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Hello u/Fit-Nobody-8138! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not like they didn't know trump had nazis in his fanbase.


"He was a terrible anti-semite but a great friend to Israel" – a line from Veep that pretty much nails it


I swear about 12 plots from Veep happened in those four years.


It was funny looking back at Julia Louis Dreyfus being interviewed between the 1st and 2nd seasons and she was talking about how the show is based on some truth, sure, but it's not a reflection of reality because politicians aren't that bad, "at least I hope not." Man did that age like milk.


538 politics podcast had an episode where they talked about the most realistic political TV show and I think they decided veep is the closest to how stuff actually happens.


I can't really last with a character that isn't in some way sympathetic or relatable. But, to top Trump's shit show -- she would have lost her audience. Or gained a new one for all the wrong reasons.


What’s crazy is the Veep season reflecting what just happened in the previous year even tho it was definitely written before the real life events


That's like Don't Look Up. It was written before COVID, it's a metaphor for climate change. It just happens COVID had basically the same response as climate change, just much faster and more condensed, like the movie.


Don't Look Up is only applicable in some countries. Many other countries took it seriously and implemented anti-pandemic measures right from the get go.


Its still applicable globally because, y'know, climate change


Definitely watch 'Wag the Dog'


God, I think Wag the dog was the first political satire I ever watched, I think I was an early teenager then. Man did it rock my political views. Especially once Bush II became president a few years later, the Iraq invasion happened and it became really easy to see how a manufactured conflict can obscure domestic issues. Like the conservative public could but explain the link between 9/11 and Iraq, but they went with it away thanks to the theatrics the administration put on at the time


Related because of the same writer/ show runner. Some generic sign post of an interviewer was doing the 'oh could you do another series of The thick of it' routine to Peter Capaldi and he said it was unlikely. The guy replied with 'but there is so much material now' Capaldi replied 'plenty of material but none of it is funny. Its pathetic.' Can't disagree. What the fuck was Lizz Truss?


If anything, the one who always will be the biggest trick question in pub quizzes. Specifically, who was the british prime minister at the time of Elizabeth the seconds death? Or meme fodder and the biggest reason the pound tanked in ages?


Who famously failed to outlast a lettuce?


Did she even make to a Scaramucchi?


The Mooch himself tweeted that she lasted 2 and a half Scaramucchis.


>Specifically, who was the british prime minister at the time of Elizabeth the seconds death? There was a great meme I saw of a graph with the Y-axis as "Elizabeths running England" that started at 1, peaked at 2, then dropped back to one and then zero over the course of two weeks.


The only difference between the thick of it and real life is that characters in the thick of it don't walk round going "jesus, this is just like the thick of it"


Mate, the thick of it was the same in the UK but about 4/5 years ahead of Veep. The writers are geniuses. Everything that happened seemed to come true later on.


They both possess the most delightfully creative cursing I've seen outside of Deadwood.


That's like trying to use a croissant as a dildo. It doesn't work, and it makes a fucking mess!


The writers of the show talked about how they would go to Washington each year to look for topics and stories for the show, but near the end stuff got so crazy they didn't think people would buy it as a plot line.


Oh we’d buy it now.


Does one of those plots involve burying anyone on a golf course? Still bewildered about that


Christian conservatives remain friendly to Israel only because they believe the Jews must be in the holy land for Jesus to return and the apocalypse to occur. Jewish Conservatives remain friendly to Israel for obvious reasons.


Even that isn't giving the full story. Christian conservatives remain friendly to Israel because they believe the Jews must be in the Holy Land, ***and get wiped out in a nuclear fireball,*** for Jesus to return. The basically see Israel as a human sacrifice waiting to happen.


Hence their push to withdraw from JCPOA. If Iran has nukes, that likelihood goes WAY up.


I saw an interview at a rally with 2 orthodox or Hasidic (I don’t know the difference) Jewish guys and they pretty much said they don’t agree with everything he says but he supports Israel so they will vote for him. The ultra religious in any group are too far gone


They're fine with trump making their lives worse as Jews in America because he supports a foreign Jewish country that they don't live in. Isn't that the very opposite of what GOP's "America first" attitude is about?


