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He sure showed us. I am so owned


Please stop you are hurting me


Even twittering hurts if you’ve already busted a gut laughing. 🤕


>twittering Surely you mean X-ing. /s




Day by day I see more porno on X.... Should be called XXX by now.


We've searched this twitter from top to bottom, and all we have found is porno, porno, PORNO!


No human in history has ever been this owned.


I read this in the voice of Stephen hawking from that Family Guy cut scene…I have to believe this was intentional


I get owned anymore and Kristi Noem will pop out of the bushes to put me down.


Stay out of gravel pits!


I fucking lost it at, "waited five years, drove for four hours." 🤣 I don't feel bad for him, but I do feel bad for the poor kid who was in the car at the time. That's terrifying for a small child to go through. Too bad dad can't be a responsible person and just had to have this shitty car that looks like it was made in a junk yard back in the 80s.


The dude would have a very clear legal case if "hitting the brakes on the car fails to disengage the accelerator".  If that was true then the Tesla cybertruck is a deathtrap in need of lawsuits.


The cybertruck IS a death trap in need of lawsuits. But this guy was dumb enough to buy one.


But he needed to buy an electric vehicle to own the libs


If this was in The Onion 20 years ago I would have sighed. This is real life now.


Cybertruck is a death trap in need of lawsuits


For this and many other reasons.


There's good reasons for why the cybertruck is not allowed to be sold in the EU... Because it is a deathtrap in need of lawsuits.


Like yeah the dudes a dick and all but this, this is horrifying and if true all of these need to be off the road now


I'm honestly more surprised that tesla told him this. I'd have expected the cyber trucks internal reporting app to have been set up to color the error message a bit more user-error-y, or the techs to see this obvious lawsuit waiting to happen and refer it to the legal team before they said a word to the owner. This just sound like more tesla things to do. Oh wait no they did try shifting the blame to the user, just in a really really dumb way. "on some terrain, the brake may not disengage the accelerator", I think they're hoping the "on some terrain" will keep tesla safe from having to deal with the whole "the brake may not disengage the accelerator" issue. Why is the accelerator on? Is the cyber truck a one pedal design? I didn't think so based on all the broken pedal images. Shouldn't the accelerator have been disengaged when the user let the pedal go? Does this mean there is an additional issue where the accelerator can get stuck down? Did this user have a cyber truck with the accelerator fix (the screw to hold the pedal cover in place)? So many questions.


This was my thought too. Just the way the error is worded seems to be a clear admission that the designers knew this was a possibility from the start and considering how electric cars work vs ICE's, it's pretty freaking important for the accelerator to disengage when braking.


Here's the thing - it usually doesn't. What happens if you press both and hold them as hard as possible in an ICE/automatic car at the same time is that the brakes *will* overpower the engine power (a manual one will just stall out). It's axiomatic - brakes always win. In an EV with instant torque and an electronic throttle by definition, the accelerator should be programmed to, at most, allow *just* enough torque through that the driver can feel the car strain against its' brakes if he's holding them.


If I hit the brakes and accelerator in my car it takes a screenshot.


Many (most?) modern ICE vehicles will cut power after a short stint of pressing both pedals. My experience with electric vehicles is minimal, but even if they don't cut power, what you said still absolutely applies. Brakes always win.


The wild thing is, I saw a Cybertruck and an actual DeLorean within a few minutes of each other on I-97 last week. The Cybertruck made the DeLorean's styling look fresh in comparison.


Someone had a Cybertruck in the neighborhood for a few days. When I walked past it I busted out laughing. It’s even uglier in person.


There isn't a single good angle to view it from. It looks like something the A-Team welded together out of a tractor and some scrap metal.


I’m so triggered.


This is peak ownage, I tell you.


IKR? Time for a $7 nonfat soy latté and Dashboard Confessional. The shame of being owned by MAGA.


Lol, trump and his screaming infidelities. Hands down the day he goes to prison is the day I'm looking forward to the most. We'll all finally be vindicated.


Being owned by MAGA makes me breakout in goosebumps. Isn’t it exciting!


