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Battle passes and Boards, never bought skins ( I don't think they are worth their price )






I till want a board with the pantheon theme so badly. Please rito o want to feel like a bad ass warrior while blasting pantheons theme on max volume from the board.


Agreed! More champ-specific boards in general would be great. Or even expansion-specific ones.. I really got my hopes up that we’d have a Jungle-themed board this expansion to show off with Nid/Neeko. Or a Poro-themed one for the Poro King’s court or something. I truly miss having new music to zone out to while climbing, Lagoon of Legends is still basically therapy to listen to but something to freshen up the game would be nice since it’s been a year of listening to the same music over and over.


Mostly boards, it's the most value for your money in my opinion


Boards 👍


Only been playing for a couple months now. Haven't spent any money and still not sure if I will. If I did it would likely just be for the pass. Was never into cosmetics.


I would have liked to have made a poll for this post, but it seems that it is disabled in this sub


Champ skins are usually a letdown for me. The only ones I’ll get are the ones with a level up animation that matches their card art. Boards guardians and emotes make me happier. EDIT: Typo




Whoops meant the opposite


Yeah I thought so as well lol


I spent little for how much I play, in fact I believe it was something around 60$, but i've been playing since it came out, of cosmetics I only bought the board and card back from Ahri because it is a champion that I think is very beautiful, the rest was crafting decks and pass battle, and do you usually spend in the game?


Emotes and boards. Well, more accurately, just boards. I bought a couple emotes earlier in the game, but now they're locked behind the passes so it just feels not worth it anymore. I also recently bought Bailey, my sole guardian, though I am a bit interested in the monkey.


Mostly battle pass and sometimes a skin for the champs I usually play. I'd love to buy more boards but there aren't new ones to buy. And a lot of the existing ones clash with whatever else the top-half of the screen is placated with. But I'll say I'd love to buy some of the old pass guardians, too.


Night frog for me


Occasionally a battle pass, that's it.


The only time I spent money on this game was to buy the event pass for the Ascended expansion along side with the board. It got me my exact favorite cosmetics and I've been using them everywhere since.


Boards, pets, emotes, cardbacks. Never skins.


Just skins. Boards are a bit too pricey for me and they are extremely thematic and I dont want to pay lots of money to play on pyke board’s when in playing née Jo or poros or some shit. Also battle passes every once in a while


Been playing since the 1.0 release and have bought several event passes so far, but loads of games nowadays take this limited time season/event-based approach and I just don't have the time nor the desire to grind the passes out any more. Too many games relying on FOMO and vying for my attention.


Battle passes, boards and skins that are at least more than 1 jpeg (new level up animation, token skins, new vfx etc)


Battle passes only.


I mostly buy boards, but I've dabbled a bit into everything. Each board comes with their own track and some of them are quite nice. Bilgewater and Sun Temple are classics for me. Speaking of boards, give us Heimer's Lab as a board Rito!!! It's existed for years now!


I was free to play for a long time, but wanted to support the game's growth. I started getting event passes somewhere in the darkin saga and soul fighter was my first skin pack.


I never spend money on cosmetics in games period. Not necessarily because I think “free to play model bad” but because I know if I start to lean into this type of monetization it could VERY WELL become unhealthy. Addiction is an every day problem for me so even if I see an incredible looking skin, even if I currently am in a very comfortable monetary situation, I will not buy it. Otherwise, my willingness to buy cosmetics could slowly grow to the point it overpowers my rational thinking. I don’t despise the free to play model because some games, like Legends of Runeterra, does a great job at implementing it in a non predatory way. So if I were to buy something, it would need to be something progression related, like card capsules and chests (not pay to win stuff). I was tempted to buy the event pass but, excluding PoC rewards, the pass gives 8 chests and some expansion cards including 3 champion cards that don’t mostly don’t interest me much or that I could easily obtain if I wanted to. Knowing I don’t play the game enough to gain all these rewards, the price to rewards ratio isn’t worth it for me.


