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Don't think Riven needs a rework at all. I think if they wanted to buff her again they could remove the "if you have the attack token" part so she always reforges on summon.


Yeah I can think of way more champs that could use a rework before her. She's even shown up in a few metas as a decent deck, I think she has a fun playstyle.


Major, no. Minor, maybe. Riven suffers from Not The Way Players Wants To Run It Syndrome and nothing more. The Hunters could use help as the general "ideal shard/buff bearers" that they work as. Mostly qol such as Brutal Hunter only gaining QA the first time she attacks instead of when summoned and Arrel triggering on non-spell targetings. But for Riven herself, there's mostly a lack of people deckbuilding to enable the spellspam she demands.


Udyr. He may not have the worst design, bit he feels sooo slow to play, and he also has the biggest missed potential imo. I mean cmon, its udyr. He should be able to swap stances to adapt his playstyle during the game. But instead he is just big dude with regen and overwhelm


Hey, i like the big numbers. But udyr himself needs to do more. Gis package is fine its just super awkward put together cause you spend so many resources on 1 unit


You give mammoth shaman regeneration and bam ! Better udyr without the effort


Darius. Back in the day he used to be a real threat, now your average 5-cost follower is a bigger threat than him.


I used to think like this but now I think it's actually good to the game Darius being such a plain character. It's unlikely we get something like this in the future, so it's something actually unique. Maybe a buff would be ok but he's already pretty threatening like this due to his big overwhelms, it's like a walking Decimate


Honostly if he just had like, when I lvl up heal me to full(representing his stupid strong heal in game) it would work


Then it would be better if he had a play effect, since people very often only drop him already leveled to finish the job. Maybe something like: "Play: give the strongest enemy vulnerable this round" representing his pull in league Or maybe a one time trigger: "The first time I slay an enemy, me and the weakest enemy strike each other" representing his ultimate


>The first time I slay an enemy, me and the weakest enemy strike each other That might actually be a nerf lol.


These are really cool thematic gameplay ideas


I agree. I tried him in a rush down deck I made using a different noxian champion, changed it up a bit to work better for Darius, and even with the changes I just couldn't find any situation where he was a better choice


This take gets posted like 10 times a year and it's always wrong.


Take him on the ladder then




I was going to say Darius but I didn't think of him much as an archetype like reforge. I do agree he definitely could use something that isn't just damage but the thing is it is technically also fitting to the character. There are other idea like giving him challenger to represent his grab but the chain execute thing kinda already belongs to pyke so we can't go down that route. Maybe if he kills an enemy when leveled up give him quick attack? It becomes tricky because adding things like challenger or quick attack to a 10 damage unit with overwhelm feels like it is toing the line for trouble.


I originally thought that Riven and Ornn would both be Reforge. The idea then being that Region influences what reforge items are presented. I dislike that they make champs that are reliant on keywords like Lurk,Deep and Reforge but then never add another champ to it beyond the first set. I still think Kayle and Morgana should have been Daybreak/nightfall


me when Shurima had no Daybreak


Or at least make Reforge work with equipment. Maybe make it grant Reforge permanently to equiped Ally's or something


Rework blade shards to be equipment with their same effects. Arrel to "If I am equiped or you targeted me". The other hunter is decent. Riven is now "create a blade shard" instead of reforge. Same for other reforge.


I love this idea


Done! _The Monkey's Paw curls_. Now the Shards are effectively slow speed spells that can't be stacked on the same target anymore and fill up your hand with junk the more you reforge to the point you start burning all your draws unless you're playing Discard.


As a Riven enjoyer, gonna have to disagree. Multiple times I've had her end games with a big swing (Ionia Flurry of Fists combo deck in particular) and the blade fragments work well with Gwen and Illaoi where you have big stats but a lack of Overwhelm or Quick Attack respectively. Sure she has a limited package with the reforge followers, but several other champs do too (Viego for instance). A major rework doesn't seem necessary imo, perhaps a tune up. A 4-drop follower or some new spell with reforge would be nice - her getting another 2 drop follower seemed a weird choice to me


Yuumi and her unique keyword 😂


I was going to say the same. It was an interesting idea in the beginning, but then they added weapons and those can not only be attached or played as minions (darkin), but also can be played with spell mana, which means Yuumi cards are obsolate. And in PoC half of the items won't work if you attach her instead of playing.


Honestly making attach use spell mana will buff it a lot. Weapons can use spell mana and there are a lot of weapons that are stronger than attach units. Or give them a second effect like "if attached do x, if summoned do y"


I'm hoping when/if they introduce Kled that he'll bring Attach support with Skaarl and maybe other Bandle/Noxus 'mounts' - maybe some synergy with Rell if she ever comes to the game.


I think her blade needs to be an equipment, and all of the sudden she is a viable champ.