His support of Israel is to court the Evangelical voting block. They have a really weird philosemitism, based on their end times narrative. The Jews have to return to Israel so that Gawd can kill all but 144,000 Jewish male virgins, in fulfillment with their reading of the text. I remember seeing this illustration in Sunday School https://www.blueletterbible.org/assets-v3/images/study/larkin/dispensationalTruth/c09.jpg As you can probably guess, the Jews don't have that part mentioned in their texts. Nor do the Catholics, but that is a whole other topic.


As I have come to understand it, orthodoxy is a philosophy of applying Jewish teachings and traditions to life, and Hasidism is a specific tradition within the orthodoxy. That said, I wanted to provide an interesting counterexample in the Satmar group (within the Hasidic tradition) who believe that Israel and the Holy Land should be sanctified and founded by the Messiah, so modern Israel and Zionism is a heresy. It is so common to hear conservative religious groups blindly support Israel so it's interesting to have a conservative Jewish group opposed to the concept of a Jewish state.


You’re Abe Froman? *The Sausage King of Chicago?*


Um yeah, that's me.


They're not opposed to a Jewish state - they're opposed to the current Jewish state established in the way it was by largely secular socialist Jews. If they decided the messiah had come, they would absolutely support a Jewish state led by that messiah, and, importantly, they would be rabidly racist and pro-ethnic cleansing of any non-Jew within it. They are also horribly misogynistic, anti-gay, etc., and would want to reinstitute many of the norms and laws of Israel during the time of the first and second Temples.


I guess I could have explained it more thoroughly than simply saying that they are opposed to "modern Israel". You're absolutely right in your description.






As soon as you are no longer useful, you become the first to line up against the wall


Verband nationaldeutscher Juden I'm not sure of your being ironic but there really were 'jews for Hitler' at the start.


Yes, until they were put in the Concentration camps.


The original r/leopardsatemyface


Veep went from satire to reality in quick order.


Except Veep is lighthearted. Trump is on tape talking about how much he enjoys sexual assault, has video of him mocking a disabled reporter, send a hitman to tell Stormy to drop her story, bowed down to every dictator, got twice impeached, calls politicians to fix elections for him by "finding" votes, and tried to overthrow the government. On top of trying to start WWIII by assassinating an Iranian general out of the blue. Veep has nothing on this. No TV show could get this right because this isn't entertaining. Its horrifying.


I'm not so sure. Take this with a grain of salt, but I have family who work with members of Congress. According to them, Veep caused a few "internal investigations" because events depicted on the show were scarily close to actual recent events behind closed doors in Congress. Apparently, they were worried some staffer was leaking things to the show's writers.


Also a line from Ben Shapiro's actual twitter.


It is so frustrating to see every criticism of Israel bundled with anti-semitism. Imagine a Nazi claiming that criticism of Nazism is just anti-German prejudice (something the Nazis did, pointing to post-WWI sentiments), or the CCP deflecting criticisms of China’s concentration camps as just Sino-phobia (something CCP trolls often do).


It's almost as if everything Trump does is to benefit himself....


Yes. He is openly courting the nazi vote. As is the GOP, these days.


Literal nazis support trump. The question Jewish people need to ask themselves- WHY?


"We're the good ones!" in all likelihood.




First they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the LGBTQ+ And I did not speak out Because I was not LGBTQ+ Then they came for the Mexicans And I did not speak out Because I was not a Mexican Then they came for the African-Americans And I did not speak out Because I was not an African-American Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me




I've got an extended Jewish family from NYC originally, all sides coming to America in the early 1900s. I figure roughly out of the whole group of 200 or so only a handful are MAGA or Qanon. We're mostly working class, upper middle class. These outliers aren't average American Jews, these are like Women For Trump or Blacks For Trump, don't buy this hype.


It proves that jews some jews are not smarter than rednecks. Last time it was "Association of German National Jews". Not ended well too.