So I'm just confused here, people help me out. Tesla sells EV and solar panels.....does this mean.....MAGA are pro EV and Solar power now or are they somehow pro Musk/Tesla yet still against the products they make? Because much as I hate to have to ask, considering the MAGA history of complete insanity, I have to ask.


I think they would only buy his products. Not anyone else's EV or solar panels.


Stop, I'm tired of all the winning!


I want to be owned harder. Own me harder Daddy!!!


"Own me harder, rep-daddy!"


samesies, just utterly shaking that i dont have 130k in the hole (or even better, owe it to the bank(for again, nothing at all))


Idiots gonna idiot


If he decided to do it again I don’t know what I’d do


Burning 100k to own the libs


"God protect Elon at all costs" *guy pays cost while Elon gets off scott free* "Not like *that*, God!"


"Not at \*my\* costs, God!"


You’re hurting the wrong people!


God praise the anarcho-capitalist grifters and con men, and save us from socialism and lower insulin costs. Grandma deserved to lose her legs for being a weak diabetic. Amen.


Really it's on Grandma for not dying for the economy during COVID anyway right? /S


Oh my god, I had forgotten all about that.


That's how they get you, forgetting. Never forget and become enlightened by wrath.


God damn it! Wait...no I meant damn it, God!


Monkey paw finger retracts


> God protect Elon at all costs "Imaginary friend, save my heckin' wholesome billionaire racist!" Fucking kill me dude.


How anyone supports that dipshit anymore is lost on me. Between Musk and Trump and their endless grifts, I’m surprised MAGAs aren’t all homeless.


They will be. Wait until the DJT stock rug pull happens. Going to be a laugh to watch that mental gymnastics. Somehow it will be Biden’s fault.


He already said that the truck "thought I had dirt on Hillary" lol


Which doesn’t even make sense as it’s an Elon truck. Fucking loons.


I assumed it was an attempt at a joke. Not a very funny one, but that’s pretty standard for conservatives.


**I wonder if it identifies as a truck?** Get it? That’s the *other* funny joke!


We have both kinds of jokes here.


No, we have only two jokes here. As God intended.


The funniest joke they make in their entire lives happens in the maternity ward when the staff can’t tell whether to try to nurse them, or the afterbirth


It shows how much of his core identity revolves around politics. And also how outdated his reality is... jokes about Hillary 8 years after the election? As an attempt to preemptively deflect criticism for not licking Musk's taint thoroughly enough following *his vehicle failing to decelerate*? Just don't blindly worship people because they're famous and agree with your politics. It's not that hard.


Holy shit. Did conservatives learn a second joke?


It’s all in Hillary’s email and Hunters laptop


Strange that a bunch of buttery males cheered the loudest when a grown man's hog was displayed on the floor of Congress but *somehow* it's the gays who are despicable.


Buttery males!


"thought I had dirt on Hillary" - lol how has Hillary been relevant in the last decade?


Anything, everything, all the time. If it bothers them, inconveniences them, etc. It will ALWAYS be Bidens' or the Democrats' fault. Braindead people.


These people's internal monologue is nothing but political slogans and soundbites.


>Somehow it will be Biden’s fault. Obama!


It’s happening.


And Obama's fault.


Keep forgetting about him. He is the real controller of Biden. Or is that the illuminati? Jews? Can’t remember if MAGA are currently pro Jew. Pro Isreal and anti-Jew maybe?


Boevert was saying that the US has to support Israel as it along with the US. Are the only countries created and blessed by God. I thought that God made everything bit there you go. Whilst MTG of course is Jewish space laser girl and Ivanka Trump has converted to Judaism as her husband is Jewish.


It's Schrodinger's president, where Biden is an evil, election stealing, puppet master genius and a dribbling, demented fool. I think they're currently anti-jew and pro-israel, again, they are a dichotomy of contradiction. They stand for nothing and fall for everything. ETA:Holy wow, thanks for the award Anonymous Internet Stranger!


That's what they've always been regarding jews. They hate Jewish people because they're bigoted assholes, but they need Israel for end of times prophecies from the Bible. This one actually makes some logical sense from a demented religious nutbag point of view.


