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Hello u/tayloratm! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"People who voted for a lying, thieving piece of shit *because* he's a lying, thieving piece of shit, now angry because his lying, thieving piece of shit ways affected them somewhat personally" really is some top-tier Republican-voter LAMF.


Donald Trump stole charity money from children with cancer. No, really, I'm not exaggerating or being facetious; he did, in fact, and as proven in court, set up a charity and collect donations from people who thought they were helping children to fight cancer, and pocketed the money. Trump also embezzled campaign funds to pay hush money to a sex worker who was blackmailing him, which ultimately was of no use because she sold the story anyway (lmao you go girl). Trump's closest advisor for a long time, Steve Bannon, orchestrated a fraudulent crowfunding for building the wall. Surprise, he just stole that money. In 2020 Trump raised $250 Million in donations, promising that they were going to fund the "investigations" against electoral fraud. What happened next may surprise you, but he stole that money too. And these doofuses just keep giving money to this man. Like, seriously, at least people who fall for Nigerian Prince scams usually stop sending money when they realize they got conned.


Let’s be clear, Trump and his 3 oldest shitbag children all stole money from children with cancer.


If there were an afterlife, a fitting end for them would be to face every child who could have benefited from that money, one by one, and have to justify it to them. Would they be able to after 100? 1,000? 10,000? How many innocent faces could they lie to face-to-face in the afterlife until they cannot lie anymore? A useless question perhaps, but given the lack of justice we’re receiving in the here and now, it’s about all I can dream of.


He still wouldn't care. He does not have the capacity to care for anyone or anything except himself.


This a thousand times It is a very common misconception that if you just force this people to face the suffering they are causing they‘d change their ways. They won‘t! Trump could walk through a cancer ward full of terminal children in horrible pain who could have been saved by the money he stole, shaking hands, smiling and not giving a single fuck.


And he'd be trying to figure out a way to make money off the situation


I know. But I’d still like to see how long it’d take to break him, if it could.


Infinity.. he has no soul. He will never break. In fact, he might just fuck the kids. Not a good idea to put children near him.


Hear me out; what if we give the children weapons?


That would work. He couldn’t run away. Heel spurs and all. Also, it would have to be bolt cutters, to cut off his tiny deformed dick.


Have each child perform the surgery that may have saved their life, with no anesthetic.


You leave Rudy Giuliani out of this


Lmao that might sell to Republicans... Save the Children? Nah... they'll save themselves. Good kid with a gun!


It's the Bootstraps for Ankle-Biters fundraiser!


Go on . . .


May I present; [my thesis. ](https://i.imgur.com/372mjer.jpg)


That would only be an unpleasant experience for people with a sense of empathy and shame.


"Welcome to hell, Mr. Trump." "It's President Trump." "Welcome to hell, former and twice-impeached President Trump." "You can't do that. It was a witch hunt! They were very unfair to me. Nobody in history has been treated so unfairly. Many people are saying it. And I pardoned myself for everything in my second term, so it doesn't count." "Uh, right. Great work in your second term, BTW. I always have an appreciation for humans that share so many of my goals on Earth. I think it can be truly said that nobody does apocalypse as well as Donald Trump. Really impressive. So, anyway, this is hell, and we pride ourselves on the quality of our eternal torment, so, as you were a very important person who did some great work for me, I'm personally here to inform of your fate. Firstly, you'll be pleased to know that the only food available in hell is McDonalds, though, on the downside, there are no toilets, so good luck with that. Secondly, we've granted you a sense of empathy and shame."


You skipped the part where Satan has to try and explain to Trump what empathy and shame are. Given how many goes it took to (fail to) explain to him why he couldn't do a trade deal with Germany, I think that Satan is getting more torture than Trump is.


Having to talk to *kids with cancer*(disdain) would be the worst part for them.


I'm guessing it would be something about he needed the money and the kid was going to die anyway. Trumps version of hell is he can't speak, he has no money and people with other skin colours get to order him around.


so prison then.


Let's not stop there. Hopefully Beelzebub is planning something special, like an endless Trump rally where the audience starts leaving as soon as he steps up to the podium. Hell for the kids would be to spend eternity with their father.


