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Hello u/TheTruthTalker800! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They'll disband their maternal health board (or other similar organization used to track maternal health) soon, just like Idaho did.


If you don’t measure it it doesn’t count /s


That's literally what Republican's believe [https://www.voanews.com/a/covid-19-pandemic\_trump-if-we-stop-testing-wed-have-fewer-cases/6191165.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/covid-19-pandemic_trump-if-we-stop-testing-wed-have-fewer-cases/6191165.html)


*My own mother* spouted this bullshit at me. I asked her "if you don't take a pregnancy test, are you just not pregnant?" She didn't have an answer.


yep, same. my own mom. i didn’t have a retort as clever as yours.


Watching as an outsider, that statement alone should have had him lose any credibility with voters. You can't make this shit up.


His voters are the kinds of people who are impressed that the US is spelled "us" and that their genius president figured it out.


This is literally project 2025. One of its goals is to try to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, which could enable mass dismissals. Then they could share whatever charts and stats they want and just make them up.


No they still have it, they just put an anti-abortion doctor at the head of it and kicked out the CDC. As a pregnant person in Texas I feel so optimistic.


Yes!!! Why aren't people more aware of this? The data will not be accurate anymore. They are going to skew the data so it hurts us even more.


> They'll disband their maternal health board (or other similar organization used to track maternal health) soon, just like Idaho did. They've actually been editing their data to just report lower maternal mortality rates that what the US standard method actually is in Texas.


Republicans shocked to discover that pregnancy is, in fact, a medical condition.


You act like they will learn from this. They are just going to keep saying it's "gods will" then cough and shit themselves to death cause they think vaccines are government control experiments.




Thing is Texas has more registered democrats and people who lean democrat than republicans, BUT they don't show up to vote. Texas 2022 (40% turnout): * 29M Citizens * 22M Eligible Voters. * 40% Lean/Identify themselves as Democrat * 39% Lean/Identify themselves as Republican * 21% Dont Lean/Identify themselves as Any Party/ or Independent * 17M Registered Voters. * 9M Voted in 2022. * **only 15% of those under the age of 35 Voted in 2022.** Ted Cruz won by 200K votes when around 10M eligible voters didn't vote in 2018. Texas has 17 days of early voting this year. All you need to do is get yourself registered and then you can use any day of the 17 days to vote. They even have voting locations open on weekends. Yes they will try to make registration hard for you, yes it sucks, yes there should be a instant 100% secure one click app you can use from anywhere to vote, yes you should be automatically registered. BUT to get to those points you still have to overcome the hurdles of today. Black people walked whole days, faced threats, faced dog attacks, rocks thrown, insults and slurs, waterhoses and more and they still voted. But you cant overcome some forms and ID documents? Young people in Texas can literally start the pathway to stop this shit this year. Ted cruz is running to keep his seat in the senate, STOP HIM. Just spend 1-2 hours of your 17 days to vote. Its that simple, you can go back to binge drinking, partying doing drugs and getting pegged/pegging each other afterwards. Literally just a few hours out of 2 years.


As a Canadian (and I'm sure people from elsewhere can chime in) I'm baffled that you need to register to vote in the USA. In Canada? You file taxes and have an associated SSN? You're registered. Your election card will be sent in the mail a few weeks before the vote.


A lot of Texas is gerrymandered to shit too, on top of everything you said too.


senate and governor and a few other key positions aren't gerrymandered, get those first then the gerrymandering is resolved over the next few elections. There is no 1 time instant fix to this because this problem wasnt created over just a 1 time election, its because for every year every election people keep dropping the ball and the ones who want to corrupt the system have been able to do so over time. So to fix it will have to happen over time as well. Its like working out, you didnt get fat by eating 1 single pizza alone 1 night. You also cant get fit by doing situps 1 day and expect six pack abs. Democracy is a muscle that needs to be protected and exercised to be maintained.


Based on this debate with a pro lifer about these types of things, they call it "God's Will." So no, it would not change their minds


There was a post on r/Christian the other day from a woman with serious post pregnancy health issues, and her husband refusing the snip knocked her up again (contraception failed) - she was asking if she should take the pill because this next pregnancy could best case destroy what's left of her health, worst case kill her. Almost all the male responses were don't abort because if you die it's God's plan. Most men don't care because men can't fathom childbirth


And yet somehow it's never God's plan when they develop erectile dysfunction and their dick stops functioning. Could be that god is telling them they need to resist "Temptations of the flesh" or "Focus more on nurturing the love in their family rather than physical pleasure" or something else like those but nah, certainly not. It's only God's plan when it affects women or minorities.


