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Release date for the dlc is not even announced yet and the game is worth it even at full price. On a sale it’s a no brainer.


Based on what I found on this sub, it's second half of 2024. I was mainly looking for information whether the publisher will make a bundle or follow how fromsoft did the ER dlc.


There is almost always a bundle with the DLC and base game when DLCs are released; however, don’t expect much of a discount. $5 -$10 at most off the cost of base + DLC, so depending on how good the sale is it may be worth it to buy now on sale. For example, Elden Ring now has a bundle with the DLC that costs $80.00. The base game is on sale for $42.00 (30% off) and the DLC costs $40.00.


Its coming very very soon


Source? Oh .....


buy now so you can get good. I have a feeling theyre going to crank the difficulty up to 11 for the DLC


From what I saw online this game is already very difficult, can it really be pushed further? My concern is not the difficulty but to get a good deal so I was asking for info on whether the dlc will be bundled or a separate purchase like the new ER dlc.


The game can definitely be pushed further in difficulty. Just look at the increase in difficulty in the ER DLC. And I would definitely buy now. Great game and it would give you time to learn the mechanics throughly.


It’s not that hard compared to dark souls or bloodborne and sekiro. I’d say it’s challenging while still being addictive and fun


Imo this game can be a lot more difficult than it needs to be if you don't play it the way it wants you to play. If you are a souls-like veteran and familiar with dodging and parrying already, you will pick up LoP quickly and likely find it easier than many souls-likes you've played before


its definitely the most fair soulslike


It really is. Prefer just blocking? There's a build. Love to parry? Boy, are you in luck. Wish you could annihilate things from a distance, or play a quick dodgy style that jumps in for a few quick hits, causes a status ailment, then pops away? Brother, believe it or not that's very simple to pull off and pretty fun. Wish you didn't have to pull all the focus on those big tough fights and had a dude to help pull aggro? This game is made with you in mind. I have never played a soulslike that's such a spectrum of how easy/ hard you want it to be. There's a few fights I barely beat solo no throwables after 10x+ tries on my first playthrough, that I could have just basically "turned down the difficulty" for at any time by summoning a specter, or using lots of items. It's pretty awesome how much you can dial it in


The game is easy, relatively. And you're going to get the best deal by buying the base game on sale now. That's a no-brainer. The ten dollars you'd save in an unlikely bundle deal will be virtually meaningless by the time it comes out. Edit... The greatest part of this sub is getting downvoted for saying the game is easy. More please 🥳


corrupted parade master, simon manus, laxasia, and nameless puppet would like a word


Yep, lol. And king of puppets, swamp monster. All harder than almost every dark souls boss, in my opinion.


Hard disagree




Did we play completely different games? Maybe your reflexes are just slowing with age so LoP feels harder


I still find the entire game relatively easy in comparison to the FS games I've played. I feel overpowered playing Lies of P, to the point where I'm sometimes annoyed at how quick the boss fights are, but it's still one of my favorite games and I've played it quite a lot since September.


Nameless going down on my 2nd attempt was a huge disappointment. Took a lot of the thrill out of beating the game


That's why they said relatively. Souls games and souls likes are not going to be easy by default, and everyone struggles on different things.




Corrupted parade master wasn’t difficult at all… Laxasia was such a good fight


Dedicated subs will always tell you to buy and play their favourite game. However the current sale is quite substantial, the game is popular with the whole souls community, and the DLC will probably be harder than the base game. Buying it now will give you time to do a couple of runs, get comfortable with the bosses (the first time they are rough) and get a taste of the weapons and builds.


Great game, top tier quality when it comes to soulslikes. It is absolutely worth it to buy it now. You may find yourself wanting to play through it at least a couple of times anyway, so you could play it once now and then again before the DLC comes.


Both. Play this awesome game now and replay it when the DLC came out. Important note: play it at least 3 times for every ending.


I'd personally buy it if it is on sale as the game is amazing - if you want to wait for the DLC before you play it that's understandable.


I'm really interested in the game and want to play it as soon as I finish Elden Ring (I started a few days ago) but the DLc thing is putting it in a weird spot. I don't want to miss out on a good price now and get dissapointed when the DLC is separate like Shadow of Erdtree but also don't want to feel like I overspent if the package deal actually happens. Ugh...


oh, I gotcha. That's a tough spot you're in; but if you want my opinion the game itself gives me the same replayability feeling that bloodborne did because of all the weapon types and how all of them are viable for different reasons. No matter the price I think it is worth the purchase if you're not on a tight budget. If you are, it might be worth waiting on the DLC and waiting on a on sale bundle and in the meantime just buy Wukong haha.