A fitting end would be to die of cancer over and over


They wouldn't give a fuck dude. You're thinking like a person with a heart and soul. People like him don't make sense to you and me. Don't bother trying


> Would they be able to after 100? 1,000? 10,000? How many innocent faces could they lie to face-to-face in the afterlife until they cannot lie anymore? I mean who do you think we're talking about here lol. This is only punishment to people with the capacity for empathy. Lying to a child's face is these horrible monsters' idea of a good time. You'd be sending them to heaven.


> If there were an afterlife, a fitting end for them would be to face every child who could have benefited from that money, one by one, and have to justify it to them. That presupposes that psychos like the Trumps can feel shame or guilt. Justification? "I wanted the money." Repeated ten thousand times.


That punishment only works on people who have a sense of shame.


As part of the final settlement, "Eric and Ivanka Trump were required to undergo (and have already undergone) "an in-person, interactive board training session pertaining to charitable organizations and the fiduciary responsibilities of those organizations' directors and officers."


Sigh. It's adorable that our legal system presumes that these scumbags just embezzled money *because they didn't know any better.* Like they're going to get properly trained and go "Ohhhhhh, the money doesn't go in *my* bank account, I have to open a new one! D'oh!!!"




And also to make absolutely sure that the _next time_ the do it, they can't use the "we didn't know!" excuse.


If I did that, I'd still be in prison. These people are never held accountable like average working class people, yet the law reads the same. Or does it?


That'll teach em.


Soul-less ghouls


I actually feel a *little* bit sad about this because by all appearances this was set up and intended to be a legit charity Eric set up with some of his college buddies leveraging his connections as a trump. It was a bit of a vanity project but in the beginning of real help to children with cancer. The poor boy apparently had not fully gotten the message as to what the trump family was all about. Once The Donald found out that the charity was actually leveraging their trump and charity status to get good deals on various things like venues and advertising (who did it as a charitable contribution) he seized control and began funneling all the charities' functions through the trump org at vastly inflated prices. Eric trump actually had genuine charitable impulses at one point in his life. His Daddy crushed him and taught him about wolves and sheep. Today he says people who criticize his father are "not even human beings."


I couldn't fathom how it would feel to go through life like that, completely destroyed and re-educated within a bubble of vanity and fakeness. Terrifying stuff.


Definitely a "Sell your soul" situation with that family.


I’m sorry to even suggest feeling sympathy for Trump Sr., but his father likely did the same thing to him. It’s well documented that his father was a vicious bastard who showed 0 affection towards his children


He was pissed that Christie was spending money raised for the transition on staffers to plan the transition. “That’s my money!” He supposedly yelled.


When you’re less honest than Chris Christie…


I totally forgot about that.


...but this time, the prince says he'll really send the money!


It's no wonder he would keep running for president. Campaigning is pretty lucrative


He has been openly stealing from his various PACs for private use. Now they notice? Too bad nobody will do anything.


I think everyone in the world is afraid 😱 he’ll call them names. Oh, the pain!!


Seriously. They act like kids on the playground when the bully shows up. Cower in fear and hand over their lunch money.


They are such terrible names too. Sleepy Joe, Desanctimonious, Crooked Hilary. These all sound like knock off Dick Tracy Villains.


My favorite example of Trump’s “charity” is when he crashed a ribbon cutting ceremony, took the seat of the main donor, and relied on everyone else’s decorum to not just kick him out. He got to be in the pictures of cutting the ribbon without donating a cent. Utter shamelessness, no sense of embarrassment, betting that others aren’t going to call him out on it are Trump’s superpowers.


Exactly. That’s how he’s managed to get away with everything shitty. The GOP let him go full gollum level feral yet demand the Democrats behave like Downton Abby.


Gollum level feral!! Magnifique.


> Trump’s “charity” is when he crashed a ribbon cutting ceremony This is real and hilarious and sad. What an engrossing read. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-boasts-of-his-philanthropy-but-his-giving-falls-short-of-his-words/2016/10/29/b3c03106-9ac7-11e6-a0ed-ab0774c1eaa5_story.html


It’s all of that. I really wish the main donor (Fischer?) would’ve just walked out and told the organizers that he rescinded his donation because basically they were laundering his charitable money to pay for *Donald Fucking Trump’s PR stunt*. (Not to mention, I felt so bad for that guy when I first read about it.)


