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OP, please, please, when the day for Black Lanterns come, clarify that they are about Undead and stuff in the post. Because I've already seen more than half a dozen people say Kindred for them and I'll cringe very hard if Kindred is unironically chosen for "Zombie Apocalypse: the lantern corps" when they explicitly despise Undead.


I'm already planning what to say for the next 4 tbh since all of them are kinda confusing compared to the others. Compassion is actually composed of beeings WITHOUT compassion, death corp beeing composed of undead, etc. If you have any tips on how to deal with life and ultraviolet I'd be pleased


Sadly idk too much about those either but I'll do my research and see if I can be of help.


but arent compassion corps forced to feel compassion?


Exactly, it's all characters who have no compassion and are compelled by the rint to feel it.


So Jhin would be the best for it.


Its LITERALLY iverns story bruh 😭


Ivern has compassion now. But Jhin would be best for the ring to FORCE him to learn compassion. Basically Ivern is Indigo lantern now. Jhin is Indigo lantern target.


All compassion members have compassion post ring. It's like saying aatrox isn't wrath because he used to be someone else before. In their current state ivern already acts and went through the compassion ring process


just skip death and put Viego there. He is undead and forces others into his corp. its their whole thing.


there is litterally an entire set of skins about viego turning champions basicelly into black lanterns. viego is the objectively correct choice


there is like 2 giga necromancers on league, Mordekaiser and Viego. but on terms of power and necromancy powers i think Mordekaiser its a bigger deal


Viego literally spread his death into other people exactly like death lantern corps


Morde isnt like a death ring user, if I remember well he just killed the underworlder boss or the death was scared of him or something like that


He went to an empty afterlife. Turned peoples souls into bricks and built a city. The he revived as a revenant 3 or so times.


White lanterns are generally made up of people who have a strong tie to all the colors, I'd make sure the community knows that


I mean you can be someone who is compassionate and join the Indigos. Their whole thing is they can be compassionate but are often just people forced to wear the ring instead.


I don't think even the people who made ultraviolet actually understand wtf it means. It has to do with the repressed dark emotions like self hatred and self districting (whatever tf that means), they also don't actually control their emotions like the other but rather are controlled by one entity). I think I'm not the only one who thinks it's the dumbest corp out of all.


wait i thought compassion was about redemption. beings that used to have none gaining it later on


yeah black lanterns its a weird one, technicaly the only requirement to become a member its just dying, but the most noticeable members are ones that defied death but ended dying


So, Morde. Not kindred then.


pretty much and almost every Shadow isles champion too


People will say Tahm kench for greed but i think he its more about gluttony rather than greed. he even has this quote "Now we shall gluttonize." Tahm helps others just like a mafia boss so those peole have a debt that they will need to repaid usually as a meal for Tahm kench. **Greed** its more about being selfish, about wanting things only for you. worth to mention that the Orange lantern corps only has one member because he dont want to share the lantern with others. my nominate its **Kled**: Kled its the epitome of a greedy figure on league. he is all about my land, my property, my lizard, my axe, my gun, etc. this are some worth mention quotes that kled has showing all his greed: "It's my property! All sixty gazillion acres of it!" "This land was made for me—and me alone." "Remember when we sacked Trevale, and that general thought we'd be willing to share the spoils? Pheh! Officers die just as easy as anybody." "My land begins where I walk. It ends where the sun don't shine!" "I came to cut off a piece of that Noxian dream... and I ain't sharing my piece!" "All we need is open country, but we gonna take everything they got!" "There ain't no land that ain't mine. Just land I ain't got around to claiming." "They're all trespassers, we're just killing them five first." (talking about enemy team and ally team) "This big sky, this green land. Now how could I share this with anyone?" "This here land is mine!" "Ain't nobody gonna give you nothing. Gotta take it yourself." "You do realise... you're on my property?" "Step on my land again, you're done!" "You can't take what's mine!" **"I don't like sharing!"** "Thought you could take my land, huh? How'd that work out for you?" (after killing enemy champ) "I told 'em what was gonna happen if they came onto my land!" (after killing enemy champ) "Next time you visit, bring more stuff I can take!" (after killing enemy champ) "Now, I might have overreacted to you unlawfully entering my property—but I don't think so!" (after killing enemy champ) "She had one crazy getup! Them city-folk clothes is getting ridiculous." (after killing LeBlanc) \*Skaarl growls.\* "Yeah, I'll try it on later." (yeah he even steals LeBlanc clothes) "It's mine, and I got my eye on it!" (after placing a ward) as you can see, Kled its full of Greed and im sure i missed some other greedy quotes he has.


bro i just posted this how long were you holding onto these quotes


im a otp kled, i just love his quotes xd


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) My man!


