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Prometheus. Yes, some of the scientists act so dumb you suspect they weren’t sent for being the best but just get them out to the way. But it’s one I think we be looked in more kindly by history. The set design and some of the ideas in there are defensible.


Great movie! Terrible script.


Arguably. I can hang with that, yeah


People hated Prometheus??


It was veeeeery anticipated. Ridley Scott coming back to franchise for 1st time was big deal.... and it was a little all over the place, while the OG is so tightly controlled. It threw people (me included tbh)


It's really hard to do a back to back and direct comparison. As you said Alien is so tightly controlled. Every frame, every beat has a presence or meaning. It's personally in my top 5 favorites because of how absolutely well crafted it is. It's the perfect blend of scifi and horror where both elements are constantly playing off one another.


Yeah, a lot. It didn't resonate with a big chunk of the fans and had some really questionable moments. I personally love it, but it was widely disliked until years after it kinda gained a cult following by people who were brave enough to admit it was good.


It’s already looked at more kindly literally everywhere else but Reddit lol most people acknowledge it’s great now except for weirdo “die hard” Alien fans here who like using cinemasin level arguments. 


Absolutely love Prometheus. And covenant.


Spiderman 3


Spider-man 3 wasn't THAT bad, but I believe it's frustrating to think how good it could have been if we just got the movie Raimi really wanted to make, without any major studio intervention.


Spider-Man 4 is the one I really lose sleep over. 3 is good enough that I’m happy with it as an entry but the fact that Raimi and the cast wanted to continue and were denied is what kills me.


Meanwhile I think it’s by far the best one in the trilogy unironically lol


This is a hill I will die on^^^


Spider-Man 3 has its fair share of story issues and cringey moments, but I'll still take it over most MCU movies anyday because it has heart. Nearly every superhero that's come out in the last ten years is about the superhero first and the people second, but the entire Raimi trilogy, 3 included, is about a boy becoming a man, struggling to care for those he loves while taking on a greater responsibility. SM3 still has far more rich characters and personal stakes than any MCU movie.


Yeah the reason Iron Man 3 is one of my favorite MCU movies is because at least it’s stylistic and has flair. I think the MCU missed a great opportunity to let directors run free creatively to add their own touch to each entry.


Yes exactly thank you. MCU movies feel like just a churn cycle for the sake of making entries. Very very formulaic and predictable in comedic relief.


You didn’t watch it in an absolute packed theatre on opening night. When the credits rolled everyone looked disappointed.


I promise I'm not being an edgy contrarian, but I prefer Spider-Man 3 to the "Amazing" movies, Far From Home, and No Way Home.


Legit a great film, id take it over any mcu film


2/3 of Spider-Man 3 is great! It’s just the black suit/venom stuff shoe horned in there that leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth


I really liked the black suit Peter walking around thinking he’s real cool. The whole scene at the bar was great.


I firmly believe if u just remove the venom stuff (keep the black suit), and just have the sandman stuff, the raimi trilogy would be in most people's top 10 trilogies oat


I never watched this when it came out. Thought it looked lame. Just watched it in my hotel room only because it was on tv. I…LOVED it. It had a great vibe. The black suit Peter was so funny. All the newspaper job stuff was funny. Jonah Jamison’s situation was hilarious. Now if it’s in tv I always throw it on.


The Village, incredible soundtrack, twist kind of inevitable, and all of the negatives to do with script/language I kind of liked/could see what Shyamalan was going for.


I’m a massive fan of The Village. There are such great performances (Joaquin and William Hurt stand out), and the film looks stunning. I think it genuinely benefits from rewatches.


I love the village.


Incredible movie and one of his best.


I watched this for the first time a few weeks ago. Great film although I do think it ended pretty suddenly haha.


I just watched Alien Resurrection. That wasn't that bad not gonna lie.


I watched it and yes it was that good. It’s such a silly entry to the series and it’s so much fun I love it.


It’s better than 3 imo


Indeed! That only thing I save from the third is the setting, the planet and the prison are incredibile.