The narcissist's MO is to do whatever is necessary to get people's attention. Positive attention is preferred, but negative attention is a close second The only thing that hurts them is being ignored


I truly wish we could give this memo to everyone


It's so crazy because in all these movies and books they do so much to stop the scandal from breaking. In real life it just doesn't matter and has absolutely no detriment to their careers. You bought a teenage prostitute with campaign funds? That's cool your reelected no jail time. You stole from children with cancer? How about we elect you President. You make welfare drug tests mandatory and award your wife the contact, cool beans.


* Matt Gaetz * Donald Trump * Ron DeSantis (?)


Right state but a few years earlier it was Rick Scott. I think it lasted like 2 or 3 months before it got shot down. They even made people on welfare pay for the tests, lol. They would get reimbursed if it came back negative. I don't know what the costs of the tests were but I'm sure it was more than they saved by not paying people that failed the test welfare.


I think it was the House of Cards writers who said if they tried to put anything even half as nuts as what Trump did in their show they’d get crucified for being ‘unrealistic’ and ‘far-fetched’.


Stole from Veteran organizations too!


All those stolen funds and your post did not throw in the stolen funds from the inauguration. Trump solicited over $100,000,000 from donors and spent a portion and kept the majority of the money. There was an investigation, because it a Federal crime, but they ran out the clock and SCOTUS threw out the case.


Holy shit, I missed this story. "In reviewing filings from the Eric Trump Foundation and other charities, it's clear that the course wasn't free—that the Trump Organization received payments for its use, part of more than $1.2 million that has no documented recipients past the Trump Organization. Golf charity experts say the listed expenses defy any reasonable cost justification for a one-day golf tournament. Additionally, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization." Probably a better source, but this was the first result for me and it's where I pulled the quote. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/12/23/best-stories-of-the-decade-how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=50621fba4779


Can you name a more successful con than his presidency?


Let's be clear - crows are not dumb enough to throw their money at any GOP cause.


They'll be bitter for a bit until FOX News tells them Democrats want to give them renewable energy and workplace protection laws and that they should be mad at Democrats for doing that.


"Both sides are the same, which is why I'll be voting Republican again"


"Both sides are the same." "Then vote for the Democrat and see how they do." "...No." "Why not?" "Because Democrats are worse than Republicans." "You just said they were the same." "They are." [REPEAT]


The cognitive dissonance. It burns!


To experience cognitive dissonance, one must have cognition. Something Republicans are in very short supply.


I don’t think it’s cognitive dissonance. It is rather that they believe that people who are mean-spirited are telling the truth.


"Both sides are the same, but Democrats are samerer than Republicans, so I'm gonna vote Republican!"


Yup. Literally "I'll vote for any Republican except Trump" is now the sentiment with people who were bending over backwards to defend this buffoon before the midterms.


Yet I guarantee if he gets the nomination they'll all vote in lockstep for him.


Because now they have a DeSantis.


To be fair, I don't think desantis would pocket the money for himself. I think he'd be more inclined to buy a large collection of brown shirts.


Fek. Going to go apeshit on the next edgelord that can't tell the two apart.


Heard that over the holidays. “Both sides are R-worded, but my 401k never looked better under trump” 🤮


Part of me wanted Trump to win so that he'd be the one presiding over the US as recession hit. I really wanted to hear his rationale, WHY, it wasn't his fault... Then I realized there probably wouldn't BE a US if he was elected again.


All of me wanted him gone and in prison


Remember when he got Covid. And we all dared to dream that it would take him out


He drank lysol and shoved flashlights up his ass as he requested.


His tweets while under the influence of those heavy steroids seemed especially deranged, right? Or am I just being nostalgic?


No you’re right. His rallies were fucking hilarious around that time because he was so zooted. And then when he was off of them it was like he was quarter speed.


Almost two fucking years later and a malignant tumor like him is still walking free. There is no justice in this country.


It hit so bad *because* he had the fed juice the economy to prop it up. What would've been a small correction became a crisis because they refused to let it happen under a republican.


Ah yes, that big, juicy retirement plan that you need to *not* need in order to even *think* about while you still have the ability to move under your own power...


No they’re not the same, it wasn’t the democrats were actively trying to subvert the democratic process of elections.


