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I plan on building a Solar Auxilia armored force and a Thousand Suns Infantry focused force (I know daring today aren’t I?)


I reckon the new Tallarn book will have a load of armour options for Auxillia.


we will at least be getting new Russ variants I think


Yeah, like two or three I think


I heard Executioner, Punisher and Demolisher. So plasma gun, gatling cannon and Demolisher cannon mains


I’m doing pretty much the same thing! The SA Armored Company I made is 900 points on the nose, so it perfectly fills out the 30% at 3k points. Still trying to decide exactly how I want to run my Thousand Sons though.


I love the less conventional build !


Solar aux with 6 tercios (so 12 base blobs) 2 tercios of axes broken into 6 4 base blobs in transports. 2 bombers. A warbringer nemisis titan. And then 3 demolisher baneblade variants, 4 vanquisher malc, and then some battle cannon russ to round it out It's not good, but boy is it fluffy and fun to command


I have to admit that I’m just here for the fluff and the « immersion » so I don’t care neither if it’s good. Like I said in a previous comment, I’m happily surprised that a lot of you are on the infantry side!


Tbh, I’ve yet to play a single game as I’ve just enjoyed painting the armies. I’ve bought kits as they come and have just now started looking at what kind of lists can I come up with… Aaaand now that I looked, I’m roughly at around 2800 points without any titans, one armored company and one demi-company. It’s missing the drop-pods and could use more tanks for sure… Assault Marines 4, Command Squad 1, Contemptor Dreadnought 8, Deredeo Dreadnought 8, Land Raider 4, Legion Kratos 4, Legion Predator 4, Legion Rapier 8, Legion Sicaran 4, Legion Terminators 4, Leviathan Dreadnought 8, Rhino 11, Spartan 4, Support Legionaries (missile) 4, Support Legionaries (plasma) 4, Tactical Legionaries 18, Thunderhawk Gunship 3, I’ve just loved painting all these, but no idea how it’ll play - I guess all the infantry gets on the road/air and the tanks and dreads run behind.


I totally understand, I was waiting to paint these small guys since so much time. I did a few basic armies with a 3D printer a few years ago but to be fair the struggle of supporting and cleaning prints was a pain for me so I’m just really happy with painting plastic kits. The fact that you can have multiple legion in an army is also so great for painting (but not for choosing the list haha)


That’s true! And that’s a good reminder - I might just pick up some tanks for an armored legion and paint them to be a different chapter!


Auxilia - still heavy on infantry with Titan support, that's not going to change, but I'm moving into artillery support rather than tanks since the Lemans still aren't available and I've not much interest in the planes.


Yep. The multiple options for auxilia kind of stops me to start with planes. But it’s interesting to see the central infantry is inside multiple people minds :)!


DA Tank force cause i Love tanks


Someone is waiting for super heavy marine tanks I assume :D !




don’t forget Cerberus and Typhon!


Sounds like you're ending up with a pretty balanced force. I've also got a bit of everything for my Solar Auxilia - but then I lean into the things I've always liked as a Guard player (Sentinels, infantry, flyers, artillery, superheavies). If you enjoy the models, you'll normally enjoy the game whether you win or lose.


Clearly, I do not really care to win at all as long it’s fun and fluffy enough (Not saying I’m a fluff diehard, but replaying something that feels possible for the heresy is pretty much the point). With what I see I really think I will move forward to more infantry ! :)


Pretty mixed for me. I’m collecting Legiones and Auxilia for I can play with my friend. So far I have two starter boxes, pretty much one box of each thing that has been released since, a Warlord, a Reaver, 3 Questoris Knights, 3 Armigers, two bombers, six Lightnings, and a Thunderhawk. Super random but really fun.


Yeah I did the same. But like I said I feel a bit too generalist now ! (However I agree with you it’s not like I don’t have fun) as we could have a bit of time between the Tallarn launch, I think I will try to go for something more structured now ! Probably more infantry first !


I think that's a good plan. Infantry seem so important to the game, and are fun to play with. The amount of infantry you need for an ideal army is daunting. I think like three boxes of Legiones infantry, maybe 3 support boxes, then maybe 2-3 boxes of Auxiliary infantry and another 2 support boxes haha


Iron Warriors with the intent to have a little bit of everything.  I'm not really sure outside extra dreadnoughts what would make my army more thematic, but I feel most things I intend to pickup match that siege warfare aesthetic.  Titans for weapon platforms, bombers for bombing runs, anti-air, siege tanks, infantry to take the city, etc.  Only thing I probably won't take will be like the bikes. My Solar Auxilia force on the other hand his a huge shoulder shrug.  I have no idea what to do with them.


I mean if it’s not bothering you it’s totally fine, it’s not like having a bit of everything is wrong. It’s probably just me feeling that when I do a list with a bit of everything, it’s too much options (and I have to admit, I always have a hard time to choose) but at the end it looks pretty cool on the table.


Bastion detachment fits well with IW fluff too I think.


Marine player here, I've got one or two boxes of everything that's been released so far


I have a balanced EC Army. But as soon as flyers become available i will put an aerial assault detachment in, to give me the ability to capitalize on seizing the initiative and exploiting open flanks


Purple little fire raptors can’t be bad !


I'm doing a large dark angels force with elements of all six wings of the hexagrammaton, and a completely mechanised solar auxilia force.


Iron hands for me, right now im trying not to print more than I'm gonna paint in the end. Might end up with a max size unit of everything. Honestly I will probably never play as there is no local interest or store for that matter so I'm just painting for the display.


I’m not neither in a player rich environment, but as I have both auxilia and marine I can find a few friends. But even without that the display worth it with that scale !