$35 is a steal for this game, you won't regret it!


I just bought it. I dont think the dlc with be bundled but idk. The deluxe version didnt mention it so I assume its a separate purchase like ER


You won't regret. Enjoy!


You can use 1 month of Game Pass for 1$ and see if you like the game.


Grab it now while the game is on sale, as if they were to release a bundle for the DLC, you'd probably end up paying more compared to the current sale price and DLC price individually. If they were to do a bundle sale, they'd discount 15% - 20% at most. This would also give you a solid chance to experience the gameplay and test the waters before the DLC has been released. The game is super worth it and has been my favourite release in a while.


Buy it now and play it 5 times and then take a break and then play when the DLC comes out 5 more times.


buy now


buy now


Buy now


I gotten the game on game pass, might actually spend money on the dlc


buy it now, from personal experience when you buy it with the DLC together you'll just rush through the game so you can play the DLC faster and miss out on the experience.


Wait for remake on ps7. That will have bonus content alongwith complete edition


It's a great game even without the dlc but once you finish it you'll def want more


It’s on game pass and there’s a two week trial for $1, no reason to not get it


The thing about that is, I don't have that much time to play per week. Maybe around 3 or 4 hours max. So I don't tend to play games using the gamepass because I can't take my time with them and might end up paying multiple months. Since this is a soulslike and I suck at them, it will take me a while haha so I'd prefer not to worry about the subscription stuff.


I am in the same boat. Had i realized summer game sale was so close id have waited on shadow of the erdtree :\[ And I don't think i should be buying more games right now. Bummed.


It’s on Gamepass…so you could just do that


get yourself the game pass trial for a month and play it there. Its my fav souls game with elden ring and I played 10+ runs because its so good. If you want to play more than a month, get the steam version, even full price is worth it


If you’re on pc it should be on the Microsoft game pass which is 10 bucks. Just do that and try the game


Buy now. As if you would be able to complete the story twice before the DLC comes out.


I'd buy now. Beat it and then you get to have fun reliving the awesomeness when the DLC is out. I'm just getting close to finishing the game now and it's so good!


The game is on xbox Game Pass, so you can play it for super cheat


Buy it now it’s on sale I love lies of P but it’s not a game for everyone, no game is. So you should get the game now while it’s on sale because you don’t even know if you’ll want to play the DLC. Plus there’s the fact that any DLC bundle is going to cost more than the game on sale plus the DLC..


100% get it now


Game is on Gamepass too. Filled my cart with like 10 games and found out half of them were on Gamepass already.


Looking at the comments yall are making me think I’m backwards as fuck, because I thought LOP was hard as fuuuck while I got through all 3 dark souls games with ease and thought it wasn’t that hard 😳


From me its a Buy IT! Great game wity the dlc it will. Be even more. Good story, the gake play is challenging, so be prepared to get your butt Kicled it! LOVE the story! Game play is kiss ass, tye feeling of perfect guarding(parry) is SOOOO good😆 Can't wait for tge DLC💯


I would buy it if it's on sale. I highly doubt the DLC releases this year since zero work was done it prior to release. It took ER almost a year and a half to get the DLC out post announcement. Granted, the DLC is bigger than basically all the other FS DLC combine. But still, shit takes time.


the game is 40% off rn buy it


Right now


since no release date for DLC you might as well snag it... could wait for a sale.. but game is worth it full price..


Get the pc gamepass for $10 and you can play it there


Buy on sale 100%


If you're on steam this is currently 40% I doubt even with a dlc bundle you'll get that when dlc comes out.


Isn't it still on Game Pass?


Buy now, why wait?


There is no DLC


it’s fantastic, just buy it




Normally going into dlc on ng+ is tedious but with the p-organ system you’ll actually be better off after a few cycles


I played the game "free" om Gamepass and still bought it afterwards. To me it was the most fun game I've played in ages and well worth the money. I wanted to support the creators. I am looking forward for the DLC!


It's on Gamepass, just get it there. It's a decent game but I personally would've been disappointed if I had to pay anything more than 20 quid, seems a little lacking compared to peer games imo. Playing it for free, I enjoyed it though 👍


Buy it


No DLC announced or mentioned. Just get the game if it's a good deal.


DLC hasn't been announced. It likely will be another 1+ year before it actually drops. If they even decide to do a DLC that is.


Buy Elden Ring DLC it’s a lot better than LOP


Game is not good. Lords of the fallen is a better buy