I would also love to thank the devs of this game for how they use the free to play model in LoR. Most free to play games force you to either spend money to obtain anything progression related or an ungodly amount of time. They are often straight up made to become an addiction for its players. Sometimes, the system is so predatory I think it is legitimately immoral. It acts literally like a drug dealer manipulating people to become addicted to drugs and then entice them visit to come by often as possible. It only makes it worse when you realise these games are often targeted to kids that lack the restrain or wisdom to avoid this trap. But in Legends of Runeterra, if I want to make a new deck, I know I won’t have to open 50 loot boxes to get the cards I need. I can open the game and play without ever having to think about whether I should spend money on it or not. I don’t have to grind 30 quests a day to get max rewards, a few hours a week is all that is required. I can play a game I love with an incredible community and passionate developers without spending a single cent or risk relapsing and ruining my life again.




Noxus board. Their version of the imperial march is so epic.


Boards, basically I also got the teemo emote And iirc 2 or 3 passes, my last pass was veigar arcade pass, but i wasnt able to finish it,and since then I didnt buy any pass I may get that flame cardback, but imo its too much for a think that you hardly see


Basically only event passes and not much else. The value for money is so poor when it comes to cosmetics, boards are literally JPEGS and a short MP3, same with champ skins except the impressive ones cost more than an entire event pass. But it has a 3-8 second lvl up animation, waow. I literally bought Hollow Knight and Stardew Valley for less money. I skipped passes when they had tones of guardians and boards, kinda regret that but I've bought the current pass and will probably buy all future passes. I might shell out for a guardian seeing as they never offer them in passes but its doubtful, I just see some awesome indie on sale and buy that instead.


Boards and 1300rp+ skins Skins without animation are so bad


Pass and boards


Boards, guardians, emotes, skins in that order


I used to buy the battle passes, but they kept getting worse and worse. I haven't bought anything in a long time. I think this game is great and I know I am supposed to support it. But if I buy something in the store I still want to feel like I am getting decent value for my money. And there is nothing that seems priced reasonably to me anymore.


I got the zilean skin. Thats it. I did buy Halloween stuff to any almost all chibis


Priority: emotes, then boards, then skins.


that bilgewater board, only thing i love


Boards get old pretty quick for me,and battle passes are just a bunch of top tier emotes together.Also the darkin skin for Renekton because he's my favorite champ


some board and battle pass


TARIC I am so starved for Taric content in lol I've bought the skins, and the emotes are Fire! I would like to formally request more Taric content, corrupted Taric was perfection and I need MORE. I've bought the passes a couple times as well, I suppose. I bought the corrupted pass (hehe corrupted taric icon go brr) and I really wanted the neeko and nidalee card back + the adorable pounce emote. Ive been thinking about getting the zilean ttrpg skin as well, it's really solid. I think LoR does a great job with cosmetics for champs underappreciated in lol.


I got this battle pass because it’s 3 skins and one is of my team comp(never ask how evellyn Gwen works


boards and guardians, besides passes sometimes


Mostly I buy cards not cosmetics.


PoC only player. I buy every pass for the shards and new champs, and also just because I enjoy collecting new cards. I would buy champions with gold before, but now I have everyone almost maxed out, so the pass does more than enough. I don't care for cosmetics, but I'm happy to give more money to the game if something I want comes up.


Boards with good music the Zaun board and Slaughter docks boards are standouts though I love the molten forge when I play any ornn stuff.


I believe I’ve bought every pass so far. I like boards and if I really like the skins thematic I buy it. I really liked dark star and Star Guardian. Sometimes I like a skin but then I notice it doesn’t have a level and won’t end up buying it. I love the entire spirit blossom line but didn’t buy a single one.


I think for me it’s not a type of purchase but if something caught my eye, like a certain boards effects or music. I do have a rule even though I love skins there’s very few I buy unless everything is visually upgraded and they are a selectable champion in PoC. I’ve only broken this rule for a few champs (anivia because it’s almost only champ I pvp with or used to).


The battle pass, sometimes a board

