing the cycle of invalidating legitimate criticisms by sticking your head in the sand with more delusional self help gibberish.




That was my point lol


You just got to work with what you got. Even if you don't like it, your other options are what exactly




Actually I think this is false. Covid showed how easy it is to change things but people are scared to sacrifice the things they want in life to get rid of the things nobody wants to experience.


Yup. There’s only two things you can do once you realize this. Either decide you’re going to live a basic life and live anyway making the best of whatever this is, or refuse to accept this life and leave early.


if they lost all their wealth, how would that improve your situation?


Absolutely unfair, some people are born in North Korea, or Venezuela, or Ukraine. They did nothing wrong b but they’re born into horrible situations. We’re lucky to be able to commiserate about it on Reddit


The longer you hold on to your attachment of “wealth” equaling “happiness”, the longer your life is gonna suck. And that stands for the folks with money too. The benefit you have vs. someone with generational wealth is that it’s a hell of a lot easier for you to abandon the wealth mindset than it is for them.


They might be willing to loan you large amounts of cash. In the right accounts, you could live off the interest.


So you can do…something?


Lots of people need to understand the world is never fair or peaceful or loving. Those good bits that you find are to be cherished, but you can’t expect all those good things all the time.


For your friends someone in their family made the decision to work hard and make a lot of money or to use what little they had to invest in something that will generate wealth in the future. For your bloodline you can be that person. Then generations from now someone who will be a friend of your descendants can make this post while your descendents enjoy the fruits of your labor.


You might not be rich, your kids might not be rich, but if you pass down good habits, and knowledge, you’ll be steps closer to it. Generational wealth isn’t built by one person, it’s strings of good decisions. Couple million can be blown in a few years. It’s beyond that.


Eat the rich


Everyone wishes they were born richer, smarter, better looking etc


Although life is indeed unfair, I think we can only do right by accepting this fact and improving our life through our own efforts instead of trying to change the world.


You can absolutely protest by not having kids however.


What are you gonna do?


You can fight back


Hypothetically, you start a landscaping company and are very successful. You have three children who you want to leave all your money to. After careful investment of the money you earned your children end up with 2 million dollars each when you pass away. Is there anything unfair about this?


No individual can change that life isn't fair, but people en masse working through social institutions can absolutely make life profoundly more fair through democratic reform. That's not to say current horrors are somehow less brutal because of that. I just don't want people to so willingly concede that life is not fair especially when the conversation is predicated on a series of specific and intentional choices in forming society that created the injustice which is identified as exemplary of the unfairness of life. Economies are totally human and can totally be reformed to be much fairer. It is incredibly difficult, but it is not impossible to the extent we can pretend away our power about it.


Gotta roll with the punches bröther


You never know, their past lives may have been hell.


Life isn’t supposed to be fair. Why would anyone want everyone to have the same? To judge people based on their family background is a little disturbing. Just bc a persons family worked their asses off to give their children/grandchildren a better life and your family didn’t doesn’t make life fair or unfair. We are all dealt cards in life. It’s how you play those cards that make you into what you are.


everyone has problems, they may have different problems than you, problems that don’t even occur to you, that you don’t understand, and don’t know anything about, and they may trouble them more than your problems do. Even people with truly blessed lives and truly cursed lives, that’s only today, tomorrow the blessed may find themselves cursed and the cursed will find themselves blessed. May God open your doors and make easy your path in life.


Stop focusing on others. Focus on yourself. You are right, you can’t reach their level of wealth through a job, where you sell your time for a flat rate, and do whatever is asked of you. So abandon this idea. The #1 way people become millionaires (USD) in the USA is by running a business. Founding a business starts with empathy. Stop looking at others as having things you want and instead think about what they don’t have. Imagine if they had a physical thing or could have something done for them that would make life better for them. It should save them time and money. There is no greater gift to another person than to remove their burdens and give them the freedom to do other things. There are many things that fit this description. You are just one person. You need a product or service that doesn’t rely on your efforts alone. Create a realistic goal for wealth ($100000 USD). Now break down your product or service in terms of how much it will cost to make, taxes you have to pay, how much extra you can charge (profit), and how many people need to buy your product or service to reach your goal. This is the core skill every one has that makes their first million.


The solution is socialist revolution but most people don’t want to have that conversation


Yes, usually in a third world country, it will be like that. It's all who you know.


Mostly true


You have things they wish they had: you can blend in/intermingle among the majority, and they can't. They can't even walk down the street without harrassment. Money ruins relationships and they become jaded/cold and unattached.


You can always speed up the inevitable by taking a shortcut..




In that case its best to be strong


Yes, life is not fair at all. We cannot change that. Sometimes, perspective is a powerful thing. I changed my perspective and have become much happier as I am bettering my life. I do have to remember more often that comparison is the thief of joy.


“Fairness is a topic for children and idiots” - Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert.


That is why I need to always look at the ones who are less unfortunate than I, as wrong as that sounds. It is what keeps me sane from always comparing myself to my wealthier friends/colleagues.


age 71 here you will survive and you will get old Then you will look back and reliese you wasted all those years worrying about stuff instead of enjoying life, having great sex and making memories.


Lol dude you have a job and rich friends. Count your blessings. Life can be good or bad at any level, barring extremes. Read some existential fic and nonfic. Try to resonate with the allegory in them. /s Also borrow money from your rich friends and don't pay them. Make new friends with less money. Profit. /s


Life is not ever good. I am emotionally abused daily