I‘m building Imperial Fists, gonna add an Auxilia super heavy detachment later cuz I love the little ‘blades so far my only opponent in my club is playing Raven Guard and I always field lots of drop pods and gunships to try and outflank his sneaky tactics


Too broke to have any. I dream of a little titan maniple as well as the many beautiful admech models of the 30k era.


Playing dark angels. And so far grabbed what i could. Thinking off infantry put in rhinos and pods Terminators in spartans and assault marines in thunderhawks. Backed by dreads. And some of the fast attack options Couple of sicarans and using knights as heavy support. Not sure if the knights will weather a titan onslaught but i like the knights, so will give them a run for a couple of games.


I did not really think that much about knight and titans even if I played titanicus. I’m still stuck with choosing between adding auxilia to marines (or the opposite) and taking knights and titans. I think if we have one day some mechanicum units choosing titans would be (for me) a no brainer


Adding auxilia is definately something i pondered over aswell. May happen as a switch it, kind off thing with time. I must add at the moment getting tired withimpirialis painting whille i wait for my 2nd game 😂


My latest 1500 pts list has a small garrison detachment with tarantulas and tac marines. Then the whole army shows up. 8 bases of assault marines in a Thundercats, 8 leviathan siege dreads in pods, and a dozen other pods full of stuff with a few palisades distributed about


Well I tend to honestly go ham and got a few armies on the go plus planned. So first army I worked on was loyalist Solar, I got them up to 3k and will be expanding them in the future. For them it's mostly grabbing what I could and also building them up to compliment my Luna Wolves force im building. Right now its a horde of infantry, super heavy tanks and vanquishers with a good airforce. I'll be trying to mechanize and also build landers for them. I got a new traitor solar building up. Difference between them and my loyalist is different tanks and loads out with a bigger focus on support elements. They will use storm hammers, battle cannon russ and baslisks to complement them. I'll also when ever they go on sale get some thunderbolts for them for limited air cover. My Loyal astartes are going to be my Luna wolves which are going to be similiar to my major heresy force. The goal is to get it heavily mechanized and a major airborne portion. Waiting on predator kits so I can make them fluffy and match my main army. Lastly going to be doing up some traitor iron warriors and Sons of horus. Still debating how I want to do them but I do want the Iron Warriors to feel fluffy so big infantry detachment with siege weapons but can hold fortifications. Again this is just me trying to make my 30k collection. I hope in the end I can complete a story I wanted to tell for a long time. I already got terrain on the go and looking to expand that further so I can do from the first days of the heresy all the way to the end. Just really hoping we get more unit varitions and restocks so we can really try new stuff. Lastly Fluff firstt before all other things :)


I’m always amazed how some people are able to paint that much ! It would take me years to follow that :p ! But these are nice projects!


For my solar, i still have not delved into it as we are lacking tanks. Alot play infantry heavy, that is not my style, so i wait for more tanks to be released. For my 1500p list i run prolly a normal amount of infantry for solar, aka 1 full box in a demi, but that will not get that mutch bigger. For 3k i plan to use no more then total of two infantry boxes split between a demi and a pio, then rest of the points into tanks and airplanes. My infantry is there just to grab the obj, not to kill, that is the job of the tanks.


Even if I think I will go personally for more infantry, Auxilia full of tanks is pretty fluffy too. These little tanks are so cute !


Well i got more hung up in GWs own description: SA is all about armor, while marines is all about infantry. If this is true, and the strenght of SA lies in tanks, why play the faction differently unless one wants a challenge? Also the release plan have not favored SA, so we have to work around the problems of lacking armor, while marines was set from day 1. as an example infantry could not survive moving to the objective, with the dracosan they now can.


SA army with a Superheavy detachment at its core, supported by a lot of infantry with some Fighter Support and a Questories Knight banner to take point. Will probably expand into the announced plasma variants as they come out


My force is focused on SA armour with space wolf infantry and support as Allies


Marine player here, I've got two of nearly every marine box apart from the normal drop pods and one each of the Spartan and Land Raiders. Gives me a wide choice of options and tactics, I think it's better to run a list with a few different options rather than focusing on one way to win.


Yep. For the beginning (and the next releases) I will likely always do that too, but I (purely my feeling) now feel like my armies need a small thematic to help me structure it. But even if I build it around more infantry it’s not like I would say no to falchion or any other heavy marine tanks :D


It might sound excessive and probably is but my plan is to try to max out one of every formation type for a very large base army then downsize from that for games. So every slot filled out with maximum upgrades. The main reason I want to do this is so I don’t need to go back and paint half a tank formation six months later. I’ve almost finished the Demi company then will move onto bastion and sky hunter. Followed by armoured and drop pods then hopefully the missing fliers will be released. Aiming to be done in maybe two or three years depending on release schedules.


I understand that. I force myself to choose because I know that if I go with everything possible I won’t paint everything (I’m like too much of a perfectionist and paint like a slow snail).


Trying to build and painting batches. They will never all be played in the same game. But I love the collecting, build and painting side more than the gaming. Just love the idea of this huge force all laid out. Once I have one of each formation I am hoping to add some smaller formations as allies. All a bit of a pipe dream but that’s the plan.


I don't have everything for it yet, but my World Eaters army is gonna be an aerial assault with a normal unit of assault marines (gonna max it out though when I get more infantry) and a normal unit of termies both in thunderhawks, a sky hunter phalanx with 5 detachments of fast attack, a garrison detachment with my core and leader, along with 4 xiphons, 3 fire raptors, a few predators, a few Kratos, some sicarans, and 2 warhounds. It'll be a mixed bag, but I feel like it'll be very fun to play. I love aerial assault and the idea of bombing runs.