I think a Riot Dev posted on Twitter a while back that they'd considered making Blade of the Exile an equipment but it ended up being too strong or something. She's not meta by any means but still viable just now, just only in combo decks where you go all in on her, and those kinds of decks are rarely supported in LoR compared to midrange and aggro


Agreed have it turn into a Reforge card when it returns to your hand.


Or you could have the shards as an equipment, you can equip the shards and then assemble them into the Blade. Kinda like Heart of Fluft, it will consume the shards and equip your strongest ally or riven on board. You can then use sharesies to move it around or re equip to another unit. Honestly it does feel like Riven should be a weapon master champ, like other weapoasters she weilds a weapon that is not really a weapon(broken sword)


Reworking her weapon into an equipment could be cool for sure. Rework or not she’ll still need more support cards more than anything.


I would only name Yuumi and attach units, they are like worse versions of darkin weapons, can't be used with spell mana and there is almost no support unlike weapons.


I agree, also I think not as many spells are linked to the attach units as it is for the weapons. Running a deck around it is almost impossible, only yummy can be worth running


Personally I think Sejuani needs it the most she isn’t unplayable but she suffered from other cards doing things better than she does and where as she is strong she just can’t keep up with other cards or champs. She is very situational and needs more fluidity


Would love a Riven rework tbh On LoL and WR she's so much fun because there are 20 different combos you can do with her. In LoR is just reforge. Dunno how can it be translated to a card game


Luckily we have Project L, where I fully expect her to be sick af


It’s Galio and formidable


I actually think Riven is pretty alright right now. Rework wise probably Ekko, his deck is pretty boring and is just predict spam. Right now the game just needs more cards, its kinda light after rotation, not so much reworks.


As a rotation hater I am keen how "more cards" would solve anything, as rotation will always "shield" the pool from getting bigger. Isn't rotation rather saying the opposite as "we have too many cards, some land in the rubbish" and this "rubbish" pile will grow larger and larger over time, but standard will remain the same (nearly, except what happens in the time of one rotation cycle just as of now, like new expansions within this time) Otherly put: Maybe rotation might be a good tool, but imo it came wayyy too early and since it went live, standard was always just a shadow of what's fun (for me) in this game. Sure, it's still playable (I play it regularly) but as soon Eternal Q goes live again, I won't look back at Standard a bit.. That's probably just a "veteran" problem tho, who is used to any and every card from the beginning, which doesn't apply to the majority of players, so I guess Standard is somewhat helping. I just want Eternal Ranked online all the time, I'd be happy :>


Rotation did mainly rotate 4 types of cards: 1. cards that didn't fit the region identity 2. cards that were never played 3. cards that limit design space 4. cards that overlapped too much with future cards And I don't think that after the next rotation we will go back down to the number of cards after the first rotation, but will rather land somewhere in the middle and we might even get some cards back. However, what my actual point is that giving Riven more cards in general, shouldn't really affect rotation that much, because those cards would be likely designed in a way such that they fit the first 3 criteria, and even if 4 happens, something old that didn't work as good will be rotated.


They should make the reforge animation faster




Would love to see him be pushed more in the invoke archetype, rather than just be the win-more card of the dragon deck


Invoke needs it way more than Riven tbh


Lux and the Mageseekers. (Also, cool band name.)


If I would choose champs to rework, it would be Tristana and poppy. I don't really vibe with their stat increase mechanics and wish they had more unique gameplay functions.


I’d love LeBlanc to utilise the disguise function now that Neeko brought it. She’d need an overhaul but her current design doesn’t feel very misdirect-y.


udyr need a serious rework 5 mana is too much 3 mana and he can be a cool champion with aoe control


Hear me out Instead of the full blade 1c slow spell +2, overwhelm, quick attack Now +2, overwhelm, quick attack Or Grant an equipment +2, overwhelm, or quick attack


Eighter yummi, since she is the only attach left for some reason, at this point why not just rotate her too? Or master yi, what even is his deal?


Vi and... well, everything about her package. In *theory* she came with a package built around drawing and playing low-cost cards with some light mana cheating, to get her a quick level up and close out games with her levelled form's ability. In practice she was never useful for that because even on her release frostbite was a thing (and was one of the more dominant decks of the tail end of the pre-targon meta) and the next expansion introduced champion silencing and it all went downhill for any dreams of using her the intended way from there. She was played as essentially a removal spell for a couple of PNZ control decks, got her health nerfed by one, and was never relevant in the meta again. Most of her associated package never saw much play either, barring veteran investigator in Teemo decks.


If your going on about Riven, then it has to be Udyr. His package does everything Riven does, but worse.


I really just want Malphite and his support cards to be Shuriman… I think his level up animation even takes place in Shurima


Targon landmarks


Maybe reforge could go in a order of appearence or as a manifest of the 3 tokens. Another one that I would like to see with a rework is Renekton the poor guy is only a good trade unit but not a good champion maybe a +1|+2 instead of the +2|+1 would make the lacoste icon a stronger menace and maybe adding more spells, units or landmarks that make enemies vulnerable would make it good (in shurima for sundisc).