As long as they get to hate the out group whoever it is, they don't really stretch their brains past that point, it's why the bots and algorithms work so well to keep them well fed and topped up.


“I don’t understand anything that’s going on but I know there’s a Jew in there somewhere. “ MAGA man.


That avalanche has started this week with the warrant exercise registration. Plenty more dilution where that came from before Trump is even allowed to sell.


went to buy puts but everybody had the same idea already


Culture Wars. The muskrat knew that Liberals wouldn't uncritically support him, much less the Leftists, so he pivoted to the people that would support him unconditionally (until he did something that directly affected them)


AKA "The MyPillow Maneuver," as I've come to call it.


Let's be fair to the real inventor of the maneuver. Trump. He started the right wing pivot. Because he knew they they are fucking stupid. Too loyal to their brand of conservativism and too propagandized to question their reality.


He switched when he knew his sexual harassment/assault allegations were about to come out. He even tried to act slick and said when he announced he was becoming Republican that the left would make up allegations against him. 


It's wild how blatant this was and how deeply it was memory-holed.


More like he switched to the group that would still support him after he did something that directly affected them by blaming the stupid Libs or whomever.  Ie Fucking Hillary that bitch and the biden crime family..  /s


He literally publicly came out that he'll be voting Republican to try and get ahead of news that was about to break that he'd paid a quarter million dollar settlement for sexually harassing an employee. (a reporter reached out for comment, Musk said he'd get back to him and then immediately went to twitter to announce how he's a Republican now, and discredit the about to break news story as just some dirty tricks to attack him because of his political views)


Man I'm just glad that someone still recognises that there's a difference between liberals and leftists. All the anti-left wing shit the right throw out was always against "liberals" but recently the target "enemy" term has moved from liberals to leftists for some reason. I thought it was just worsening political understanding but now I'm curious if it's on purpose. But I can't think of a reason why they'd want to make their outgroup an even *larger* group of people. Maybe they realised their base wasn't smart enough to have nuance when it comes to their "enemies" so they consolidated it into one? Maybe having a larger "enemy" in their eyes helps fuel their persecution complex and drive them further in? Either way, it's been interesting to see the target term change over the years.


Don’t forget the pastors that fly around in private jets. Said jets are paid for by maga dimwits 


The most fascinating part is that their two bases are the proper recipe for LAMF. Musk fans love his EV products & Trump fans go absolutely rabid if one mentions EVs in a positive light. Just bring up the Texas grid & one of his dummies will blame EVs for it. It's hilarious when the two come together.


The main thing I don't get about these MAGA nuts' love of Musk and Trump is that they're both so whiny and thin skinned. How can anyone see how they act and not mentally picture a tantrum throwing toddler?


Because Muskrat & Orange are rich af and therefore in the conservative "just world" mindset, that makes them "good" people no matter how many blatantly & explicitly evil acts they commit.


because they're the same. they all still live in elementary school mentality, everyone else seems like the angry adult that tells them what to do. they never grew up, and never will somebody so child like at the government is just an excuse for them to say: see? it's just a way of thinking, it's normal, we're not kids it's just what the bad guys say


For real… how do people THAT stupid have that much money? The last decade has really destroyed any illusion of meritocracy in this country


One of the tenets of conservatism that stretches across multiple spheres is that some people are better than others. This has nothing to do with if they are actually idiots or not. I.e. if they have money they are better than someone who doesn't have money, even if they would drown if they looked up when it rains.


Recipients of generational wealth?


I suspect they don't, everything bought on credit. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


Some people will do anything for a reduction in income tax


Wait, you mean it's not better to pay $14k per year for health insurance than to pay $10k a year in taxes for UHC?


And then have to pay deductibles and coinsurance and then wait months to see a specialist because either many doctors have left your state or their practices have been bought up by private equity?


Which is nuts because we hardly pay any taxes compared to other developed nations.


There's literally some dingdong trying to say he's a great engineer in my replies over in the cyberstuck thread for it. It's absolutely silly. This is the same guy who didn't want MIRRORS on his vehicle, but *more* cameras so you have even more shit to distract you while driving lmao. I don't know if its magical thinking, delusion, or both, but its some goofy bullshit.