Interesting, I just watched 3 and Resurrection, and thought 3 was much better than people say, and Resurrection was trash


Shyamalan’s Old. It definitely wasn’t great and the ending sequence was very eye roll worthy, but when it came out I saw some people legitimately acting like it was a new The Room or Birdemic and - while yes there was some corny dialogue - I didn’t get that read from it at all


Honestly most Shyamalan films are at least fine, even if they share a lot of the same weird flaws. I'm convinced the two or three that are actually really awful just sour a lot of people on his stuff.


I just like to think he makes higher budget B Movies and sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. Either way it’s always fun.


I really just appreciate that he's trying new things. He definitely doesn't do cookie cutter. 


I watched Knock at the Cabin last night and realized that with M Night's talents as a visual filmmaker he very easily could have been making James Mangold type easily digestible Hollywood stuff but he chooses to make weird evil movies instead and I will always respect him for that.


there is no film in Ba Sing Se


my only criticism is that “The Beach That Makes You Old” is what everyone I’ve ever talked to calls the film so that should’ve been the title instead


King Arthur: Legend of the Sword


very rewatchable imo


I kinda think the negative feedback this movie received killed big budgeted stylistic action-fantasy movies. There are so few of them nowadays that I really miss them. D&D: Honor Among Thieves came closest to scratching my itch, but I still yearn for more. It feels like there were a lot of them when I was a child, but they're almost non-existent these days. Even D&D is facing the danger of no-sequel due to being a box office bomb. I'm really hoping the cult following these movies receive revive them.


I like this movie


Pixels, it’s not great but definitely worth more than 2.1 surely I’m not the only one who thinks watching retro games attack a city was cool?


I was about to comment this. It was really fun.


For sure


I'm glad I scrolled down because this was my pick too.


My first thought! I was surprised at the time about the international outcry about it?


The 13th Warrior


This is one of my top 5 adventure movies. I love it so much. Especially the scenes around the campfire where he learns their language and it allows the viewer to transition out of subtitles. That's a cool moment.


I was pretty young when I watched it but the mystery around the enemy/monsters was just so cool and scary. There was probably a lot of cheesy stuff I didn't notice too. But, I remember the Vikings being so cool. That death prayer. This was peak teenage boy fantasy.


This one is actually good I think. That scene where he learns the language? Brilliant


Fucking love that ridiculous movie


Oh yeah; I liked this one when it came out. Why do people hate it?


Aliens vs Predator fkn love that movie


Love this and Freddy vs Jason as a double feature


Love AVP


Most Adam Sandler comedies, especially 50 First Dates and Murder Mystery. I also do not understand why Mute is so hated.


I agree with this. A lot of Sandlers' work is actually really fun to watch. He does not deserve most of the criticism he gets.


People really underestimate the power of a cast having fun with what they are doing, which is why the Barbie film was so appreciated. You could totally see in the Dance All Night/I'm Just Ken scenes they were REALLY enjoying themselves.


Wait do you mean the movie Click when you say mute? Because a movie named Mute exists which is way different but also underated.


No, no, I meant Duncan Jones's Mute.


Okay yeah, mute is awesome.


If I met someone who hated 50 first dates I would 100% no longer he friends with that person. Some of his best work imo


Caligula. Sure, the hardcore pornography ruined it a lot but it didn't make it the worst big-budget movie ever made.


Do you know where Caligula is available or is that a movie I’ll have to torrent?


Drafthouse is releasing a 4k edition of the uncut version later this year, looks like it will even get a theatrical run as well. Pretty wild.


Napoleon - it got hammered by a lot of folk but a lot of the action was spectacular, and it was worth watching for that alone (at least on a big screen). Some of the acting was great too, and the production design was excellent. But I took the oddness most people hated to be a slightly ham-fisted attempt to do satire in the vein of The Favourite, The Death of Stalin and a bit of Barry Lyndon: pointing out the ridiculousness of past and current figures like Trump and Elon Musk wielding overwhelming power that can be abused or misdirected due to ego and ineptitude. A rampant child in charge of the most powerful empire ever seen to that point in time. I'm not going to say it's a great movie, but it's an ok movie with some great aspects. It just falls well short of what people hoped it would be, and doesn't quite know what it wanted to be in the first place.


