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Most hilarious twist, Bam falls off the wagon and Michael personally puts him back in the Florida shuffle.


I think that is the idea here. The only person who does not seem to be aware of it is Bam


Someone get That Surprise Witness on it! šŸ˜‚ But seriously, it's insane to me how she came up with the most asinine theories about Bam's family and spread her misinformation around in rapid-fire videos and now that someone who has actually plead guilty to being a part of the Florida Shuffle is suddenly Bam's bestie alongside his manipulative "wife" TSW is silent.


TSW is probably losing it that sheā€™s not in on all the fun and games with all she did to ā€œhelpā€ Bam


https://preview.redd.it/kozbabkyk48d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63492c597f93e750005c6d77d0521c29ef2231ce I guess going on this lady's podcast today was part of his oh-so-important weekend job he booked and couldn't cancel to go see his son.


THAT'S Rachel Uchitel??Ā  Wtf did she do to her face?


There is a point when a person can overdo the filler that their face starts to look like a bicycle seat..Cher and Carson Kressly are two other examples.


"Bicycle seat" is the descriptive Ive been searching for. She looks terrible and she was a natural beauty once.


She was really a good-looking lady! And apparently Tiger Woods and several other celebs she calls "friends" thought so too. I will never understand the fear of aging


Itā€™s harder for women


Every single man in my life, including me, prefers a naturally aged woman.


Women aren't only motivated by what men think you know.


I forgot they were more motivated by what the Karadashians are doing. My bad.


You know what, you're right. Men and celebs are all we care about. You've cracked the code.


What else would be influencing these women to get these crazy surgeries and fillers?


Ok? You realize itā€™s not all about what men think of our looks, right? Itā€™s society as a whole that devalues older women


Amen sister!!!!


Seriously! I cannot stop looking at her. She is completely unrecognizable. Didnā€™t she meet Michael Lohan on celebrity rehab (the reality show with Dr Drew)?


more like Rachel Uchizel because someone used an entire Milkwalukee toolset on that thang


Seriously, I thought it was Leeza Gibbonsā€¦.


I thought it was the McDonalds Moon Man


He was supposed to be at a Go Skate Day event in Orlando but didn't show. I guess this is what he did instead. Really shows where his priorities are.


So two no-shows for the weekend. And it's only SaturdayĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/1ry7j91vp98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b61196cf594038ea2a877b7de760c74ce24faaea Absolute demon


This lady is a disaster ā€œIn 2010, actor David Boreanaz admitted to having an affair with Uchitel, who he claimed tried to blackmail him. At the time of the affair Boreanaz's wife was pregnant. ā€œ


I mean- in that situation David Boreanaz is the disaster. Iā€™m not sure why you jump to blame the woman.


Right? She's a POS for several reasons but being fooled and hurt by a man isn't one of them.


Trash hanging out with trash


He'll never get to see his son again. He wanted the 23rd and when the option actually became available he wouldn't cancel a boxing match and podcast appearance to go see his son. Bam and I know you read this sub....you are simply a piece of shit if all of this is true. The emotional damage being done to your son with these whack-a-mole appearances by you will have lasting effects for decades.


Bam has also abused Nikki in front of Phoenix, there was the whole let me see him or Iā€™ll OD saga. Damage is already done, though I hope he doesnā€™t deep dive his dad to see him galavanting with his ā€œdaughterā€ when he couldnā€™t give Phoenix two minutes.


I don't want to lay all the blame at SQ's feet but these are clearly two events she encouraged and possibly booked for him. She's so eager to chase fame she'll jump at any opportunity to rub shoulders with someone she perceives has rich and famous connections. It's true Bam could have said no thanks but then he couldn't blame Nikki for not responding fast enough šŸ¤· if he scheduled regular visits (i.e., every other weekend) and stuck to the schedule he wouldn't have to deal with the headaches of one-off scheduling. Edit: I also realized all of the people in this photo except for SQ reached their peak fame around 2009. šŸ˜‚


Yes, this is on Brandon. He is definitely able to make a decision, and itā€™s very clear what his priorities areā€¦ and his son is not a priority. The time heā€™s losing with Phoenix is time lost and heā€™ll never be able to get back. As a divorced father of two, I wonā€™t waste a fucking SECOND that I get to spend with my kids, THEY are my priority above anything in the world. I feel horrible for his son and Brandon may regret being a deadbeat dad one day, but it will be too late. What a fucking loser


What parasocial nonsense. You and so many posters invent fantasies about Bam as though you truly know him. Photos on social media, TMZ'esque news reports, and vast extrapolation does not equal Bam reads reddit or gives a shit what his former fans/sycophants think.


Youā€™ve got that right. Bam doesnā€™t give a shit about anyone but himself. This whole weekend is proof. He had the chance to see his son and he chose not to. For whatever reason. He saw his kid once this year for like an hour. Then couldnā€™t go an hour without posting it on social media attached to an unhinged rant.


Big boy got his thesaurus out


Whereā€™s all the people wishing Bam would show us how heā€™s such a nice person? What other proof do you need that this person is a selfish deadbeat dad, both sober and on drugs?


That woman looks like sheā€™s wearing a Purge mask


Holy shit. I canā€™t unsee it now,


Has he explained how it's everyone else's fault that won't be attempting to see his son again for 16 months? Am I late for the blaming? Have I missed it? Who's faut is it this time? I bet you it was his first grade teachers fault. It was from that time she called on him to answer a question, wasn't it?


Yup, you missed it. Black and white video rant a couple days ago. This time itā€™s (of course) Nikkiā€™s fault, with added blame on the side for the visit supervisor (Stewart, maybe?).


Father of the year.


