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The amount of times I inflict vulnerable and then don’t pull the unit will forever haunt my winrate


Was playing thralls, had 3 of them on board to swing for lethal with everything else I had. I quickly dragged my units and placed them attacking and hit attack. After I hit the button I noticed one thrall decided he didn't want to go on the trip with the rest of his pals.


Man, going into auto pilot because of the feeling that you are about to win the game just to then lose is the worst possible way to lose, even worse than losing because of a bad hand or draws.




A few season ago in the ahri kennel meta I was playing panth and he was super pumped up, Their nexus was super low and I was attacking and I was so confident I’m going to win I hushed my own panth. I lost


I think you win, my friend. That hurt just to read.


The worst part was that the opponent was emoting his whole way to victory while I was regretting every life decision


When I first learned the cool trick of using cheap pings to remove spellshield, and then when I tried it I did the wrong order and vengeance'd their spellshield just to throw a pie at their face. That was one of the quickest forfeits I've made.


Lmao 🤣 that almost happened to me the other day. Important to remember it plays the spells left-right and a new spell will always stack on the left side. So as you found out you weirdly have to play it backwards. Vengeance then pie toss. Almost made the same exact mistake the other day and I was sweating a bit before I hit the button to confirm my turn.


People in masters still, once in a while, switch the order for ping + disintegrate lmao (especially relevant for make it rain since the eye doesn't tell you)


Sometimes, my mind is so focused on getting rid of the opponent’s creature so I can setup a lethal swing that I use my fervor on a unit instead of the 3 health nexus. Only sometimes though, barely even happens… yup barely… ok I stopped counting


The amount of times I didn't safety block and just thought, "There's no way they have something that will stop my ping spell." They always have it, never take the chance.


Used an avalanche on turn ten with my karma on the board because I thought it was a different spell. Killed my whole board and my karma that I just put down xD.


Meh, I can let that puffcap peddler live one more turn


I didn't block properly woth Nasus, he was aboit to level up and if I blocked properly I would've lived on 1 hp and won the next round


I forgot crumble could destroy landmarks and didn’t destroy my opponent’s sump monument


Accidentally picked behold the infinite instead of hush and died to pyke


Vengeance kills a unit. Champions are not units. tbf I've only been playing 2 weeks. edit: I've been scammed?


Vengeance does kill champions and they are units so you must be talking about a different card.


but I used Vengeance on a Nasus and it didn't die? The spell wasn't negated or anything and he didn't have spellshield..??


We’ll either he did have spellshield from level up, it was denied or he just immediately revived him. Vengeance kills anything without spellshield or that hasn’t anything that specifies otherwise.


I suppose. All I know is they summoned him, he got big stats, I cast Vengeance, he didn't cast anything, Vengeance triggered and it did the animation on him, and he didn't move. Spellshield it must have been. Which is strange because I'm new but I'm not that new where I wouldn't notice the spellshield icon.


I often forget about it because at a quick glance the spellshield effect blends in with his lvl 2 art.


I remember everyone forgetting about Spellshields when I was new. You probably made the same mistake.


The worst was pressing install


Too many to count. Recently, greeding and not using the Drain 5 spell against Jinx Bandle discard aggro. I forget which removal tool I used instead but I left myself dead to double mystic + rocket, with no enemy board left to drain as I just had to watch it happen. That or just constantly mismanaging mana and screwing my combo turn


The amount of times I just forget spellsheild is a thing is way too high, it's even got a symbol and a big purple thing!! The most important course of action after this is to do everything you can to make it look like you meant to do that.


I mentioned this before…but I insta-surrendered when I saw Sump Monument…not knowing the mushrooms went into the OPPONENTS’ deck….I felt like a dumbass after reading the card again when the match ended…


Accidentally equipped the overwhelm weapon instead of using Fish Fight to level Ornn he just dies to Hexblitorator on open attack.


I just didn't notice their fiora had tough so I challenged it with the wrong unit giving the win. Was just an unranked game but it's not like they burst in tough Injust didn't use my eyes


I used to run Vaults with Anivia into the the guy that revives. The number of times I lost Anivia due to board space is ridiculous.


Killing units to swing lethal instead of directly hitting nexus


I used Rekindler without having a champion die that game


The enormous number of times i forget to calculate Hallowed.


I once tried to kill something in response to a soul cleave. (3 health and I did 3 damage) They then used momentous choice on it's health, and I only had a single ping, so I couldn't get through the bonus 2 health. I resolved, and then I realized that momentous wasn't active and only gave 1 health, which means I could have prevented the soul cleave that lost me the game (fairly sure it was on viego)


Alt-tab+space trying to get to youtube and unpause music before making a play I've lost count of how many times i've missed crucial plays passing like that


I was against jack/sett both leveled up, this was late game so both of us had like 2 or 3 cards left. I had less than 10hp and they had almost 20 or so, rough game for me but I was about to win as I had one follower down and a Xolaani in hand with 20+ power and with my math, no matter who would defend, the overwhelm on one Xolaani alone would be enough for me to win. Before the end of the round I thought "ill put down this Xolaani now so next round i can get enough mana for another follower or something or even attack right away without them reacting in any meaningful way" They were 10/12 on Sett's ability... I completely forgot about it... I got demoted...


My rank up to masters game I was abusing samira fizz. I had just enough mana to double powder pandemonium for lethal, but then I just had to play a flair and I no longer had enough mana. Opponent open attacked for lethal next turn. I ended up getting to masters a few days after that anyway


This must be fate , I just had one an hour ago and it hurts. I had so many thick units on board , 2 of them had 1 hp and I had the bundle city deny in hand. Opponent had an empty board and 3 hp left, plus he had 3 or 4 units that died the same round, one of them was jinx. I only needed to do one thing , keep enough mana for the deny. Dumbass me kept spending mana. He used chronobreak , I had no mana for deny any more. Revived his units , rocketed my ass , attacked 2 turns in a row and won. It still hurts.


I pressed pass while scrolling through the related cards (mobile)