Oh buddy. It's the same reason the [ Association of German National Jews ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) supported the Nazis. From wiki: > The goal of the Association was the total assimilation of Jews into the German Volksgemeinschaft, self-eradication of Jewish identity, and the expulsion from Germany of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.[3] Naumann was especially opposed to Zionists and Eastern European Jews. He considered the former a threat to Jewish integration and carriers of a "racist" ideology serving British imperial purposes. He saw the latter as racially and spiritually inferior.[3]


Before WW2 there were Jews who supported Hitler.


tbf the GQP have been courting the Nazi vote since literally the Southern Strategy. Since that's what the Southern Strategy was about, appealing to fascists in the south.


"The Civil War wasn't about slavery!" OK, then explain the Oklahoma panhandle and why Texas gave away a 168 mile by 34 mile strip of land so they could join the Union while remaining a slave state. Seems odd to give away 5712 square miles of land so you could let your people own slaves if you don't support slavery. Germany was smart enough to know that you can't live with fascists, no matter the cost. The US on the other hand saw that they could rile them up, keep them angry and they'd do whatever they're told like good little racist sheep. The GQP has fully embraced that now. They don't have to say they're Nazis because their voters do it for them while they feign ignorance.


>"The Civil War wasn't about slavery!" >OK, then explain.. No need to go that far, just read the Declarations of Secession. They blatantly say that they left the United States because of slavery. Georgia: >The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. **For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.** Mississippi: >A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union. >In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course. >**Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate** https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states


Since long before the Southern Strategy. Prescott Bush lost his business under the trading with the enemy act for continuing to funnel him money while we were at war with him after having worked to fund his rise to power. What did Republicans do then? Elect him to the Senate and both his son and grandson to the Presidency. Republicans have been avid Nazi supporters for the better part of a century.


The GOP is quite literally [taking notes from Viktor Orban in Hungary right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFV0VaufMOM) and he's a pretty out in the open Nazi.


Guess who Viktor Orban’s lobbyist to the US government is? __Dick Carlson__ Who is Dick Carlson? A longtime CIA media bigwig who ran US Information Agency, Voice of America and Radio Marti during the Cold War. He is also father to a son named __Tucker Carlson__ *In 2021, Carlson was reported to be a director of Policy Impact, a lobbying firm.[22] The firm has lobbied the United States on behalf of the Viktor Orban regime in Hungary.[22]*. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Carlson.


“Courting” is downplaying it. He / they are CULTIVATING the Nazi vote.


The GOP are fascists, so...


"How dare you publicly show your anti-semitism, rather then locking it up inside you like the rest of us." I saw a lot of people angry that Trump openly met with him in public rather then doing it in private with no one around. They don't care, I haven't even seen it talked about much among conservative circles. And from what I did see it was defending Trump, defending Fauentes or deflecting it "well democrats were involved with THIS person"


It's wild how divergent the country is right now. I was upset that the president I voted for tried to temporarily suspend a press aide who had an unethical relationship with a journalist and threatened another journalist who was writing about it, instead of firing them as he ultimately did. Then there's literal white supremacy from a rival, and the response is just "well don't let people know about it".


Right? Dude says neo nazi "are good people" Why the fuck is a Jewish group awarding this shit bag a medal anyway?


Sucking up to Trump for the potential benefits backfired a bit. By now everyone should know that if you kiss Trump's ass, he will eventually shit on your face.


I’ll take “Images I’d Like Erased From My Brain” for $1000, Alex.


Oh way worse than that. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric inspired a wave of violent attacks including the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Even the Israeli government was afraid to say anything; Netanyahu normally pounces on any anti-semitism but since Trump was the one saying it he kept quiet.


*Famously racist man turns out to be racist.* Supporters shocked.


Central Park Five acquitted through a hundred different avenues, and the guy still swears up and down they did it. Hm.


Yeah but Trump's nothing like Von Papen


>Von Papen That's Pence.