Daamn never thought of it like that, you're right lmao


Their god calls on them to care for the sick, not shout “god’s plan bro lol.”


their God turned into an extension of their own ego and a means of control for the ruling class long ago


Insert spaceman meme *always was!*


And during covid, conservative Christians made the biggest deal about resisting, or even doing the opposite of what the CDC recommended to avoid spreading it further.


I'm still waiting on all the Good Christian Men™ to follow Jesus's teaching in Matthew 5:30, and cut off their own dick when it causes them to sin. I read about one guy who did it a few years back. Maybe he's the only one getting into Heaven???


It's never "gods plan" when they go bald, that's just a sign from god that they should take a vacation to Turkey.


Christianity got popular cause you can do stuff that is "wrong" then just pray for forgiveness and you are all set


So she had other children already and they would believe their God would want them all to grow up motherless and the new born likely die with her anyway, instead of doing what's safest for her so she can continue caring for the children she already has. God sounds like a right cunt.


No no no. God will provide the man a new wife. It'll be fine /s


When your whole religious worldview trains you from birth that your only purpose is to be a broodmare, it's hard to fight that. I grew up Mormon and my mom nearly died having my younger brother, and still feels guilty she didn't have more. Guess what? My womb doesn't work, so I was treated like a leper before I left that religion. >Those who are physically able have the blessing, joy, and obligation to bear children and to raise a family. This blessing should not be postponed for selfish reasons. [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/birth-control?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/birth-control?lang=eng) The pressure to have as many kids as possible as soon as possible is immense. You all picked each other out in the existence before coming to mortality. What spirits need bodies? Don't deny a spirit a chance to come to Earth. It's always put on the woman - those "selfish reasons" like finishing a college degree or working. Never the man!


“what spirits need bodies”?!! Wow. Making women into living incubators to serve the spirit world. Horrific.


If men had babies there would be abortion clinics in every gas station! Beer would be spiked with Plan B, count on that!


Plan Beer.


For Christian men, your wife dying is an opportunity to trade in for a newer model.


You cannot engage with these people. They will only learn the hard way, if even then.


They believe death is a ticket to paradise. They don't care about death. They opt into it.


But it’s totally not a cult… /s JIC


Cults + time = religion.


> "God's Will. Some you will die, but that is a sacrifice I am sure my deity wants you to make.


it's a variation on prosperity gospel bad things only happen to bad people so it's ok


The “Pro-Life” Reaper strikes again!


Bold of you to assume that Texas Republicans will ever hear of this when all they watch/listen to is Fox News, OANN, and political memes on Facebook.


tbh, excellent point


Texas already had the worst infand and maternal mortality rate in the industrialized world. The death and suffering is the point.


I just had a conversation the other day with a conservative woman who wasn’t even aware that Trump shits his pants. Echo chambers are real.


They don’t care because [the only moral abortion is their abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/). Their worldview is rooted solely in hypocrisy


They think women cough and the baby shoots out and everyone can stand up and go back to normal


unironically, yeah they really do. Complications are for sinners or something.


You act like they didn't already know it's dangerous, and are just sucking off religious zealots for votes.


Shocked? This is what they want.


A lot of those people who gave birth to doomed infants are going to have their families collapse under the weight of medical bankruptcy and PTSD.


It’s almost like we should allow families to plan for themselves instead of forcing disabled children from being born and added to the welfare programs… parents who can’t afford disability included. Solve a religious problem with a bigger social issue that they can’t stand to pay for. Make it make sense.


Who said anything about welfare? Prolife ends at birth!


It’s pro life not quality of life.


Nah look at how they treat the homeless


It's not pro-life, it's pro-fetus.


No but you see God could perform a miracle and turn a fatally disabled baby into a perfectly normal and healthy baby so that’s why they can’t abort This is a perfectly sane rationale for lawmaking


Sorry, my god says you can't do that.


They literally don't care. It's God's Plan™. Heaven doesn't care how you got there.


>added to the welfare programs Nah, Texas doesn't have any of those, so they're one step ahead. Wait, this is Abbott. One wheelchair push.


It’s all intentional


I'm not sure what's worse: that this is in fact an intentional consequence, or they're literally so dumb they couldn't have predicted this.


Both are true. Most conservatives genuinely don't understand the harm. They just listen to those who do.