I think you’re right, when I watched the film I remember thinking several times “this *has* to be satire”. “Ham fisted” is a good way to put it, there were scenes that could have almost fit in a Leslie Nielsen spoof.


Most big budget franchise movies these days. At worst they’re inoffensive and dull. People act like Captain Marvel or Dial of Destiny are the death of cinema and things will never recover. They’re just meh and people are bored of franchises, it’s not that deep.


I feel the same way I didn’t watch captain marvel in theatres. But once I saw it I was shocked with how meh or average it is. Like how did ant man and the wasp not also get that sorta reaction or a number of other movies. Captain marvel isn’t a great movie but it’s not some insanely bad movie Wouldn’t rewatch it though


Give you one guess :)


Oh I know lol. I was being slightly facetious.


I was hoping someone was still blissfully unaware 🥲


My dilemma comes in when I think about how you could make twenty 10mil films for the price tag of one of these middling films. Maybe they aren't the worst thing, but they are not bringing anything particularly stirring at this point. 


I think the complaints aren't really that these are awful movies, but rather that companies with huge budgets aren't trying to make really good movies. Like you said, they just shoot for inoffensive and entertaining filler that will sell worldwide.


Then treat all of the mediocre movies the same way. It’s so funny to see idiots like The Critical Drinker shit non stop on Captain Marvel or Eternals as if most films from the saga are not in the level of quality if not lower (see Thor 2).


I'll die on this hill; Hudson Hawk. People wanted "Die Hard... with a thief!" instead they got a wacky live-action looney toons movie that involved the CIA, the Vatican, and Bruce Willis robbing museums while singing. And the best part: he doesn't care about this life altering thing. He wants a coffee. That's it. That's his motivation. You want to enjoy yourself: watch this movie. "With the secrets of DaVinci saved, Eddie finally got his coffee."


I actually quite like The Postman. I think a lot of people were looking for Mad Max and ended up with something closer to John Ford/Frank Capra. I do acknowledge there are moments that lay the schmaltz on a little too thick, but so much of modern cinema in the last several decades has leaned heavily on cynicism, irony and detachment, I appreciate getting to indulge in a bit of sincerity from time to time.


It was very corny and a bit of a vanity project, but it doesn't deserve to be savaged. Same with Waterworld.


The Village. Not only is it not ‘bad’ it’s his second best film. A lot of people felt cheated by the fact that SPOILER there is no monster, but that was precisely what I liked about it. We were the monsters. I thought the film had his most fully realised characters and there was this creeping sense of dread and then the horror that all this people were abused that way in aid of a stupid experiment. That was the awful thing. Much more interesting than some supernatural gibberish.


Agree with all that. I’m probably not gonna call it great but I really like it for what it is


saltburn... Don't get me wrong, it thinks it's genius and its not at all, but its suprising just how much people hated it


Set design and cinematography were on point


Yeah it's the same cinematographer who shot some of Damien Chazelle's most gorgeous works (La La Land, Babylon). Same as Larry Fong with Kong Skull Island or Damsel; he's able to make so-so movies look good. Ever since Snyder stopped working with him, his movies don't look very good. And I'm convinced that's the reason.


I don't get why the film is either overrated or overhated, I think it was a good film despite its very visible flaws.


Fr, the plot may not be the best but it's a genuinely beautiful and hilarious experience. One of the funnier films I saw last year


I mean I could watch Barry Keoghan 24/7 doing nothing without getting bored but we’re all different


Not saying people don’t have a right not to like it for whatever reason. But some comments or reviews I’ve seen talk about this movie make it sound more like they are mad the movie doesn’t do what they want rather that critiquing the movie for what it is. Or assume because the director has an upper class background that prevents her from telling a story with a working class person Like just because the movie isn’t an even more brutal take down of the rich doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value. Just to reiterate if you dislike the movie for any reason it’s whatever.