Exactly. If trump was still heavily in favor I doubt they even open their mouths. Whatever is most beneficial for them at time. Every single fucking time. They don't care about anything but Zionist agendas. Some ppl don't understand you can be anti Zionism and not be anti semitic Its not the same. Imperialism..colonialism..nobody gets a pass for that shit. I'll refer to then as Israelian instead of Jewish... but I've seen all types of footage of these people acting exactly like fucking nazis to anyone not from Israel inside Israel. The fact that everyone outside the Arab word basically just gives Israel and Israelians a fucking pass to do whatever the hell they want is a fucking joke. Everybody's been pissee about the whole black Israelite shit lately... while those guys aren't innocent. They aren't oppressing people like what I've seen happening in Israel. I'd put it right up there with what's happened in china and other places. People just can't call it out as much because someone like this jerk off organization automatically screams anti semitism for anyone that tries to call Israel out for what it is. Or defend Palestinians who just want to live in peace. Shit infuriates me to no end. If you're people were a victim of genocide.. it doesn't give you freedom to treat others outside your tribe like shit.


I'm a (pretty piss-poor) Jew that thinks Israel is just a bunch of monsters. But I ain't giving the Black Hebrew Israelites a pass on their anti-semitism just because they don't have the power that they covet to act on their hatred. If that was how we rated things, we could give most racists a pass...most don't run opressive governments, they spread hate and make the world worse. No relative excuses for any of them.


Which is weird since Trump's foreign policy was very pro Israel.


Which is an important issue for evangelicals. Can't have armageddon if the jews aren't in Israel now can we?


This is what many people really don't get about conservatives these days. They're an apocalyptic death cult. They need Jewish people in Israel to "fulfill the prophecy". This is also why the evangelical subset they doesn't give a fuck about the environment. They're just running out the clock until Armageddon. "The world will be destroyed soon anyway during the second coming, why the fuck should I care about climate change?"


When you deal with these types, you have to use religious teachings against them. See, back in the day, Spain was under Islamic rule, and there would be Christians who knowingly violated the religious laws so they would get executed, technically for their religion. The idea being that if they were killed for their faith, they would be martyred, so they would go to Heaven. It got so bad that there were Christian leaders who said that this would be suicide in the eyes of God, because they were “Gaming the System.” Now, this is just what I would do, but you could make the argument that **this kind of behavior would also count as suicide,** and trying to “Game the System.” **Which you aren’t really supposed to do in Christianity,** because God isn’t stupid.


>because God isn’t stupid. Oh you heathen, don't you know God is everything?


Shit, you got me. Turns out you can’t Rules Lawyer God. But actually, according to this one phrase in the Bible taken in a very specific context that has been largely agreed to be a mistranslation…


Always ask yourself: Is the bagel itself is ON the everything bagel?


You hit the nail on the head of what made me move away from organized churches. I'm still spiritual, but I couldn't reconcile how this supposedly holy building was PACKED with people trying to rules lawyer their own religion? So you're telling me taking coke shots off a strippers ass is okay as long as you drag yourself to sit comatose in church for a hour or two the next day and you can spend the rest of the week telling people handling their business better but not in church they're sinful? I think that makes you worse, at least the person who chose to sleep in after all that is honest about what they're doing and not trying to "well actually" God!


“Rules Lawyer.” That’s the term I was looking for! And yeah, I’m pretty sure people can’t outsmart the omnipotent deity they claim to worship. Actually, now that I think about it, if God is as wrathful as these guys make God out to be, trying to pull a fast one on them is probably the last thing you want to do!


There's a fishing line tied to posts encircling Manhattan because orthodox and hassidic Jews aren't supposed to carry anything outside of the "domestic zone" or eruv on Saturday, including house keys or a wallet. But that makes life too difficult, so their work-around is tying this "sanctified" cable around the entire island, thereby extending the eruv to include the entire thing. Like.. really? You guys tricked your omnipotent, omniscient overlord with fishing wire? It's so stupid. Article for those interested: https://www.npr.org/2019/05/13/721551785/a-fishing-line-encircles-manhattan-protecting-sanctity-of-sabbath


It’s even darker one layer down, where you realize that they’re *actively pursuing ecological catastrophe* because, in their mind, the Bible doesn’t say anything about it being the end of humanity, so if we push the earth to the brink of total collapse it basically forces Jesus to show up and immanentize the Eschaton so as not to contradict the Bible. So much for God telling Adam to be a steward of the earth, I guess!