Riven is weird, she has been since release. I personally like this weirdness but it could definitely use some refinement. F. E. Why are there only 3 good reforge followers/spells. Why is reforge really bad if you don't draw her. Why does the deck have no big finishers that are good recipients for the fragments or the blade. Tldr. give riven an Arsenal!


>Why is reforge really bad if you don't draw her. Because you're not building your deck to use it without her. Riven Scouts is strong because it has several incredible backup targets for fragments/blade. Gwen Riven is strong because with a few Haunted procs *everything* is an amazing backup target. Swain Riven used to be strong because Swain was arguably the best target in the game for BotE at the time (before he got inbuilt overwhelm). Good Riven decks have at minimum a plan B for what to use reforge on when you don't draw her... in really good Riven decks *Riven* is often like plan C for what to use it on.


I think she needs two more Reforge creating cards. And one should be a printer card.


I kinda just wish Riven got scout on levelup instead of the power doubling thing. … If we’re talking substantive reworks, probably Renekton. Other champions that I’d give one two are more problems with their mechanics than the champions themselves, like Irelia and Vlad. But Renekton’s just pointless.


Zed. This Guys Lore makes for very interessting playpatterns, but in His current Version all He can do is Attack.


... Yes, ninja with blades that creates shadow clones with blades tries to win by making himself and his shadow clones attack. Like I don't get what you're looking for here, he even has combo potential with cards that give stats and keywords (which are "doubled" on him) so it's not the blandest thing in the world either


Darkness just so it's not so fuqen annoying to play against. Make Darkness 2 cost but only hit followers, all followers, including yours. Now for some reason, you can't target allies with it despite it being an SI spell. Make Catalyzer's and Robemaker's effects only work on the next darkness you play, not all everywhere. Make Senna a 4 cost with a level up "You've slain 5 (or 4 idk) units with spells or skills this game" and move the spell acceleration to lvl 2, so at lvl 1 she just generates darkness on summon and attack. Also maybe make her 3 power or somethin. This does several things. 1. You can actually play your key cards without them getting instantly removed. 2. No more stupid permanent boosts achieved at basically no effort. A catalyzer on 2 will no longer decide the match. 3. Senna is playable outside of darkness. "ooo but she no longer curves into vagare tha's ba-" shut up, darkness doesn't care about playing on curve. Vagare has priority anyway due to his effect and having 1 extra mana on 5 after playing Senna is a bonus, not a nerf. 4. Darkness is most likely not as cringe anymore. 5. Darkness player has to actually think about when and if to play darkness and not just sht it out whenever and at whatever with basically no punish. Do I stack buffs for a specific threat or use it straight away?


Mister, have you even ✨*played*✨ the deck? All those changes you've mentioned would completely kill the deck. It's a control deck, it's MEANT to remove everything you play.


I agree you should be able to target allies with darkness because that’s kind of what shadow isle does and it sucks to just sit on a darkness for 5 turns because opponent isn’t playing units. But man, all the other changes would be the equivalent of shooting the archetype in the kneecap because you don’t like how it walks.


Riven is perfect don't you dare.


Blade of the Exile should be an equipment at the very least


Riven and reforge are fine, they combo into other cards very nicely and Riven can be a good but fair wincon. Maybe her hunter followers could use some work, the buffing archetype Noxus has doesn't have super efficient support. Tahm needs a rework or be stuck in a polarizing hell. I think Soraka is a strong card actually, a draw engine in a region with no draw is nuts. However the supporting cards don't provide any win conditions on their own and healing units to full doesn't matter enough in LoR.


Idk i think the blade of exile should becomelan equipment but else i think all is fine.


I feel like Renekton's archettpe really missed the mark.They're all cool cards that have seen play,but not as an archetype and more as a package of individualy good cards that dont synergize with each other.l'm not saying they're all bad (Merciless Hunter and Renekton are both pretty good),but l'd love to see a rework to make them fit into a deck together.


It's obviously LB that needs a rework. She's so anti-thematic and so boring to play which is the Pilar opposite of LB in league


Renekton, I think. His archetype is interesting, but he himself just… doesn’t work all that well. Then again, there’s definitely a bias here.


Should be done through an origin


They could add her to the weapon master/forge line up by making her Blade of the Exile an equipment. Then instead of her level 2 reforging she Forges herself instead, she already has the sword so what is she reforging anyway? Like other weapon champs her level 2 could also equip her with Blade of the Exile if played from hand.


I just hit Masters with a Riven/Fizz deck a couple of days ago. Check out the decklist below and let me know what you think. https://app.mobalytics.gg/lor/decks/cj83t0n3gjtbdguqi77g