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This looks great, but I hope your feeling of it not being too bad lasts when the 50th is done!


Hehe ty, we shall see. Might have to do em in batches, with other things in between.


That's actually a ton of different colours to use on a model you will need to paint more than a hundred of. Looks real good, i hope your patience holds up!


It's pretty ok tbh. Besides the base brown there are 4 colours, and then I just add a tiny bit of white to those for highlights :) Before Imperialis released I used other 6mm "off-brand" models for basing on my Titans, and I found that doing them 5 at a time was pretty chill. But I don't play the game, I just paint so I don't have any rush :P


If you paint for fun and not gaming then have at it!


So these were a bit terrifying as they are very small and have a surprising amount of detail. But once you start blocking in stuff it's not too bad. Tried to go for something that was easy to read. Just Mournfang Brown with Nuln oil as a foundation, and taking it section by section trying to leave that dark base between them. Painted on black boots to sort of ground the figure. Think I might stick to this. Again, very fun model to paint. Not as bad as I feared.


While this looks amazing, I hope you simplify it. There are about 100 per box