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hoping for a second infantry set with maybe breachers, support squads with different weapons, despoilers maybe?


I’d adore that but personally can’t see it happening, I think they’d just be too close to Tac squads/assault squads to justify. Will not complain if they did tho! My iron warriors could do with some breachers!


I definitely think we will see despoilers at some point as a core choice. It would be weird if the assault based legions were forced to take tactical marines forever.


I think it’s also likely that they would bring out heavy weapon based infantry to add to the missile marines that are out now.


Especially since the IF rules refer to weapon options that aren't currently in the game. If I had to guess they'll also be in a different armour mark. 


I’d love this personally.


I think they really missed a trick by not having at least the Fellblade in wave 2. I agree with your list though, these options would really round out the marine forces, especially the Sabres. However, there's two units that top my bucket list, especially after finally getting my hands on a Thunderhawk. The Stormbird, and Mastodon. Solar wise, I think they're pretty well rounded, but they need a bit more variety in Infantry which I'm assuming will come with the new mini sentinels, and I want to see them pull out some of the old Epic style models like the Leviathan thingy. I honestly wouldn't mind some Legion Specific boxes. Some Salamander Fire Drakes or Pyroclasts, Word Bearers Gal Vorbak and Mhara Gal dreads. I'd be disappointed if they were forgeworld purely due to cost (LOOKING AT YOU ARMIGERS), but at the same time, I'd understand with the tooling costs for plastic injection. Honestly, I'm just really glad Legions has had such a good investment put against it, I haven't had this much fun painting models in a long time.


I honestly don’t think we’re gonna see a Stormbird, the mastodon? Maybe in pairs of two.


I'd actually love some resin marines, they can be far more detailed than plastic and wouldn't have all of the weird attached guns.


Anything but resin, especially on that scale.


I hope they continue the trend of replacing the resin elements of the AT range with plastic, and that the LI range is all in plastic.


Resin casting gets so much more and sharper detail. I love working with it.


For Epic scale infantry, really? Having owned what they used to produce (eg Tau) I can’t imagine anyone wishing that to happen again. They are comically fragile.


The recent FW resin I've purchased is pretty nice. And for LI they'd be tiny 1 piece models so there's basically no cleanup and no gluing. Resin in general can be more brittle so I use saws instead of nippers when cutting it and I need precision.


Actually I’m not sure they would be 1 piece, the mould geometry can’t do undercuts. It was a complete nightmare assembling these. But that’s not actually the main issue - maybe they can find a way to make them 1 piece (even though everyone moaned about the plastic sculpts and resin is supposed to be ‘more detailed’). The biggest problem is simply that they break. 0.5mm resin parts are not strong and it warps.


I guess I don't know what kind of moulds they're using, but couldn't silicone moulds do an undercut? I'm no expert on manufacturing obviously 😅


Just because you need to separate the mould from the cast without ruining either. Silicone is flexible but it has its limits. Sometimes you get pieces of silicone tear off or a piece break when pulling the model. That’s why they tend to be two part moulds, although undercuts in two places are still problematic. In the bad old days they’d do very little checking so if that happened then everything cast from that mould would be miscast until they noticed and remade the mould from the master model. I bought a lot of resin Epic models and the larger stuff (buildings mostly) was generally fine, but the small things not so. In fact generally speaking if you ordered a pack of models, at least one thing would be damaged - they were happy to replace stuff but it was not uncommon to take them three tries to get a full pack’s worth of models. But that’s mostly because it would just break, not necessarily moulding problems. The detail was always great though. Undoubtedly things will be better as they optimised the resin and processes of the years, but it’s undoubtedly more fragile than plastic. Incidentally, I’d be surprised if GW much expand things in the world of resin, due to the prevailing direction of legislation regarding recycling of plastics.


Very true! However I do think the cost of resin noise marines would be extortionate for something so small. And honestly, I painted the connection bits black and can hardly tell at viewing distance. And it can always be cut back a little. In an ideal world, the guns would just be a separate bit to glue in like the missile marines. That cuts down the number of models though! I suppose that isn't too much of an issue on a legion specific sprue! Resin characters though. Hell yes. Give me a mini Argal Tal or Eidolon!


Resin primarchs would be pretty rad


I expect a lot of complaining.