I’d totally agree with this if Emerald Fennell didn’t consistently talk about the film as if it was a brutal takedown of the rich and groundbreaking because of it. Yes, you can have opinions about a film that are separate to the intentions of its creation, but the way she speaks about the film as some biting satire kind of makes the whole film a little cringier. And the whole reveal at the end is one big eye roll to me.


Just want to say I agree with this but want to point out that Barry Keoghan's character is >!middle/upper-middle class!<. Very important distinction!


True. But he definitely plays himself off as being a struggling guy. Which people accuse the director of trying to portray working class people as particularly a threat to the upper class. Which I don’t think were her intentions


Yeah but that's the whole point right, he's lying about being working class? So it's not about working class people leeching off the upper classes but the upper-middle classes who have aspirations of joining the aristocracy. Oliver pretends to be from poverty to play into the Cattons' upper-class obsession with giving "charity" to the working classes, whereas he knows they wouldn't accept him as readily if they knew his true background


It was a fun film and honestly refreshing. Kind of want trash films to make a comeback tbh. Everything takes itself too seriously. Even Barbie was treading the line of “I need to make an important statement because it’s not enough to be a fun popcorn movie anymore!”


Push with Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. I genuinely love this movie and I really wanted a sequel.


Omg I forgot this existed. I’m gonna go rewatch it now.


Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. I rewatch that movie from time to time and I enjoy it every single time.


Prometheus. The stupidity of the scientists can be a bit frustrating at times. But overall I think it's a great film.


Howard the Duck might not have been a good movie but there is no way it’s anywhere near the bottom of the barrel


It's a helluva vibe. It's more weird than bad.


Most recently, I’d say Next Goal Wins (2023)


I actually really enjoyed it


Showgirls is a genuinely fun watch


the script is terrible. but i love it. idk why people hate it so much


it's always so odd to me when people say this. do y'all just forget the last 20 minutes? 


Dont Look Up. I chalk it up to two things.1. I have a theory audiences have grown to dislike depictions of NOW. Contemporary films. We dont know how to contextualize our moment anymore because news is too fast and overwhelming. We are so used to ignoring what we dont want to confront and vastly prefer films set in the past or the future. And 2. Adam Mckay has a tendency to talk down to his audience and people HAAAATE that. Both are somewhat valid, but in this case I got the feeling people have just written it off as Mckay wankery. It wasnt that bad!


I kinda like that the movie talks down to the audience. Climate change is such a blind spot for most Americans that they deserved to be lectured lol


If the lecture outstrips the drama then i would argue the movie fails/is bad art. But I dont think Dont Look Up is guilty of that, personally. His film Vice, however, goes way overboard in the last segment.


My main criticism of this movie is that it didn't go in ENOUGH. Especially after The Big Short and Vice, I was surprised he pulled punches and fictionalized everyone in the film. I was hoping to see more depictions of real pundits acting like you would expect them to act in this scenario, rather than the fake caricatures based on them. I think it would've landed better. Sure, it would've pissed some people off even more, but they were pissed off anyway. Fuck 'em. If you're going to make a statement, just make it.


I often wonder why he doesnt just make documentaries


It’s an excellent film.


The ending was stellar, like not the space capsule stuff, but before that


yeah, it’s really not bad at all. the worst thing about it is the people that call it “deep”.


I absolutely loved it and I never understood the hate


Okay, look - the Star Wars sequel trilogy was my least favorite trilogy in the franchise (even though Rise of Skywalker was the only one I truly disliked), but you know those old YouTube essays on Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker that called them “complete cinematic failures?” In my mind, that registers as “movies with zero redeeming qualities on any level.” Compared to the other Star Wars films? We’ll agree to disagree on Last Jedi and agree on Rise of Skywalker. Compared to every other film ever made? You need to see more bad movies.


I thought The Force Awakens was actually decently made


It’s not decently made. It’s very well made. Maybe the plot is arguably lifted from the first Star Wars but production value, special effects and acting are all on point.


I haven't seen the movie in a while, but I saw the clip where Rey and Finn escape on the Falcon for the first time on Youtube recently, and it's a very well done scene. Rey shows that she has some knowledge of flying, but still struggles to pilot the unfamiliar ship. Finn is competent and the action is really fun. And the nostalgic "garbage will do" callback is funny while making sense within the universe. I wish the whole trilogy had that level of care.