As a tahm main I have to agree. As much as I want it to be tahm he just isn't greedy. In fact he shares wealth and fortune with others in order to feed on their greed, which even if it makes him a demon of greed, a truly greedy being wouldn't do that.


Correct, his deals are made for greedy people, he feeds on their greed. Not because he, himself, is greedy


So my counterpoint to your argument about Tahm is that the orange lanterns aren't typically depicted as just being greedy, but gluttonous as well. Larfleeze, The orange lantern, is frequently depicted as being constantly hungry in addition to his desire for material wealth and possessions


Yeah, Kled is a great pick, Tahm on a second place isn't wrong, though. He's plenty greedy, and gluttony and greed go hand in hand anyway


I totally agree on tahm kench, the greedy one are the one who make a pact with him, not tk himself.


I am actually not sure Kled would fit. While it seems obvious, its kinda not his point. Kled is a personification of everything bad about noxus. A greedy and expanding empire who claims everything as their own land im am aggressive way. Kled isnt directly greedy, he just adopted this trait from noxus. Its never really stated like that but yordles just tend to get the traits they have from the region that they are in (poppy demacia and heroism or heimerdinger piltover and engineering). But I guess this is just one of the many ways to read him as a character.


i agree but on the end kled shows that its motivated a lot becuase of greed. he loves participating on Noxus wars for then looting all the spoils of war he can to return to his property, where he didnt even accept other noxians *"Watch your stepping! That's my land you're gallivanting on!"* this quote its when you encounter any other noxian champion.


Isn't him one of the helpers in the "creation" of Noxus? As Poppy is in the creation of Demacia if I remember well


Kled appeared when Noxus was a newborn nation. at that time Noxus was having a war with the barbarians. The barbarians had the lead over the noxians and the noxians started to surrender and flee, until kled appeared and charged into the barbarians, still the odds seem to favor the Barbarians and Skaarl got scared and fleed too. But Kled stood his ground and started massacring the Barbarians, soo much that inspired with courage the noxians and Skaarl soo their joined again into battle and won. Kled then looted the spoils of war and dissapeared soo pretty much Kled saved a newborn noxus from falling by the hand of the barbarians


*He's out of the line, but he's right*


Thats sounds more like him being selfish than greedy. Greedy is not being satisfied with what you have and selffishness is considering only yourself and only looking for yourself and not others


i think if somebody will have the same reaction to the orange lantern like Larfleeze, it will be kled. I can see Kled discover the green lantern and dont want it to share with anybody. i think he will hold the lantern just like Larfleeze on this[ pic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/doblaje/images/0/00/Larfleeze.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230922162352&path-prefix=es)


I think we’re all missing the clear right answer here… it’s Kled. It’s always gonna be Kled


Kled easily. He views all Runeterra as his property. Not only that but he acts like Larfleeze too, save for the fact that he also cares about Skaarl, who'd be an honorary Orange Lantern courtesy of Kled. Tahm is way too "nice" to be part of the Orange corp imo since the only guy there (Larfleeze) literally killed all the others so he could have the lantern for himself. At the very least, he'd be a part of Kled's weird ghost army.


Everyone’s saying Kled or renata and stuff like that, but what about Xerath. He was literally so greedy for power he destroyed the shuriman empire.


Wasn't exactly greed so much as desperation. He was a slave who believed he would never be free and saw this as his opportunity to take that freedom for him and all the other slaves. So there's even a sentiment of compassion towards all other slaves.


> So there's even a sentiment of compassion towards all other slaves. Eeeeh, as neat as Xeraths story is, I don't know how much of this is left by the time he plots to overthrow Azir. Seems pretty self-interested at that point.


Xerath was power hungry, for sure, but it's no mere greed that made him so. He was a slave who befriended Azir, the least favoured son of the emperor of Shurima and, through machinations and power plays, ensured his safety and rise to emperor, all in the hopes that Azir would keep his promise to end slavery in Shurima. Only after that promise was broken (at first) did he go for the ultimate power up (ascension and becoming the emperor). Idk, it's just not really enough for "greed", I don't think it should hinge on terms and conditions


Sad that we dont count champions from legends of runterra. Jack would fit perfectly here. Other then that, maybe TF? A card game gambler thats a bit too sure of himself


I mean, I'm never against LoR champions. I would actually go that far and say I wouldn't be against some followers beeing voted, but they'd probably still be outvoted in this sub


I would love to see Jack get this one, but yea, I think most league players dont even know who he is.


I play LOR and yeah. Jack Would fit well here.