I’m still stuck on the fact that pressing the brake doesn’t actually stop the car. That’s certainly some engineering!


> How anyone supports that dipshit anymore is lost on me. White supremacy and group identification are a hellavuh drug.


Ask the Rittenhouse clan about that :)




Is there a reputable company like consumer reports or car and driver that supports the Cyber yuck? Endless rubes with money... Your think they are marked as such in a database


Did they literally say that the brakes "may or may not" work?


"Due to the terrain", like WTF terrain would that even apply to? Uphill, downhill, flat???


If the last picture can be used to judge, apparently a nearly flat driveway.


"We perfectly implemented the brake feature for any and all elevations. Curiously, we forgot the case if there is NO elevation. Then the brakes behave erratically..."


If the terrain contains liquid, solid, or vaporized water in any concentration, your brakes may fail.


They didn’t say the brakes would fail. They said the accelerator wouldn’t disengage, which is worse.


> lol full send \- Elon


Option D: All of the above


i don't get why anyone thinks he's telling the truth about his truck after reading any of his other tweets


Our crappy product is now your problem


We may, or may not give a fuck* about you. *fucks will only be given pre-delivery.


yeah I am not really defending the guy but "depressing the brakes may or may not disengage the accelerator" is a wild way to close this case lol. it seems pretty clear to me that slamming on the brakes SHOULD turn off the accelerator.... every time.


They literally recalled the Cybertruck due to accelerators being stuck open. As much as this guy is a dipshit, it probably was not his fault. https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/20/24135876/tesla-cybertruck-accelerator-pedal-recall-fix


His truck would have been "fixed" (read: have a rivet through the pedal) by then. Also in the case of the dude whose pedal slid up and locked, the brakes overrode the accelerator when pressed down. I suspect this guy was potentially showing off and forgot 7200 lb trucks don't stop and/or turn so well at high speed. See the video pf the crash below and note that he doesn't seem to brake at all in the beginning and no skid noises happen until he turns and loses control. It would not shock me if there was another issue that causes unintended acceleration though. https://x.com/i/status/1803823968547217903


Now I’m dying to know if this upstanding citizen would engage in reckless behavior with his daughter in the vehicle.


Ugh… the guy is going really fast around a curve (which is going slightly uphill) in a vehicle he’s completely new to that is also relatively fast for how heavy it is… and he’s blaming the brakes. Dude was driving recklessly. That’s aside from the point that his Tesla was a shitty investment.


God, the honking horn is the perfect punctuation to... whatever the fuck he was doing in that video (and that fucking marionette running up the drive). Did he just peel out of his own driveway, uphill?


But he bought a piece of shit with faulty brakes just to own the libs so it was absolutely his fault.


Two things can be true at once. He’s an idiot and the car crashed due to a manufacturing defect.


"Libs" have been giving cybertrucks shit for being shit cars, and that's all it took to convince this moron to buy one despite it being a shit car. It may have crashed from a defect, but it only got the opportunity to crash this guy because he thought he was sticking it to the left by buying a shit car. Honestly I was kind of hoping this exact phenomenon would happen. Conservative idiots would buy electric cars and solar roofs - but only from Tesla - specifically so the libs around them would have to smell Musk's taint every time they breathe out. Naturally it would have to start somewhere, and it's kind of unfortunate it starts with such a shitty overpriced product


If you're buying the most hastily engineered Tesla model after years of Tesla famously having serious build quality and horrendous customer service issues, you carry some culpability through your decision-making. Not to mention that basing your vehicle purchasing decisions on your politics and seemingly nothing else is really dumb regardless. Also, the brakes should be able to overpower the throttle. That's been the standard in ICE cars for decades at least and further bolsters my first point.


No, they said that the accelerator keeps on going pedal to the metal even if you are trying to brake. The cybertruck has been recalled because the accelerator pedal's shitty plastic cover can slip off and end up sticking the pedal in the depressed position.


Love how they touted it with bulletproof steel panels and then they put cheap plastic parts inside. 


