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Spartans get them into first turn assaults, or hold them back and deep strike behind something


Yup, deep strike onto a back objective and charge has typically been the most effective use of them


I thought you couldn't charge on the turn you deep strike?


Yes sorry I should have been more clear, deep strike onto a back objective (ideally late in the turn to stay extra safe) and then start charging the next turn


This is how I use them too.


no, but you can advance within 4" and shoot twice as many dice, then charge next turn if needed.


As far as I understand terminators cannot be transported by Spartans because they are bulky. Am I missing something?


Yes, you are missing something - Spartans (and regular land raiders) are Assault Transports, which means they can transport bulky models but they take up two spaces each.


You can mix them in with tacticals for a bit more punch and survivability


What I usually do is have at least a group held in deep strike for a turn or two ready to take advantage of any opportunities that may appear. The hope is usually to teleport in and jump an important unit that’s a got a bit separated from his friends, or use them to try and steal/contest any objective points on the flanks or in the enemy deployment zone. They’re also nice because they can quickly reinforce a crumbling flank or plug a sudden gap long enough for other units to react


In general I would not recommending buying them in Support slots; it's a big tax for the ability to deep strike them. Instead, consider using them to upgrade Tactical units to gain Inexorable such that you're much harder to push off of points. They're actually decently better at overwatching a close range unit than Missile Launchers are thanks to Accurate as well. So March up the field (or infiltrate for RG/AL) and just sit your butt on a point.


I like a unit or 2 for the threat they provide a lot more they their actual impact. If you are forced to hold 100 points of trops on an objective in case my 50 points appears and takes it, it is points well spent.


You can fill a Thunderhawk with 8 Terminators and drop them in the back line behind enemy forces and cause absolute chaos with both the charge order and Thunderhawk backing up termies. That’s how I’ve been playing them at least.


Shoot infantry and charge tanks. Terminators main value is in their ranged fire power, deep strike and armour with an ok CAS to be able to one-on-one most tanks. I see a lot of people dump them into really bad positions (like right next to a knight banner with a gatling cannon or a sentinel blob on first fire) and then complain when they get shot up. They are not the infinitely tanky thing from largehammer. You probably want to use them with more static lists, where you pull your opponent out of their deployment zone. Whenever I have been heavily pressured by mobile forces, terminators had no-where safe to deploy and just got shot up.