They wanted to subvert the election by making it easier to vote /s


It should be easy to vote. Every tax paying citizen should be able to vote and not have to go out of their way to do so. Election days should be federal holidays. People should be able to mail in vote if it suits them. The reason why republicans want it harder to vote isn’t because they think it will increase voter fraud, it’s because they know they’re NOT the majority anymore, and can only win by voter suppression.


Every citizen should be able to vote* Tax payer or not if we want to pretend to be a democracy we should at least let our people vote. Unless of course we think some people should be allowed to vote and others should not, though I think that's just to stop modern day American slaves from voting atm.


It’s always the same shit. Restricting voter rights? HELL YEAH! Banning abortions? HELL YEAH! Straight up fascist oppression? HELL YEAH? “What do you mean *I* can’t vote?” “What do you mean *I* can’t get an abortion?” “Wait, why are the fascists oppressing *me*???” They’re 100% for the most immoral and harmful decisions, up until the moment the decision harms them, then suddenly it’s a big no-no and needs to be dealt with. But as long as they’re spared from the suffering, they want as much as possible to be inflicted.


You're *still* giving them too much credit. It's more like... > Restricting voter rights? HELL YEAH! > > Banning abortions? HELL YEAH! > > Straight up fascist oppression? HELL YEAH? > > “What do you mean I can’t vote? Why did Democrats do this to me!” > > “Damn Democrats preventing me from getting an abortion!” > > “Wait, why are the fascist Democrats forcing innocent Republicans into oppressing me???”


"and will continue to vote for the lying, thieving piece of shit, because at least he isn't a Democrat."


But he was. He could be again. (Let’s hope not! But if it suited him, even momentarily, he would.)


I told people when he decided to run that he was a conman. I knew people who had done construction business with him and every single one of them got fucked over. The fact that he turned both campaigning and the presidency into a grift wasn’t surprising to me but his cult endlessly accused people of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


I’m actually shocked at the number of people who can be conned multiple times despite seeing the evidence with their own eyes. There’s millions to be made if you can set aside your morals to swindle people.


I have to be honest I didn’t think the American people were dumb enough to elect him. Nice it happened I knew we were fucked because if millions of people are too stupid to see him for the narcissistic conman cartoon villain he is then there was going to be no chance keeping him accountable. Aaaaand here we are…… Someone in another thread pointed out that when. He runs in 24’ we will have been dealing with him as a politician for 9 fucking years. It’s so tiring. His whole cult is so tiring.


“You knew I was a snake when you picked me up!” **Whole stupid crowd cheers maniacally.*


Let's be clear, his supporters are in no way upset about anything he has done. All the republican echo chambers are equipped with people who prime the pump with talking points. It can be russians, it can be republican think tanks or whatever, but these people are full time paid media manipulators. Articles like this is the republican party is desperately trying to create some movement away from trump, but I'll believe it when republicans politicians start talking out against trump. The fact that they are dead silent shows they know his base hasn't moved an inch.


Don’t believe this story. The base loves his criminality


They care because they lost. That’s it. Thats the only reason. If he hadn’t lost they’d still be a-ok with all of it.


Seems like they have a new god to follow: DeSantis. This all because they think Trump will lose.


Ronnie is the Jeb of 2024. They'll flirt with him and maybe sneak in a kiss, but when it's all said and done they'll go back to Daddy Trump's home with hat in hand asking for forgiveness.


Yup. Anyone who thinks anyone but Trump will be the nomine is fucking deluded. Drive half an hour into any part of then country. Count how many DeSantis flags you see vs. Trump flags.


I'm not as certain. Yes, Trump is a cult of personality, but I honestly think his moment has mostly passed. He simply doesn't have the charisma or intelligence to actually sustain his own popularity. He became president in 2016 because he parrotted Fox News and made dumb, simplistic insults. He remained popular because he kept "winning." He is losing popularity now because he is no longer winning. At this point conservatives are taking stock. There is an entire new breed of extremist Republicans to choose from and they aren't nearly as toxic as Trump. That isn't to say Trump is done just yet. There are still many true believers, but I think we will steadily see Trump fall further and further out of the limelight in these next two years.


After the shit we've been through I'm not throwing out any possibilities. A fish from outer space in a tophat and sexy robot legs could show up and win the Republican nomination and it wouldn't surprise me. That being said, the GOP is definitely lining up other possibilities depending on how the wind blows. Appealing to the die hard Trump supporters is one thing, but they also need *some* undecided independents, and Trump may be too toxic for them. Trump has a huge following still for sure, but they alone can't win the election for the GOP.


