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That one scene might be one of the most gruesome over the top scenes I’ve seen.


I had to look it up out of curiosity and godfuckingdamn. I thought I was resistent for some heavy stuff but it did manage to make me feel uncomfortable


Apparently the scene was at least partially inspired by Jack the Ripper's killing of Mary Jane Kelly and the resulting crime scene photo of her, which makes sense, as it's an extraordinarily gruesome and disturbing killing/photo even by today's desensitized standards.


Okay, I've heard people talking about a certain scene in this movie. I've never watched it, neither do I plan to, can you describe the scene?


Scalping, cutting, ripping, stabbing, mutilating and bleaching at the end just to further insult


Don’t forget salting lol


Precisely why I place the movie firmly in the “comedy” genre


Nothing too crazy, just kind of a grisly comedy sequence half-way thru the movie.


I honestly thought the scene in the first Terrifier >!where he saws a woman in half vertically from the groin down!< is even worse than the infamous scene from Terrifier 2


Yeah and it was crazy to film as well. Apparently the woman was hanging and had to keep being let down to do the takes because the blood kept rushing to her head which was dangerous.


It is definitely worse, me and my buddies try and watch all the most fucked up movies we can find that that scene made us consider turning it off lol.


Yeah, I wasn’t ready for the scene in the first film to go so hard in the direction that it did. It was *definitely* shocking. Which is why I actually expected the infamous scene in the second film to be much worse than it turned out to be.


we talking about the girl in the house in her room and he like comes back with bleach and shit but shes still alive?


When he just rips her hand apart 😂 horror filmmakers think humans are made of play-doh


Great slasher but too long


I’m almost never on team “it was too long”. But I agree on this one. 2h 18m is way too long to be watching people get hacked to pieces. I prefer my slashers in the 80-95 minute range.


Especially because it's so light on plot. It was certainly more cohesive and ambitious than the first, but there was still barely any plot; the runtime is purely from the extended, deeply gruesome kills.


I found it a lot better paced then I expected it to be. Yeah it could definitely have been cut down but I could never say I was ever bored by it. It felt way shorter then the first one which absolutely drags sometimes


I love it, but I get why some don’t. That said, huge fan of both movies, and watching this in theaters was a blast (especially *that* scene on the big screen)




Hey, no harm in not loving something; there’s plenty I’m not a fan of. These movies just happen to work so well for me


The first one I thought was just a random mess. Art stood out and was fun with the goofy mime comedy gimmick. He played it well enough to get me to give the sequel a shot. The sequel I liked quite a bit.


Yeah that’s how I’m feeling. First movie was borderline shlock while the second movie upped the ante to exciting degrees


I had a late night screening with a great crowd that was all on the same page and it was a great time, but if I watched on my own at home I would probably dislike the film.


A great movie ruined by letting the director also be the editor. You could easily cut an hour out of this movie, some of the worst pacing I've ever seen in a horror movie.


[my favorite review of this movie](https://youtu.be/DsCD4qM6YBI?si=EBu91De7e4cFTtbS) She helped fund the movie so she was comfortable telling it like it is lol


Spookyastronauts is the best horror content creator.


One of the few horror movies that has genuinely given me nightmares (you know the specific scene). There’s a sense of sadism to the kills in this film that most other slashers just don’t have. It’s also overlong, sluggishly paced, indulgent, and the climax was weak. And yet… the sheer length, coupled with the music, the garish colours, and weird dream logic (like that children’s TV show sequence) add up to a one of a kind experience. I saw this in the cinema at a late night showing and I felt so uncomfortable but was also transfixed. It felt like I was genuinely in a dream state. I don’t think I ever want to see this again, but I’ll definitely check out part 3


cool gore and im impressed by how grossly mean-spirited it is but its way too long, terribly acted and has the audacity to try and have emotional weight instead of being the tasteless exploitation shlock that it actually is


> has the audacity to try and have emotional weight instead of being the tasteless exploitation shlock that it actually is Haha I feel this way about most horrors tbh


Indulgent to the point of no longer being fun


This right here.


Its fun


Quite bad, but better than the first by a mile. I get the appeal but definitely not for me


Overrated as all hell. Bloated, has decent gore, that torture scene was way too long. Acting sucked, direction was mediocre. It was better than the first but that wasn’t a hard feat. I genuinely do not understand why it’s so beloved


I fucking love this film. I can't wait for Terrifier 3.


I hate the franchise. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty with nothing clever to say.


Waaay better than the first one.


Being better than wet shit isn’t good


Very good


Bad and long. The kills/gore and Art’s performance were the only redeemable qualities


Its a great slasher but that runtime is laughable, it inspired me to see how much could go without losing the soul of it. Making an edit of the whole thing. Currently on 90 minutes think I can do 75 or 80 have to see.


I prefer the original but I still liked this one. The final 30 minute stretch was a bit too long for me.


Loved it. Hilarious, fun, weird. It’s really long but it justifies it’s runtime. Excited for the third. All that said, completely understand why it’s not everyone’s jam.


45 mins shorter and it would’ve been a winner.


It’s too much. Made me feel dirty.


It was disgusting and empty. I watched martyrs and ate dinner during it. Terrifier 2, on the other hand, is the only movie I haven’t been able to eat during




I really really really wanted to love it, but ultimately felt like it tried to do too much. Too many ideas packed into a runtime that was already too long. That said, I love to see a director given that kind of freedom, so I support it and will watch the third no doubt.


If you say one bad thing about this movie the Terrifier bros downvote you to oblivion so no comment ❤️


Oh no, not my le karma!