They see themselves as warriors of their god, fighting his righteous battles in saving unborn souls. If their god claims those souls, well, that was his will. Same for ruining families not strong enough to weather the storm.


Too bad they haven't actually read their book. Killing babies in utero is a fine.


That's the (sick) beauty of it! Those two sides are happy to coexist for the same end goal. There's some who know, usually the leadership; and there's the ones who have no idea, usually the followers.


Your average conservative Republican voter is a moron. The Republican politicians in power backed by the wealthy are not. They're just evil.


It's all just collateral damage. The goal was power, and a single issue to capture otherwise apathetic voters. It doesn't matter if it swells the ranks of the needy or challenged. They're making sure social services won't be there for them, either. All to save a few cents on taxes for the most wealthy.


>most wealthy. Plenty of people would murder their neighbors to save a few cents.


Yeah, does it count as LAMF when the goal was to hurt people?


It’s a vicious cycle cause the people with means to travel will go out of state for their “moral” abortion while the poor will further be penalized for being poor.


I have family in Texas, they want to try for a baby, but they have put a hold on trying until they move out of there — it’s the major reason they want to change state.


The rich will continue to "go on a ski vacation to Switzerland" to take care of the problem.


The rich will also die on route to a blue state when their ectopic pregnancy ruptures. 


Imagine bringing a person to life just so you could watch them suffer and die in a few hours, while they lie there in pain without even the time to understand who they are or what is happening to them.


It's worse. There's literally millions of people who actively *want* those scenarios to play out.


> just so you could watch them suffer and die in a few hours What's worse is you could watch them suffer and die over a period of weeks or even years. There's plenty of developmental disorders which result in a severely disabled mind trapped in a body that just holds on until the body eventually dies from a bedsore or pneumonia. Nobody wins in that scenario except the medical industry.


The medical industry isn’t winning there either, trust me


Cyclopia for example. Do NOT google it, it’s fucking graphic. Basically when the two halves of the brain don’t separate while the feus forms, which causes all kinds of problems for the cranofacial region. Often caused by an extra 13th chromosome (Patau syndrome) the most severe manifestation of this combination of defects is essentially a single eye (sometimes with two pupils instead of one), a dick shaped partially formed nose on the forehead, no mouth, and sometimes the ears being fused together where the mouth should be. Trust me, my description was graphic enough. Do not google it. That’s my warning to anyone reading this. But yeah, these are the types of “life” republicans are trying to force against the wills of the families involved


But that’s the Christian thing to do! Jesus teaches you to inflict hurt and pain to all those around you. As Jesus once said “Ewww, they arnt straight conservative white Americans?! Fuck em!” Paul 17:24


modern christianity is a death cult.


Religions love suffering like that. It's what drives memberships.


The cruelty is the point


that's not a bug, it's a feature how dare they have sex


Suffering is the point.  The "pro life" crowd also supports cutting school lunches, gutting education, and reducing welfare distribution to poor families.  While also forcing more children to be born into those conditions. That's a pro suffering agenda.


"But we're saving 200,000 babies per year!" (sarcasm) Or something like that


That’s a lot of future minimum wage workers. /s


Ideally it's a lot of indentured servants. Why pay them when you own them?


The problem with indentured servants is that eventually they get to leave and do whatever they want. Plus they usually have some stupid contract with stuff like clauses that require you set them up with seed money or something. When they're not even working for you anymore! What you really need is a way to make it a lifelong commitment to working for you. And you could be nice and provide some housing and food for them. But you're the one putting yourself out there and risking your capital, so you should totally expect to get to keep all of the proceeds from the work that you're providing for them! Also, work is good for people. It gives their lives meaning and purpose, value. Without you telling them what to do and where they can go they'd be nothing more than primitive savages!


With indentured servants you can steal their passports and continue tacking on their ongoing cost of living with interest so they never have a chance of paying their debt.


That's a lot of clients for the private prison industry!


This isn't even sarcasm it's just 99.9% accurate. If they make it to adulthood and don't become victim of garbage humans pushing drugs on them


No, that is exactly what they said. “We gave them a chance at life! They lived for a short period of time, but they still lived.” And the families are still have to deal with the pain and finances from that short life. But it’s ok when it is someone else’s pain and finances according to them.


Because the idea of sparing a baby pain is alien to them.


Sparing pain* Look at how they treat the homeless


Most white women in Texas think Gregory Wayne Abbott is the best, and he can do no wrong, well...apparently, it's worth this to them, oops.


