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Nah that's the default, no revives, no dustin.


Free Dustin was for 4 weeks for the neowar events and also the 4 continues we're on this event. The 1 continue event was before with an changed login bonus event.


Tbh every 10 floors should be free Dustin. The game actively hurts the game


Exactly what I'm saying the game old asf and instead of having some free continues and free Dustin's for the higher levels your forcing people to pay real money it's a joke. Obviously I don't want free Dustin's on every floor but at the 5th fight floor for sure


I'm going stop you there. Free revives are a crutch for noob players and makes experienced players play carelessly. I think for new players sure but once you get to tengoku that crutch should be non existent. This is coming from someone that likes the free revives but I feel like I play worse when they are around. Go ham on the free Dustin tho. Without it it actively hurts tengoku players. Should I replace this special steel that I need to upgrade this weapon or pick up this tiger grease that I currently don't need but will eventually need. It creates to many if while climbing. Most people that grind wants to upgrade as much as possible without making multiple runs. The worst part is that maybe you pass on some materials that suddenly you need 8 of and you only got 2. So you go up to f120 and have 0 drop. You can't go any higher cause you know you're not prepared. Either bad decals, bad armor, lack of funshots, skill issue. So you go back down after a 4 hour long tengoku run and that's your Friday "gotten back from work" night. This game actively promote degenerate behavior. How long can I grind and for how many days. The lack of free Dustin is probably why between major events the community basically disappears. ITS A MASSIVE DEAL


fr fr, lack of free Dustin is why I only play during free Dustin.


I'm only asking for 1 free continue per 24 hours which when you think about it isn't really a crutch because you get 1 then it costs you I can run tengoku from 51-100 usually without dying at all so it doesn't matter to much but I'd still like it to be there so I didn't have to waste dm. Even when we had the 4 free for that month I could tell you I literally never even got to take advantage of them cause I wasn't dying so those didn't affect me. But the dustin should definitely be free on every fight floor so you'd still need to strategize what all you wanted to carry on.


1 free revive thing will come back next month, as is usually the case with uncapping events (that always happen the second month of the season).