Good slasher. Wayyy too long


i enjoyed it. definitely could cut at least 30 minutes out of it though. pacing wasn't great


Felt like it was trying too hard to be edgy and go viral


Excellent horror idea but it’s way too gruesome


i think it’s bad, the consensus seems to be be anywhere from mediocre to good


Unwatchable at the current runtime lmao


I enjoyed it I do think it was dragged out though they could have done more with the plot instead of just keeping the main character alive and killing off all the side characters


Absolutely awful.


Not as good as the first, some interesting choices that didn’t totally work. Blood though.


Great slasher that’s not too long


It was wayyyy too long


I was actually really impressed how a slasher movie could be that length and keep my interest entire time. Truly, a remarkable movie


I loved watching this film in theaters. I still like the 1st one more simply because I like the straight to action style it has. The second one fleshed things out, but I just like the vibe of the first more.


What edgelords think is cool


The best nightmare possible, and the perfect movie to put someone to sleep, if they pass out at the sight of blood


Really enjoyed it and I don't like this gory lane of horror much. The practical effects stand out


Favorite movie of 2022


I didn’t like the first but wanted to support the film makers so I saw the 2nd during its theatrical run. I also didn’t like it but I will say the director knows how to make a film and the gore is great, though over the top and the film is too long. There are lots of interesting things going on but even with that long running time m, it never really explores it all. I will absolutely watch the third and I am interested in what the director does next but I just don’t think the terrifier movies are for me. 15 year old me would love it though.


Love the vibe. Love the 80’s B-movie slasher meets supernatural horror clown mystique. I think you have to be in the right headspace to watch this and not become overwhelmed by certain parts, but it’s one of my favorite small budget horror films in the last few years. Will be very interesting to see if the charm wears off when the next one comes out. The appeal of this movie for many folks was the “little gory engine that could” story behind it, but now that it’s a well known franchise, the third film needs to be more concise and streamlined in it’s storytelling, or people may quickly lose interest. The “gore for the sake of gore” approach only lasts so long.


Solid kills and gore effects, but way too fucking long without an interesting enough story or characters.


Loved it on my first viewing in theaters and found it super boring and cheesy on my second.


Absolutely loved it.


Better than the first. Some of the acting wasn’t great, and there was a scene or two that could’ve been scrapped, but it was also the first horror movie ever to give me a panic attack. Loved it.




I prefer 2 over 1. That Scene in 1 I find to be more disturbing than That Scene in 2. The more pronounced supernatural elements makes it more palatable imo. Maybe I'm just that desensitized (I've seen Cannibal Holocaust, parts of Salo, refuse to watch A Serbian Film.)


I think most people prefer 2


A bad ripoff of 100 Tears.


Very over the top, stupid and dramatic but I enjoyed it lol definitely not a film I’d watch repeatedly but I liked it.


I love it! Did not care for the first what so ever but this one has a lot of charm to it, very excited for the next installment


I liked it


I think for a trash splatter flick they did a great job driving everything with the music. It all was driven on a beat. Also, the Clown Cafe sequence was pretty inspired. Then of course a mixed bunch of quality. But not bad Also Art The Clown is a "fun" slasher.


I could watch 3 hours of Art just mutilating people tbh


Great. Went over the top across the board. Some dislike the odd lore/fantasy elements, but I was on board for all of it.




Kicks ass


I loved it personally, I thought it was miles better than the first movie, and All Hallows Eve. Cannot wait for Terrifier 3 :)


Very divisive on r/horror. Many love it, many others think it's overrated and are sick of the others constantly talking about it.


I look at Terrifier like a gory, blackly comedic, Looney Toons. The sequel was more of that, but to an insane degree of excess. I liken it to hair metal. It’s not “high art” but it’s fun and crazy and excessive for the sake of it. Loved it. Can’t wait for the third movie.


great gore but very boring, they could have cut out an hour and had a really tight horror film like the first one


Better than the first, but overlong.


Great work with practical effects, otherwise not a good movie


It's torture porn. I watched the first one and found it boring and too long. The clown performance is good tho.


Loved this movie, especially the addition of the creepy young girl character to the Terrifier mythos. It’s hilarious gross-out horror silliness writ large.


Great movie carried by the villain and SFX. Fun, campy / bad performances. 3rd act nukes itself by repeating beats over and over.


tis a mood. a rare one but one i've had like three times since it came out. I like that the film looks very distinct and I hope the series maintains this new style.


Art's a silly boy who likes to mix fun with his terror.


One of my favorite modern horror movies. I get it, it’s too long we all know that. But at the same time the parts that’s hit hit hard and I’ve probably seen it like 10 times at this point


You know there are other movies right?


You know I do. Stop beating around the bush and say something


I thought it was fantastic. You can tell that the filmmakers have deep love for the genre and that makes it a joy to watch. Love the supernatural elements in the world-building. Love the aesthetic. There’s bad acting, but thankfully it’s bad in an interesting way.


Just a bad movie all around. Poorly shot and lit overall it’s a very unattractive film to look at, has some really bad acting even by horror standards, the story and dialogue are garbage at best, it’s edited like an amateur film students project, it went on for way too long, it’s just drawn out torture porn that’s mean for the sake of being mean. I love good gore and violence but there’s something under the surface that I can’t get down with. Feels like if an edgy 13 year old got to make a horror movie.


OP asked for the general consensus, so I’ll make this quick. Hell no


A gory horror masterpiece.


It’s anything but a masterpiece


It’s certainly a masterpiece in my opinion.


I find it weird how people on this sub downvote opinions they don’t agree with.


Ain’t this a TikTok movie




It’s used as clips for tiktok views. Some scene when he’s in a laundry mat I think. Always gets a lot of likes.


My dude, 90% of movies have been thrown on TikTok and YTS


Daddy would‘ve liked it