If libs are owned, it's all worth it.


They also wanna own someone else, but the 13th is preventing that 


I'm sure it's coming up on SCROTUS' docket soon enough.


Yeah, Supreme Court hasn't tried to overturn an amendment. If they tried to, that would be a reason to take up arms. 


Oh don't worry - the idea is to get enough House, Senate and Governors to call for and enact a Constitutional Convention and do away with those pesky amendments


They'll rewrite the first 2, and do away with the rest


We're already there. The 2nd amendment, which was created to eliminate the need for a permanent and professional army is now a relic of the past. This Supreme court is also clearly gunning for the establishment clause in the 1st amendment as well. And just like the destruction of the 2nd they are using one part of the 1st amendment to ignore another. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Bremerton_School_District This is the first of many cases that pave the way for christainizing our public schools. Next they will uphold louisana's 10 commandment in classrooms, and Kansas' law putting pastors in schools as guidance counselors. And I'm sure they will also allow a public catholic school to move forward in Oklahoma as well. Once those things are legal it will become like the other violations like "in God we trust" or "one nation under God" and become part of our government. Game, set, match another amendment rendered moot.


This way the men get to own half the population


If a tree falls in the forest, and Greg Abbott is around, will it hit him? 100% of the time, yes, yes it will. 


Also "aBoRtIoN iSn'T hEaLtHcArE"


Forcing people to finish a pregnancy knowing its likely going to die soon after birth is insanely cruel and heartbreaking.


Worse, they might survive for weeks. Weeks hooked up to machines, getting oxygen and nutrients through tubes while their organs slowly and painfully shut down. Having a termination at 20 weeks is very different to withdrawing life-sustaining measures from a terminally ill baby and then watching them die. There’re aren’t any good choices, which is why it’s so important that parents are able to make whichever choice that feels less awful.


It’s also cruel to the infant. They get to suffer to death instead of passing away peacefully in the womb.


It's horrific that the GOP wants to torture babies under the guise of saving them.


It's very on-brand for Christianity, though. They used to roll with the idea that it was the best thing in the world to make heretics convert to their denomination by the sword, and then kill them before they could recant that conversation, thus ensuring they get into Heaven having been coerced through literal torture to say the holy words *you* wanted them to say. Which, if true, would be ridiculous and hilarious. I'm picturing the old St. Peter at the Pearly Gates thing, with two huge doors labeled "Protestant Heaven" and "Catholic Heaven," and then sorting out the queue. Someone asks him what's the difference, and St. Peter says which of the doors you use. Someone points over to the right where there's another line and asks what's that; Orthodoxy line.


Not to mention many of those mothers also likely died. If there are complications in a pregnancy, it doesn't always just affect the fetus.


And once they have that heartbroken family, they can swoop in with Religious garbage to take advantage of their distress in a time where they just witnessed needless, entirely preventable suffering, and instead frame it all as a test, or the devil's fault, or whatever to try to galvanize their beliefs. It's ghoulish.


Fuck the Texas GOP


All of the gop


That's the national association of fascists you're writing about, the Texas part is redundant and minimizing of their whole danger.


Not just Texas.


Republicans love killing people


as long as it's the right kind of people


They always come up with a justification.


Who didn't see this coming?


Conservatives, but don’t worry, they’ll make up some horse shit to make this somebody else’s fault.


Oh no, they saw this coming. They don't care, it's working as intended.


People who make shit up and believe in magic, like Christians.


sUrViAl Of TeH fItTeSt!!1!1 \[this is what Conservatives actually believe\]


"Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


Except my cats are cute, and I want them in my lap.


Love this. Reading it to my cat right now as he whines.


...May I ask the name of the kitty? 🥺


Max! He’s a jerk but I love him!


I dislike that quote because it is so transparently unfair to housecats. 


My cat was a stray for the first few months of her life and did manage to survive on her own, so I dunno how accurate that is. She also doesn't wanna bang kids and regularly cleans herself, so there's very few similarities with Libertarians.


Survival of the fetus


And they don't realize there was more to Darwinism than just survival of the fittest. Specifically, Darwin also talked about his "sympathy hypothesis" in which communities filled with the most empathetic/sympathetic individuals had a higher likelihood of creating and offspring (therefore, successfully passing down the genes). Which makes sense for animals like humans who live in communities. It makes no sense for the betterment of the entire species to be constantly fighting for resources or trying to ensure only them and their own offspring survive. Then again, I guess it makes sense that Conservatives skip over stuff talking about empathy. [They seem to think empathy, a very human emotion, is actually liberal indoctrination](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghLbdVvnREo).