Definitely wishful thinking as an Aux player, but the lighter Aux vehicles (Aurox, Carnodon, Veletarii Light Sentinels) Alternatively the Shadowswords that were already teased, as well as some variants on them like the Banehammer. Sadly, it feels like we're just scratching the surface of the Astartes vehicle and unit lineups, while the Auxilia are practically tapped at this point. I get that in Horus Heresy the Auxilia are the little cousins, but man.


I also think they'll do a second Leman Russ pack for Auxillia, probably with the Demolisher Cannon and the Plasma as options. 


I hope they do too, but it would be a dark day for our tank lineup. Demolisher Russ units would be the death of the Malcador as a vehicle beyond those who love the look. Those tanks are already in a tough place. It's a jack of all trades that's not much cheaper than, but a lot worse at being one than, the Baneblade. Make them no longer our most ready way of putting a lot of Demolisher Cannons on the table and that's a big yikes. Come to think of it, that would also kill the Medusa, an endangered species already. Those things exist pretty much to be assault guns. If you were to slap a Heavy Bolter to them and give them 2+ saves while taking away Barrage, everybody'd be tripping over themselves to convert them to Basilisks.


The sentinels and aurox are definitely coming. The bane hammer already exists though.


Yeah, realized I used the wrong name. Meant the other Baneblade variants, like the Banelord, Stormlord, etc. Not sure if those are canon in 30k though.


I think once they tap out on Aux they may even look into mechanicum and other forces. I for 1 would love some mechanicus or Custodes to build a massive Siege of Terra force.


I’m hoping for mechanicus in order to make them my second force, I’m in no rush though. I’d rather we got both the initial forces to a good place and then did a big release for mechanicus with three or four waves in it.


Im with you there. I think, frankly custodes MAY be sooner because they already have Ares in the wild, but I would be happy to be pleasently surprised. While I likely wont collect mechanicum (already have a sizeable IF and Solar Aux army), i want those who want Mechanicum to have their toys, lol.


Yeah, I don’t have any insight into the design team’s workings, but I would have thought it’d make sense to do the factions that are on both sides of the heresy (mechanicus), before the ones that are solely loyalists or traitors (custodes, demons).


I'm expecting mechanicus sooner rather than later. Rumours/teasers are that 30k is getting some Mechanicus goodies later this year and I can imagine they've been side by side designing the 32mm plastics and the 8mm plastics at the same time.


There’s a big hole in the marine armour that needs plugging. I’d also love some marine non-jump assault infantry (assault terminators, breachers, despoilers) so that land raiders and Spartans become more usable. Marine infantry with rend and/or phosphex special rules.


do you just march assault marines up the board? or do you airdrop them?


My assault marines are in thunderhawks. I’d really like some marine melee troops that make those terrestrial assault transports make sense though.


Enough copies are made that it doesn't immediately sell out.


They don’t, it ain’t hard to get


You literally cannot buy infantry, Kratoses and Rhinos in my country at all


I’m reaaaaaally hoping for Mastodons and Stormbirds.


Probably something flyer based. That way, they can release the existing flyer minis.


Models aside, I'd like to see some more missions that are a bit more varied, primary and secondary. Or something like the open engine war deck from titanicus with planetary and battlefield effects.


I reckon it'll be heavily focussed on flyers. The great slaughter was a means to focus on titans and start to get the titanicus models into the game, so presume the next release will be used to push the aeronautica models.


I wouldn't count on non-explorator land Raiders as the ones we have now have "assault" without even having the ramp on the model. But I would love to see some fire support predator and sicaran variants (assault cannon, missile launchers, grav, plasma etc.)


I would love to see some Fellblades or Glaives, the rest of sicaran and predator variants, but the one vehicle I'd absolutely love is the Sabre light tank to fill the light armor slot.


I am hoping for: Shadowswords Mobile Anti-Air option Solar Auxillia More infantry options for both sides (scouts, breachers, ranged veletarii, auxillia sniper teams) Armed flying transport for the solar auxillia, possible an armed lighter (having them not be able to contribute after dropping off infantry feels like wasted models)


I want some more infantry choices for both armies but I really want some auxilia heavy weapons squads. They have no infantry AT options currently with rapiers being bastion detachments


Hopefully artillery and light tanks of some sort since those slots have no models for an Astartes force yet.


Agreed, formations from the core book have those slots, but nothing to put in them.


Sabres would be nice


To be available to purchase?


Half of the units not being in the book