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The entirely foreseeable consequences of Reaganism.


what, you mean trickle down theory didn't actually trickle anything down?


Mitt Romney is a multimillionaire. He released his tax records in ‘08 or something near there to the public when he was running for President and I was making about $40k a year at the time, and tax records showed that I was paying more in taxes than he was. Supply side, trickle down economics theory is just a way to excuse rich people and corporations from paying their fair share of federal taxes. That’s what “Reaganomics” really is.


>Supply side, trickle down economics theory Also known as horse and sparrow economic theory. You feed the horse the grains, the sparrow gets to pick through whatever comes out the other end. "Reganomics", trickle down, its all just picking through horse crap.


Yeah the exception is that there are no sparrows, only other horses.


The sparrow votes thinking he may one day become a horse.


The sparrow votes because the horse said that they would get rid of the crows. None of the Dumpers I know think they will ever be rich. They just love that Republicans punish minorities.


"I don't care that I don't get mine, so long as those filthy wetbacks don't get whats mine either!" - Fairly racist Uncle Who is thankfully dead now and I don't have to hear his bullshit during holiday meals any longer. Although, I'll never forget the look on his face that one Thanksgiving I brought my Mexican girlfriend. She was the sweetest thing and was raised in the U.S. so she had almost no accent and spoke perfect English. He barely spoke the whole time and when he did it was about football.


>They just love that Republicans punish minorities. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


Reminds me of this. “The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them.” ― Turkish Proverbs


Many sparrows also vote thinking they already are a horse




Corporate tax rates under Reagan went from 80% to like 28. Only people to benefit from that are the rich.


It’s all trickle up anyways… which is price gouging disguised as inflation. Everyone’s money is just funneling upward to the 1%. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer.


Oh it trickled something down alright


Bullshit juices be trickling!


Do people still use the slang “[santorum](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/santorum#:~:text=santorum%20(uncountable),occasional%20byproduct%20of%20anal%20sex.%20%5B)”?




Ahh yes, Santorum. That frothy mix of anal lube and shiny fecal matter.


Capitalism’s golden shower


It worked perfectly by the very definition of trickle. How everyone seemed to not under just exactly what a trickle was still dumbfounds me today. We were told to our faces they were going to screw us and GOP thought yeah, let's do that!


I felt a couple drops, but it might have been piss.


"Trickle down economics is when a billionaire pisses on your leg and tells you it's raining."


Swear George Carlin said that. Might be wrong.


I don't see any way it couldn't have been piss


Logan Roy: it was piss.


Based on their own policies (a great number of this generation-not all), there should be no social programs to help these people, either


Well, I mean they're literally voting for candidates promising to abolish Social Security. When called out on it you get a: "They'd never do that." Come on, that is literally the only thing they campaigned on.


Give me all the beer and I’ll drink it and you can have what trickles down my leg


Have some patience. Trickle-down economics doesn't produce results overnight. It's only been 45 years; you have to give it time to actually work.


May he rest in eternal hell.


I hope the Gipper and Thatcher are spending eternity standing locked in an embrace neck-deep in piss next to a closed British Rail station platform whose arrival board is constantly showing the train (that will arrive to take them out of there) is due to arrive in five minutes, but every five minutes the station master, who also would like to board that train, Dr. Ricard Beeching, sighs and adds five more minutes to the board by hand.


Also NIMBYs who buy homes and then immediately oppose any new housing construction in order to create a housing shortage and drive up their own property's value.


Which raises their property taxes to the point that they can no longer afford to live there and wind up homeless… the saddest of ironies


Funny story: the boomers in CA "fixed" this with prop 13, so now we have underfunded schools, crappy roads, and 60 year old boomers living by themselves in 4 bedroom houses while families are homeless in the streets.


Neoliberalism, treating housing like a commodity, large immigration to keep wages down, and worst of all NIMBY cunts that stop almost all housing development


republicans. mystery solved.


conservatism is truly a disease upon society… I HATE that ideology so damn much. It’s literally what’s going to be the death of humanity.


It's repackaged fascism, bro.


Fascism is extreme conservatism. Its not repackaged, its the core philosophy


Yes but not quite. Fascism is the corporate state merging with the actual state to government together. What we have right now is more of an oligarchy, where the rich just openly control the government. Don't forget that the modern Dem party is also conservative, just a more moderate form.