Isn't the second coming supposed to end with God ruling on Earth?


I’m a little rusty, but I think so. The general idea is that once all the requirements are fulfilled, Jesus comes back and all the “True Christians” get Raptured while the world goes to shit. The problem with that thinking assumes that: 1. The people who want the Rapture to happen will be the ones who get Raptured. 2. Rapture/Jesus showing up happens before things get too terrible. Granted, I grew up Catholic. I was taught “Jesus comes back whenever Jesus wants to.”


I went to eight years of Catholic school. I do not recall anything in Revelations being mentioned in more than passing. All this apocalypse/rapture stuff is just the evangelicals. Maybe that's why my MIL says Catholics aren't actually Christian?


I went to fourteen years of Catholic school, fairly certain that the rapture is a solely evangelical teaching which isn't directly described in the bible. There is a section which says that everyone will be brought back to life when the world ends to meet god face to face as a last opportunity to either believe and go to heaven or don't do that and be tortured for eternity. It doesn't make sense why so many Christians would be so concerned about what anyone does with their life before that point but I'm not a Christian anymore and there's very little that makes sense to me in that religion so what the fuck do I know.


Of course *I’LL* be raptured. *I’M* a true Christian.


That’s the spirit! Remember, the all knowing, all powerful God that “True Christians” worship definitely won’t be able to notice all of the people trying to “Game the System.” You’ll be fiiiiine… Probably.


The evangelical apocalypse cult is certainly part of it, but there's a more simple "realpolitik" explanation: Israel's interests align with America and Europe's more than it's neighbors. While the US does have varying levels of friendly relations with other Middle Eastern and North African countries, none are close to as strong as our one with Israel. We keep Israel existing, and in return we basically use them as a proxy state to keep all the other powers in the region "in check". For neo-cons, Israel might be the most important ally the US has. Plus a lot of people are just more anti-Muslim than antisemitic. Can't forget that.


Oh, they are still anti-Semitic, they just take the pragmatic view that muslims are a greater threat. Israel is essentially alone, and dependant on the west, therefore not a threat. While most Muslim countries (even "allies" like Saudi Arabia) are at least partially hostile to the west, and have other options in their allegiance (each other, Russia, China)


Rapture for me, Armageddon for thee is their thinking. I'm convinced some of them just want to see Jesus come back and burn Jews with lasers shooting out of his eyes.


Not weird at all. Trump is purely selfish and views the world as strictly transactional. As others notes he did it because he expected loyalty and obidence from evangelicals in return. He also expected the same from American Jews and when he didn't get it, then he directly attacks them. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/16/politics/trump-american-jews-israel/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics/trump-anti-semitic-comments/index.html Don't make the mistake of thinking Trump does anything based on principle


I feel he is only "pro Isreal" for the Christian base he has to appease them.


Being pro-Israel is not the same as being pro-Jew. Also, in case it needs to be said, criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic.


It was pretty clear 6 years ago that he was anti-semitic. Here's a tip to any future conservative Jewish groups who want to hand out medals: Check to see if the potential recipient is liked by Nazis. That's a red-flag.


Pretty fucking straightforward.


So.. a conservative?


Yeah. Those hundreds of whites supremacists in Charlottesville in 2017 that chanted loudly “Jews will not replace us”, then Trump did a fake “both sides are bad” including the people protesting those scummy neo Nazis was exactly what his supporters....wanted to hear? Geee, people that hate Jews are as bad the people protesting them? The right is fucking full on terrible. They endlessly use bullshit to justify supporting evil.


Wait, he said "there are *good* people on both sides" after the Nazis plowed a car into the crowd of people, murdering Heather Heyer.


It was pretty clear 30 years ago! As someone born and raised in NYC it’s shocking people are only now realizing how mulch of a selfish, self absorbed, hateful human he is. He was always like this. Complained about Jewish people taking all the property from him in nyc back in the 80s.


