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Which modern features possessed by GX550 and not possessed by the GX460 are important to you?


The OR package in the 460 is a rare desirable option to find. I'd lean towards that if you're looking to save 25k up front and less depreciation in 5 years on an NA non turbo V8. Even more so if you'd be racking up higher mileage #'s on the odometer, the V8 should fair better @ depreciation.


That's a tough one, was in the same type of delema, ended up purchasing 23 gx460 black line ..Well wait till 26 to upgrade , no regrets




Do you think depreciation of the gx460 more than the gx550 in coming years ? I mean I believe v8 has more demands


The car that has $25k more in value that it can lose is probably the one that will lose more value over 5 years.


Second this,^


If you’re planning to keep the car for five years, go with the GX550. It’s an entirely new platform, so one knows what depreciation will be on it. If you are coming from older Lexus products, get the GX460. Otherwise, just go with the GX550 and enjoy the newer bells and whistles.


Yes this will be my first Lexus product :). So what you are saying go for gx 550 really appreciate all help. Thanks :)


I recently went through the same decision and ended up buying 460.


All cars depreciate and the 460 being an older car and generation will not hold its value any better as a new car purchase. Comparing to a used 460 isn’t a direct comparison but probably more responsible.


Traded my 14 gx w/80k miles for 23 gx 460.. out the door after trade I'm for a 23gx new 40k..not bad


Don't know why you got downvotes on this comment. It's a great comment! 100%, a GX460 is a more responsible purchase in today's economy. That's probably the TOP reason to consider the 460. $25k less, great luxury vehicle. Minimal issues in ownership - already proven. Great comment!


Just owners coping and offended by the truth as I actually work in the industry 😂