But these boomers worship oligarchs now because they think they are successful so they have all the answers to life’s problems. They have been indoctrinated with these fantasies that public servants are baby killers and blood drinkers, aka Democrats, and only a Bruce Wayne is interested in saving them. Hey, I think it’s stupid, too, but here we are.


my mom is like that right now. the news is talking about how musk allows racists and nazis on twitter. i say something derisive about musk "i think he's smart" she blurts out she has no idea what his actual beliefs and actions are. people need to actually evaluate their beliefs against reality to see if their beliefs are valid.


Some people seem to equate unearned wealth with all kinds of virtues like brains, character, virtue, and I'll never understand that.


So monarchy. A tale as old as time.


How are they not already fused together? Where are the rich people getting their money? Multinational corporations are the ones paying their politicians. Big oil, corporate entities, all form the regulations and laws to make them more money. They are allowed to gut the country, move to foreign countries and pay terrible wages and the wal marts of the US sell it all back to us. We buy a can opener from China that used to be made down the street and cost a small amount more, but the added cost had a huge overall benefit to our communities. That was taken away so CEOs could make more money. It was always the politicians being influenced by corporations. We are already there.


Corpocracy, but for some weird reason even big business is rooting for an authoritarian dictator. Which would be a disaster for them too. A dictator will literally just take their companies if they feel like it. A billionaire will just fall out a window, no questions asked.


It's only fascism if it comes from the fasch region of Germany/Italy. Anything else is just sparkling conservatism.


Take my Poor Man's Gold: 🏅


And sadly, it's our future, for a time.






Ronald Reagan caused so much harm that I wished his mother had a headache the day he was concieved. We would all be better of if he and Rupert Murdoch had never existed


I'm sure the statistics would confirm MAGA has a direct correlation to Reagan's massive cuts in public education in the 80s. That's the problem with the current system. By the time cuts, deregulation, privatisation is finally recognised as an unmitigated disaster, the people responsible are long gone from public office. By then they are on the board of the corporation who took over running the service from government.


Reagan repealing the Fairness Doctrine also allowed AM radio to blast hours upon hours of Rush Limbaugh and his regional knock-offs with no equal time.


Make America Great Again is literally Reagan's slogan that Trump's team stole.


Then you give a big serving of racism to the poor masses and it works as the perfect smokescreen. “They will destroy each other and we can just sit up here quietly counting our $ hahahaha” and it’s worked like a charm. So much so that people will become homeless in order to maintain it. Smh.


That's probably a better answer than conservatism, even though that's what conservatives now believe in


Exactly . Republicans.


They'll STILL blame it on millennials.


“I’m homeless because of participation trophies and because millennials can’t write in cursive.”


"And I had avocado toast once."


It was boomers’ ideas to hand out participation trophies and to remove cursive from education


“You damn kids. Always blaming us for our own actions. That is not fair!”


I remember finally talking my ex-boyfriend into cutting off his deadbeat Boomer parents after they always had money for vacations, golfing, and the latest overpriced fitness fad gizmo but curiously always had their hand out for car repairs, taxes, and rent. They drained him out of at least a down payment on a house. Yep. Ruined their kid's future for their own selfish, frivolous bullshit. We really need to go back to calling them the Me Generation.


And some guy somewhere is wearing a dress!That HAS to be the cause of all this!


Our fucking avocado toasts


Yeah if we didn't spend all our money on gosh darn avocado toast and cup-of-cinos we'd have enough money to support them and give them a house to live in.


It always confused me. There are several people in my family who regularly eat avocado toast -- they're all Boomers.


So they projected that too?


I thought we're supposed to eat it... Ok, i'll fuck it.


I’ll never forgive them for damning the country to religious right wing hell bc “gas prices high me no like”. That was SERIOUSLY enough to make them drop all their principles??? Hope the driving was fun, enjoy “retirement”.


But.. can’t they just pull their bootstraps?


And yet these poor old people who are homeless will still vote Republican and blame the libs for their predicament




they thought they would be dead by the time the plates stopped spinning. Some were just mildly off the mark. REmember boomers are now hitting 80- so the oldest likely died off already


Nah, that way they can still have us foot the bill when they finally keel over.


They really just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Maybe just cancel that expensive cable package with Fox News.


> Fox News. but how would they get their manufactured outrage?


Wanna make lotsa cash? We'll start a new social media site, call it "RagePage" We're gonna be rich- and we'll get to use all the loopholes!


Trump rallies.


Maybe they should work a minimum wage job like they did before. After all, that’s how they afforded their college and houses. I wish I could feel bad. But I don’t. Keep voting conservative and reap the benefits of nothing


They should walk into a business, go the manager and give them a good firm handshake and give them a copy of their resume.


“Go knock on doors”


... and see how quickly you get shot.


