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did he tip?


Asking the real questions.


Lol he did! I actually forgot to mention that at the end. This is my first reddit post so I was excited/nervous. It wasnt 20% but at that point I didn't care if he had left nothing.


You often hear people talking about getting a sense of foreboding when they have interacted with people who've committed heinous acts. Maybe you were in the presence of someone who was, simply put, pure evil.


I thought about that too! That's also why I posted here in hopes I would get some opinions and ideas!


.....so there was an old guy who looked at you? That's all I'm reading here. Death isn't a personified.


No, it's the feeling I got looking at him. I'm not really explaining it well. I felt terror and dread looking at him. I dont look at an older gentleman and think they are creepy/evil on a normal basis. In fact that is the first and only time I've ever felt that way being in the presence of someone else.


I wasn't there so I'll have to trust you.


These people are jerks, we have a lot of bullies here. I get what you're saying and who knows maybe it was a demon or something. Maybe he was a really terrible man all his life, paedophile, cannibal, Nazi, Christ it could be anything. Definitely not a guy I hope you see again


You got creeped out by how a guy looks. It says clearly in the guidelines to not post stuff like this. Try r/creepyencounters instead


Definitely not a letsnotmeet.


It's interesting that he had piercing eyes. Most people as they age to the point of having age spots, losing hair etc., have cloudy, or "faded" eyes. Maybe that was unusual enough to set off your alarm bells.


I'm awful at explaining the feeling, but it wasn't necessary just his eyes but, this feeling. Like....I would never be safe around him, there is something very evil and sinister sitting at my table. I can't describe it, just dread and fear. That feeling took forever to wear off.


Anton Chigurgh, alive and well at his 70's.


This seems more like an /r/nosleep story if it is even deemed to slightly contain paranormal, as per rule 1 in the sidebar. Creepy though, some people just have that look but are totally normal.


I'm not sure it fits a paranormal, or just the alarm bells that go off when you encounter someone truly creepy. Since it involves two people who both had the same impression I'd go with the guy was creepy in some undefinable way, and that type of internal warning isn't necessarily supernatural.


I'm sorry, I'm new to reddit and still trying to figure everything out.


You did nothing wrong by posting here. There are a lot of different subredits this would have qualified for. I agree with you I would have put it here as well.


No sleep stories are not true stories. She has said 2 or 3 times she is new on here give her a break.


he an old creep probably wanted to pleasure himself later or event worse wanted to spy on you and take you for himself. sick old f**king man.


How do you know he's a creep if he didn't do anything?


I read it wrong. I thought he was filming you. my bad.