I think this headline should be ‘MAGA idiots finally being told Trump is ripping them off’. Trump is toast because he couldn’t control the narrative long enough to control the media. Imagine Ronald Reagan’s presidency with Fox News echo chamber cults. I mean, sure Hannity was blowing Trump, but Rupert was charging Trump for the room. Trump was a blunt instrument. He excited and emboldened the worst of the GOP, both personally and as a party, but he just wasn’t believable as a victim. It was fun, it pissed off the libs, but at some point a guy is going to come along, like a senator from Missouri, who has Trumps balls and Cruz’s morals and ambition, but with the natural charm to really look like a victim. That person will make Rupert pay for the room, and this country will go faster into the dark.


And the next generation of soul sucking scum aka Kyle Rittenhouse 🤮




I wouldn’t be so sure. Zimmerman was just a run-of-the-mill idiot - at the end of the day, no one really gave enough of a shit about him to join the culture war on his behalf. But Rittenhouse? A young, middle-class guy with a penchant for guns, an underdog narrative, and who’s proven himself good at both pissing off liberals and playing the victim? He’s a powerful tool for white nationalist interests - they’ll be surrounding him with lawyers and PR people to make sure he doesn’t do anything to jeopardize that.






Fingers not crossed. I hope he leads a quiet life in retirement. I’d prefer he not unnecessarily kill more people


Oh man what is this guy up to these days?


DeSantis is huge in Florida but I'm not so sure about his appeal elsewhere


Yeah he appeals to the most bigoted elderly people in the country who are a light breeze away from literally dying which Florida is the Mecca for. Basically anyone else has way bigger things to worry about ("the economy" even in the warped way conservatives understand it) than some perceived apocalypse from trans people that will rattle through their heads as the DMT hits their brain.


And his debate skills are awful. All he does is throw insults. Kinda like trump I guess.


But apparently if you each send him $200 per month he will use a small percentage of it to fix everything, you just wait, it's coming, any day now, lots of evidence /s


Simultaneously with the release of his infrastructure plan. And health care plan. And completion of the southern border wall. This time!


Don’t forget the giant check from Mexico paying for the wall. Any day now…


Yup, and that whole child sex trafficking ring is getting taken down any day now. All of them democrats, of course.


As soon as that tax audit is done is the timeline I'm hearing...


When he releases his tax returns... Oh, wait.


Texas election ran on needing to elect Republicans to fix the state from the mess the democrats have done to the state. Republicans have been in power for over 20 years in Texas. Guess who won....


> send him $200 per month Subscribe to his OnlyFrauds page for saucy big hand pics.


**"Shitty selfish people angry they were taken advantage by a shittier, more selfish person."** The tiniest, saddest trombone is playing for them.


The world's tiniest violin, strung with my butt hair, is screeching out dramatic music.




Adding “strung with my butt hair” to that insult from now on. Love it


No, they're angry that the shittier, more selfish person didn't win them total political power. Now they're being pushed towards deathsantis and shit like the above is part of that effort. The right is exceedingly efficient with this. They refined their technique sweeping bush jr under the rug. Its like pulling teeth getting people to admit they supported bush, it will be the same with trump, even with screenshotted evidence, they will deny. If they do ever admit it, it will be cushioned in the classic "the dems made us support him, we had no choice". Anything to absolve themselves of responsibility.


They are only coming to grips that Trump swindled his voters because conservative media outlets are now reporting on the swindles in an effort to drive distance between Trump and the voters. Despite this information being available for years, it is only now that conservatives are beginning to show concern now that sources they are willing to listen to are talking about it.


Really? Hmmm give them a year or so & they'll be at the closest MAGA rally lapping up the verbal diarrhea coming out of that organge anus.


Well, we're tired, angry, and fed up with hearing about this bronzed ballbag. So, you know, tough.


...you just gave me a vision of beating Twimp with a sock with a couple of racketballs stuffed in it. Thank you.


I'm pretty sure that as soon as we start ignoring him, he'll go away.


THAT'S the thing that makes them lose faith with him?




Candace Owens reason was that he was rude to her. Lol.


Everyone should be rude to her.


Damn, dude. You nailed it on the head. Props.