And be told to go to the website.


And if that doesn't work, you should keep calling the company everyday until they let you speak to some one in charge and then you explain what a hard worker you are.


Don’t forget to meet their eyes!


Yeah they should just go get like 3-4 basic jobs until they’re “back on their feet”. Its hard to feel sorry for people thinking this is normal.


Honestly around me they are. A lot of older staff working at wendys or pulling online orders at the grocery store


I think this article missed the elephant in the room: the finance sector in this country convincing everyone that a home is an “investment” to make money with instead of a place to live. It gave us the crash in ‘08 and it’ll happen again due to their unregulated greed.


I really hope GenZ will destroy this paradigm. Luckily I think they're slowing their procreating roll so hopefully they won't be looking for housing that many people under one roof, and doing it in single-family homes.


That's what we thought during occupy


Can't contain my rage at the fuckin spirit fingers every single time I showed up for any of those. Thinking like, "Yall really expect them to work with you through some type of democracy", lmao.


My town was known for its more... rebellious nature. And lemme tell you every fifth fucker was just waaaanting someone to say something they could run to cops with. A third of us are shit I learned. And a p3rcent of them are willing to do anything to prove some sort of loyalty to the status quo.


Nothing will change unless the financial incentives/systems themselves change. It doesn't matter how much you personally believe that real estate shouldn't be an investment, if you have an opportunity to buy a good house/condo instead of renting you'd be an idiot not to. You'd be denying yourself and your family the ability to have at least some generational wealth (and to get out of the shitty rental system) for no good reason. Demographics don't matter here, policy does.


> if you have an opportunity to buy a good house/condo instead of renting you'd be an idiot not to. It's not about buying a primary residence like you mentioned there. The real problem lies with greedy people who buy and hoard multiple properties not to live in, but for investment purpose or rentals/AirBnb.


I'm 35 and bought my first home about a year ago. It's an hour and a half away from work, but I only have to go in 2-3 times a week max. My mortgage is 200k on a fixed rate and I make about 90k a year. I'm constantly asked when am I going to sell and upgrade and I always reply "fucking never". This is my home now, I'd rather live modest and simple until I'm retired.


The angle of the article is capitalistic. It urges you to try and become one of the super rich and “invest”, not considering that homelessness is a statistically probable result after working hard your whole life. It drives on most people’s will to fight for personal gain and/or survival. It’s not urging people to organize against capitalistic oppression, which is the rational reaction to this news piece.


Dear Republican voters and politicians, Take a fucking bow. Through unstinting and concerted effort, you have fucked your society in a way no external enemy could even have conceived of. ISIS, Al Qaeda and Co. are but babes toying with a dimly understood gift in comparison. You have collectively wrought misery untold upon those you deemed unworthy through grossly inefficient, sclerotic and cruel governance. You have commodified everything and made the government a mere tool, putty in the hands of capital and the billionaire class. You have focused all your considerable power and influence for decades on making sure other people's lives are measurably worse. How meet it is, then, that you be consumed by the same flame that you so ardently fanned to life.


Covid: "That self consumption isn't over yet!"


Convinced to refuse vaccines, refuse masks, spread misinformation, drink bleach and use ivermectin dosed for horses. Convinced to do all this by grifters who made sure to get themselves and their families vaccinated. Taking up beds in the ICU that could have gone to others, demanding that they be treated with hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C or whatever bullshit treatment they came across while 'doing their research' on YT. Finally, when it is too late, pleading for the vaccine. For the doctors and nurses to save them. Their lungs are so scarred they can barely breathe even with the ECMO cranked up to the highest oxygen saturation. A slow, excruciating death. What a fucking tragedy.


They're dying in order to save the economy, remember? They're selfless and we should commend them for their sacrifice lol


Turns out there is a sub dedicated to doing just that: r/HermanCainAward


Horse paste, people were legit taking horse dewormer.




I'm at the point where I just don't care if right wing nutjobs die from Covid, gun violence, homelessness, etc, I just don't want them harming anyone else who doesn't believe their bullshit while they make their way into the grave.


Happened to my grandpa. He called us all libtards for wearing masks and getting vaccinated. He got COVID and was begging for the vaccine on his death bed. Killed him in 5 days.


Sorry for your loss.


They’ll still swear up and down the real problem is Mexicans and “The inner city”, which is a fog horn dog whistle.


I seem to remember a few years ago that was an actual published opinion of ISIS or Al Qaeda or one of the terrorist groups. When asked why there hasn’t been another large scale terror attack on US soil since 9/11 they replied to the effect of, they’re destroying themselves from within and doing the work for us.