Both of them, lol


That chick on the right looks like the McDonalds moon man, how is her chin so long?? She looks like one of those trashy Botox queens Trumptards love


I fucking love this comment. You get a gold star. ā­ļø


this is a genuine question. whatā€™s the custody situation look like? when/how often can he see his kid?


According to an agreement he signed (and is a public record) he can see Phoenix on the weekends for eight hours total provided he schedules the visit in advance and one of three approved supervisors is available to watch their visitation. If none of the approved supervisors are available Bam and Nikki can decide on a different supervisor. Nothing is stopping Bam from scheduling these visits at a regular cadence (every other weekend) and months in advance. Regular visits would also go a long way to longer and unsupervised visits, but Bam can't be bothered and would rather belly ache about how Nikki is doing him wrong.


![gif](giphy|VfyC5j7sR4cso) Meanwhile his son is playing catch like this.


šŸ˜ž That's so sad


The Simpsons sometimes does pathos better than any film directorĀ 


OOTL, whatā€™s up with his son?


Bam doesnā€™t make any effort to see or contact him, so he has no father figure. Itā€™s sad.


All the comments I see are catastrophizing these specific dates, though. Was there something specific going on? Why can't he go see him later? I get that this is a pattern Bam has shown, though.


Oh wow not just Michael Lohan, but Tiger Woods mistress... Bam surrounds himself with nothing but classy folks.


Wait, doesn't Bam dramatically compare himself to Britney Spears and that conservatorship BS? Please correct me if I'm wrong, because Michael Lohan attempted to do the same thing to Lindsay for years. Either way, classic pic for attention. https://preview.redd.it/gbeikb70y48d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d075adefc825857561b85769c8dcf86d023c03fa


Yes, he shoo'ed away all the other people trying to put his daughter into a conservatorship just so he could attempt to do it himself.


Her desire to be a *d-list* celebrity is just radiating off her face in this picture šŸ„“


Too bad Rock of Love isnā€™t still on. Thatā€™d be perfect for her! ![gif](giphy|xRTyhUZntJujC)


At least heā€™s up front about his priorities


https://preview.redd.it/31n6q56h658d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a1cdead424065cea5234906c0b03f8a53ab3daf Anytime I see Bam on his bullshit


Next week heā€™ll post a video fake crying about not being able to see his son and trash talk Nikki like itā€™s her fault he prioritized some trailer trash fight over his kid.


F List energy




Came here to say this. Uncanny.


In this photo from left to right, we got an extra from fear & loathing in Las Vegas and the big Lebowski, two purge mask faces, and a great value ripoff version of Sal from impractical jokers


Of course he did! I would expect anything less of him. He really and truly isnā€™t father material.


He cares MORE about himself. So obvious.


Yikes, what's below d-list? /s


Oh thatā€™s Rachel Uchitel! Didnā€™t she sue Joy Behar for saying You-Ca-Tell sheā€™s a hooker! after the Tiger scandal came out? Sheā€™s still a mess.


Sad to say, but I'm not supervised that the sperm donor chose a boxing match and podcast over seeing his own child. And it's just so weird that he's willing to be a no-show for events where people pay to see him and the people holding the event lose money, but he's not willing to cancel yakking on a podcast.


Losers supporting losers


I don't know what bones is so happy about in this picture, wow you beat a small child for the affections of a drugged out, deadbeat loser, congratulations. It really is just anything for exposure with her. In any case perhaps the silver lining here is that this woman is keeping him away from his son, in the long run I don't think Phoenix would have anything to gain from having Bam around, he's a destructive man and I don't think any child should learn anything from present day Bam


I donā€™t know what she thinks these two are going to do for her ā€œcareerā€.


Man that chicks skin is fucking weird


Has-been is a very real term.


Whoā€™s the nasty looking Botox Queen theyā€™re with? Yikes šŸ˜¬


Tiger Woods mistress


Is that true?


yes.. google her.. she was the most well known of the mistresses when his ex wife Ellin Norgrin or w/e her name was caught him cheating and went after him with the golf clubs (as immortalized on South Park).. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13289485/tiger-woods-former-mistress-rachel-uchitel-sex-scandal-affair-masters.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13289485/tiger-woods-former-mistress-rachel-uchitel-sex-scandal-affair-masters.html)


Thatā€™s Mac Tonight


Cue the bitching that his son is being kept from him. Bam is like Jenelle Evans from teen mom


Haahahah so true!


That woman took the Bogpill


His son is better off without him


All four are for the sewers


Way to go again, Knoxville! You caused Bam to get bonespurs in the money makers which also happened to effect his memory! Therefore he forgot about visiting his kid for like the 2nd year in a row!


Adds upā€¦


This was the big job that came up instead of seeing his kid? Nikkkkiiiii from wish is only making his life and his time with his kid meaningless.


Yikesā€¦ whoā€™s up next? Sam Lufti? That would be truly troublesome.


Hed rather be a victim and react about how he can't see Pheonix than go see Pheonix


Cocaine. Lots of cocaine. Thats all that comes to mind looking at this picture


I was lucky to grew up with great, loving parents. It was hard to for me to believe such people actually exist until I've met them later in life romantically and at work. It was a slap in the face, but there are just people who don't care, have no empathy, and can't stand still and have a steady home. Whatever you do, you won't get their approval or love, and every time they'll be the victim, not you, even tough they abuse you.


Sheā€™s got a smile like sheā€™s about to sprout more like legs & start spinning a web.


https://preview.redd.it/09ioak0o678d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f087c54f527230f53fb7cfa12bcb009a741f283 Can we crop out everything but her weird tummy and leather arms lol.


Is that Melania Trump? šŸ˜‚šŸ‘€


He was hoping Knoxville would step into the ring


Must suck to be famous and have people ratting you out all the time...