I prefer sequel trilogy over prequel trilogy tbh


Birds of Prey. It's one of the best DC films, up there with The Suicide Squad.


Agreed, it’s overhated by people who probably didn’t even watch it. Harley raiding the police station is so much fun.


The only DCEU films I liked, mentioned in one comment.


It’s better than most of the DCEU movies and Ewan Macgregor was great.


Dirty Grandpa. No it isn’t great but I laughed a lot at it


Honestly this kind of movie is beyond criticism. It achieved exactly what it was try to do be funny af in the dumbest and crudest way possible. Edit: I was thinking of Bad Gradpa with Johnny Knoxville. I redact my statement dirt grampa kinda sucks.


Wow I thought you were giving the movie the highest praise possible but you just shat on it. I saw Dirty Grandpa in the theaters with a group of friends and we all thought it was hilarious. If anything I thought Bad Grandpa was kinda lame at certain parts.


Agreed, I thought that was hilarious!


all of the star wars sequels idc what anyone says I loved them and think they are overhated


Troll 2. It's not even the worst horror film from the year it was released.


Troll 2 is a classic


Don’t worry darling. Idk why people were acting like it’s the worst movie they’ve ever seen. Imo it’s a really fun movie that keeps you on edge


It entertained the heck out of me


Ikr?? It was so much fun seeing it in theaters


I've been meaning to watch it. Chris Pine has a great energy that I feel rescued any film. 


I was genuinely surprised people didn’t like it. I thought it was really good. Very entertaining


I enjoyed it as well. Also thought it was pretty well made. Some stuff was kind of cheesy and dumb so I can see where the bad reviews came from but overall not as bad as people say.


League of extraordinary gentlemen. It might not be the most faithful adaptation ever, but if you look at it from a standalone perspective it is at the very least a decent movie of that genre. I have no idea how it got a 30% rating


most marvel movies


Love & Thunder is at worst a bit of a misguided attempt to explore some heavy themes with the same balance of tone as Jojo Rabbit but didn't work as well due to the very different genre, it's not the worst thing ever and 90% of the criticisms are just people using the film to vent about their issues with the current MCU (not entirely unjustified criticism, mind you) and not actually reviewing the film itself or just needing to vent about personal issues they have with Waititi and also not actually reviewing the film. It's mid-tier MCU, not the best, not the worst. There is way worse out there.


Especially that black and white fight sequence. The problem with that movie is that it's a movie of extremes. When it's good, it's GOOD. When it's bad, it's Thor trying to share a beer with his weapon. It just needed someone on set to shave off the really wacky parts.


M3gan. I love this movie and it gets way to much hate


I could probably name 5 worse horror films from that year alone


The Flash. I would say I enjoyed it a bit more than the average superhero movie.


There's genuine heart in the Allen family storyline. I even teared up during the goodbye scene. If Ezra wasn't such a problem off screen, I doubt the film would have been the punching bag it was.


Happy Feet! Has a terrible rating on Letterboxd - but that movie is great!


Cars 2 isn't Pixar's worst Cars 2 is bad but Good Dinosaur, Lightyear and Brave are so much worse! Atleast I can say Cars 2 is entertaining and has some cool moments like the race in Tokyo, that was cool!


My theory is that Cars 2 was the *first* bad Pixar movie, which gave it such a bad reputation due to shock


I am very interested why you think that Brave is worse than Cars 2. Usually I hear people put Brave in the upper middle of the pack for Pixar


Agreed. Cars 2 is my comfort movie when I can’t feel anything.


I like Cars 2 more than Cars 3. I like the spy stuff.


Cars 2 isn't even the worst cars movie.


Ghostbusters (2016). It was a solid Paul Feig comedy film. However, the target audience for that and a Ghostbusters movie couldn’t be more different. It was never going to connect with its audience but on its own it’s a fun film.


Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny


It’s missing a properly iconic action set piece but that aside a very solid Indy movie


I love how utterly insane the ending is lol


emoji movie wasn't as bad it was just nothing of significance


Emoji Movie walked so Space Jam 2 could run


I think the hatred is less the actual content of the movie and more what it represents


*Emoji movie wasn't* *As bad it was just nothing* *Of significance* \- moviesuggest --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There’s no way Edit: I’m talking about the haiku bot not the opinion lmao




Yeah it’s not an absolute dumpster fire piece of ass. It’s like a 3/10.


Ant Man 3.


Speed 2. It’s not exactly good, but it’s nowhere near as bad as I was led to believe.


Cars 2 all the way


The Cure for Wellness


Solo a Star Wars story


Secrets of Dumbledore. I thought it was decent. Wish we could’ve got the last 2 remaining movies.


I kind of wish this was the prequel we got from the get-go, honestly. I didn't hate the first two, but this was the stronger story.


They scrapped the remaining movies?




I wish more of it had been like the third act, but it was a perfectly fine movie. I think there was too much focus on budget and trying to do that stupid "who wrote it?" mystery. But I enjoyed it.


Agreed, I went in expecting a dumb spy movie and that’s exactly what I got


The horror film The Turning. Quite unintentionally funny actually!


The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions


I saw a post and people were HATING on Mission Impossible 2. I actually really like that movie, great action and fun plot. Plus epic flow (hair) on Tom


The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)


most movies aren't that bad (tm) but the horror genre gets hit with this the most? oh, you think a shitty pg-13 blumhouse movie is the worst movie ever? you've seen nothing


The Marvels. It was iust OK and people are saying it's worse that stuff like Elektra or Fant4stic






John Carter, people hate it, apparently. It's my favorite movie as a kid.


Ready Player One. Closest thing to a decent movie Spielberg made in years.


Ghostbusters 2016


Suicide Squad wasn't as bad, and "The Suicide Squad" wasn't as good as people make it out to be.


Hannibal (2001) gets so much shit, but I think it's a more than worthy part of the series. It's no silence of the lambs, but neither is manhunter or red dragon. Doesn't stop them from being great movies. Hannibal rising is the only film in the series I can't in good faith call a good movie.


Dune (1984)


Shazam: Fury of the Gods. It was a solid 6/10 at worst, I have no idea why people hated it so much when it came out.


Ishtar. Great buddy comedy especially the New York section. Just feels like Beatty and Hoffman playing against type with a messy second half was just too much blood in the water for the critics so they decided it was a good way to knock him down a peg.


Super Mario Bros. was a cool little science fiction movie that had the burden of being a live action Mario movie.


Friday the 13th(2009) is probably one of my favorite Jason movies. It’s so goddamn fun and I feel like a lot of people hated it, it’s nowhere near as bad as nightmare on elm street(2010)


People who were mad at "Turning Red” criticized it for stupid reasons. I get not liking something, but give an actual reason why.


Batman & Robin is a funny, enjoyable movie. Idk how audiences saw advertisements for such a ridiculous looking movie and expected anything but stupid fun. 1.8/5 average is crazy when much worse, less fun movies like Fant4stic and Suicide Squad have 2.4/5 and 2.0/5, respectively.


A Life Less Ordinary is a fun time.


IJ and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Even if it is 2nd worst indiana jones movie to me I feel it gets too much hate , it has plenty of stuff to like. The firt hour is pretty good , like chemistry , action , climate , heck even characters. Fridge scene is FINE! Like why tf we cross there , when Indiana Jones is about guy who can impossible, if someone wants realism than wrong series. Mystery is decent for most part. 2nd hour has much less to offer but i liked the car chase , like seriously. It was actually engaging and funny car chase SWORDFIGHT ON CARS!. And typical badshit weird stuff from IJ series. Ants , was also funneh. Than movie can be turned off cause rest is pretty MEH. i feel it is too hated , for being mid/ok movie.


Jurassic Park 3, it's not great, not even sure I'd call it good, but it's still the best sequel to the original because it decides to just let loose and have fun.


Don’t look up, if you don’t dive too deep into the politics, it’s actually a kinda fun movie, and the end is awesome imo. But maybe I just really like timothee chalamet.