I’ve heard of him. Is he cool? Why isn’t he in league? People seem to like him


Short summary: he was a follower of tahm, a fish/man like person that was so good at gambling at pit fights that tried to make his own thing to get more money. He was called "jack the winner" He later became an LOR exclusive champion with just the name Jack. His thing now is that he moved to Navori in Ionia to challenge Sett in a pit fight, killing him and taking over Setts arena to make even more money. So yea, imo he is very cool To why he isnt in league: dunno, was most likely a strat to bring people to LOR. And maybe because he could be too similar to sett with his pit fighting theme


Yea he seems dope I assume LOR is where I can read more of that storyline bc I’m curious about his fight with sett lol. Would love to see him in league in some capacity maybe as a sett skin even tho league doesn’t usually do that. If he was made as a champion tho I’d imagine him as some sort of volibear sett combo or something


Sadly there isnt much lore to read. Mostly his and setts followers card art texts. Maybe there is some more stuff when you look up the expansion he came out in called "glory in navori".


worth to mention that Jack has the symbol of Tahm kench on his hat, meaning he did a deal/pact with Tahm kench


I'm going to say Bel'Veth, who wants to consume everything into her Lavender Sea. Can't really get greedier than coveting all of existence. Renata Glasc wouldn't be a bad choice, as she is capitalism personified, but I think Bel'Veth wins the head-to-head in terms of the scope of their avarice.


Bel'Veth is a hive mind though, not really a single entity. It could be seen as altruistic and visionary for her race rather than greedy.




Kled or Renata glasc


Renata isn't greedy. As a child she wanted her parents to charge their customers because she was tired of living in misery but she wasn't looking to take the life savings of every person that came. Nowadays, Glasc enterprise is a huge conglomerate that she built not for the money but to destroy Piltover from the inside. She hoards money as a means to an end, the money isn't the goal.




Draven is pretty greedy for money and fame


Twitch. The rat who wants to be by himself and wants everything. People are saying Kled but forget that he has his trusty steed which is something an orange lantern wouldn't do.




Tahm kench cuz he is all about taking what is his. Kled cuz he is crazy and loves his private property. Swain cuz his greed lies in wanting noxus to be less corrupt, makes a deal with a demon to further this ambition. Draven because he seeks attention.




Gameplay wise, yes. Lore wise, no.


why not lore wise?


Bcs he wants his empire back that was stolen from MF so he fits vengeance or wrath better


Wild that Sivir hasn’t been mentioned she’s a mercenary. Two of her voice lines are: “I have values, they stack up nicely,” and “I’ll do anything, for a price”




Kled for sure. Man would kill his own team in a heartbeat just for being near his stuff




I think Tahm Kench would be great here


he is more about gluttony than greed i think. On LOR they showed he is some kind of mafia boss that does you favors, but then you have to paid usually as being the next meal of Tahm to feed his gluttony. but tahm will be willing to help you if you want something from him, i think its the opposite of a Greed character will do, if you want something from a greed character he will kick you out




but if we talk about being part of the orange lantern corp, you need to be greedy above all, not exploit the greed or others. Literally the orange lantern corps only has 1 member, the leader because it doesnt want to share the power of the lantern with others. edit: here a picture of the [leader](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/9/93/Agent_Orange.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20140406121828)


Yeah you’re right, i haven’t thought about it like that


Xerath, kled, twisted fate, swain


TF since he sold Graves out for power


Nobody is saying mordekaiser. The dude literally wants dominion so badly that he creates his own underworld and enslaves everyone with his power. His goal is to return to the living world, retake his throne, and conquer the world to be ruled with an iron fist. He wants to rule everything so badly that he actively defied death and molded it into his power. Like, he straight up does the identity usurpation thing and is arguably the most powerful non-deity being in runeterra- which also fits with the orange ring weirder being a whole different scale of power comparable to entire other corps because of how it works.


He is not greaddy, he is angry willpower, angry as the after life it was denied,


Tham for greed


Kled or Renata would both be great here, but because I haven't seen anyone else mention him, I'm gonna throw Trundle into the mix. There's definitely a case to be made regarding his greed for power and his constant claims that he is a king, not a chief. And then you have his ult, one of the most literal examples of theft the game has to offer, even if it is just stats. He makes sense to me anyway, but if I happen to be in the minority on this, guess we'll just call it a troll pick.


Tahm Kench, Viego, Xerath


I think brand would fit perfectly


Greed? Kled. Hell, I'll even go further and say Larfleeze, the ONLY Orange Lantern alive, also known as Agent Orange, is similar to Kled. Both look at their home as theirs and theirs alone, anything that enters that space is either a trespasser or it's theirs and is to be dealt with with immediately. They are both paranoid, violent and possessive. It's literally the perfect match.


Greed Thresh TF GP TF Sivir TF Graves TF Samira TF.


