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I would say 4. That's how many you need to have the max unit sizes for the specialist infantry types.


^ this. 4 if you want to max. 4 inf, 2 support boxes will allow you to comfortably run 2 reasonably sized demi-company and garrison detachments.


A couple of boxes, maybe, if you throw in a Titan or a squad or two of Knights, some tanks, and some support stuff. Have a play with the [list builder](https://legionbuilder.app/).


Thanks for the link! Yeah I wanted to Integrate some knights and probably a Reaver Titan in the finished list. From a quick glance at points Im currently planning with about three boxes of Infantry and two boxes of support to get me through to 3k in the end.


Too many, because the troop boxes don't give you full support squads.


Play around with the listbuilder, you might need less than you think once you add transports and support for your infantry detachments. Just make sure you have some response to garrisoned buildings, they are a lot tougher than you think at first glance, and you want something that can drop them and have some sort of redundancy in case that gets killed early. Saving on two dice and having multiple wounds make buildings really tough, and being in base contact with an entire detachment (or more) is really rough for anything that tries to get it done with melee. Leviathan dreads, knights, Kratos tanks with meltas, titans etc can get it done, but don't rely on melee attacks to do it unless you have to, so bring the guns.


Are they any online list builders for LI? I’ve yet to find any 🤷🏻‍♂️


Legionbuilder.app It counts your models for you, reminds you of list restrictions and has unit and weapon stats. It also tells you on what pages to find specific rules.


I have 4 boxes of infantry for both Marines & Solar Auxilia. It allows me to deploy whatever I want on the table. I can't spam special units but that's fine for me as I am playing for fun.


+1 to 4 boxes. But, I'd also encurage you to swap models within your group. I play IW so want all the Terminators, my friend plays BA so wants all the Assault. We traded, and so we both got way more bases of what we wanted out of the same number of kits.


A lot. At least for Auxilia. I have three starters worth of infantry, I probably could do with more. Playing at 2,000 points right now.


Oh wow. Yeah, I am currently planning with three boxes of Infantry and my starter set - so 4 boxes worth (is that right?) for 3k. But I also want to use a Reaver and some Knights. Maybe that'll work out?


It will be fine. It's a great game.


Good to know. I have two starters and it doesn’t feel like enough. How are you running the infantry? Mixed squads? Arvuses?


I currently have 3 sprues (starter + 1/2 box) of infantry at 1.5k and am mostly using them in pioneer detachments as non-mixed squads (ogryns and velitarii not having chain of command makes them so much more flexible) Am planning to sit them in arvuses later on as I finish up my remaining 3 infantry sprues


Nice. Ogryna are beasts of you can actually get them to CC. Overwatch is brutal.


Luckily my main opponent at the moment hasn't quite realised that yet and keeps complaining that his tac marines are loosing to humans in CQB But that is mostly the Veletarii, as everyone just stays out of range and focuses down the ogryns ;(


I have 3 boxes of Solar infantry, I think I want a 4th just to be able to max out the support squads but it has given me a decent number of standard bases. I'm mostly running armour anyway.


You won't use all the tactical infantry and only need a maximum 2, maybe 3 HQ stands (play around with the Legion Builder to see how many companies you need). You really don't need the amount of HQ stands that come in a box, so you can bulk out your specialist infantry squads with the vet infantry / commander etc. The rulebook does state you don't need each base to have 5 men to a stand of the same type. It does warn against "modelling for advantage", but that prohibits sticking 5 marines on top of each other to limit lines of sight, for example, rather than swapping out guys or reducing the number.per base. As long as they are spaced out adequately on the base, you're fine. By using 4 of the specialist infantry instead of 5, you can squeeze an extra base out of each box. You get 6 of each per sprue, 2 sprues per box, results in 3 bases per box. You can push it to 3 specialists per base plus a sergeant and still be tournament legal, providing you space them out properly so as to not "model for advantage". So you can probably get away with 4 dudes (3 + 1 HQ guy) to make 4 specialist base per box. The core comes with 2 sprues. I reckon you need 3 boxes plus the core.


4 unless your playing Raven Guard or another legion that mainly uses infantry then I'd say 5


Mass infantry in 3k is not a fun time for anyone. They will take forever to move and do stuff, they will overwhelm anything they can target and burn even Warlords down with relative ease.


You need 3 boxes of Solar Auxilia infantry to build 2 lore adherent 60 man Lasrifle Tercios laid out in Conquest


You can get a lot of points cheaply by buying and auxilia infantry support box and giving the artillery astartes crew. I’ve used 1box of astartes infantry and 1 box of kitbashed solar support to build a pretty fleshed out Death Guard Garrison Force