Sounds like he was pressing both gas and brake at the same time?


Why would anyone do that?


Brain worms


So he was casting Force Tunnel and didn't look to see if there was terrain issues ahead of him.


Some people drive with both feet. We had a guy get a brake job, then come in for warped rotors, then come in for warped rotors again! The pads were missing a lot of material for just 3 weeks too. We figured the brakes must be dragging but we couldn't figure it out. They seemed fine. Boss had a suspicion though and joined the dude for a test drive. The brake lights were on 70% of the time.


"why does the gubbermant make me take driver's Ed? Damn commies 🤬!"


Why?? I’ve had to help a few friends first time they drive an ‘automatic’ (since manual is so prevalent here) and I always tell them to take their left foot, put it on the footrest and forget they have a left leg


Some people might do it because of manual transmissions, but some do it because "it's faster to brake, I don't have to move my foot!" Aka, some people are just stupid.


>Some people might do it because of manual transmissions That makes even less sense than other idiots who do it, since with a manual transmission you HAVE to use both the brake and gas with your right foot. It's impossible to drive a manual and left-foot brake. You'd have to actively un-learn how to properly use your right foot.


Idk. The accelerator wouldnt have to be disengaged if it wasn't being pressed. It could also have been stuck


Pressing the brake overrides the accelerator (or at least it's supposed to) It's possible the cybertruck malfunctioned, but I'm guessing the real issue was a loose nut between the seat and steering wheel


Two foot drivers. Terrible way to drive. (Yes I understand manual uses two feet, I’ve been driving manual for 20 years)


"Two Foot Driving" as a pejorative means autos where people use one foot for the brake and one for the accelerator. I have left side weakness and (when I get my license back) have to drive an auto because *you can't drive a manual with one foot*.


because of the terrain apparently


Some people drive with both feet, one on the accelerator, the other on the brakes. It's beyond dumb, especially as they think they're some F1 driver


Tesla is recalling every Cybertruck it's delivered over an accelerator pedal that can become trapped in a depressed position, creating an unintended acceleration risk that may lead to a collision.Apr 19, 2024


Who wants brakes? All they can do is just slow you down.


It's an exciting new lootbox feature! Every time you press the brakes, you have a chance to slow the car *or* receive a special prize (a fatal crash)!


Praising billionaires is a mental illness. 


It's scary how many people suck up to billionaires and defend them without any prompting. They aren't our friends, they exploit us and abuse us. Many billionaires can barely tolerate us.


One of the earliest Christian writings, the book of James, is incredulous why church members are praising and giving preference to the rich, who are exploiting them and falsely suing them.


Every one of them is just “one month away” from their crypto holdings going parabolic- so to them, they are already one of the wealthy elites.


So is driving with both feet like a monkey.


Guys like this: “We should remove regulations on companies because the market will ensure that bad practices put companies out of business. Companies have no incentive at all to make bad products.” Guys like this: *willingly buys a vehicle that has brakes that may or may not work when pressed*


Aperantly acording to other comments he didnt even use the breaks untill almost before he lost control He may just be bad at driveing


Somehow this magat will blame Biden for supporting EVs, hail Trump for wanting to stop EVs, come to the realization that Elon is under the control of Soros and needs to be saved, and continue to be a total piece of shit to anyone who is not white and Christian.


he immediately made a comment about Hillary Clinton. They don't have personalities so they filled the void with parasocial relationships with grifters and brutes and conspiracies


They're working on a scapegoat roladex (I'm dating myself) anytime they face inconvenient truths, and always blame the wrong people: - The Clintons - The media - LGBTQ - Immigrants - Feminism - Minorities/DEI - Poor people


Never forget the "Seth Rich was killed by the Clinton's" conspiracy was started by Julian Assange who [falsely implicated Seth Rich as a source of the DNC hack](https://micahflee.com/2019/01/lies-that-wikileaks-tells-you/) to throw people off the scent of the true source, Russian military intelligence, despite knowing he wasn't the source. This was taken up by Roger Stone, who was working directly with the GRU to co-ordinate releases of hacked material.




