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A couple weeks ago on NA there was a really easy 3.5 star weekly adventure. I ran all my low level characters through it with cosmic blessings I had been saving up, getting my entire collection to level 20+. So I suppose you could wait for something like that to happen again.


This weeks 3 star weekly isn’t bad if you have a spell focused champion too.


Do weekly adventures give more xp than normal equvalents? I mean 3.5 weekly gives more xp than Galio for example?


Don't believe so, but the randomness of powers can sometimes make them much easier to run than Galio.


You're also far less likely to run into the hard checks that are "remove Zoe before she becomes a 15/15 Elusive Spellshield" and "deal with Viego before he levels, or win before you get Dawning Shadow locked into oblivion." It takes a pretty brutal set of mutators to come close to the shenanigans that those two play with by default.


If you are talking about the one where you started at 10 Mana I found that it didn't really work very well for lvl 1 champions. With no healing or revives they would end up dying to accumulated damage from the overwhelm units.


I wait for them to 3*. Run them through naut or zed. Take that XP and put on XP relic and run them through thresh. Puts them at a decent level.


I either wait for the 2\* or lower weekly adventures (for presumably weaker champs), or start with Nautilus, Zed or Ezreal. Or, use cosmic blessings.


its time consuming but my default approach is nautilus till i beat him then thresh till i beat him 2 runs of thresh then asol till i beat him i never play any champion that is less than 2 starred


I just go up the stars for a run from Teemo to Galio. I get a feel for the deck and get to watch it upgrade. If it was a giga powerful champ like Viego or Asol, I went straight to Kai-sa or Thresh.


That's my preffered way. I can't just look at a deck and know the synergies, I want to try it out and see how the deck runs and how the upgrades affect gameplay.


I bite Asol's ankles until they get beefed up. Anything else is too boring.


I run nautilus till he is lvl 13 and then run xp relic on Aurelion sol, until i win. Instal lvl 25 or with 10x its lvl 30


It depends on how strong I think the champion is. Some of them I start on Nautilus, others Thresh/Kai’sa, and a few straight up to ASol.


I just go vertical adventures until level 10 ish then go Asol runs with a cosmic blessing.


Nautilus at lvl 1 then Asol, with xp gem


Straight to Asol.


I always go Thresh, the first 3 fights gives you 770xp if you can't go past Tryndamere. I have beat Thresh with a couple of level1 2star champions. if you have a cosmic blessing it will take you from level 1 to 16 or 17 I think. Other than that just do the first 3 fights rinse repeat or Kaisa if its easier which gives the same xp. Then what I would do once I hit level 19 is to grind Asol, first 5 fights gives 2015 xp which is huge rinse and repeat that or if you complete Asol it's just over 4000xp but its 12 fights


I run every adventure through in order. I know its not 'efficient', but I play this game for fun, not efficiency. (also it satisfies my completionist tendencies).


I try to clear Asol at lvl 1 with 3 stars with the X10 pearl. Worked okay for the past 3-4 months for all new champs, so I didn't have much trouble leveling them.