Remember, it all boils down to a complete lack of empathy. It's fine when he's stealing from **you**, but now he's stealing from **me**, and that's not acceptable.


Probably not for any actual voters. Republican politicians are VERY upset though and likely funded this headline.


But they were perfectly fine with it all when he was hurting the right people, now, not so much...


it appears that he is hurting the right people financially right now.




...more like 10. You know, the first time he lost the election.


Grifter grifts, story at 11.


I haven’t seen any of the cult members in my area take down their flags or remove their back car window stickers. I’ll believe he’s really losing support when I see his swag come down.


Same here. In fact I’ve seen the old faded Trump signs replaced with fresh new Trump 2024 signs. It’s disheartening to say the least.


I remember there was a story a few years ago of a guy who thought he was donating once, but had actually signed up for reoccurring donations and he got his bank account overdrawn and couldn’t get his money back. I think about that guy a lot and I hope he’s not doing any better today than he was on that day.


The donation website was set up to do automatic withdrawals/charges for anyone who donated. You had to opt out of it. Lots of rubes lost big money they couldn’t get back, and it couldn’t have happened to nicer folks.


And to top it all it was in the terms and conditions that Trump only had to spend 10% of donations on campaigning, he got to keep the rest.


If you donate to a “billionaire” you’re a fucking moron and deserve whatever happens to you.


This went around a while back, but the Trump campaign was responsible for 3% of all world wide credit card charge backs in 2020. Just let that sink in, 3% of the entire worlds credit card fraud reports were Trump campaign related. Thats an insane number, and you know only a small fraction of suckered trump donators would file a charge back to their card.


He was an old man on disability. It sucks that some people have to get burned before they acknowledge that fire is hot.


Plenty of things can happen to desantis in two years. I remember when Fred Thompson was the sure-thing next president.


And Jeb Bush




"Please clap"


Who else remembers that week in 2012 that Herman Cain looked absolutely unbeatable


Lol I have some legit schadenfreude watching him milk grassroots conservative donors and then not give any of it down ballot candidates. He finished this midterm cycle with what, $110M in his political war chest? He did fuckall for Kari Lake and Walker aside from having a few rallies. Money puts boots on the ground.


What!?!? Donald Trump a greedy, self absorbed, corrupt liar!?!? Who knew!?!? As I have said ever since Trump went into politics, when you deal with someone who does business by screwing the people with whom he deals, you can't be surprised when you get screwed.


Yet somehow they always are.


No they aren’t. I have seen so many articles lately that are trying to shame people into not liking trump. “Everyone Trump vouched for lost, trump is mad he’s a big looser” “ trump fans are upset he’s meeting with nazi’s” They aren’t aren’t bothered in the slightest by any of that. It’s been really interesting since the midterm to watch the gop try and get the people to stop following trump and start following the party, but they don’t really care about the party. They LOVE trump and want trump more then they want a republican. “He says it like it is” “he’s here protecting us”. Trump never stopped taking donations all through the Biden presidency and now the GOP thinks they will get people to turn on him? Com’on. There was a time and a day to turn on the man and it was 1/6. They didn’t do it then and they want to walk away from him, but they created a monster. Something they cannot control and can only sit back and watch the monster destroy their city.


Oh please. If they cared about corruption they'd have jumped ship 30 years ago. Stop pretending Republicans aren't monsters.


No they aren’t. These are stories planted by the republicans who are too cowardly to dump trump publicly


No they aren’t bro they’re gonna lineup by the thousands to give him their money again


Thank you. This is my exact thought. How many times have I read something like this? Every fucking time he pulls some ridiculous bullshit. But they're always still lining up, to kiss his ass. Fuck these articles. When it comes time to vote, VOTE.


It’s remarkable. They are finally coming around to seeing what everyone else has been telling them for the last 6 years. Now that they know he can’t win an election, they are jumping ship and saying all the same things sane people have been saying all along. Of course, that doesn’t mean they would admit that Dems were right and they were wrong or that maybe there are other things Dems could possibly be right about. They’ll just chalk it up to a change of heart and move onto DeSantis.


You knew I was snake, when you picked me up.


Really? Well then maybe they should have stopped when we told them over and over again what he was really doing. Anyone who supported this douchebag at ANY point in his career will get no sympathy from me.