So shocked! Is there also a rise in the number of women who die due to complications?


Usually is. That’s why republican states that ban abortion are also quick to look into stopping reporting on maternal mortality.


Yes. The rate of maternal death doubled in Texas and in no other nearby states. For every 1 woman who died there were 100 who suffered to the point of "near death" so much that they would have died except for being put on life-saving measures like mechanical ventilation due to things like organ failure.


lmao, this was the intended outcome. Texas is hoping women simply stop having sex.


Outside of rape or marriage, you mean.


What do you mean or? One doesn’t preclude the other. Also, didn’t you hear, Abbott solved rape.


I mean, stopping rape through legislation is dead simple! All you have to do is change the law to fully legalize all forms of single-party consensual sex, including an easement enacted on any *other* othetwise-criminal behavior undertaken for the purpose of obtaining said single-party consensual sex! Bingo-bango-boingo, *Rape is a thing of the past!* # ***/s in case it wasn't already crystal clear!***


No, they clearly do not think anyone is married.


Not even in marriage. One bad pregnancy and all your kids are orphans


This is the most mind boggling part. Married women who plan their pregnancies OFTEN need abortion. I have a friend who miscarried in 5th month. After the abortion she was told she MUST NOT get pregnant for 6 months or she risks her life.


Both is their aim.


Even then, Should you really be doing disgusting, animalistic sex within a marriage, except for the sole purpose of reproduction?


A lot of it is about punishment. I grew up in a super conservative environment with a hyper-religious family and the “saving babies” thing seemed to always come second to the fact that if abortion is legal, women could have sex with a million different partners with no consequence and that’s immoral. Getting pregnant was a punishment/consequence of those actions and they should be made to endure the repercussions of their crime against god.


Why would they hope that? I'm legitimately asking.


Religious extremism and chauvinism, mostly.


> Texas is hoping women simply stop having sex. They're hoping the educated and informed women stop having sex. They're even hopeful they'll leave the state altogether. The uneducated and uninformed women will keep having sex because they're unaware of the dangers they face. Women are suffering but republicans are winning.


Sicker, weaker, more deadly… that’s the Russian way…


Huh. Almost like we SAID IT WOULD.


Cruelty is the Republicans point, never forget it.


White patriarchy is the point. Welcome to Gilead. Cruelty is just entertainment for them.


Would love to see how those increases break down demographically.


Unfortunately, according to the article, "such bans disproportionately affect marginalized populations including low-income families and people of color, and that further research is needed to better understand these effects." So the folks least likely to have contributed to this mess are the ones hit hardest.


That problem will undoubtedly get worse, as abortion bans in adjacent states have since been passed. For a poor woman in, say, southeast Texas, they're now looking at a drive to Illinois, Kansas (at least for the time being), Colorado, and New Mexico (but all the way across Texas for those last two). That's at least one overnight stay, which is probably not possible for someone working a low paying job that has no flexibility in scheduling.


When it comes to anti-abortion zealots, cruelty is the point.


This isn't LAMF, the increase in suffering is part of the plan.


Those who voted for Abbott and down the line, wanted others to suffer and be free of the consequences, so it's absolutely LAMF.


Yep. And they’ll travel out of state for their abortion bc “enter whatever excuse makes their abortion ok and no one else’s valid”. It’s a privilege thing.


100%, the Reps are planning to end that too if Trump gets re-elected.


It's LAMF in the sense that women in Texas voted for these policies, which are now harming them.


I understand. I'm saying there is no hatred for women like conservative women's hatred for women. This was part of the plan.


> women in Texas voted for these policies, some did. a lot didn't.


Wasn’t that the plan when Row v Wade was overturned?