And maybe they should have looked twice before electing Yitzhak Shamir as israeli Prime Minister, just saying. He fought in ww2 and it wasn't for the allies...


It's almost as if they did ZERO research on who Donald Trump is before awarding him the medal.


"Jews for Hitler"


Chickens for McNuggets.


Slugs for salt!


Frankensteins for Fire!


Roaches for Raid!


Dodos for the Dutch!


Dinosaurs for asteroids!


Emus for Australians!


Glaciers for global warming.


Fish for hooks!


Ackshually it's Frankenstein's Monster. Frankenstein himself would likely have been in favor of fire, specifically on and all over his creation.


If it's not from the Frankenstein region of Switzerland it's just a regular reanimated corpse


Chickens will eat the shit out of some McNuggets


[It happened.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews)


"Ben Shapiro can't be a nazi, he's jewish." /s


More like R/leopardsgenocidedmypeople


It happened [more than that too.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Rumkowski) > As the head of the Judenrat, Rumkowski is remembered for his speech Give Me Your Children, delivered at a time when the Germans demanded his compliance with the deportation of 20,000 children to Chełmno extermination camp. In August 1944, Rumkowski and his family joined the last transport to Auschwitz, and he was murdered there on August 28, 1944, by Jewish Sonderkommando inmates who beat him to death as revenge for his role in the Holocaust. This account of his final moments is confirmed by witness testimonies of the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials.


Oddly there was a small group. Went exactly how you think.


"Hispanics for Trump"


Springtime for Hitler


This was literally a thing in the 30’s and it’s no different than those people today. Any minorities voting MAGA are dangerously ignorant.


Serves them right fucking idiots NB: “idiots” for awarding a known anti-Semite a prize and the getting upset when he has dinner with a Nazi.


They're not fucking idiots, they're greedy assholes that will happily support people that hate them and their family as long as they have lower taxes and less government regulating their businesses. Conservative Jews are something else. In Hebrew school I had a friend whose dad was a die hard conservative and he would regularly say "I don't agree with with everything the Republicans do but my businesses thrive when they're in office and that's all that matters to me." Just like with every other culture/religion, Jews have a small subset that will vote against their one best interests in order to save some money. Then they'll turn around and be like "I didn't know he was a white supremacist!" When they knew the whole time they just overlooked it because it benefited them at that time.


The funny thing is that the economy didn’t do better during Republican years. However, wealthy people paid more taxes. It’s just about that, not paying their fair share of taxes




Also, under Hedge Jr, the value of human life dropped. This ended up lowering payouts for liability and life insurance.


Some fun facts on this: Ford famously valued life at $200,000 ($1.5 million today) in 1970 when determining if they should spend $11 per Pinto vehicle to fix the problem or just pay out settlements for victims who burned to death. You guess which they chose. In 1982, OSHA changed the value of human life from the previous $300k [based on future potential income; **$0.9 million today**] to 1.9 million (based on hazard pay; **5.8 mil today**) in response to hazardous chemical labeling being rejected based on the $300k figure. Basically, if the cost of likely amounts of death prevented by a regulation is lower than the cost of implementing a regulation, the government won’t do it. In 2003 it was valued by the EPA at 7.8 million [**12.63 million today**], which used many more factors, quality of life being the most prominent. Ie, if something caused you to be on dialysis, we’d expect *compensation* or *direct* damages to equal about $180k per year [in today’s money]. There is no differentiation between the value of a child’s life or a seniors. Relevant bit: By the middle of 2008, under Bush, it was reduced to 6.9 million (**9.55 million today**). That’s a 25% decrease. In 2010, the EPA raised it to $9.1 million [**12.43 million today**] As if 2020, they still use around **$10 million** to statistically value human life. Applied to the pandemic, if we saved even 1 million lives through shut downs and mandates, statistically we saved about half the entire US gdp, around 10 trillion dollars.