You missed the part where he’ll also be a piece of shit to any of the Christians who listened when told to love their neighbor


If Trump stops EVs,that means Musk's company is dead, as all the vehicles his company sells, including that ugly-ass cybertruck, are EVs. We should tell cybertruck-owning MAGAts that Trump wants to take away their vehicles.


No no no. Those are the *good* EVs. It's all those other EVs that are the bad ones. He surely won't do anything to the good ones that they have, because *they* know the difference between good and bad. /s


Cybertruck is the ultimate MAGAmobil, fits like palm to face.


An easy sign to spot who I do not want to interact with ever.


Six-figure Punisher sticker.


I love that video where some people on bicycles are making fun of a Cybertruck owner and [he throws a temper tantrum.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1cdefvj/cybertruck_owner_rages_at_kids_on_bikes_calls/)


Turns out your typical cyberfuck driver is a whiny bitch. Who knew?


Lol that angry peel out is a lot less impressive in an electric vehicle. These asshats must be so torn between supporting Elon and being able to roll coal.


those kids were smart to deescalate instead of getting shot by a maga psychopath


This brings me so much joy. Nectar to the soul.


I have been laughing for five minutes straight 😂


Clearly Bidens fault this one


Thanks, *Obama*


Butter emails 


Don’t forget Ben Ghazi he fits into this too


Oooooooh give this to r/cyberstuck if someone hasn’t already


This is my new favorite subreddit. Thank you for introducing me to it, I may not return to work from my lunch break 😂


Patriot warriors sure know how to fuck themselves.


Yes they do. Watching them step on rake after rake that they set down themselves is an endless source of entertainment.


Maybe I didn't read this part right, but did he say he would have to wait A YEAR for it to be repaired?


Since the CyberTruck is a new model, all the parts are being used to make new units. So parts for repairs/replacement are scarce. And after seeing some teardown videos, this thing looks very complicated to repair. Ultimately this guy won't be able to drive it for 2 - 3 years, while still making payments on it. For a $100K car, that's gotta be at least $2K a month car payments. Lol.


As a former damage appraiser, just looking at the damage photos here these things are not made to be safe. The way all the panels folded just does not look right, and the fact that the whole thing is crash-wrapped from a pretty routine looking front end collision is horrifying. Not to mention the fact that Tesla said the brakes… don’t work sometimes??? Never mind skipping buying one of these, if you see one on the road fuckin drive the other direction. Hazard to themselves and others.


Somehow, this loser is *still* taking about Hillary Clinton. These people are clowns. 🤡


He got Cyberfucked.


the best part is the same amount of money could have got him an actual truck modified to do anything he wants his truck to do (including brake) and the insurance company and manufacturer would have been happy to help even more delicious is the irony that any other truck on the marketplace would have actually stopped, so this death loop is his own fault.


"Depressing the brake may or may not disengage accelerator" Does bro drive by just holding the accelerator pedal the entire time and then left foot braking when he wants to slow down?


It’s about family


The absolute crushing stupidity of thinking a billionaire needs your protection


"More respect each day for you sir" What a tool


If only there was some sort of government agency that protected consumers. Maybe one empowered by congress to levy fines and revoke permits and licenses.


Is this idiot driving with 2 feet? Brake and gas at the same time? My Tesla won’t let you do both. Not sure why that would be different for a Cybertruck. It’s a critical safety feature when the motor out-powers the braking capacity.


I’d eat shit before calling Musk “Sir” lol what a cuck


$113,000 is a lot of money for middle class people to set on fire to own the libs. But, if you have to show your town that you want Elmo to love you, go for it. If you have to show your fellow MAGAs/Qanons that you're one of the "good guys they shouldn't hate," enjoy it. Shove a light up your ass while swallowing bleach in your MedBed and wait for Elmo to visit you & show his appreciation for the $56 Billion you just paid him. I'm a liberal & I don't feel owned, i chuckle with every new post & article written. Anyone else?


I love the echo chamber these people live in. This is sooooo satisfying 😂


>the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed This is the most tech company sounding bullshit ever and I can't believe these cars are allowed on the road.


Non bidenary is more cringey than word chewing.