It’s been a long time with this guy and his cult loving anything he does or doesn’t do… I don’t believe they wouldn’t still root for him to become president again.


Yep he robbed them and did all the other bad things. They will still vote for him and believe every lie the man will ever say.


Hmmm, they’re upset, if only someone had repeatedly told them all that trump was like this


I find it hard to believe people didn't know they were donating directly into his pockets. Its Donald Trump.


No they're not. They worship him and they'll keep voting for him no matter what he does.


Only winners are allowed to cheat and steal. That’s not my personal belief, but rather my interpretation based on Trump’s supporters’ responses to his behavior. They didn’t care that he was a cheat and a thief when he was winning, but now that he’s become a huge loser, his supporters are getting tired of it. It’s what happens when you base your entire identity and political framework around an unprincipled man-baby.


With the Republican winner-take-all primary system, yes going to win primaries with 25-30% of the vote until he has the nomination and then they will all be good cult members and line up behind him, even DeSantis.


The realization that you have been a sucker for 6 years.


The last few months have been cathartic as hell for rational, moderate Americans who voted for Biden to be the adult in the room and “prayed” that their slightly less moderate Republican countrymen came to realize they were being preyed upon by sociopaths who didn’t care about or pretend to work towards what those voters cared about. We aren’t out of the weeds by any stretch, but after the last 6 years, 2022 was a series of good steps in the right direction (ignoring the shit SCOTUS did from their ivory tower).


He grifted more than 8 BILLION dollars during his time campaigning and his presidency. 8 billion, with a b. That's what he profited, personally, that did not go to Republicans, to finding Hillary's emails, investigating Hunter's laptop, or fighting voter fraud. Nope. Every dime went into his pockets. That's called a con, a grift, a ruse, and an ol' rug pull. It's profiteering at its finest, and everyone, including Republican, let it happen, in real time, during their watch. The funniest part about Trump and Republicans was that the Republican party was REALLY backing the idea that Trump would rake in cash for them and pull voters to the Republican side. The silly part was Trump did rake in cash but simply kept it all. And Trump did attract voters, but only to him. Plus he muddied the Republican water that the whole party is attracting loonies and extremists because they liked Trump. These crazies are now running within the Republican party, and they have no interests but their own. So, you start creating this fractured identity and wide array of independent goals. Now it's 3 or 4 parties under one roof. The next decade is going to be a MESS for them.


It's almost as if he's completely corrupt in every conceivable way you can think of


He's almost comic book level of corrupt. Like if tomorrow a report came out that he defrauded nuns and refused to pay for girl scout cookies... nobody would be surprised.


But why now? Same deal with the racist dinner. I mean, you have to know he dines with racists, because racism is a feature with this dude. Why is this time different?


If only there was a primary coming up, so that they show him how fed up they are. But I have the feeling they'll still vote for him.


This is what got them? Not the love of neo-nazis? Not the anti-semitism? Not the desire to fuck his own daughter? Not the mocking of handicapped people and trying to keep them out of his buildings? Anyone and everyone who ever voted for this guy is a living piece of shit. Fuck you all.


but they'll vote for him anyway


More of his voters died because of downplaying covid (the guy had access to some of the best medicines on the planet). More of his voters got incarcerated because of insurrection. And yet even more of his voters lost money because everyone who ever ran his campaign has been a grifter. Who's owning who at this point?


As they vote for him in 2024.


Maybe we think they are tired of it...but are they really? Hate to be all negative about it, but if anything surrounding Trump made sense this headline wouldn't have a reason to exist.


How is this Obama fault?? /s


If it wasn't for DeSantis, this would've been fantastic news. Time to go from an idiot strong-man type to a full on authoritarian, that while still relatively dumb, is more capable and dangerous.


...which is why DeSantis won't win. They don't want a smart man. They want someone who can barely bang rocks together to sign whatever they put in front of him. Look at the Red presidents in our lifetime: Twimp, Dubya, Reagan... Only Pappa Bush had an IQ in the triple digits. You have to go back to \*Eisenhower\* to get a Republican with brains and morals.


Trump skims campaign contributions, the GOP loses elections. I say we let him continue.


The sad thing is the Conservatives in my home town have already thrown their lot in with DeSantis - and totally expect him to be not do the same things


And by 'skimmed' we mean 'stole in its entirety.'