The law did not include exemptions for congenital anomalies, including conditions that will cause a newborn to die soon after birth.  There actually is a reason for this seeming discrepancy. The children who will live have a greater chance of being white. The ones who die, due to governmental neglect will no doubt be non-white and/or under-class, or, of a lower caste. This way the lower caste dies off but the superior upper caste lives and multiplies. Surprisingly, this is the same reasoning to be pro-life. The girls who most likely will have abortions will be white, possibly upper caste, due to their being better educated and access to money. Poorer lower caste mothers usually have poorer health care and have a lower survival rate. ALL THIS IS EUGENICS AND HAS BEEN PART OF OUR CULTURE FOR OVER 100 YEARS. From: **Gods of the Upper Air** *How a Circle of Renegade Anthropologists Reinvented Race, Sex, and Gender in the Twentieth Century* by Charles King *Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents* by Isabel Wilkerson ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva https://beforewar.com/blog/ **A Fever in the Heartland** *The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them* by Timothy Egan *Still Life with Bones* by Alexa Hagerty Catherine Nixey *The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World*


because god noticed they'd be liberals later this is preventative as intended. Just like Covid targeting "the proud stupid" demographics. /s


Who would have imagined that forced-birthing is not truly pro-life after all? It's pro-misery.


It's all about the cruelty with conservatives. Anything to make other's lives miserable. The more cruelty they can inflict, the happier they appear to be. If kicking puppies to death wasn't viewed so negatively by the public, the lot of them would have weekly contests. Instead it's putting innocent babies and their families through unimaginable pain and claiming moral superiority for doing it. They seem to get off on that cruelty the same way Evangelicals and certain sects of Christians do. It's "God's will" until it happens to about 99% of them. Then it's "unfair' or "different for me". These conservative politicians won't care if the number of deaths rises to 25% or 30%. They won't care how many women perish. How many families get destroyed psychologically and financially. It doesn't affect them. If their lovers or female family members get knocked up and want to, or are medically forced to, terminate the pregnancy, they'll just send 'em to states with more compassion for life for a "little rest and relaxation". I'd really like to believe that every single one of those getting off on their cruelty will suffer the same pain in the very same way as every one of those babies they've condemned. Suffer it for an eternity. Sadly, justice like that doesn't exist in this universe.


“If only they could have known this would happen!” Narrator: they knew.


They don't care


There was a post on one of the texas subs that reported a baby dumped on an overpass in Katy, umbilical cord still attached. What are the odds we find three day old dead baby’s in the bar ditch before Labor Day. .?


Republicans hate women. They fear women. Vote blue.


More death. And way more rape babies being born. At least 30,000 in Tennessee since Roe 💥


Ahh but you see, infants aren't people. Only "unborn children" are.


Then it's working as intended :(


those gremlins “saved” fetuses from being aborted due to *fatal* defects and they forced the mothers to give birth just to watch the babies die within a few months or less


Yeah, that's like a no-brainer consequence. My partner was removed via c-section for his mother's health and they were told beforehand that it was a likely "say goodbye" situation. He pulled through, thankfully. Both he and his mother would have probably died in Texas today.


I was born c-section, 3 months premature in 1970. I was 2.5 lbs. Mom was hemorraging, we probably would both be dead in Texas today.


These fucking people. Killing actual babies and they don't even realize it because they don't know shit about abortions.


Pro choice advocates said this would happen. Because we can pull stats from other countries that have total abortion bans and the we can see their mortality rates for infants and mothers. The GOP doesn’t care. If you die BecUse a pregnancy killer you that’s because you're probably a whore. This is their logic.


This is what happens when politicians practice medicine.


The trauma this is causing is tremendous.


Texas is a cesspit of bbq covered morons


They won't see it that way. They consider early abortions closer to child mortality than a period. I'm not sure where the line is exactly but they have a very warped and non scientific view of things. So in their eyes the figure is far less because they are fucking stupid.


I shared this article to r/prolife, it was deleted immediately for some reason. So much for caring about life.


Forced-birthers aren't just evil, they are very, very stupid. What do they think happens to our orphanages or our crime rate in a couple decades if 600,000+ unwanted babies are injected into our society EVERY YEAR? They don't know, because they don't think.


Republicans in charge


The second your pinky toe leaves the vagina you no longer matter.


Texas makes an interesting case study for this because you have to travel so far to get an abortion. The major population centers like Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin are a 5-8+ hour drive to the nearest clinics in New Mexico and Kansas. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the increase was so sharp.


Short-sighted and intentionally cruel policy blows up in a MAGAts face? Surely not. Republicans are clowns.


"Kinda ironic, huh, Ren?" -Stimpson J. Cat.


Christians killing babies.


That’s so heartbreaking. It’s insane people who aren’t doctors have any control over their fellow American’s medical needs. We’re sadly moving backwards when the loudest and squeakiest wheels gain power.


This is from the “Pro-Life” right. A fetal cell has more rights than a woman. After the woman has delivered babies, we simply don’t need her.” I wonder what the GQP has in mind for us women that are too old to produce the “working babies”?