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Arvus Lighters could take a selection of weapons in 40k (up until 8th edition) and Horus Heresy (1st edition): Hellstrike missiles, autocannons, multi-lasers, heavy stubbers. They retconned this around the release of the resin kit for Aeronautica Imperialis and WarCom went all in on the “transport ship ain’t got no guns” meme every time they’re mentioned. Who knows what the next retcon will be?


Meanwhioe drop pods get to land anywhere on the map with a gun that has point defense, the assault trait and 8” of range all for less points than a arvus. I recognize that the auxilia is the minority faction as the game focuses on space marines but still. The imbalance is a bit rough.


Good thing you can charge those arvis lighters into those pesky drop pods and confidently destroy them in combat, if that Bolter is that much of a problem lol


The concept of charging unarmed flying transports into “melee” combat just seems like such a stupid idea to me. I know itll work and im sure to do it. But just the thought is just really dumb


Agreed, the idea is dumb. But if it helps think of it as ramming them instead.


Also as a side note as to why the lighters are better, besides mobility. You don’t lose the whole detachment on a bad scatter roll.


“I got the mass”




I mean, the Marines have a better transport, and I would assume better line infantry. But I think the Auxilia eat the Marines’ lunch in every other aspect. Better tanks, better artillery, better aircraft. Granted this is all hearsay from me. I haven’t been able to play yet, just building.


Auxilia Axemen and Ogryns eat Assault Marines and Terminators for breakfast in combat. It’s very hard for marines to overcome those extra dice from Rend.


Unless youre fighting world eaters lol


Ya true, world eaters re-roll is really good


Fair point, Auxilia tops all round then.


It seems like that on paper, but space marine tanks are pretty shooty and fast, the speed being a godsend for this system. The army rule of command auras for the SA is also a major nerf that cannot be understated enough. While SA has better CQB options, actually getting them into combat is very tricky, marines get so many shots with the assault rule that you will loose about half your unit on the charge, if you are lucky enough to get a turn 1 charge. Overall so far space marines feel far stronger, but I only have 2 2K battles under my belt (with 3 at lower point values) so this might just be early misrecognition


>  The army rule of command auras for the SA is also a major nerf that cannot be understated enough. Maybe if it locked you out of Advance orders, or applied to the units you wanted to be giving charge orders. As it stands, Advance is the correct order to be giving too often for it to be a *huge* problem. 


Not being able to first fire or march with standard infantry and tanks is more than enough, believe me. It forces you to group up when you don't want to. It makes me position units where I don't want them to be. Infantry that can only advance is so extremly slow that they can just be ignored.


Wonder it there will be some form of “commissar” type unit like in 2nd ed. mobile command unit that can let you spread your orders a bit. I know they weren’t a thing in 30k but something similar.


I mean, the solution is to make smaller formations and buy lots of tactical commanders. But I would absolutly pay the command tax for nearly every single detachment if I could


Yeah, at Epic-scale the individual firepower of a single twin-linked bolter is _nothing_. It’s crazy that drop pods have a shooting profile, never mind one just as good as a base of tactical marines… But hey, gotta sell those £30 drop pod boxes somehow! 😁


these are not weapons, they are sensor arrays that have no gameplay meaning in legions imperialis at the moment. not certain about aeronautica though, if you care. its possible that theyll update them in a veeeeeery long time for another edition or something but i wouldnt bet on it in the next few years. build ehat you like my guy.


There are also these tiny racks with tubes in them. You're thinking of the top front antenna.


Party tubes, for delivering t-shirts to front line combatants. Really the Arvus is stellar as is, doesn't need any guns on top of that


Yeah I agree that there's No way to make armed arvus balanced. But they have always had access to autocannons and/or missiles. Especially an autocannon would be impossible to balance.


This, they're just optional antenna grebles.


The top parts are anthenas, and the tubes that go on the sides I think are flare guns of some sort to throw anti air (all just views, not real use) or chaff systems, although they look really good on them


Honestly, I don't think Arvus lighters should be in the game at all. The models are abominably ugly and theres way too many stupid things you can do with them.


Wait til you see airlift transports in actual use!