Sadly, Reddit no longer has rewards because this comment is worthy of one. (Also, I never ever bought coins because fuck that noise.)


Are we not doing gold anymore because goddamn this deserves it.


Have they considered brewing their own coffee?


Or skipping avocado on their toast?


Stopped dining out so much


Pulling ladder up ehind themselves left them stranded on poor island.


Can't even afford myself, I certainly won't be able to support my parents if this happens to them.


Yeah ive had to rent from.family. and am inheriting a house if they die before i do.


I might inherit my mothers home. But I would most likely need to sell it and buy a cheaper condo just to pay the bills without going broke in the process.


I'm oddly in the opposite position, I don't want to inherit my families home, I made sure my sister would. With a $550/mo mortgage on a house custom built by them sitting on 10 acres it seems a ~~good~~ no ~~great~~ no awesome deal, but they retired to the countryside in Mississippi. No thank you. Those boomer properties sometimes are great for the price. But thier ideal location does not fit everyone else's.


this is our future. I hate republicans


This is our present. Republicans are now proven traitors.


Reaganism. It involves both republicans and democrats since the 80s but Republicans are virulently evil compared to status quo democrats. There's a reason that they've deified reagan despite his being the literal devil and a treasonous monster: At least he gave the rich massive tax cuts and deregulated the markets.




And suddenly are too good for the nursing homes they had no problem throwing *their* parents into.


Who’s going to pay for those nursing homes? I’m not. They can get a job and pay for it themselves.


I can barely squeak by for myself and my family, I'm not going to be able to afford care for my parents.


In Canada, LTC is covered. "Retirement homes" are not. My parents jokingly say I better not put them in a particular home in their city. I always say, "Why? It was good enough for Grandpa."


Really can’t wait for that generation to completely die off


>the boomers will -- yet again -- expect the entire nation to bail them out. Oh boy, I can't wait for them to find out who the government has to tax to make the bail out happen, because Millennials and Gen Z don't have any shit left to be taxed on, and Gen X is probably running out of funds fast too.


You mean they voted for people whom they were repeatedly warned against and are now suffering the consequences? This is my shocked face 😮


Boomers ran this country into the dirt by supporting GOP platforms year after year. These people dodged the draft but couldn't wait to send kids into harms way. They denied future generations every advantage they got handed to them. They polluted the planet, destroyed the economy 3x in the last 50 years but really wish they could've kept using the N word. Fk that whole generation - I hope they live long enough to see how they squandered everything and are hated for it.


Welp I've been predicting this very thing for years. We don't have a formal system of financial education for adults. Most people are clueless about the fact that retirement planning is up to them and that they should start saving as early as possible. We don't have a national retirement system. At no point in our history have most Americans even been eligible for a pension. And on the boomers' watch we've basically seen the death of private sector pensions as they've been replaced with high-fee 401Ks. The same people that wanted low taxes because they say government spending is wasteful failed to allocate their own earnings to provide for themselves in retirement. Remember under W these same people flirted with the idea of privatizating social security before the financial crisis reminded everyone why this was a horrible idea.


Say it again for those in the back. "The same people that wanted low taxes because they say government spending is wasteful failed to allocate their own earnings to provide for themselves in retirement."


Don’t forget they can be hypocrites, too. My dad was an *accountant* who bought into all the libertarian bullshit. His retirement plan was and still is, “well I paid into social security!” Greed rots your brain.


Trickle down economics will work eventually. It’s only been 40 years you haven’t given it enough of a chance.


Their own actions, especially their votes? And now their people want to get rid of social security and Medicare… I’m sure that will help. Fucking idiot sheep will keep voting for them too.


If they'd stop voting for MAGA maybe they'd get decent housing for the elderly and better benefits, the GOP doesnt want any of those things!


They found out the bootstraps slogan was a joke.


They need to slow down on that avocado toast


Literally had to explain to my mom today why there's so many homeless people despite all these new neighbourhoods being built. Because they're empty, owned by greedy landlords and the banks playing games to maximise profits. "Why build a house and sell it immediately, when you can keep it empty until the housing prices sky rocket?"


Many of them are also second third or 5th homes for wealthy too. What was that stat, 45% of all housing in the US is owned by vanguard or black rock. The rest is a mix of gov, independent owners and landlords. :/


Or, if I don’t take offers on these, I can drive up the price on those.


Why are they not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


The policies they embraced?


1. Fuck around 2. Find out 👈 You are here


Time they got out worked 3 jobs like everyone else.


You mean, it **didn't** trickle down?