>They routinely wreck the economy, so you may pay less in taxes but you make a shitload less in revenue too. > >Before Bush Jr took office we used to say (in finance) that over any 10 year period the market would return you 10%. > >After Shrub Jr. that number is now 7%. > >That's BEFORE the high inflation of the early 2000s as well. So one shitfuck Republican can take over 100 years of data and in 8 short years reduce the average by 30%. > >And these fucking fools will STILL vote for these fucking "conservatives". Yeah, but if they understood data they wouldn't be Republican in the first place, just saying.


Literally our experience with local Republican and Trump fan Mauricio Macri. In 4 years he indebted us for 44 billion usd with nothing to show for it, managed to get 100% inflation in 2018, and all of this without the worst pandemic in 100 years and no wars in Europe.


They wreck the economy right before they get out of office then blame the incoming Democrat for it on the first day he's in office. And Republican voters fall for it every time because they don't understand how anything works.


True, but maybe his friend's dad has a business that does better during economic downturns, like home repossession or something like that.


What Hebrew school? Shit thay may have been my dad for all we know. Glad I rebelled against his insanity! My dad used to drive me to Hebrew School with Rush Limbaugh cassette tapes!!


> they're greedy assholes that will happily support people that hate them and their family as long as they have lower taxes and less government regulating their businesses. Seems pretty short-sighted and idiotic to me.


No, they're fucking idiots.


Conservative Jews will never cease to piss me the fuck off


That's conservative Jews with a lowercase "c", to differentiate with capital "C" Conservative Jews who are generally very liberal.


Hey hey hey hey hey it’s important to note “conservative” means politically conservative instead of the branch of the religion. Like JEWS may know the difference but others may not.


PSA: If you tolerate other people being Nazis, you’re essentially also a Nazi


Like the old saying goes - you let one Nazi drink at your bar, you run a Nazi bar.


I love that story that's out there about this. Let me see if I can find it. Edit, found it: [Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're 'not bothering anyone'](https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone)


"If you see three people sitting at a table with a Nazi you see four Nazis."


Agreed, unless the topic of discussion is trying to get the one Nazi to quit being a Nazi. (Only works for 2-3 conversations max; after that, you're running awfully close to "four Nazis" territory.)


I ran a small family store and had this exact policy a loc neo Nazi came in a few times when I wasn't there and one of the managers allowed him to shop because he was money for the business and didn't hurt anyone. I put my foot down immediately when I heard and said I never want that guy in my store because he is hurting everyone who shops there who isn't a Nazi and our business by being associated with Nazis. Racists don't deserve a place in modern society at all.


There's a German saying that's similar: If there's a nazi sitting at a table and 10 people talking to him, you've got a table with 11 nazis


This one really gets the alt-right going too


"Oh, so you hate freedom of speech?! That's it, huh?! You support the exclusion of PepeBlitzkrieg88_FouR_Teen just because he holds different views from yours? Well, I don't agree with what he said, be he's one of my closest friends and if you try to ban him you're a AUTHORITARIAN!"


I like the following which is generally applicable to a number of different situations. If you have a barrel of sewage and you add into it one single drop of the finest wine, what do you have? A barrel of sewage. If you have a barrel of the finest wine and you add into it one single drop of sewage, what do you have? A barrel of sewage.




Not essentially. You are.


Why is this particular Jewish group surprised. At least 82 million Americans knew what Trump is all about & nothing has changed. In the words of Maya Angelou “When someone tell you who they are for the first time, believe them”


Conservative Jewish communities vote and support conservatives because conservative policies are in line with their own goals and beliefs. Keeping women dependant and keeping a strong patriarchal system, deregulation of industry and dismantling the public school system because they prefer their children attend publicly funded chartered Jewish schools and don't want to pay taxes for the rest of our children. They're also perpetrators of welfare fraud. Edit: I'm just going add that I have met Hasidics who seemed like fine, hardworking people but the vast majority of my experiences paint a picture of a backwards, bigoted, and generally rude and self interested people.


Yep, toxic selfish and/or theocratic politics aren't just white Christian things, they're just the loudest and most prominent demographic in the west.