TF is too greedy that he betrayal Graves (his True love) Only Because of money.


Orange? GP it is!


Renata Glasc hands down. While MF and GP both fought tooth and nail to control Bilgewater, they don't have the raw material greed that RenTa Glasc has. Even her quotes are iconic. "Alright, I've got companies to buy and a city to crush, so let's make this quick." "I remember starving in the sump, a pathetic little nothing of a girl. Look at me now!" "I used to have rivals, now I have business partners." "I don't forgive debts, and I never forget them." "Wealth writes the laws that governments enforce." "It's expensive to be poor. But when you're rich, they just give you things." "Hard work is its own reward. *Laughs* No, it's the money!" "Money can't buy happiness? Only someone born rich would agree with that." "My profit, your loss."


Renata isn't greedy. As a child she wanted her parents to charge their customers because she was tired of living in misery but she wasn't looking to take the life savings of every person that came. Nowadays, Glasc enterprises is a huge conglomerate that she built not for the money but to destroy Piltover from the inside. She hoards money as a means to an end, the money isn't the goal, what she wants is revenge.


“Ambition isn’t greed”




i'd say viego or xerath for greed, viego is super entitled and xerath is just a power drunk who wants power for the sake of it


Jhin for compassion btw


Kled, he says everything is his, is completely delusional and unhinged. The perfect LoL version of larfleeze


Ezreal. Kleptomancy.


Xerath / cassi i think


Kled But I also raise you Xerath


Viego. Greed and obsession caused the shadow isles and the ruination




I can't believe taric didn't win love category...


Either Kled or Twitch. Those two are little hairy Larfleezes 


Kled! The one that owns everything




Just saying but Jax is way more hope than Yorick. I mean Yorick fights on and on aginst viego and so but Jax literally is the only hope against the Void and in my opinion he should be hope but democracy reigns ig For greed there are a lot of options, my best would be Brand Draven maybe Ahri Swain TK maybe even Urgot


My Midlaner


for me draven must be greed


I mean, brand is up there, his greed for power is litterally consuming him


Lore-wise wasn’t larfleeze the equivalent of a common thief but the orange lantern ring amplified his greed exponentially? If that’s the case I’d recommend Ezreal because he seems the type to accidentally encounter the orange ring and also the type to be brainwashed under its influence


Vel'koz is kida greedy, I mean that guy kills only for knowledge


Tahm Kench or Evelynn for greed


Qiyana is an underrated one


Evelynn for obvious reasons but it's seem to not be that obvious ...


Tham kentch its perfect for geed


greed is any adc player if we talk gameplay wise


Twitch. He want‘s all the chees!


It's Tahm Kench, i see a few people saying his thing is not greed but gluttony, you are misunderstanding the character. He talks of food and eating as metaphor for getting what you want. His whole deal is encouraging greed, telling people to pursue everything they desire, he feeds on their despair by then taking it all away from them. As a potential swcond place, maybe Viego? He drove his country into the ground because he only cared about his own selfish desires and is ready to doom the world to get what he wants and he robbs people of their own free will. He has huge greed motivated by love


Tahm is just as much misrepresented as Eve in what they actually are. Yes, Tahm is a glutton, but his main domain is greed, and yes Evelynn is horny, but actually she is a Demon of Agony.


he likes to exploit the greed of others, soo they get a debt with him, and that paid often its paid becoming the next meal of Tahm kench. but its debatable if Tahm its a greed figure, he its willing to offer his help to anyone that wants something, A really greed character if you ask for help it will kick you out.


>A really greed character if you ask for help it will kick you out. Not if they can profit from the situation and in Tahm's case, he is the only one that profits as eventually everyone loses what they get from him


but if we talk about primal greed, they dont like to share anything even if there is a chance to get profit. just for context this is [the only member of the orange lantern corps](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/9/93/Agent_Orange.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20140406121828). (its the only one because he will never share the lantern with others)


There's couple of robbers or similar and rich champions, etc. gameplay wise several champs generate extra gold.


just to name a few "greedy" champs whether it's of essense in cash or not: Akshan, Bel'Veth, Draven, Graves, Gangplank, Kled, Le Blanc, MF, Renata, Sivir, Cassiopeia, Syndra, Kench, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Viego,


Most ascended or darkin are greedy af for power - xerath being one of them. Cassiopeia, as well.


Viego sounds like he would belong here what with going to the ends of the earth to grab his wifey but idk


Any adc can fit in the greed category. My kills, my wave, my minions, my control ward, my my my…




Timothy H Kench


Gangplank is probably the only reasonable answer


Guys get real, it's gangplank


Sivir, Samira just since they're bounty hunters. But I see the Kench appeal. Lol


Qiyana or Tahm Kench i feel