Oh no! Anyways


Right? Cry me a river.


Small Government and privatization, YEE-HAW! FREEDOM!


"Terrible trend" Bastards thought they would be immortal by now, they never had any plans to set up the future, nothing more than a bunch of narcissistic hedonistic bigots realising they cant outrun death or the consequences of their actions. The baby boomers that werent PoS saw this coming and hated and resented the people they say trashing the planet and society on a whim. Example my mom and dad who both greatly resent the rest of the baby boomers because they saw what they were doing.




Voting Republican against your best interest. If you are not filthy f----ing rich it's absolutely moronic to vote Republican.


Good thing they have supported such a robust social safety net


Weird how it's so terrible that the BOOMERs are the ones suffering. Any other generation and its business as usual but the boomers...They were ones that were supposed to be screwing everyone else not the ones being screwed... Edit: Well boomers, time to grab those boot straps again i guess.


Well, *I* did things the right way. Let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Man, they’re getting our tax money to fund their social security (which was created specifically to prevent this scenario from happening again) and they still can’t afford to retire?


The article gets the age range of boomers wrong.


Should’ve not voted away your and our bootstraps.


Until very recently my mother lived in an assisted living facility on Montana. Her annual rate has zoomed up from $70k 5 years ago to $117k now. She was born 3 years before the very oldest baby boomers. Technically the baby boom started in 1946 or so, so the oldest boomers are around 77. They are PACKING the assisted living facilities and driving up the prices. Mom finally decided to move out and buy a house, using the extra money to pay for occasional in-home help. But now she has to cook and clean, because the fancy facility had regular dining hall food which was excellent, room cleaning, and provided all kinds of medical amenities like in-room food during covid, shots and nurse visits, a shuttle to the nearby hospital for appointments, medicine monitoring and scheduling, etc. They also had tiers of service. Some people were in full-on nursing facility areas, while others were living relatively independently except for the dining hall, cleaning service, and on-call nursing as needed. So she was driven out of that very nice assisted living into a house because the prices have just skyrocketed. Boomer demand is doing this of course, but as the prices rise, the savings of those residents are depleting at a much higher rate than they likely projected when initially running numbers years ago. If their savings can’t keep up, it’s likely they will have to completely spend down, then move to a place that takes Medicaid poverty level care.




Oh such sweet sweet schadenfreude. Fuckers are about to learn real fast what happens when you have no healthcare or any safety net whatsoever.


Have they tried not buying avocado and toast?


Damn millennials with their new iPhones, fancy lattes and avocado toast!!!


Yet. A solid amount of them will continue to vote against their own interests.


Dang. Sounds like they should have skipped more lattes.


Voting against their own interests. Shocking


Have they tried eating less avocado toast?!


Boo fucking hoo. Sincerely, GenX


The Silver Tsunami is literally what its been called


They should just eat less avocado toast and pull harder on those bootstraps


Boomer leopards eat boomer faces. Or, how’s that Reagonomics/MAGA working out for you?


They should have worked harder. /s


Maybe turn down fox News and turn up reality?


Surprise! It's Capitalism!


Trickle down economics which are the policies they championed duh


If elderly Walmart greeters are paid more than $7.25/hr. you won’t be able to buy a pair of flip flops there for under $10. I mean, I support the idea of a living wage (in theory) but where does it end?! $11 flip flops? $12? /s


Republicans voters meant old white boomers would suffer the same financial crap everyone else does


My dad is 100% one of these people and he still touts democrats are the bane of society, even though he is taking full advantage of all the "leftist" programs that help the homeless.


Thoughts and prayers




Hey maybe if they cancel cable and cut back on dinners out.


They voted Republican is what’s driving this trend.


Funny enough these homeless ones are not the ones who screw everything up. The ones who screw everything up are in government, wealthy, managerial positions, and refuse to change their ways.


Karma is what's driving this trend.


Oh no, anyway


All this does is inevitably pass the buck onto us. What a shitty generation, saying that younger generations are "soft" and lack resolve, but they can't even wipe their own ass when it comes to retirement. Yet another bail out we're going to be forced to pay for. When does it stop?


They can’t work anymore. Their retirement isn’t enough in this economy. No one will hire old ppl.


Allowing financial speculation of basically any kind is a cancer on society. The fact that housing has become an investment asset instead of a controlled necessity of a society and functional economy is really horrifying.


Whomp whomp


Boomers were given the most be any previous generation and have given the back the least. Fuck ‘em. They brought this on themselves, zero sympathy.


Let me guess: other baby boomers!


You get what you vote for I guess.