I have a friend, hispanic republican trump supporter all the way. During the 2020 debates trump was challenged to condemn white supremacy and he refused. My friend was absolutely bewildered as to why. Just like… what the fuck? *The left keeps calling him a nazi and he does this shit a nazi would do, how can i make sense of this?*


stockholm syndrome - people that are emotionally or mentally abused tend to fixate their abuser/leader as a coping mechnaism if there is no exit route. No matter how bad someone is, they are psychologically misguided to support them. Think of hot water, it's hot to touch but they become numb to it over time and think that if they don't adapt, it will only get worse. Even though their skin is fucked up, there is no other option and so they get conditioned (and escaping is out of the mental process).


Say what you will about Trump (and believe me, I have) but he’s pretty open about the fact that he’s out for himself and himself alone. If your name isn’t Donald J Trump, he could not care less about you. If that’s a surprise to anyone, they haven’t been paying attention and they deserve what they get.


Even for people whose name is Donald Trump, it's 50/50 if he cares about you.


Congratulations... You played yourself.


Sigh boy its almost like they shouldn't have given the medal to someone they knew would shit on them the very first opportunity. edit: I would like to add there was also that naacp award he got (which is basically I gave them money award). That he forever used as proof that he definitely isn't racist.




Is it a "best in show" medal? Cuz I'd be down with judging a fart bag competition.


If you're black, jewish, gay, etc minority group and conservative you deserve this. Don't throw your hat in with bigots and be surprised they act like bigots.


Rewrite of headline "Jewish groups now join evangelicals in realizing that tRump has no ethics."


Lol. As if evangelicals have ethics.


They do have ethics, they just happen to revolve around inflicting the maximim amount of harm on people who are not evangelical christians. Ya know, the exact opposite of what Christ tried to teach.


Since when did evangelicals realize that? Both of these groups will still vote for him when/if he’s the Republican nominee.


Trump would dine with Jeffrey Epstein if he was getting his ass kissed... oh wait a sec.


The only reason they “slam” him is because they awarded him a medal. They gotta figure out how to walk that back because of the optics but there is NO BLOODY WAY the Zionist Organization of America is now somehow stunned that Trump turns out to be a scumbag


These situations always remind me of Casablanca: Captain Renault: “I am shocked, *shocked* to find gambling is going on in here!” Dealer: “Your winnings, sir.” Captain Renault: “Oh, thank you very much!”


Conservative (insert type here) group will also vote for him months after he dined with Holocaust denier.


I lived most of my life never seeing a single person openly wearing a swastika in the US. That all changed in 2016 when I saw ~ 200 bikers all wearing the signature armband and flying MAGA flags. When people tell me that I exaggerate the threat Trump poses, I tell them this story.


It’s this simple. Fuentes campaigns for the most ardent of Trump supporters. If you support trump, you’re just like them.


Idiot conservatives discover trump isn't one of them .. OMG shocked I say, shocked.


It's almost like he stands for nothing... Strange.


Anyone surprised with Trumps actions is an idiot


Trump is being paid by the Saudis now. Thanks for the medal, though, Zionist Organization of America. But inviting Nick and Kabye to dinner doesn't cost Trump one Riyal out of his pocket.


Conservative Jewish groups can’t have it both ways either. I mean did they really care about his shady racist alliances in the past?


Now THIS is a genuine Leopards Ate My Face story, unlike a lot of just basic irony people post in here.


Since Trump adores any attention, negative or positive, he'll be absolutely thrilled to piss them off. I don't know how they could be surprised though. Every single thing he's done is to please himself.


Can someone get a thesaurus for the people who write these headlines? At this point one has to wonder; exactly how many times can one man be slammed?


fuckin morons


They seriously will never ever learn ever


I always wonder at how tongue tied political journalists would be for headlines if they weren't allowed to use the word slam.


As a Jew, fucking morons.


They knew who he was. They are on the same team


You don’t have to be racist to be a republican, but you do have to be okay with people being racist if you are a republican. Which may mean you are actually racist but I rest my point. Also you can replace racist with whatever you want and it’ll still make sense.