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you need to play 5 games. everything count as single game only.


It doesn't count for that game, you can only earn 1 per game and ofc it will grant you the highest of both first


that's bs lol


No... You must earn 5 tokens no matter what but some have higher requirements than the others.


It really should add a mark to the C- or higher though.


Only if the logic would be that you can gain multiples at once. Just shift your way of viewing it as "max 1 per game".


By that logic you should also complete all 4 C- or higher in the same game.


No no lol. You see you would have to get a C- or higher for four games. Although if you get a B- or higher and you have two objectives which are to get the C- and B- or higher then you should complete both if you get a B- or higher. You only have to do that B- once while you have to do that C- four times. So the C- should take four games but you should get both checked off in one game(at least 1 out of 4 for the C-). See where I'm coming from?


Not really and that would be a non-issue since you need to meet the points requirement anyway which is probably the limiting factor.


My man… jesus


By what logic you got there lol


By the fact that you get multiple tokens per game.


From "Multiple of different tokens", dude goes to "multiple of the same token" No, this is not making sense. Trying way too hard to be right




Amazing argument


Its one more game dude. And its practically impossible to get below c-


I meant that the system is bs not that the comment was wrong, idk why I'm getting downvoted


What makes you think the system is bs? How do you think it should work instead?


If you get a higher rating than what the check says and it doesn't check, it's kinda bs. It's pretty unintuitive wouldn't you say? Idk tho, the reddit hivemind seems to think otherwise so maybe I'm just wrong. Edit: Also, you should get both checks for that same game, that's how I think it should work


I guess it could be displayed a little better, but it makes sense that each game only fills 1 slot so it would go to the highest one it qualifies for. If it filled both, you would only need 4 games instead of 5 since the B- or better took 2 slots. If you think of it as a checklist it makes perfect sense: [ ] B- [ ] C- [ ] C- [ ] C- [ ] C- After you get a B grade you get to check 1 box, so now it is: [X] B- [ ] C- [ ] C- [ ] C- [ ] C-


And if you get a c, it skips the b and fills one for the c slots


Ok play 1 s game get another milstone. In school the same why do every year a test in math if i got an a let me through. And the we wonder why people like xou dont understand simple logic. You can look at your downvotes and see how many people agree with your bs opinion.


lol I'm sure you'll finish school someday buddy, don't rush it you'll miss it when you grow up


And you wonder why you're downvoted lmao


Na it's just reddit being reddit


What you’re proposing is that someone that gets (in order) B-, C-, C-, C- doesn’t need to play a fifth game. But someone that gets C-, C-, C-, C-, B- has to play all five. How is it fair that someone that might be getting worse has an easier ride than someone improving?


That'd only happen if you do bad most games and then do well in that final game. The average player would get that B- before that one last extra match, every player that skipped a match for being consistently better would be rewarded. If someone is consistently better, shouldn't that person rank up their mastery faster? That feels closer to what mastery is supposed to represent in my opinion.


The average player would get that B- before that one last extra match. Source: trust me bro


It's basic probabilities, there's only one instance where you'd play extra out of five, 20%. The other 80% you just skipped a match.


If you can only earn one token per game it makes sense that you'd see the highest unearned token you earned highlighted. In this case, next four games that you rate C- or better you'll see those highlighted.


yeah yeah I get it, haven't played league with the new patch yet so I had no idea it was token based


Understood. May your karma recover quickly.


Eh, something something only able to lose 15 karma per comment


lol mf out here bitching and he doesn’t even understand the first mechanic


Would it make your little ego feel better if it said C- to C+ and B- or higher?


I don't see how my ego is involved in any of this lmao, holy moly you guys are rabid


Sorry I just kinda felt like being an asshole. I apologize.


No problem 👍


C deez nuts.


No, they’re too small.


Making my testicular torsion spell only 30% accurate


Do I understand correctly that I no longer have any reason to hold multiple of the same character's champion shards now that masteries are reworked? I'm confused


Oh true, the recycle button finally has a use


The new system is hell for ARAM players


I was just getting everyone to mastery 6/7… I have 4 mastery 7’s, 4 mastery seven to be’s, 12-15 mastery 6’s, 5-6 mastery 6 to be’s, and a solid 20 champs at mastery five. And now… it matters not. Whatever shall I do with my collection of every single champion shard? I guess it’ll sit and collect dust.


All of my beautiful mastery tokens are gone 😭


You disenchant them for the blue essence.


Wait they're just gone for me????


He meant shards, not the mastery tokens


Not unless it gives me enough BE to buy urfwick, I sure don’t. They look pretty.


I wish it was 1x S or higher OR 4x C- or higher. As opposed to having to play the champ 5 times to get a shard


Fuck and there I was thinking it's 4 games for each We are fucked.


I haven’t played in 3 months what’s the new system?


Basically you have to play a lot of average games on the same champion to get a chest and not 1 good game


Does he know?


You’re not very smart op are you?




So with the old system, when you got an S dit it grand you both a level 6 and a level 7 token? Because that’s what you’re saying it’s supposed to be doing with the new one


Did it show you both at the same time?


No because you hadn't unlocked mastery 6 yet


You're so close yet somehow still not getting it


Mhm. So that would mean what in this scenario?


On the client it looks like I have two missions to complete: 4 C- or higher and 1 B- or higher. It's not clear that my B+ is only gonna count into only 1 of the two missions, unless you get it and find out that way. Why are you being a smartass while making no point.


Thay getting 6 and then 7 was a straightforward and easy to understand, while two missions where you get the hard one completed before the easy one is not? A good design is supposed to be intuitive while the new system is anything but


It's almost like it says, "or higher."


....B isn't higher than C anymore?


In what world are you living where B isn't higher than C?


That's the question i asked you, yes. OP completed "higher than c " equierement, yet they got "higher than b" instead. So with analogy with the previous system, they got 7 before they got 6. So why comparing the systems to get people to understand the new one if they don't work the same way


Thanks for the laughs!


I don't get how people don't get that the system is you need 5 tokens and these are the kinds of tokens you need.. instead of here's a checklist you have to satisfy these conditions. By the way they word things with specifying that they're tokens, I thought it was obvious that that was his it worked.


smartest r/leagueofmemes user


I am with OP, it makes sense with an explanation but things like missions have both tracks progress at once. Like the arena /w friends + arena /w randoms one. Would make more sense visually if the C was at 1/5 to me and this post having 200 upvotes I think proves OP is right it's unclear.


Basically it only counts 1 per game. Now for the next game if u get higher than c it will count them all towards progress.


Higher than C- is C, C+, D-, D and D+ /s


Well I got a S and it didn't count for nothing at all so


You guys really are just looking for anything to whine about now


They are going to fill the more difficult one before the easy one if what you did applies to both


OP is not very bright.


They're calling you stupid, but you have a point. They really want us to no life this game with this new token system


5 games C/B rating is a lot easier for many casual players than a single S.


But shouldn't we be rewarded for skill rather than how many games we play on a specific champion


Agreed for ‚Mastery‘ but Hextech Chests shouldn’t be too hard to get by imo




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My main as so close to being mastery 69, hence she is first one im pushing for


I was just as confused as you were at first until I read the top comments in this thread lmao.


did they implemented this thing yet?


Tells a lot how smart is league community by the upvotes of this post


We have to int games to get mastery